Beatzyy's Avatar
Level 47 Master System


helloue!! I'm a skin creator who mostly makes fnaf skins :D
(I make skins based around other fandoms too, but rarely :P))

feel free to ask me for skin requests in the PMC messaging system >:D
(i don't check messages much, so dont fret if i dont reply within a week :'D))

i'm very much creatively inept so skin names and skin designs r probably gonna be very repetitive or just uncreative altogether
(skins take me from as quick as a day to as long as months-- skinmaking is only a hobby and pasttime therefore i wont be putting all my attention and time unto it))

my minecraft username is siomao, you can talk to me when you find me in servers :D
(i'm online on wynncraft and minehut from time to time)

(add me on discord or xbox if you want! just ask for my tag via dm)

keep in mind english isn't my native language, so i'll make mistakes from time to time-- if that happens, feel free to correct me

i make skins in my own time so don't expect frequent uploads unless im in the skinmaking mood or if im feeling very obsessed with a character

i alternate between two shading styles because im as indecisive as twelve asian squirrels operating a hive mind in spanish
(i literally cannot go without changing my shading or style so expect lots of different body + hair shading, and clothing design)

uhhhh yeah i'll probably make this easier to read sometime later but right now i can't be bothered sooooooo, yeah. sorry

whew thanks for reading this mess if you did lol

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Nov 22, 2020Joined PMC
siomaoMinecraft Name

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