The Anti-Joke-Blog Motion

Zatharel's Avatar Zatharel12/18/14 2:33 am
1 emeralds 4.5k 182
9/27/2015 2:00 pm
Masq's Avatar Masq
Because of a recent discussion about some of the blogging rules, myself along with a few other active bloggers have started a motion against joke-blogging.
The general idea is that we want a rule against the following types of blogs:
-sarcastic tutorials;
-jokes such as the "illuminati";
-anything else of the sort.

Our main argument is that these aren't blogs, they're needless spam. They are no contribution to the community whatsoever and they're not even funny anymore.

I want to hear the community's thoughts.
Posted by Zatharel's Avatar
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart

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09/27/2015 2:00 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Dolphin
Masq's Avatar
After having a discussion with a couple other staff members, we came to the conclusion that this thread was pretty much resolved: joke blogs, like the examples listed in the OP, do not constitute a PMC submission.

Not much use discussing anything now anyways - the blogging concepts/rules are being re-written and revised after the new forums are out. (thanks Chron)

If any other moderator feels differently and wants to say something or kickstart this again, feel free to unlock this.

09/27/2015 1:31 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Grump
HariusAwesome44's Avatar
Ah, I remember this. #memories.

...This is necro-posting, isn't it? Never mind. Still, it was an important discussion, and I don't think it was ever truly resolved.
Art Dei Tech
09/27/2015 1:43 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Grump
Art Dei Tech's Avatar
Hmmm now that you mentioned it, I haven't seen this post yet and I'm just gonna sneak in a small vote.
12/26/2014 1:03 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
ZatharelWe can't greenlight unless you want site moderators to lose sleep.

Can always promote more mods.

Fanjawi, please. Given your story, out of all people you know that it isn't exactly rainbows and unicorns moderating any part of this site. We don't need more mods, the current amount of sites is quite enough. As Pikamoar said, that isn't even the point.
12/26/2014 12:00 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
ZatharelWe can't greenlight unless you want site moderators to lose sleep.

Can always promote more mods.
We have 35 site mods alone, its not a matter of whether or not its a matter of promoting more, its a matter of if its worth the man-power to do it.
12/25/2014 8:35 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
Fanjawi's Avatar
ZatharelWe can't greenlight unless you want site moderators to lose sleep.

Can always promote more mods.
12/25/2014 1:18 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
@MissWriter there's nothing wrong with the system we currently have implemented. The upvote/downvote was original removed for reasons stated above, and I'm quite certain that the moderation team at that time tried pretty much every possible fix.
I'm still leaning towards my original argument that a sarcastic tutorial is not a piece of relevant written content, and that it's just making fun of those who actually want to put some effort into blogging. We can't greenlight unless you want site moderators to lose sleep.
Histor the Noob
12/24/2014 11:18 pm
Level 28 : Expert Geek
Histor the Noob's Avatar
I'm against this... again.
Mainly because of the sarcastic tutorials.
Like Snowy said, some of them may make you delete System32, which is very dangerous.
12/24/2014 8:54 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
Meh I originally didn't really care but the posts here have swayed me to the against side.

Personally I call the projects section home and am usually a bit annoyed when I see the occasional big streams of spam or incorrect placement so I can see where people who hang out in the blogs section more often are coming from when they say "They're rubbish and need to be removed."

I would like to point out though that some satirical blogs can truly be making a serious and clever point beyond "this idea I'm discussing is stupid", so I'd hope not all spoof blogs be classified as the same pointless spam.

The banning of all sorts of meaningless joke blogs would make things a bit difficult when it comes to moderating since some of the blogs with serious points to make may at first glance appear to be the same as the immature and pointless ones. And being a person who can't stand the limiting of communication, I'd hate to see satire be forbidden from the blogs section since it is a real and effective writing style, but if the "joke blogs" problem is a big enough issue, I see how forbidding all types may be the only realistic way to deal with the problem.
12/24/2014 8:11 pm
Level 25 : Expert Scribe
MissWriter's Avatar

They used to have up votes/down votes. http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/upv ... hat-to-do/

I believe the reason they changed to the current system is because having the ability to downvote simply created too much negativity in the community. People would downvote one person's submission and they would revenge downvote their submissions.

