The Ignore List is Abused Too Much

Aegeah's Avatar Aegeah6/13/14 7:40 pm
6/13/2014 9:22 pm
Navbarry's Avatar Navbarry
People abuse the ignore list a lot, and I can think of a couple of the main cases that makes it abused:
Someone steals something, the original creator comments on the skin to warn everyone that it's stolen, and then the stealer just adds you to their ignore list. The ignore list is meant to be used if people are harassing you, or blackmailing you, etc. Something should be done so that the ignore list can't just be used to silence people when they are confronting people about stealing their work. They should have to give a valid reason, and evidence, and mods will review it. Doesn't that seem a whole lot more fair than having stealers abuse it to silence people? Who agrees with me? I hope I'm not the only one who finds this a very annoying and frustrating problem.
Posted by Aegeah's Avatar
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Fisherman

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06/13/2014 9:22 pm
Level 42 : Master Blob
Navbarry's Avatar
It really doesn't matter if somebody deletes a negative comment because most likely there is some way for administrators/moderators/staff to access it.
06/13/2014 9:04 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Network
Charlizard's Avatar
Okay, then. Even with that said, maybe say I didn't comment, and just reported it, and a mod removes it and the poster suspects it's you, and puts me on the ignore list for no reason. If people want to ignore someone for something, they should still have to give a reason, and/or evidence why, right?

This is quite literally doing the opposite to what an ignore button is supposed to do.

Whilst the ignore button can be used for many different things, its main purpose is for the member to ignore another member so they don't get themselves/the other member in trouble as they don't get along or they will argue for one reason or another. The anonymity of the ignore button causes all arguments to cease between the two and everyone is happy.

By making someone have to give a reason why they ignored someone (I assume you mean this notifies you why they ignored you then?) you're completely negating the anonymity and hassle-free nature of the ignore button. You're gonna cause another argument between the two of you regarding the ignore button as you may find them ignoring you/their reason for ignoring you offensive so you're just gonna argue with them again.

Essentially, ignoring is just fine how it is as it stops any flame wars. Even if someone ignores you, you can still report their content if it breaks the rules.
Like Azie has said, you have absolutely no reason whatsoever to comment on someone's submission and call them out publicly. The report button is anonymous for the very reason that the poster finding out who is reporting their content is more than likely to get angry with them. I appear to have gone full circle heh.
06/13/2014 9:03 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
If they just "know" it is you, chances are you did something that they would have a reason to suspect you. If their response is to block you, it's not something you should worry yourself about.
06/13/2014 8:44 pm
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
Okay, then. Even with that said, maybe say I didn't comment, and just reported it, and a mod removes it and the poster suspects it's you, and puts me on the ignore list for no reason. If people want to ignore someone for something, they should still have to give a reason, and/or evidence why, right?

No, they shouldn't need to prove they have a good reason to ignore you. They don't want to talk to you, so they put you on their ignore list and that's a "good reason". That's what it's there for.
06/13/2014 8:25 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
If you truly want to stop thieves, trying to let everyone know that the person is a thief isn't going to do the trick since a large majority of people completely ignore the comments section to begin with. Reporting it, having it taken down, and getting the thief banned is the quickest way to get rid of the problem.
Yes, the wait for the punishment to come crashing down can be so frustrating that you just want to rip your hair out, smash through your window and hunt down the thief in real life so you can smack them upside the face and yell at them to stop being an idiot, but it will come eventually. And when that time comes, you can sit back and laugh with the deliverance of the epic fist of justice.
06/13/2014 8:24 pm
Level 27 : Expert Taco
experttacobear's Avatar
Why does it matter if someone ignores you? If they took the time to ignore you, why would you care about them?
06/13/2014 8:07 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Archer
gusgus's Avatar
why would you care if someone who steals other peoples work blocks you? why would you even want to comment on "their" stuff?
06/13/2014 7:43 pm
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
No, it absolutely should be used to silence people that thing it's okay to call people out publicly for theft or breaking other rules. You're supposed to flag things to report them, not start a potential flame war with the poster. You're not being the white knight that you think you are when you do that.

You're harassing them, regardless of if what you say is true or not.

Furthermore, you don't have to have a good reason to put someone on your ignore list. If you and that person don't get along, you are doing us a favor by ignoring the person and preventing flame wars.
06/13/2014 7:48 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Fisherman
Aegeah's Avatar
If I just say something like: "You stole my skin" and then report it, that counts as harassment? Harassment isn't just someone saying something like that, it's when someone constantly beats on you, or cyber bullies you. I would've thought harassment would be more severe than someone saying that.
06/13/2014 7:50 pm
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
That absolutely is not okay. Don't call people out like that. Just report the submission and move on. Commenting with how they're some kind of thief only serves to start arguments and can get you in trouble for both harassment/flame-baiting and black-listing.
06/13/2014 7:57 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Fisherman
Aegeah's Avatar
Okay, then. Even with that said, maybe say I didn't comment, and just reported it, and a mod removes it and the poster suspects it's you, and puts me on the ignore list for no reason. If people want to ignore someone for something, they should still have to give a reason, and/or evidence why, right? Just because you don't like someone, or suspect they were behind one of the submissions being removed, you can add them to the Ignore list without any reasoning. It just seems kind of.. Not unfair, but almost invalid reasoning I suppose.
06/13/2014 8:07 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
Swimmer1929's Avatar
It's nobody's business as to why you added someone to your ignore list. You can add anybody to your ignore list for any or no reason. I don't see what's wrong with that.
06/13/2014 8:00 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Goblin
poltercreeper's Avatar
i say if they are that ridiculous about using ignore, they are doing you a favor by making to where you dont have to talk to them anymore
06/13/2014 7:43 pm
Level 20 : Expert Skinner
xXTheArcherXx's Avatar
I agree. It's annoying when people ignore you without a good reason.
06/13/2014 8:12 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Fisherman
Aegeah's Avatar
At least someone agrees.
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