Does Fame Really Affects Your Submissions?

Glitch_Vortex's Avatar Glitch_Vortex10/10/13 9:01 am
10/11/2013 10:17 am
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar Glitch_Vortex
guys, maybe fame in PMC really affects your projects,skins,mods become so popular, and give you more chance to win a contest. What did you guys think about that? am i right?
Posted by Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn

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10/11/2013 10:03 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
well when i participate in the contest, when the finalist being anounced, i see a fnalist skin and say: "thats weird, seems like i make skin better than him/her. when i see his level and diamonds, whew
10/11/2013 7:40 am
Level 26 : Expert Narwhal
WhalePlaysMC's Avatar
It does. SkyDoesMinecraft's server has been down for 4 months now, yet still people are giving him diamonds and subscribing and voting for it.
10/11/2013 7:35 am
Level 72 : Legendary Button Pusher
the_soup's Avatar
I entered my first contest when I was new at PMC and had absolutely no 'fame'. I made a nice skin, and came in fourth place. So, yes, it is possible to do well in contests even if you're not famous. Besides, the actual judging phase of the contest only looks at how good your skin is, and not how many diamonds/views/whatever it has.
10/11/2013 10:10 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
i want to know, how did you become a site moderator?
10/11/2013 10:14 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Prince
MayuriYandere's Avatar
10/11/2013 10:17 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
thanks, that really helped
10/10/2013 12:27 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
Yes, it's true.
But to get all that, you need to make good things.
tbh it isn't about the levels and the exp
it's about enjoying the making of your content.
10/10/2013 12:10 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Pixel Painter
ASF's Avatar
I'd have to sort of agree on this.
I'll admit, if I had posted my texture packs at level 1 instead of level 14, I wouldn't have been at this level yet.
But levels don't really matter. They kind of do, but they shouldn't mean the world.
It's all about the content that you put out. If you work hard on your submissions then you'll get properly recognized for it. Not overnight, but it will happen.
10/10/2013 12:03 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper
ABlindSniper115's Avatar
NuclearManxYes. If you are a lower level, most higher level people don't leave any feedback or view your stuff because they think they are too good for you.

Note: Remember the word most, not all.

Uh... no. Just no.

You took a simple observation, and made a huge assumption off of it. Don't you think there are actual reasons why you don't get much feedback from high-level people? I don't get much feedback from high level people either, and I make sure I post only high-quality content. Why is this? Well for one, there are MANY more low level members than there are high level members.

The amount of high level people who act like you describe is minimal. Most of the time, I'm sorry to say this, but it's actually the content that sucks... at least in the blog section, which is what I view the most. At least 80% if not 90% of the blogs are absolutely horrific, and it's too time consuming to go around giving constructive criticism on everything. Then those that are good are hard to find, because they are swarmed by mediocre blogs.

I don't look in the skin section much because I always make my own skins, and very rarely change it, but from what I've seen of it, it is better. However, so many people make skins, and many of them are good at making skins, that even all the good skins drown each other out, and therefore drown out the great skins as well. It's not that they are 'too good' to post feedback, it's that they don't often find any that stand out enough to warrant it.

It also takes a great deal of time and effort to get to high levels, especially for bloggers and skinners for the very reasons stated above. Most people have attention spans shorter than that amount of time, so many people lose interest in the site before they get to high levels.
10/10/2013 11:37 am
Level 40 : Master Artist
Giggimish's Avatar
When judges judge a contest, they are supposed to ignore the level and or rank of those who enter the contest. Judges aren't supposed to give higher ratings if the member is a higher level skinner. If their skin sucks, they rate it poorly.
If it's good, they rate it well. At least that what they SHOULD do.
10/10/2013 11:33 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
NuclearManxYes. If you are a lower level, most higher level people don't leave any feedback or view your stuff because they think they are too good for you.

Note: Remember the word most, not all.
actually, in my case, i have a bunch of high level friends like GhostlyGoat, KnobleKnives, Skywalker3313, Ample12. people like that, they all give me feedback, diamonds, etc, i gained so much knowledge from them, its really cool, and they are all excellent skinners.

