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                        Welcome to my page!

        Welcome! My name is Hykio / Hykium (mostly Hykium). I wouldn't say it's my name, just my IGN (In-game name). I'm a Python and Java programmer and I love video games (who doesn't?). When I'm bored I like to make Minecraft skins for the Java version of Minecraft. I upload some of them too, you can see that, right?

        As I mentioned earlier, I'm a programmer and I like to make things my way (that's why I got into skin making, I didn't like to use skins that are made by others. I know, it's weird, but you will understand later). With this weird "obssesion" that I have with making things my way I decided to make my own Minecraft PvP Client. IF you played Minecraft for more than 1 month you clearly heard of Badlion or Lunar Client. These 2 are the known ones, others like Pixel or BatMod are a thing too. Taking this out of the way, I want to say that I don't use any of those. Not because I'm making my own Client (I haven't even finish it yet!), because I WANT TO MAKE THINGS MY WAY. I use Forge with LabyMod and other mods. The client doesn't have a name yet, But for now it's called "Project Sky" (Leave name ideas related with the sky or clouds :])

        No-one knows about "Project Sky", so I can't really say that no-one supports me in this journey. That's why I'm writing this, I would love some feedback :]. I'm from Romania, and people here aren't really into Minecraft or the Back-end of Minecraft (I know it sounds wrong), but don't get me wrong! Some people are. We have a lot of very good PvPers like Zyblade, ColdStyle, Zefew, etc. but in my friends group no-one is into "The Minecraft Culture" like me (That sounds so wrong).

        Anyway, that's pretty much it. Thank you for actually reading this if you did, and don't get me wrong, I'm not obssesed with Minecraft. I have a social life too, don't worry :)
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