KNIGHTED GAMES - REBORN! (now U-Knighted, like united? get it?)
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  • About

    Just a few friends working together in a team to make some great stuff! A replacement for the lost Knighted Games group.
  • Group Members

    James Strawberry's AvatarD0nkeyK0ng100's Avatar
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    James Strawberry's Avatar
  • FAQs

    What happened to the original Knighted Games?
    My friend, Donk, had accidentally removed everyone, including himself, from the group. So this is a "replacement group" of sorts.
    How do I become an admin?
    Unfortunately, there are no open admin positions for members. Currently, only admin positions are provided to friends & family members.
    Who is James?
    I'm a poet and Minecraft player, and that's really it. I've been writing poetry for a while. Me and my mother and father, and my brother, were driving on the highway at dawn. And there was this crash on the highway. People stopped to try and help even... the traffic was terrible with all those people stopping at the accident. This uh, Indian family, had crashed into a truck, or just... I don't really know. But that Indian family was scattered on the highway, bleeding to death. So, our car pulled up and stopped, and my father got out. That was the first time I had tasted fear. I must've been about 5? The reaction I get now, looking back, is that the souls of the ghosts of those dead Indians, maybe one or two of them, we're running around and freaking out, and just leaped into my soul... and they're still in there.
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