[Search Mods] World of Minecraft [24/7 & Dedicated]

Baddibu's Avatar Baddibu7/2/11 11:44 am
7/21/2011 2:20 pm
Zocom's Avatar Zocom

We search now users of all sort!

- "Lord_Morgo"
Buildings (Medieval) and Videos (?)

- "XxSlayahxX"
Redstone Expert & Builder (RPG)

(And the other 20 People who are currently play on our Server!)

Hey Miners, in this post i will announce our new dedicated Server!
We are searching for some special Users who can make a Video of it,
if our Server will be released!

The Server runs on Bukkit and probably on Minecraft 1.6.6 till the Plugins, like mcMMO, getting updated!

The Server will be a Sruvival RPG Server with some FreeBuild Elements!
Now to the point of this Post:

In 3 Days we are dedicated, and we want to get popular!
For this, we will post our Server in PM.com, Server Lists and YouTube!
Ther proplem of it is YouTube! No one of our Hamachi Server can do a good vid!
So we ask YOU people who would make a cool Video of our server, that people think:
This server is something spezial, i will join!

The maker of the Video will get ingame, if he want to play on our Server:
-Director prefix bevore his name (e.g. [Director] Username)
-1000 iConomy cash (For use in shops)
-All time items wishes (Can i have 30 Wood? Admin: Sure!) (:D)

So, may YOU will be the one who will create our Video!
(Sorry for my bad English, im German!)

Posted by Baddibu's Avatar
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher

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07/21/2011 2:20 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Unicorn
Zocom's Avatar
The server will be up by next week. Visit womforum.enjin.com for more info.

-Zocomen, Hoster
07/21/2011 12:15 pm
Level 45 : Master Pirate
PlankGang's Avatar
When Argh!!!???
07/10/2011 11:54 am
Level 45 : Master Pirate
PlankGang's Avatar
07/09/2011 3:56 am
Level 45 : Master Pirate
PlankGang's Avatar
1 day now?
07/07/2011 3:53 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
Baddibu's Avatar
You all can join!
Register on our forum http://www.womforum.tk!
The Server starts in 2 Days, i didn't got my money yet!
07/07/2011 1:07 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
ICanHaz46?'s Avatar
Hey, if you wan't I can do mass building of medieval style towns if you wan't!? I'd be happy to help, it sounds like a great server!
07/07/2011 11:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
bumby97's Avatar
hey can i join this server too
07/07/2011 11:23 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
Baddibu's Avatar
We will need still Members & 1 Admin!
Also a Regisseur, too!
07/06/2011 3:26 pm
Level 45 : Master Pirate
PlankGang's Avatar
Can I be mod? I was the first guy to kinda register in a way

Btw I signed up to ur website FTW
07/06/2011 2:06 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast
QuickiePenguin's Avatar
hey can i join im good at building houses and a good roleplay guy and a decent miner ign QuickiePenguin
07/06/2011 12:34 pm
Level 26 : Expert Architect
XxSlayahxX's Avatar
Hey man, sorry but i cant register cause i dont have an email O.O so uh if i still be active on the server and get the IP is there any chance i can still be mod?

sorry btw
07/06/2011 12:20 pm
Level 26 : Expert Architect
XxSlayahxX's Avatar
I would like to be a mod if i may add. I know how to work plugins and other commands if you need help with those.
07/06/2011 12:28 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
Baddibu's Avatar
Hey, to be Mod, register you first at our Homepage:
Than be a little bit active on our Server & click on "Recruitment" to Apply for Mod!
The Server will start if i get paid this Month! (Currently i get my Money 7 Days to late )
I will send you the IP if i get my money to buy the Server!
Good that you can built well!

07/06/2011 12:19 pm
Level 26 : Expert Architect
XxSlayahxX's Avatar
Can i be part of this amazing server? i am very good at RPG and i am a very detailed constructor when it comes to building + I am a expertise in redstone engineering and wiring. Hook me up with a reply if i can help thank you.
07/05/2011 1:59 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
slingsDomain's Avatar
cool shoes logo> happy times.
07/06/2011 11:57 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
Baddibu's Avatar
Do you want to join?
Server will start if i get my money!
07/05/2011 1:58 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
Baddibu's Avatar
Bump it up!
07/04/2011 7:19 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
Baddibu's Avatar
We are Searching now:
- 2 Mods
- 1 Regisseur
- 2 Builder
- Users
07/03/2011 7:42 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
Baddibu's Avatar
You can choose your part by yourself!
Thtnks that you want to help

I will look at your video, can you send me any link?
07/03/2011 4:59 am
Level 45 : Master Pirate
PlankGang's Avatar
It's an RP to my computer device ATM I'll soon make it online, would you like to be whitelisted as an alpha tester? Also I dnt have a Youtube account nor vidieo's there is a vid of my on Tomsteel's Dynacraft... But thats it. I'll help set up city... I'm not good with houses... but I'm great with harbours and boats..

I'll help with the city for sure, I'll practice my House building skills for RP in that, 2 days now? or 1 day, time.

-Signed Lord_Morgo

P.S. Could you send me the IP when it's open?

P.s.s Could you make me a blacksmith skin? or a miner, or soldier you choose my part in World of Minecraft.
07/02/2011 11:59 am
Level 45 : Master Pirate
PlankGang's Avatar
May I join, I play World of Warcraft will this server be a sort of that? I'm Rly good with medieval RPG things if u need a help with that. Also im good with Roleplaying. I hope you accept me

-Signed Lord_Morgo
07/02/2011 2:20 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
Baddibu's Avatar
Sure! You can join! Server will start in 3 Days! Its not a MMOPRG like World of Warcraft, just some RPG Elements like Skills, Level up, you can train things like Armour and Weapons like in WoW! If you good in Medieval you can help set up the City!

A nice Feature is that Monsters will only attack you if you Attack them, like Neutral Mobs in MMOPRG's!

How good are you in making videos? Do u have a video made which you can show me?
Well, your Blacksmith and your "Mining" thing looks really nice, i like the Style!
it seems you have your own Server, what type is it? Freebuild? or RPG, too?

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