And nearly no high level skinners would think their too good for you, i know a lot of them, Snowylips tends to give me feedback on my blogs, knobleknives is helping me through shading my skins, skywalker3313 will always give me a diamond or some feedback on skins, etc

Some of them yes, but most of them? you are mistaken sir
10/10/2013 11:27 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
peonftw's Avatar
NuclearManxYes. If you are a lower level, most higher level people don't leave any feedback or view your stuff because they think they are too good for you.

Note: Remember the word most, not all.

Not necessarily, your submission just might not get noticed by the 'higher level' people.
Personally, I leave comments or diamond things I like, regardless of the user's level or 'fame'
10/10/2013 11:23 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
NuclearManx's Avatar
Yes. If you are a lower level, most higher level people don't leave any feedback or view your stuff because they think they are too good for you.

Note: Remember the word most, not all.

EDIT: By most I mean about 10% of the people over level 25.
10/10/2013 10:38 am
Level 40 : Master Cake
aman207's Avatar
Does the popularity of a website affect if people sign up on it? Yes it does. That is why 90% of kickstarters fail to get off the ground.

So yes the fame of a person affects if their submission gets more diamond etc.
10/10/2013 10:25 am
Level 28 : Expert Architect
OldLinionMC's Avatar
it definitely does. I've seen a house that easily any beginner minecrafter could make (boxy, square, made completely of wooden planks) somehow make it to the pop reel...just because he was a higher level/had a lot of subscribers to help him...
10/10/2013 10:35 am
Level 23 : Expert Artist
SnowyKaida's Avatar
Thats really unfair but ive seen a around level 7 with a couple 100 subscribers and their submissions arent affected by it :p
10/10/2013 11:04 am
Level 28 : Expert Architect
OldLinionMC's Avatar
yeah I've seen some people like that too. but i think the OP was thinking active subscribers lol. 100 subs doesnt mean much if most of them arent active XD. i only have 15 subs but i'm doing fairly well for myself.
10/10/2013 9:39 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
gee, i didn't expect to get so much attention about this kind forum, thanks guys
10/10/2013 9:34 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
minecraftian2424's Avatar
yeah it D O E S
10/10/2013 9:34 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
ForeverJustice's Avatar
Obviously a more famous guy would have more views on things than you. Simply because he's better or have worked his way up to the top, which you can do too, if you keep posting skins, you will get noticed, you just have to keep trying and impress people.
10/10/2013 9:29 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
they think that the higher levels is more experienced, so they think it must be obviously better than the newcomers. Maybe some people with high levels survive by only posting some dull submissions (not offending)
10/10/2013 9:26 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
so its kind of not fair for the new comers, its just like the winner of the contest gets more fame and other participants got nothing
10/10/2013 9:20 am
Level 47 : Master Nerd
jman0111's Avatar
I have seen good mods coming from level 1 and they get no downloads or views.
All guys with lvl 30 up and at least 100 subscribers get a cheap load of recognition
10/10/2013 9:16 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Meme
VeryMadCrafter's Avatar
10/10/2013 9:13 am
Level 35 : Artisan Robot
MetalSonic9999's Avatar
Fame AND higher levels affect your submissions
look at the 1st 6 people http://www.planetminecraft.com/contests/sci-fi-outer-space-skin-contest/leaderboard/
all higher levels. People like higher leveled people than lower levels almost all the time
10/10/2013 11:28 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
yeah, but they are really great skinners, they got they're fame because of their skinning ability, but they are fairly famous, which gets them more diamonds on their amazing skins

It does get them more fame, but they are already famous because of their skinning abilities

10/10/2013 9:07 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Ry0o7's Avatar
But then again, Some people on YouTube and work hard and get famous, or pay for like 5000 view bots Then they come on here and get alot of views instantly, So i guess it also depends on how much fame you have in other places! But all fame needs hard work before it pays off!
10/10/2013 9:04 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Ry0o7's Avatar
Yes you are, Although it does not mean you have a greater chance then others, It just means more people look at it! And besides to make it famous you must make good posts about things. So if your good you will become famous basically.
10/10/2013 9:06 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Prince
MayuriYandere's Avatar
this ^
Sure if there was an anime skin contest i would be put up higher since i have had more experience with it and i'm kind of known for anime skins than compared to a 'normal' user. i guess xD sorry i'm bad with examples
10/10/2013 9:09 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Ry0o7's Avatar
I guess but still if you did that judges still look at all the entires and maybe someone did it higher then you, So they could still win ^.^ Lol sorry I speak alot.
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