boxturtle_27's Avatar
Level 5
Apprentice Miner

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    04/20/2014 12:19 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    boxturtle_27's Avatar
    i have added you im tortoise
    04/13/2014 3:36 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    boxturtle_27's Avatar
    I am looking for moderator

    Age: 14

    Past experience: My own server and 3 other servers

    Why would you pick me over others? I am a great builder, and I am looking to bring vibrant traffic to your server and show you what a benefit I could be to your server. I am also studying Java and Python.

    3-4 hours

    Skype: Daniel.schneider98

    To be honest. I can take very light to moderate swearing but I don't allow slander and
    racist comments.

    I come from a background of a diverse community in which helps me understand why racism is not to be taken lightly and should be reported .

    This really hits home for me because I have friends and family who are gay and I accept anyone who comes about me.

    I try to understand what the main conflict and understand both sides of it . I will then use common sense to mediate between two players .

    I would ask them the same thing I would ask any person or player, and try to understand both sides of a conflict

    If I saw two players fighting

    1. I would first ask what's the matter and make sure both sides are ethical and not insulting or in this case griefing or destroying anything

    2. Another way I would mediate would to put myself in their place and ask myself how i would react in either of their cases and resolve a conflict from there

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