What would you do in a Zombie Apocolypse?

Maque's Avatar Maque1/4/13 7:09 pm
1 emeralds 108 2
1/4/2013 7:21 pm
Maque's Avatar Maque
Hey Guys,
I thought that it would be cool to learn what you guys would do in a WorldWide Zombie Infestation to survive. Keep in mind:
It needs to be reasonal: No Stealing Laser Tanks From Area 51
If you went to a gun shop: The guns might've been stolen
You don't suddenly know karate
How would you get food, water?
If you fly, you have to come back down

Here's mine. (See if you can guess where I am)
I live next to a giant river, south of where the giant fish ate the earth.
I have a boat, so I would go out on the river in my boat. I would fish for my food. To get water, I would bring along a cat. When I wanted to collect water etc, I would put the cat on the shore. If the cat walked off It would be safe from zombies. If it ran away, then zombies would be near.

Share you ideas about what you would do below!
Posted by Maque's Avatar
Level 28 : Expert Modder

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01/04/2013 7:21 pm
Level 28 : Expert Modder
Maque's Avatar
Anyone Else? And No, Not Banoi
01/04/2013 7:11 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Wolf Whisperer
DeleteThisPleaseThan's Avatar
1.Potato Bong
2. be greatful that i wont be annoyed anymore
3. Run like fuck.
4. id make a great zombie. i can open a double wrapped present in about 3 seconds.(big present that is)

at yours: Banoi? (Dead island Reffrence)

Id find the highest point possible with a few radio antenas.
rip some copper wire out of electronics and generate a motor to power a signal transmitter.
Try to Bamboo pipe to the ocean and some sponges as a filter nearby.(Being logical)
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