-Valery's Avatar
Procrastination in process•°•°•
  • About

    Welcome to my profile page.

    You can adress me as Valéry or Válerie if that's how you like it. I don't really care that much: Valya, Valik, Lera — call me anything.

    Skin-maker | Mediocre Artist | Novice Writer | 3D Modeler | Command-blocker (kinda)

    Everything you can find here is the fruit of my hobbies and interests.
    (Also some unfunny jokes included.)

    I usually publish things very rarely, so you won't see me much on here. Most of the time I just make a small post and disappear for half a year. Yeah.

    English isn't my native language and using a translator takes time, so I usually don't use it. Don't blame me much for my grammar.

    Projects (that are not gonna get finished me thinks)
    ??? [​FROZEN]— a minecraft map I'm making for myself and my friends, I don't know how it will go, so yeah.

    Supernova — a story of Benjamin, a man who lives in a dystopian world where violence is routine, capitalism is present at its worst, bounty hunting is legal etc.

    Right now there are two more stories that take events after each other set in the same universe (Vessel and ???). Most of the plot is already made, but I still develop the world to expand on it. I'm very lazy and my writing skills are awful, so I'm taking my time with this one.

    At first it was a novel, then I tried to make it into a comic. Figured it takes forever to make one, so now I'm back to the novel variant.

    Modern Weaponry Pack [​ABANDONED] — a pack of minecraft firearms 3D models, mostly made for other creators to use in their projects. It's now abandoned, because I lost all of my stuff needed for this project. My hard drive died and all the files did too.

    Collabs, requests, etc.
    I'm usually busy with my own content, so I guess everything's closed.
    You can ask me about something though, I won't bite, I physically can't.

    Hobbies, interests

    >I like to draw, but I get irritated when I draw on paper (low quality paper is pain). I do
    n't have a tablet and my PC can't handle most of the needed programs, so right now I'm drawing in IbisPaint on my mobile (drawing with your finger is ten times better than with a mouse);

    >I make 3D models in blockbench. Though, very rarely;

    >I also enjoy skinning, idk if you can call it a hobby, but I guess so;

    >Trying to write better.


    >My music taste is kinda complicated, so I can't tell much. I like Mili a lot;

    >When talking about games, well, strategies I guess. Also deep lore. My favourite games are probably Lobotomy Corporation, Library of Ruina and Rimworld. There are just too many to name them all, these are the ones that I enjoy the most;

    >Even though I write myself
    , I don't read that much. If we're talking about books, then it's classics (Hellscreen, Wings, a bunch of Russian stuff like Dead Souls). I've also read Distortion Detective and Leviathan by ProjectMoon. Aaaand Chainsaw Man by Tatsuki Fujimoto;

    >The only anime I fully watched and enjoyed was also Chainsaw Man. Don't like anime that much. Don't watch any shows either. No favorite movies... or maybe John Wick.

    Some of my art

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  • Wall Posts

    • -Valery's Avatar
      June 1, 2024, 12:13 pm to Public
      „I'm done with music. For the rest of the month“
      —Me, two weeks ago.

      So, it's June... Now, did I cure my addi—
      I failed miserably

      I had three music-listening-marathons not so long ago (it all started with me and my college friend listening to Egor Letov). I did get rid of the lyric-mumbling issue, though; other than that, nothing's different. This was quite useless.

      As to why I'm currently inactive: yeah, sorry.

      I've been feeling unwell (I'm not sick) and I don't even talk to my buddies as much. My head's just messed up. Besides, I have exams coming, so I'm closing all my dues in college and shиt. I'll probably get okay soon. Or maybe not. I don't even know anymore.

      Progress on my book? What book? Wait... Фuck... the book that I couldn't work on because of college... Well, maybe I'll be able to work on it a lot more after the exams. I'm still figuring stuff after all.
    • -Valery's Avatar
      May 22, 2024, 2:57 pm to Public
      My best performing content is a literal glock.

      This says a lot about society или типо того.

    • -Valery's Avatar
      May 20, 2024, 11:58 am to Public
      Updated my artblog with all the stuff I posted but didn't add.

      So, about Sophia's redesign. There's actually not a single thing I like about her. The ideas were right, the execution sucked (for example her hair was TOTALLY NOT what I wanted). So now she's gonna be a completely different character visually, yet she will keep pretty much all the details of the previous version.

      Here's the new hairstyle (the general look, at least) I did alongside her chibi head:

      I've also accidentally deleted one of my canvases, so now I only have a screenshot of it (soldier uniform I did a while ago is also gone, because I usually do multiple drawings on one canvas to fill it out).
    • -Valery's Avatar
      May 19, 2024, 10:05 am to Public
      New profile picture.

      I've redesigned Sophia (yes, that means I'll make a THIRD cover for my non-existent book at some point) and made this lil' chibi, so Daniel can rest (imagine being a mascot for 5 years).

      Oh, it's also in Limbus Company artstyle (spread the brainrot). Feel free to use it if you want.

      I've actually only redesigned her hair and I still have to do the clothes :-P
      I'll make a separate post sometime.
    • -Valery's Avatar
      May 12, 2024, 2:51 pm to Public
      Quite (un)funny how I've already cut out 2 entire chapters for a relatively interesting beginning and had to temporarily get rid of 2 characters for a better pacing. Just so you know, I had like, 5 chapters planned out. Now I only have 2 chapters worth of story and have to figure out how to move all the important stuff from the deleted scenes to next chapters (I do have a general plot, I'm talking about the chapters that were planned out fully).

      At first my intention was to write a story in a rather simple way — just describing whatever the heck is happening and that's it. And here I am, trying to make the beginning engaging, wondering what POV to use, trying to write less straightforward and more pleasing, changing the story just so it blends with the writing, thinking about logic way more than I did before, cutting out scenes that feel unnatural...

      I'm just writing a real book at this point instead of a little cringy fic. This takes far more time than I expected. I'll have such a hard time translating it into English...

      Anyway, once again, I really hope it turns out good... ish, at least. If I ever feel confident with the written chapters, I'll post 'em. Right now though, I fear that I'll have to rewrite a lot, so that basically means no publishing until everything's finished.

      No, I do not intend on making long wallposts everyday. I just had a lot of thoughts and stuff. Thanks to whoever cares to read all that.

      До скорого, ай гесс.
      -Valery replied to PsioPsia001's comment below 2024-05-13 06:29:45
      -Valery's Avatar
      Thank you.

      My writing experience:
      Can't start for hours —> finally starting —> inspiration kicks in —> finishing at 4 am —> cringing the very next day/feeling like it's not enough.

      I've changed my initial writing a lot, so now it at least feels like a book, I think. Sacrificed a lot of jokes and character interaction, though.
      PsioPsia001 said 2024-05-12 16:11:35
      PsioPsia001's Avatar
      I wish you lots of luck and inspiration, writing is difficult (every time when I write something, I get blocked by cringe or moral overthinking)

      I'm a fan of the last line of this post
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