ByTheBook7's Avatar
Level 54 Grandmaster Terraformer

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    10/31/2015 12:11 am
    Level 54 : Grandmaster Terraformer
    ByTheBook7's Avatar
    I was able to go around the glitch by uploading a picture one at a time. Try this:

    On your web browser open three tabs and put them on planet minecraft. On your first tab, begin your post by uploading a picture. It won't show anything but once the uploading icon has finished, close that tab. Go to the next tab and pretend to start all over again. Your first image should still be there. Upload your second now. Rinse and repeat with as many tabs as you need (tabs for the speed if you have a bunch of photos). Hope this works for you.
    03/19/2015 5:40 pm
    Level 54 : Grandmaster Terraformer
    ByTheBook7's Avatar
    How about a defensive build? Essentially Steve receives word that something/someone/etc. is coming and must prepare a build to withstand the assault.

    1) Allow freedom of interpretation and creativity

    By keeping who/what is coming vague will allow for freedom of builds ranging from modern strongholds to a maze holding back an army of invading chess pieces.
    2) Wide range appeal but not main stream media
    This would allow appeal to most anyone as the invading forces could be taken as anything in life that is threatening and how you as a person are going to respond.
    3) Potential for a Minecraft back story / Custom map.
    A back story could be included as to where Steve is located or what he's defending. This would allow for a custom map to be build as well.
    01/26/2015 11:08 am
    Level 54 : Grandmaster Terraformer
    ByTheBook7's Avatar
    An enjoyable theme might be a historical based build. This could be churches between the 1600s and 1800s, builds using old architectural styles (Corinthian, Ionic etc.), or perhaps focusing on a certain nation and building a pivotal moment for their history.

    If fitting with the current Steve adventure, a time machine might be needed (if this is actually a concern).

    Let's build History!

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