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    12/25/2017 6:23 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    Still looking for Moderator openings! The server will hopefully be opening on the first so we need to fill the spot! Ive moved applications to be directly on this thread instead of a google doc in hoping to find good candidates! Wish you all the best of luck
    12/22/2017 6:11 am
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    Awesome! The Admin and Myself will be going over applications this weekend to see if somebody is going to be hired.
    12/22/2017 5:00 am
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    Moderator positions are still open. Please apply!

    ~Wishes best of luck to all applicants!
    12/19/2017 2:17 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    Administrator(s) have been picked. Thank you for applying! Any person who did not make Administrator can apply for Moderator. Moderators have not yet been chosen for the position.
    12/19/2017 5:13 am
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    Ip will not be given until you are accepted as the server is not ready for regular members yet.
    12/18/2017 6:25 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    Could be that you are putting to much stress on the server? With that many plugins, especially ones like vox, world edit, and multiverse you should run a minimum of 2gb server.
    12/18/2017 10:38 am
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    May I ask why you are on such a low version of minecraft?
    12/18/2017 5:51 am
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    I would honestly make a post just like this but with specifications of what you want. Dimensions, colors, height, ect... There are awesome individuals on the site who make awesome work and might do it for you. You could also search the Projects section and maybe download a spaceship somebody has already made.
    12/18/2017 5:42 am
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    The only thing I can think off the top of my head is how your spawners are placed and how big your farm is. Make sure it is a pretty big, even squared farm. The water looks fine from what I can see. I would place the spawners towards the middle or on large platforms that push them down into the next section of the building.
    12/18/2017 5:35 am
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    This idea could cause a little more lag for a small while, but you could add Lava to the designated area to remove all those entities. After the entities are gone, work on removing the lava. The only other idea I would have leans on what Pyro said and to make it into a server. If you do there is a plugin called ClearLagg which you can activate to delete entities on the ground.
    02/05/2017 5:19 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    Still looking for builders and other staff members!
    07/08/2016 12:14 am
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    Put it in as a project. And as you want them to click to the server, you should be able to link your server in the description. like the URL its on for the site. But don't put the ip in the description.
    04/12/2016 11:38 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    03/30/2016 9:57 am
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    I'm 18 Close enough eh?
    03/22/2016 4:23 am
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    Make sure to have the right version of forge installed. Also make sure you installed it correctly and are running the same game version.
    03/07/2016 8:46 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    This is a very fun server in my opinion. I joined a few hours ago and so far its going great!
    03/06/2016 1:09 am
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    1 vote for C4ptainOmar's Shovel Knight
    03/03/2016 8:11 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    IGN - mr_assasin2121

    Age - Will tell in PM Upon Request(I am well over 13)

    Timezone - West Coast

    Do you use the teamspeak or skype and a microphone?If so give us your skype (NECESSARY) - mobster.craft TeamSpeak? Yes

    How much can you join our server a day? around 1-5Hrs a day

    Are you multilingual (Speak more than one language)? -​ Nope sorry

    When did you first play Minecraft? Early Minecraft Beta

    Have you ever been banned or temp banned on any server?Why?(LIARS WILL BE PUNISHED) -​ Not that I know of Honestly.

    What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? -​ Ive owned a few servers myself. They grew to be about 40 players on Survival Economy.

    How many hours can you contribute per day? -​ around 1-5Hrs a day

    What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than themself? - Keep calm and remember they may not have as much understanding as you do so keep the way you talk to them simple and do not freak out as they will not know how to react. Explain thoroughly of what is being done and why and then tell them later how to prevent what happened.
    Are you able to record? -​ I can do my best. Minecraft sucks down my CPU but I can record other games just fine so I will definitely try.

    What is the date of the last application you made? -​ 3/3/2016

    Anything else we should know? -​ MC4Life

    Restate: Don't mess up or you're fired/Demoted.
    07/13/2015 11:19 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Network
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    Welcome players and thank you for playing on the server! Ive had many say that they wanted more items in the chests and I had to complete the Supporter and Sponsor chests. Well that is complete!! You guys also requested more player ranks, So i did that as well and added some cool plugins for fun!

    Updates to Chests:

    More Items in Vote Chest
    More Items in Donator Chest
    Finished Items in Supporter Chest
    Finished Items in Sponsor Chest

    New plugins:

    Marry Plugin
    Player Particles

    New Ranks:


    New permissions:
    Person: marry commands
    Member-Resident: As you get to member and above, you will get more particles do /pp particle name. I will list what each group has below. Note, all higher ranks have all the lower rank particles a well.

    Person: None
    Member: /pp smoke
    member+: /pp bubble
    Citizen: /pp Cloud
    Resident: /pp Rainbow

    Donators get more particles. I will list them below. you also get all of the regular rank particles

    Donator: /pp dripwater, /pp happyvillager
    Supporter: /pp slime /pp note /pp flame
    Sponsor: /pp wake /pp crit /pp spell /pp reddust /pp enchantmenttable

    Below I will be listing the commands for marry and for player particles for anybody who needs them.

    Marriage Master:

    /marry - List all marry commands
    /marry <playername> <playername> - Marries two players, only for priests
    /marry divorce <playername> - Divorces two players, only for priests
    /marry list - Shows all married players
    /marry tp - Teleports to the partner
    /marry sethome - Sets the home for two married players
    /marry home - Teleports to the home of married players
    /marry chat - Allows to chat a couple private
    /marry chat toggle - Toggles the chat to send all chat messages to the partner instead of to the public
    /marry pvpon - Turns PvP between two married players on
    /marry pvpoff - Turns PvP between two married players off
    /marry kiss - To kiss your partner
    /marry gift - Gifts the item in your hand to your partner
    /marry backpack - Opens the backpack of your partner
    /marry backpack on - Allows your partner to use your backpack
    /marry backpack off - Disallows your partner to use your backpack
    /marry me - Sends a player a marry request
    /marry priest <playername> - Sets a priest
    /marry listenchat - Shows the marry chat
    /marry reload - Reloads the configuration of the plugin

    Player Particles:

    /pp (particlename)
    /pp clear (clears particles)

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