I suggested anonymous downvoting to prevent the user hunting people down, actually. And instigating a cooldown so people could only dislike so many times in a row.

But if that's not possible/already been tried, I can see how that would not be a viable solution here.

I also briefly suggested a "rating system" or ranking system of some sort to mark players' reputability, perhaps, but that essentially involves the same thing and probably would not help.

In which case, I think perhaps someone suggested a mandatory test/tutorial that makes sure someone is paying attention might be a good initial filter for someone writing his or her first blog?

Perhaps also, whether or not we keep "joke" blogs, I would support adding things like spellchecker, higher word-count requirments (though picture text bloggers might have an issue with this), blog templates, greenlights, and so forth to promote better content?
12/24/2014 4:52 pm
Level 25 : Expert Scribe
MissWriter's Avatar
So, if I understand this correctly, we all seem to agree that these "joke" blogs are a problem when they:

-Mislead. [They ask users to believe something that is not true.]
-Spam. [They are just a series of memes/references with no content or thought.]
-Copy. [They duplicate popular topics without adding anything new to the discussion.]

We all also know of "joke" blogs that are not a problem and don't deserve to be taken down, but there appear to only be a few options available as a solution that everyone is coming back to:

-No Joke Blogs. Take them all down and encourage other content.
-Keep Joke Blogs. But encourage or enforce a system that makes the "bad" ones harder to write.
-Greenlight. Require moderators to pre-approve content.

So far, we seem to either lose all humour content or the moderators lose all their sleep.

I think there is another system change that we could implement to potentially increase good content.

-Thumbs up/Thumbs Down.
Instead of diamonds, perhaps we could allow users to anonymously "Thumbs up" or "Thumbs down" a blog post?

I think that users assume that moderators completely handle taking down bad posts and don't really realize that moderators rely on users to flag content first. (Assuming of course that they even know that you can flag a post--since you cannot flag comments, it makes sense that someone would assume that you cannot do that for the post either since most sites allow both options or neither.)

I feel like the blog section right now only allows people the option to show that they like something. Even spammy posts get a diamond or a favourite before they're taken down. There's nothing wrong with encouraging people, but constant validation? It encourages laziness because you'll be rewarded no matter what you do.

There is no outlet for marking a post's quality/giving it a rating aside from flagging it or giving it two rewards (hearts/diamonds). People who express displeasure/feedback personally in the comment section don't really seem to affect much change.

More often than not, I see an upset blog creator that has learned to shut out the "haters" because every one of that creator's blog posts gets on the popreel, so he or she is obviously good at blogging or else that wouldn't happen, right?

So they are more likely to lash out against anything that threatens this view, which other people see, and then other people are hesitant to express anything negative because they don't want to also be treated that way / they don't think their comment will make a difference. And it just feeds into more validation and less quality control.

This is not always the case of course, but I think that other bloggers/commentors know what I am talking about with that example.

An anonymous thumbs down is not a mean comment, nor can the blog creator chase down the people who did it and yell at them, nor does it force the creator to change the content based on someone else's specific opinion. But if a blog has ten thumbs down and one thumb up, it says something to the creator about the popularity of what he or she just posted and encourages him or her to try and do something different--or at the very least, seek out feedback ("What am I doing wrong here? Why so many dislikes?").

Perhaps we could tie this into a "verification" system, like greenlighting by users instead of staff, where content with lots of thumbs downs and few likes is either buried from the popreel, or flagged for moderators to view/suggest changes, and users who constantly post good stuff get a "verified" symbol that affects if they can get into the popreel?

This isn't a perfect idea, I can already see how people could "attack" a post with their friends and thumbs down it enough to draw moderator attention to an otherwise perfectly fine post and waste time, but maybe people who vote down too many times in a row have a cooldown, or get banned from the forums or chat if they try to ask people to downvote a post? I am not sure. It certainly has problems as well that I probably cannot forsee.

I do think that the main problem is quality control, which is subjective and hard to make concise rules for, but generally people agree on things like "misleading feature image that has nothing to do with the article" or clickbait titles and would be more encouraged to give their thoughts if they felt like their opinons had more weight on the outcome of a post.

