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Level 19
Journeyman Skinner

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    10/04/2012 4:41 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
    anime_wover's Avatar
    08/15/2012 7:47 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
    anime_wover's Avatar
    I use to play roblox i still do a little just for one game (vampire roleplay) and to talk to my friends that play. i use to play it alot... then i saw minecraft... >:3 now i only play roblox when im bored... (which never happens since i have minecraft) OR when minecraft lags out. MINECRAFT BY FAR!
    08/08/2012 12:03 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
    anime_wover's Avatar
    Hey i'm intitled to my opinion. Personaly they have gotten less funny and more... Annoying. But i still enjoy watching and watch when i have time but i'm not one of those people always on Youtube refreshing the page and praying to God for another video.
    08/08/2012 12:01 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
    anime_wover's Avatar
    MinecraftRemakesFINALLY! A Hub with 0 fanboys!


    anime_woverI think the reason they are so famouse is becuase they do things that people havent dont before and dont try to do. Like there tekkit series right now. I like it and find it funny and i havent seen anyone else do what they are doing with that series with the other company and i do find them funny. Also the Shadow Of Ishraphel it was intresting suspensful and all around funny. But thats just my opinion.


    I'm not a fanboy! I'm a fangirl... XD
    08/07/2012 11:56 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
    anime_wover's Avatar
    I think the reason they are so famouse is becuase they do things that people havent dont before and dont try to do. Like there tekkit series right now. I like it and find it funny and i havent seen anyone else do what they are doing with that series with the other company and i do find them funny. Also the Shadow Of Ishraphel it was intresting suspensful and all around funny. But thats just my opinion.
    08/02/2012 7:30 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
    anime_wover's Avatar
    more bosses like another end boss like you think its over then BAM you get attacked by a HUUUUGE enderman. then..... you go back to the overworld and find a sign telling you that all your diamonds and emeralds have been STOLEN by the ruthless pig zombie and he has ran back to the nether equiping his fellow pigmen with all your armour and weapons then they invade your world you easily kill all the pigmen but now you must deal with the nether boss.... you go to the nether to confront him but he isnt there... were did he go? to conquer your world of course you run back to the nether portal but find its been destroyed :O luckily notch was ever so nice and gave you the obsidian and flint and steel you needed to fix it. you go back to your world to find it up in flames and the pigman luaghin on his giant throne made of emerald and diamond blocks he has more weapons health and armour then you do but you take him on anyway... somehow you win did notch help you? or are you stronger than you thought? now you have all his armour weapons diamonds and emeralds and take the pigmen and ghasts as your personal slaves and stuff.... sorry for the long story i couldnt help it ._.
    07/26/2012 9:58 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
    anime_wover's Avatar
    my best mc moment was raiding this HUGE BASE and finding diamonds enchanted diamond armour... i was so happy... i thought i was ognna cry.... then i did becuase the guy who owned the base enterd the server and he was right beside me and me being my idiotic self i didnt put on any armour...
    06/19/2012 2:25 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
    anime_wover's Avatar
    iz a girl and i play minecraft terraria and other small games but i dont like shooter games
    04/08/2012 5:41 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
    anime_wover's Avatar
    AND if there was a block called katniss everdeen I WOULD BE THAT BLOCK! im jsut like katniss
    04/08/2012 5:40 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
    anime_wover's Avatar
    im oviously....a endermen (or enderwoman o.o) becuase im mysterious im hard to get (cuz they teleport) im also kind of like a a chest i appear to be nothing but when you get to know me you find some cool stuff inside (cuz you see a chest and think huh a chest then you open it and find diamonds and your like yay thxs chest ) im also like lapiz lazuli cuz im very weird
    03/27/2012 4:35 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
    anime_wover's Avatar
    i once luaghed so ard... i turned into katniss everdeen and killed the tribute from district2 with a arrow to the throught
    03/27/2012 3:10 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
    anime_wover's Avatar
    ohhh could i be a teacher on the new post? and maybe you could help me with shadeing like somone previously said i couldnt shade good to save my life

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