Anthracycline's Avatar
Level 40
Master Bear

Read before asking me to make you a Minecraft skin

I might ignore your request to make a skin for you because doing skin requests is (currently) very low on my list of priorities. Don't expect me to actually make your skin request; however, you should expect to see updates or messages from me if I actually do start making your skin.

I am most familiar and comfortable with making skins of characters and whatnot with an anime style. I can also make Kirby (the character himself) skins to a certain degree.
Please send me enough references (at least the front and back and any other specific details) that are not tinted (if possible) so that I can make the skin more accurately. This includes a complete body.
Most of the colors I use in my skins are taken directly from the reference images.
I do not ask people to pay me, nor do I want anyone to. However, if I do not want to make a Minecraft skin for you for any specific reason, I will decline your request.
Be prepared that I might postpone making your skin due to personal reasons, schoolwork, or just not being motivated for any amount of time. If I make a skin when I'm motivated to, it will cause the quality of the finished version to be higher than if I'm unmotivated.

Not related to above (general): Credit me when editing my skins (putting at least one obvious thing directly from them specifically into your own work) or sharing them in visual content

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