What does everyone else think of this?
12/24/2014 7:44 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
PixelCrash_'s Avatar
They used to have up votes/down votes. http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/upvote-or-downvote-what-to-do/

I believe the reason they changed to the current system is because having the ability to downvote simply created too much negativity in the community. People would downvote one person's submission and they would revenge downvote their submissions.
12/24/2014 7:29 pm
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar
12/24/2014 2:40 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
Fanjawi's Avatar

We need to bring in a super mod in there to give us the official meaning of spam in PMC. Spam can be anything so we need to know what it actually means in this website before we debate.
12/24/2014 3:00 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
Why ask a super mod when the rules are easy to access?
12/24/2014 2:37 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
Zatharelbump as we still really haven't gotten to any conclusion.
We can't separate good submissions from *bad* submissions, that's just not fair to newbies who are still learning.
@TheShadbusher blogs that are just short and no effort in general, as well as blogs meant to advertise are ALREADY against the rules.

That's my point. Since the sarcastic/satire blogs currently don't violate the rules, why are they such a problem? I can see how ones that actively try to cause harm to people through misinformation can be a problem, but the ones that were created for entertainment are fine and should be left alone.
12/24/2014 8:51 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
bump as we still really haven't gotten to any conclusion.
We can't separate good submissions from *bad* submissions, that's just not fair to newbies who are still learning.
@TheShadbuster blogs that are just short and no effort in general, as well as blogs meant to advertise are ALREADY against the rules.
12/22/2014 6:29 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
How much effort is enough/too little effort? That's kind of subjective in itself, due to differing capabilities among different people...

And I kinda think the second part of that has already been established. Like, common sense.

It is common sense; that's why I said I think we're all in agreement about it.

I also don't think it's difficult to identify an effortless submission. In most cases, an effortless submission is simply too short. Now, I wouldn't be surprised if there were short poems whose authors put a lot of work into them, but again, it is easy to determine whether or not a submission had effort put into it.
12/22/2014 5:37 pm
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar

As for this:

TheShadbusherI think we're all in agreement that the spam needs to go (for all blog sections). What we need to define is spam. I say spam encompasses any submissions that demonstrate a lack of effort or explicitly or implicitly advertise something that should not be advertised in the blogs section.


How much effort is enough/too little effort? That's kind of subjective in itself, due to differing capabilities among different people...

And I kinda think the second part of that has already been established. Like, common sense.
12/22/2014 5:32 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Grump
HariusAwesome44's Avatar
They are, but most people seem to think of an argument as a personal attack towards someone.
"We were arguing about what to do with the money"
"We were debating about what to do with the money"
As you can see the second one sounds a bit more...calm?

Fair enough, carry on xD

As for this:

TheShadbusherI think we're all in agreement that the spam needs to go (for all blog sections). What we need to define is spam. I say spam encompasses any submissions that demonstrate a lack of effort or explicitly or implicitly advertise something that should not be advertised in the blogs section.

12/22/2014 5:11 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar


Maybe, but I feel like straight up telling people to break rules, or to delete system 32 as a "joke" isn't really satire at all. I don't mind there being humor in blogs, but when they're just made for the sake of being spammy and stupid, I think that's when it gets to be a problem.

I agree with Fanjawi when he said we need to have a definite subject to be for or against, right now there's not even a concrete subject that we're arguing over.

The "delete system32" type of blogs are satire because they poke fun at the standard for modern tech tutorials. Most tech tutorials follow the same kind of tone and methodology, so it's entertaining to see someone make fun of them. I agree that it's not good to have people actually follow the satirical tutorials, but if it's made clear that they're for entertainment only, our liability is waived.

* * *

I think we're all in agreement that the spam needs to go (for all blog sections). What we need to define is spam. I say spam encompasses any submissions that demonstrate a lack of effort or explicitly or implicitly advertise something that should not be advertised in the blogs section.
12/22/2014 1:44 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
PikamoarArgument and debating are two different things my friend. Arguing usually involves more personal attacks, whilst debating keeps things civil. So far, they have stayed nice, and are only attacking each other's personal views (which is the purpose of debate). It might look like argument, but it isn't.

Sheerly as a point of information, arguing and debating are kind of used as synonyms of each other. Just... thought I'd throw that in there.

