roryd04's Avatar roryd045/19/14 11:07 am
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5/19/2014 12:23 pm
roryd04's Avatar roryd04
Hey guys, I have been added by somebody on skype called lovely crush. They are from america and say they saw your profile on the skype app. Here is what they said to me:

[15:38] lovely.crush81: (wave) hey...i saw your profile on the new skype app...i hope you don't mind me adding you? 23/f here u?

Btw they have changed there name as I reported them.
I denied and said I was not saying my age. They then sent me a link to this skype app thing which I did not click on and they said all you gotta do is press accept.
They then said this:
[15:43] lovely.crush81: i think i will just put on a camisole and -nope- then i think u will like it?? i hope atleast...

Instantly I thought something weird is going on so I consulted my friend.
I had a chat with them to see if I could get more evidence but didn't give any personal information out.
They then said this:
[15:50] lovely.crush81: k let me know when your signed in so i can send u some "private time" loving! (kiss) mmm
[15:51] lovely.crush81: no worries..thouhght u wanted to see me -no- ..
[15:51] lovely.crush81: please come...im waiting!!

I reported, blocked and removed this person.
Watch out for this person as they will add you and try and send you stuff. I know most people will get in trouble for this stuff so watch out. I know other will say 'Yes' click the link and get some 'private time' because this is what this world is shaped like.

Thank you for reading and BE CAREFUL.
Posted by roryd04's Avatar
Level 17 : Journeyman Taco

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05/19/2014 12:23 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
roryd04's Avatar
Thank you to all the people that have replied. Also thanks to mcrocks for spreading the word about this person.
Azie I am to believe that this person was not a bot as there responses to my questions were answered after a while and they replied normally. I have just rechecked the conversation and have realized this person was a bot as there responses were encouraging me to have a look. Also they sent me this link as well to there skype app thing. -snip-. I have just clicked it and my PC has blocked it and classed it as pornography.
05/19/2014 11:53 am
Level 20 : Expert Cake
mcrocks999's Avatar
I have warned everyone on MynProfile and it should stay on there for a while: http://mynprofile.com/v/139
05/19/2014 11:52 am
Level 1 : New Geek
jacieleavell_'s Avatar
Never give your real age to anyone on any social site, including ingame chat while playing on minecraft multiplayer servers. Most servers today have a plugin called commandspy or socialspy and the staff sees your messages, signs, and commands to fend off the would be griefers. I have recently removed the How old are you question on my staff app, and put are you at least 13 years of age or older. Back to the chat aspect on minecraft, never give any private info in chat that you do not want public. I am a grandmother, I run a server for kids, and my job is to protect them.

Hearts Glow
05/19/2014 11:49 am
Level 27 : Expert Pony
Hearts Glow's Avatar
I would say:
*tries to be funny*
u wot m8? ill com down their an giv u sumthin 2 look at
*cricket noises*

No, but seriously, I'm glad you reported them and are giving us a warning to look out for this weirdo. If you had just blocked them, they would still be able to get to other people.
05/19/2014 11:48 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump
Azie's Avatar
It's a bot. They're super easy to spot and, unfortunately, they're super common. The easiest way to spot a bot is to say something really nonsensical and see if they respond like you didn't say anything weird. After you've confirmed they're a bot, block them/report them to Skype or whatever. Anyone starting their messages with the first message you posted is a bot, by the way. One of our staff got added by one last night and we had a good laugh about it on Skype.

Seriously though... The first thing you should have done was not accept their Skype request. Don't accept contact requests from randoms.
05/19/2014 11:42 am
Level 33 : Artisan Nerd
LegoSpidermanFan's Avatar
eewww just eeewww

this why i put i don't Skype on my admin applications
05/19/2014 11:12 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
jscooly555's Avatar
Yeah, there are people like this all over Skype. As soon as you see them remove and block. In the opposite order.... block first... But yeah, your right. you do gotta be careful, and some people will fall for this.
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