Skinterest's Avatar
Share your skin ideas in our guestbook!
Expert Group
Level 27
A group all about sharing ideas for skin creators to use as inspiration!


Skinterest is a group dedicated to helping skin makers get out of their artist's block!

This club is for you:
- If you have motivation to make skins but don't know what to create or where to start
- If you have tons of ideas but no motivation to act on them
- If you have both motivation and ideas and just want to share
- If you have neither motivation nor ideas but want to get inspired

What you may find here:
- Skin bases

- Mood boards, palettes/color schemes
- Themes/prompts
- Challenges, contests, events
- Tutorials, tips/tricks

We are currently looking for members to fill these positions:
- Moderator
- Event organizer
- Base creator
- Aesthetic creator
- Lit creator
- Collector
- Member

For more info on the above roles, check out this wallpost!
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