They are, but most people seem to think of an argument as a personal attack towards someone.
"We were arguing about what to do with the money"
"We were debating about what to do with the money"
As you can see the second one sounds a bit more...calm?

Anyway, there's been nothing wrong with this thread so far other than some random off-topics that we've had. Let's keep it that way.
12/22/2014 1:32 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Goblin
-TheGrimCreeper-'s Avatar
PikamoarArgument and debating are two different things my friend. Arguing usually involves more personal attacks, whilst debating keeps things civil. So far, they have stayed nice, and are only attacking each other's personal views (which is the purpose of debate). It might look like argument, but it isn't.

Sheerly as a point of information, arguing and debating are kind of used as synonyms of each other. Just... thought I'd throw that in there.

Oh. You're back.
12/22/2014 1:26 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Grump
HariusAwesome44's Avatar
PikamoarArgument and debating are two different things my friend. Arguing usually involves more personal attacks, whilst debating keeps things civil. So far, they have stayed nice, and are only attacking each other's personal views (which is the purpose of debate). It might look like argument, but it isn't.

Sheerly as a point of information, arguing and debating are kind of used as synonyms of each other. Just... thought I'd throw that in there.
12/22/2014 12:27 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
PMC Rules
Stories: Creations made of the written word with the purpose to entertain with fantastic events that don't normally happen in the real world. Creating fictions to blacklist, attack, flame someone will not be tolerated and will result in the story being removed.

- Ho ho ho no

In what way are sarcastic blogs not written word with the purpose to entertain with fantastic events that wouldn't normally happen IN THE REAL WORLD?

Show me.
Use all the evidence, don't try to shirk out of a certain argument because you don't have an argument for it. Joke blogs happen in the real world, so I don't need to go on.

sso2it is two people arguing SORRY its pretty obvious though,
Argument and debating are two different things my friend. Arguing usually involves more personal attacks, whilst debating keeps things civil. So far, they have stayed nice, and are only attacking each other's personal views (which is the purpose of debate). It might look like argument, but it isn't.
12/22/2014 9:50 am
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar


Maybe, but I feel like straight up telling people to break rules, or to delete system 32 as a "joke" isn't really satire at all. I don't mind there being humor in blogs, but when they're just made for the sake of being spammy and stupid, I think that's when it gets to be a problem.

I agree with Fanjawi when he said we need to have a definite subject to be for or against, right now there's not even a concrete subject that we're arguing over.
12/22/2014 6:08 am
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
Fanjawi's Avatar
You guys have to understand that there is a difference between joke blogs and misleading blogs. Some of you are talking about it like it's one thing.
12/22/2014 9:33 am
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar
Show me a helpful and contributive "joke" blog and I'll change my mind.

Like I said before, Shad, even though you point out the fact that it's satire, that doesn't make anything better. Still not really helping anything...
12/22/2014 5:16 am
Level 46 : Master Blockhead
SilverKytten's Avatar
...And just like that, the blogging section is designed for interesting, honest, true things with valid arguments for people to read.


The rules
Unlike some of the definitions present on the internet, a "blog", on Planet Minecraft, is defined as a piece of written content, that brings a significant contribution to either Minecraft, the Minecraft community, the Planet Minecraft community, or Planet Minecraft itself.

A =/= B.

..... Uhmm ......

Zatharelinteresting, honest, true things with valid arguments for people to read

The rulessignificant contribution to either Minecraft, ... etc

A kind of does equal B...
12/22/2014 4:51 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Grump
HariusAwesome44's Avatar
...And just like that, the blogging section is designed for interesting, honest, true things with valid arguments for people to read.


The rules
Unlike some of the definitions present on the internet, a "blog", on Planet Minecraft, is defined as a piece of written content, that brings a significant contribution to either Minecraft, the Minecraft community, the Planet Minecraft community, or Planet Minecraft itself.

A =/= B.
12/22/2014 1:27 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
Basically, the presentation of misinformation (in the form of sarcastic / joke blogs) is what many people don't want in the blog section, myself included. Especially when it escalates into harmful tutorials or just plain idiocy.

So, if people make it clear that the blogs are for entertainment purposes only, then you'd be fine? You guys don't want people taking misinformation seriously, so if we make it clear that it's for fun, you'll be appeased?


