Carcharodontosaurus's Avatar
Peeling potatoes to fuel the furnaces of hell
Level 60
High Grandmaster Fish

The Shameful Corner

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T H E - S C U M - L I S T

( If you're on the list, you should feel ashamed! )
( Unless you bring the cupcakes of sorriness )

~ Wi-Fi
~ Peridot XJ9 (Forgiven... for now)
~ Outflow
~ An Intelligent Moron
~ Greystokey
~ Totocchio
~ Rosebuds
~ Trader
~ The FaiyaBLAST
~ SpringBonnieTheRabbit
~ Sam_The_Odd
~ aesthethicc
~ vie_is_trash
~ -Koto-
~ GoldenGlider
~ usernamed_

The people mentioned on this list have vandalized this sacred PMC page, by completely ruining my news-feed, which I only rarely ever use, with just about 150 - 800 notifications each. They should feel VERY ashamed, and I would like to speak with their elders about their misbehavior, and about how they should never again be allowed to wear a zebra hat, a burger king crown or even crocs.

Also as additional punishment, they should DEFINITELY jump into a pool, filled to the brim with the piss of 10000 kangaroos and 500 dingoes. After that, they will have to bring the cupcakes of sorriness, and be really, sincerely, genuinely sorry, OR ELSE, they must fight a 2 ton great white shark with a sledgehammer so heavy, that you couldn't possibly swing it in water.

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