awsomeguy11's Avatar
Level 16
Journeyman Dragon

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    11/20/2011 12:23 pm
    Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
    awsomeguy11's Avatar
    I also was on a server, a guy raided my shop and destroyed everything. One of my friends and I went to the raider with all diamond items and destroyed his whole base and made wholes in the floor to make him keep falling. then we lit him on FIRE!!!
    08/30/2011 2:29 pm
    Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
    awsomeguy11's Avatar
    I also found a pink sheep naturally but i cant add the file cause my internet is soooo slow.
    08/19/2011 2:06 pm
    Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
    awsomeguy11's Avatar
    Name : Joseph
    IGN: Awsomeguy11
    How often do you play?: I play 4-5 hours a day.
    How old are you ?: 14
    Do you have a Microphone?: yes
    How long have you played ?: 1year 1/2
    Have you ever held a Admin/Mod/or ownership position of a server ?:Yes
    Can you Relax?: Ofcorse
    What is your Skype name ?: Do not have one
    08/16/2011 1:28 pm
    Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
    awsomeguy11's Avatar
    First Name: Jhon

    Age: 14

    Time Zone: Lebanon

    IGN: Awsomeguy11

    Are you a premium user: yes

    Availability: Im on almost all day

    What makes minecraft cool: I love building stuff and forming teams with friends.

    What makes me a good Admin: Experience, good at building, stop: Spamming, griefing, fights and more bad stuff.

    Prefer: arenas

    Favourite Mc item: I love plain fire

    Things to know: I am experience in being a moderator.

    Please consider making me a moderator so that I can show you how good I actualy am and will promise to make your server AWESOME!
    08/16/2011 12:26 pm
    Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
    awsomeguy11's Avatar
    Ducks you got the job
    08/15/2011 11:49 pm
    Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
    awsomeguy11's Avatar
    IGN(In-Game Name): Awsomeguy11
    Recording Equipment: QuickTime
    Do You Mind Being On a livestream: Nope
    Age: 13
    Best Attributes: Nice, respectfull, matue, friendly, experienced
    Do You Know How To Use Worldedit: Ya I know how to use world edit
    What You Are Good At And Not Good At: Im good at building, stopping: fights, griefs, spams, I can use any blocks needed.

    Please consider me Awsomeguy11
    08/12/2011 3:11 pm
    Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
    awsomeguy11's Avatar
    1.How old are you? 13
    2.Do you have skype? No I do not have a skype but a jmail and hotmail
    3.Are you a mod on any other servers? I am not a mod on any server but hopefully on this server.
    4.Have you had any experience hosting a server? Yes I have my own server. It is currently down. (Trying to fix a bug.)
    5.Are you mature? I am very mature and do not get into fights with people.
    6.What is your minecraft username? Awsomeguy11
    08/11/2011 11:58 pm
    Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
    awsomeguy11's Avatar
    IGN: Awsomeguy11
    Ever been banned? (be honest plz) My smaller cousing banned me from a server when I wasnt in the house.
    how would u handle a griefer? I would tell the person to stop it, Jail or ban them depending on the griefe then I would fix it.
    how would u handle a troll? I would jail and mute the person.
    would you ban someone for calling you an idiot? No but if it is a realy bad word then maybe jail but not ban.
    would u ban someone if they killed you. Defenetly NO if it is pvp they have every right to kill anyone.
    why do you want to be admin? (we need at least 6-8 sentences) I am a great builder that does not take advantage of power, I reduce griefes, stealing and spamming on many other servers. I do not get into fights and help people a lot.
    what times can u get on (EST PLZ) I go on almost all day and for a couple hours at night.
    How old are you? I am 13 years old.
    List some qualities about yourself I am a mod, admin and co-owner on some servers I am experienced in plugins and expanding the server.
    list some defects. I sometimes get short tempered.

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