No, because it's still a sarcastic blog and I still don't see it's purpose. What is the point of bringing sarcasm into a submission that was originally created for helping people? It's like going onto WikiHow and making a sarcastic tutorial about cooking - the site is designed to help people, not laugh at them. And just like that, the blogging section is designed for interesting, honest, true things with valid arguments for people to read.
12/21/2014 8:58 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
Basically, the presentation of misinformation (in the form of sarcastic / joke blogs) is what many people don't want in the blog section, myself included. Especially when it escalates into harmful tutorials or just plain idiocy.

So, if people make it clear that the blogs are for entertainment purposes only, then you'd be fine? You guys don't want people taking misinformation seriously, so if we make it clear that it's for fun, you'll be appeased?


12/21/2014 8:48 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu
Ash's Avatar
Despite my view being this, I am not closed minded and I do see a alternative to banning them. EXTRA moderators. We could have a specific kind of "Blog Officer" that would assess the content of blogs. Not just for dedication but for racist, homophobic language and anything else that broke the rules. They would have limited powers so you could recruit easily.

Again, those are called site mods. A few of us stick to specific areas, most of us do whatever's been reported. Basically; if you report it, it will be dealt with. There are site moderators who actively (and used to actively) contribute to the blog section and know the line between spam and effort, including myself. We could go to each section and go through every submission, but we're human and we have lives. We rely on the community to report any submission that they think breaks the rules.
12/21/2014 8:36 pm
Level 42 : Master Nether Knight
10Andrew's Avatar
I'm sure you get the point now, and most of you are thinking "Well what if we just kill joke blogs so that we only get rid of part of the spam." If you're thinking that you are truly being quite rude to people who put time and effort into joke blogging. If you kill that section and are not killing the others, you are just saying that the other sections are better and that you don't appreciate the hardwork and dedication that goes into some joke blogs. I can admit, this could be true. However, unfortunately, hard-work/dedication =/= quality. And quality is what matters. I will admit, I kinda think that blanket-banning isn't the best solution (maybe) but it's the most efficient one.


I've wrote a few things in bold.

The Point made in the last paragraph is interesting. (I have only included that part in quote). Blanket banning is still the best solution for a lot of reasons.

-For starters, the whole case for joke blogging is that some have effort put into them and that they should be saved HOWEVER who is supposed to decide if they are good enough to be considered "worthy"? Where do we draw the line? Should people be worried every time they upload a blog that they may get into trouble if it is not good enough? It is best to ban the lot of them rather than deal with people appealing every time they get a blog took down.

-Secondly, Moderators don't have time to evaluate the each blog to see if they have had "hardwork" put into them. They barely have enough time as it is.

-Finally, maybe joke blogs have had their day? This might help PMC move forward and find new types of blogging.

Despite my view being this, I am not closed minded and I do see a alternative to banning them. EXTRA moderators. We could have a specific kind of "Blog Officer" that would assess the content of blogs. Not just for dedication but for racist, homophobic language and anything else that broke the rules. They would have limited powers so you could recruit easily.
EDIT: Snowy just pointed out to me that they already have something like this so just ignore it
12/21/2014 8:22 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu
Ash's Avatar
Interviews -
We have all seen the terrible and dumb ones like "interview with steve" that are considered interviews but are just really spam, so you'd end up killing this section too.

Reviews -
Don't even get me started of all the people making crappy reviews of their own server. This would get killed even though there is lots of creativity in it.

Both of these things are against the rules and you can report them if you want to.


Basically, the presentation of misinformation (in the form of sarcastic / joke blogs) is what many people don't want in the blog section, myself included. Especially when it escalates into harmful tutorials or just plain idiocy.

"How to be l337 hax0r" and saying stupid, and often times wrong things (eg: sell your soul to satan for super skills, cut a pineapple and burn it on a fire then put the pieces on your eyes [both examples from blogs]) should not be allowed.

Making up.. "crap" and posting it like that under the guise that it's "a joke" isn't funny; it's just dumb. I've had to deal with members before who've complained that they've followed a "sarcastic" tutorial someone posted and ended up with bad results. That's not something that I want to have to deal with again, it's not fun for any party involved.

