Regarding the offensive character rule for skins..

FoxOfDoom's Avatar FoxOfDoom5/3/12 2:44 pm
5/3/2012 4:17 pm
Velagiasai's Avatar Velagiasai
Well, this is how I see it. If the content you're going to upload has questionable content, such as a Stalin skin, then think for a bit.. Do you find the content offensive? Do you think others will, even if there's a slim chance?.. Basically, I'm saying you should use common sense when uploading content.

Personally, I'd delete something along the lines of a Stalin skin if a member reported it as "I found it offensive". Same thing for other offensive content.. Somewhat tired.. I'll be back to correct myself if need be :I
Posted by FoxOfDoom's Avatar
Retired Moderator
Level 32 : Artisan Taco

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05/03/2012 2:52 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Princess
TomokoShimizu's Avatar
Yep,that's what Wolf's saying
05/03/2012 2:53 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Princess
TomokoShimizu's Avatar
Nice robot death profile pic,Can you make a skin for it,or have you already?
Nox Aeterna
05/03/2012 2:57 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Blob
Nox Aeterna's Avatar
Please post on-topic
05/03/2012 2:57 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Grump
Pykes's Avatar
I get what you mean Rox, fear of offending people always leads to censorship which hurts any artistic community. Its a shame there's not much we can do about it.
05/03/2012 2:59 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
Velagiasai's Avatar
WolfOfDoomWell, this is how I see it. If the content you're going to upload has questionable content, such as a Stalin skin, then think for a bit.. Do you find the content offensive? Do you think others will, even if there's a slim chance?.. Basically, I'm saying you should use common sense when uploading content.

Personally, I'd delete something along the lines of a Stalin skin if a member reported it as "I found it offensive". Same thing for other offensive content.. Somewhat tired.. I'll be back to correct myself if need be :I

So even if a single member reports a skin finding it offensive it's at risk of being taken down? I see that as a problem, I mean for example: I upload a skin of Nelson Mandela, someone finds it offensive, do I need to take it down for that single user?


I don't really see what's offensive about said characters, but that's my opinion. I think it should be an outstanding community insulter-ing. E.G If I posted a "male smex slave" skin, that would be innapropriate and would be removed. If I were to post a Stalin skin? I wouldn't see anythin wrong with it. And if one person did, then it could be elaborated on. If ten people found it insulting, that would result in it's removal.
05/03/2012 3:03 pm
Level 40 : Master Network
ZaphodX's Avatar
WolfOfDoomWell, this is how I see it. If the content you're going to upload has questionable content, such as a Stalin skin, then think for a bit.. Do you find the content offensive? Do you think others will, even if there's a slim chance?.. Basically, I'm saying you should use common sense when uploading content.

Personally, I'd delete something along the lines of a Stalin skin if a member reported it as "I found it offensive". Same thing for other offensive content.. Somewhat tired.. I'll be back to correct myself if need be :I

So even if a single member reports a skin finding it offensive it's at risk of being taken down? I see that as a problem, I mean for example: I upload a skin of Nelson Mandela, someone finds it offensive, do I need to take it down for that single user?

The thing is if one person reports it and a moderator thinks its likely to offend others it will probably be removed. Just try to use common sense about whether some people might be offended.
05/03/2012 3:05 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Mage
Lycandar's Avatar
What would happen is that if there is a borderline offensive skin, in the sense that you can see how Hitler would offend someone, and someone reports it finding it offensive then we would delete it. Though generally Hitler skins always get taken down since lot's of people find that offensive.

If someone reported a Nelson Mandella skin , you can't really see how they found it offensive so i doubt it would be removed. It would also depend on how the person skinned it etc.

That's personally how i would go about it, i can't speak for every mod

Edit: Zaph has just TL;DR 'd me
05/03/2012 3:09 pm
Level 20 : Expert Pirate
Bleyd's Avatar
It's clear why KKK and nude skins are banned, but I personally don't see why Hitler is banned. He was just a historical figure and shouldn't really present any kind of political drama within the game. Uploading a skin or having it on your character doesn't mean you support or oppose his viewpoints either. In my old server, a guy had a Hitler skin and one player who was Jewish actually thought it was funny.

"Offense is taken, not given." - Ricky Gervais

Not that I would try encouraging you to break the rules, but to me it just doesn't seem like that should be part of the offensive skins group. Either way the rule does need to be expanded upon, to more specifically list what kinds of skins are not allowed and why.
05/03/2012 3:12 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Archer
HomelessPotato's Avatar
Just don't, it can offend people, and if you are questioning the rule, just don't do it
05/03/2012 3:49 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
mommaCarole's Avatar
Actually, I get really annoyed at the "I'm offended by this" comment. You CHOOSE to be offended by something, you can ALSO choose to ignore it.

"This offends me" is the biggest, whiniest, "whaaaaa, I'm a precious little princess and my feewings are huuuuuurt" statement any adult can make. ESPECIALLY if it isn't backed up with "because my family was killed during the Holocaust" etc. I'm Pagan. All the witches looking like green old hags that people put up at Halloween OFFENDS ME. Big huge bonfires that witches can be burned on OFFENDS ME. People using "Witch" as an insult OFFENDS me.

(Actually, I don't give a rat's hind end, but I like sarcasm.)
Forum Troll
05/03/2012 4:10 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe
Forum Troll's Avatar
As I don't care that thousands and thousands of people died during the holocaust. Am I cold hearted or am I trying to move forward?
05/03/2012 4:17 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
Velagiasai's Avatar
I'm much the same. I didn't know the 1000's of people that died, so why should I care? That sounds harsh, but looking at the future more than the past is a valuable life lesson. Drowning in your past leaves you in a worse state than the past itself did.
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