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    08/05/2014 9:46 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Network
    alzdoesmc's Avatar
    I was once on a server (that is now gone) in about 1.6.2 release.

    One of the owners of that server is a staff member on a server that I play on, so he PM'd me with the ip.

    The owner gave me op and we both made spawns and we both made the server better and better every day it was up.

    Finally, when the server wasn't ready for public release, people just randomly joined. There were some issues with the spawn so I started editing it a little bit (adding cosmetic stuff like crafting tables, anvils, etc.). The owner was OK with that, but everyone on the server kept badgering him and he banned us all ;-;

    He banned me for -snip-

    Apparently the owner of that server wasn't meant to be the legit owner, there was another person who was apparently the guy who started the server, so he unbanned me and then banned the owner ;-;

    After that, I've never heard from those guys again...
    07/28/2014 9:38 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Network
    alzdoesmc's Avatar
    For your issue, Firefox has got you covered. You can retrieve your password by doing the following:

    1. Make sure your Menu Bar is toggled on by right-clicking next to the tabs at the top of your browser and checking off Menu Bar.
    2. Click Tools -> Options
    3. Click the security button on the top of the window that appears
    4. Click saved passwords on the bottom of the window
    5. Click show passwords and then yes.
    6. Search for PlanetMinecraft
    7. Find your password that you saved and you're done
    07/27/2014 1:36 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Network
    alzdoesmc's Avatar
    alzdoesmcAge: 12
    I may be young for my age


    I may be young for this position...
    07/27/2014 12:47 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Network
    alzdoesmc's Avatar
    I was actually moderator on a server. The owner was getting so overwhelmed that he banned all the staff members... And I never heard from him since. He also just so happens to be staff on one of the servers I play on, except he's so inactive.
    07/27/2014 12:42 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Network
    alzdoesmc's Avatar
    Agreed. If you're looking for free hosting, chances are you are not going to be getting good services. There are free domain options such as at But tk is a weird domain service.
    07/27/2014 12:40 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Network
    alzdoesmc's Avatar
    I never even knew that Dropbox can handle html like that

    Anyways, I've used before and I would NEVER recommend them. Tons of popups, and I don't think hostinger is too good. Plus their phpmyadmin is out of date and they have random and weird domains ( I'd recommend you check out, they have faster hosting, and it's 24/7. Plus you can also choose the subdomain you want (,, etc.).

    Other than that, I don't think you're going to be having much luck looking for free hosts.

    Still, keep looking
    07/27/2014 12:36 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Network
    alzdoesmc's Avatar
    Name: Albert Zeller

    IGN: alzdoesmc

    Age: 12

    Why Do You Want To Help?
    I seriously want to help newer servers because a lot of upcoming ones have loads of potential to become more and more popular. I have lots of previous experience, have managed/moderated on tons of different servers (not big ones, but standard factions servers/hybrid servers). I also own a server myself, so I know how to do certain things and can definitely help you in some way.

    Are You Experienced With Plugins?:
    Yes, most definitely. I've coded some plugins before as well

    What Are You Applying For? (Dev, Builder Or Helper): Developer

    Skype Name *Required*: alzcraft1

    Additional Comments:
    If you do end up letting me help you with your server, just let me know! I can start right away and am available pretty much 24/7 (except from about 10PM-6AM est).

    Have a nice day
    07/27/2014 12:27 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Network
    alzdoesmc's Avatar
    Age: 12

    Have you ever maintained a public server before? What type of server?: Yes. I currently code Java plugins for my own server and can probably help you out. I may be young for this position, but I am most definitely qualified for it. I love helping people out as well, and can build certain things in-game in a certain amount of time. I own a hybrid server that has a custom KitPvp plugin, and a custom /hub command where if you are a donator, it will give you armor and stuff like that.

    Explain in detail your experience as a Server Manager if you have any: I've managed several different servers, one I was banned from for no reason (in all seriousness, the server owner flipped out and banned all of the staff), one I managed for a small amount of time after the owner quit, and two servers that I used to own. I now only own one server called Pearl Network, as in my most recent server on PlanetMinecraft. I also code HTML as well

    If you think I am qualified enough, feel free to talk to me

    Why do you think you're qualified for becoming a Server Manager?:
    07/27/2014 12:21 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Network
    alzdoesmc's Avatar
    cmondingerSo me and a group of friends are playing on a server. When i woke up this morning one of my friends said that the server did its hourly restart like normal, then it went down for good. No matter how much we try to get the server back on by pressing the [start] [restart] buttons, it wont come up.

    I assume that the panel that the host uses is Multicraft, what's the error? If it says failed to connect to daemon, the host machine actively refused it, it means that the node/daemon did not start up or something just went wrong with the node.
    07/27/2014 11:50 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Network
    alzdoesmc's Avatar
    I agree with that. I grew my channel by sitting and waiting, while also making videos.

    As for just doing pvp, I agree too. Try playing on a server with custom minigames (not Mineplex, not Nexus, maybe some smaller server with custom stuff). People love new things, and if you persuade them to watch that custom minigames video, they're going to want to try it themselves, and will probably subscribe depending on the content.

    But yes, try to be different

    Good luck on your channel

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