Joke blogs are fine, honestly it's great to have some humor. But not blogs that present misinformation purposely or only bring sarcasm to the section.
12/21/2014 8:01 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Cake
CalPal_'s Avatar
SasukeUchiha2214Well i had a really long post that got deleted before i could post it back when this was locked, but lemme just say that you guys freakin out about spam IS killing the blog section. Us freaking out against spam in general is nowhere near killing the blog section. It's an important step to improving it.

I mean, seriously, you guys are killing a whole funny and amazing section of blogging just because it has some spam. But really, there is spam in so many other parts of PMC blogging that you guys are refusing to see. I am VERY cognizant with how rampant spam in general is across all of the section. It's quite obvious. If you really think killing sections is going to stop spam, lemme show ya how many useful sections of blogging you guys will have to kill.

Tutorials -
Ok there will always be the tutorial that actually isn't a joke but has no effort put into it like "how 2 mlg pro l33t change r3nder distance to far nubs" This would be considered a joke blog or sarcastic tutorial, I'd say. Or already fall under the existing spam rule, at least. but its actually a tutorial but still spam. I don't think tutorials would last very long if your killing sections to kill spam.

Interviews -
We have all seen the terrible and dumb ones like "interview with steve" that are considered interviews but are just really spam, so you'd end up killing this section too. Such interviews as you have mentioned are already against the rules.

Reviews -
Don't even get me started of all the people making crappy reviews of their own server. This would get killed even though there is lots of creativity in it. Not really getting why you're saying this, it's already against the rules as well.

I'm sure you get the point now, and most of you are thinking "Well what if we just kill joke blogs so that we only get rid of part of the spam." If you're thinking that you are truly being quite rude to people who put time and effort into joke blogging. If you kill that section and are not killing the others, you are just saying that the other sections are better and that you don't appreciate the hardwork and dedication that goes into some joke blogs. I can admit, this could be true. However, unfortunately, hard-work/dedication =/= quality. And quality is what matters. I will admit, I kinda think that blanket-banning isn't the best solution (maybe) but it's the most efficient one.


I've wrote a few things in bold.
12/21/2014 3:06 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pirate
HassanPCMR's Avatar
Well i had a really long post that got deleted before i could post it back when this was locked, but lemme just say that you guys freakin out about spam IS killing the blog section.

I mean, seriously, you guys are killing a whole funny and amazing section of blogging just because it has some spam. But really, there is spam in so many other parts of PMC blogging that you guys are refusing to see. If you really think killing sections is going to stop spam, lemme show ya how many useful sections of blogging you guys will have to kill.

Tutorials -
Ok there will always be the tutorial that actually isn't a joke but has no effort put into it like "how 2 mlg pro l33t change r3nder distance to far nubs" but its actually a tutorial but still spam. I don't think tutorials would last very long if your killing sections to kill spam.

Interviews -
We have all seen the terrible and dumb ones like "interview with steve" that are considered interviews but are just really spam, so you'd end up killing this section too.

Reviews -
Don't even get me started of all the people making crappy reviews of their own server. This would get killed even though there is lots of creativity in it.

I'm sure you get the point now, and most of you are thinking "Well what if we just kill joke blogs so that we only get rid of part of the spam". If your thinking that you are truly being quite rude to people who put time and effort into joke blogging. If you kill that section and not killing the others, you are just saying that the other sections are better and that you dont appreciate the hardwork and dedication that goes into some joke blogs.

12/21/2014 1:59 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Pokemon
enderaron's Avatar
Honestly, sarcastic tutorials are my favourite thing to read on here. However, when the author uses incorrect grammar, can't spell, and seems to have typed it up using their face, I have a small problem with it. Perhaps instead of murdering humour, you could create a 'humour' section for blogs. Either that, or we can all act like adults and stop fooling around. But who am I kidding? That'll never happen.
12/21/2014 2:18 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
I like the idea of making a Humor category that you can pick when creating a blog. That's a good idea.
Du brisingr
12/21/2014 1:55 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
Du brisingr's Avatar
i think sarcastic tutorials are funny but... where is that guy who always does them? i fogot his name and I LOVE HIM!
12/21/2014 1:57 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Goblin
-TheGrimCreeper-'s Avatar
Du brisingr
12/23/2014 6:34 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
Du brisingr's Avatar
yup him. Mr Lumynati
12/21/2014 1:47 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
Fanjawi's Avatar
Bruh your non-contributive comments aren't necessary...

But when someone else tells me to calm down it's okay?
12/21/2014 1:41 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
Dabeasty's Avatar
Constant illuminati jokes, in my opinion, just highlights a person's immaturity. Sure, 1 here or there can be funny, but PMC is not place for that sort of humor.
12/21/2014 1:33 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
WTFshady's Avatar
Please don't bring this discussion here, there was already a thread for this and I don't want to hear your complaints about how non-Minecraft-related blogs suck. That isn't the topic at hand.

Jeeeeee calm down bud

Bruh your non-contributive comments aren't necessary...

I do agree with Zath, that's a whole 'nother ballgame. We need to define what a blog is, like I stated earlier, before we can say what isn't a blog.

Well, we need to make a Super Mod or an admin to come here and clarify this to us.
12/21/2014 1:20 pm
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar
Please don't bring this discussion here, there was already a thread for this and I don't want to hear your complaints about how non-Minecraft-related blogs suck. That isn't the topic at hand.

Jeeeeee calm down bud

Bruh your non-contributive comments aren't necessary...

I do agree with Zath, that's a whole 'nother ballgame. We need to define what a blog is, like I stated earlier, before we can say what isn't a blog.
12/21/2014 1:11 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
Fanjawi's Avatar
Please don't bring this discussion here, there was already a thread for this and I don't want to hear your complaints about how non-Minecraft-related blogs suck. That isn't the topic at hand.

Jeeeeee calm down bud
12/21/2014 1:03 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
WTFshady's Avatar
Please don't bring this discussion here, there was already a thread for this and I don't want to hear your complaints about how non-Minecraft-related blogs suck. That isn't the topic at hand.

Yes, thanks.
12/21/2014 12:47 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
VeryMadCrafterFirst off, we have to clean garbage like off-topic blogs (Blogs that have nothing to do with Minecraft).

The rulesUnlike some of the definitions present on the internet, a "blog", on Planet Minecraft, is defined as a piece of written content, that brings a significant contribution to either Minecraft, the Minecraft community, the Planet Minecraft community, or Planet Minecraft itself. Items that do not meet this criteria may still be allowed in the forums, though care should be taken to make sure that they go in the correct section, which may be listed above. Blogs must be at least 350 characters to be posted to prevent some spam. This is only slightly longer than the first paragraph in these rules.

As you can see, it says nowhere that non-related-to-Minecraft blogs can't be posted. Some tutorials aren't directly related to Minecraft, but they're still there, becaus ethey bring a significant contribution to the Planet Minecraft community and/or Planet Minecraft itself. So, no...

Well, actually, they weren`t allowed back in the good old days. I prefer the old rules. Because this is a site called Planet Minecraft. Non-related content may go to Facebook, Twitter or Youtube or something.

Please don't bring this discussion here, there was already a thread for this and I don't want to hear your complaints about how non-Minecraft-related blogs suck. That isn't the topic at hand.
12/21/2014 12:31 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Meme
VeryMadCrafter's Avatar
VeryMadCrafterFirst off, we have to clean garbage like off-topic blogs (Blogs that have nothing to do with Minecraft).

The rulesUnlike some of the definitions present on the internet, a "blog", on Planet Minecraft, is defined as a piece of written content, that brings a significant contribution to either Minecraft, the Minecraft community, the Planet Minecraft community, or Planet Minecraft itself. Items that do not meet this criteria may still be allowed in the forums, though care should be taken to make sure that they go in the correct section, which may be listed above. Blogs must be at least 350 characters to be posted to prevent some spam. This is only slightly longer than the first paragraph in these rules.

As you can see, it says nowhere that non-related-to-Minecraft blogs can't be posted. Some tutorials aren't directly related to Minecraft, but they're still there, becaus ethey bring a significant contribution to the Planet Minecraft community and/or Planet Minecraft itself. So, no...

Well, actually, they weren`t allowed back in the good old days. I prefer the old rules. Because this is a site called Planet Minecraft. Non-related content may go to Facebook, Twitter or Youtube or something.
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