Unique 200 Biomes server needs: builders, staff and more!

multikraft's Avatar multikraft2/5/14 4:38 am
2/17/2014 3:50 pm
LowFat's Avatar LowFat

Hello everyone,

My server Multikraft needs a bigger team. We dont have many youtubers designers nor builders at the moment. We are a medium sized server though. Thats why we need Builders, Advertisers,Youtubers and Designers. We are a real family-like community atm, come and join us!

The server, multikraft, is not a normal server. You can play grief-free survival in a world containing 200 biomes. I am talking about volcanos, waterfalls and huge mountains.

Builders will be granted Worldedit and creative
Youtubers will be granted Fly and alot of other fun perms
Designers will get various other perms including Fly

Here are some screenshots (To get you convinced to apply) :

The application :

Skype:(So i can contact you)
Desired ranks: (Youtuber/Designer/builder)
Schedule(When will you be online?):
Examples(Show your work):
How long have you been doing it:
What will you do for the server:

Posted by multikraft's Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner

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02/17/2014 3:50 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
LowFat's Avatar
you never added me on skype
02/17/2014 3:08 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
02/15/2014 9:22 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
02/10/2014 5:33 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
i will add you on skype for a conversation!
02/08/2014 4:14 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
starzz's Avatar
Age: 14
Skype:(So i can contact you) niwdlaB redliW
Desired ranks: (Youtuber/Designer/builder) builder
IGN: nostarz
Timezone: US eastern time
Schedule(When will you be online?): Not sure exactly on weekdays it would be after 3 pm for me and before 8 pm for me and probably 2-3 hours then and on weekends 9 am- 9 pm mostly probably 3-6 hours then
Examples(Show your work):nostarz.imgur.com/all/ (those are a few pics of houses I built but I can build whole towns and cities and much more, I am also kind of good at redstone (not pixelart)
How long have you been doing it: I started playing minecraft about 2 years ago and have learned alot about being a good builder
What will you do for the server: I hope to help build towns cities or whatever you would like built better then you would without me
02/08/2014 3:42 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
LowFat's Avatar
Age: 15
Skype:(So i can contact you) hi.itsme99
Desired ranks: (Youtuber/Designer/builder) Builder
Timezone: EST
Schedule(When will you be online?): 2+ hours a day usually. On weekdays I can not be on until after 2:00.
Examples(Show your work): My own server, I think it looks good xD
Click to reveal
IP: MuffinPrison.sytes.net OR awre.co

How long have you been doing it: I have been builders on many servers, but none as unique as this one. I have owned my own server for 2 months now and really enjoy it.
What will you do for the server: I am hoping to be able to make the server look amazing, and overall benefit it. I can provide plugin help & can make plugins too. I have a youtube channel where i can make a server review also.

Maybe we can create a server network? So we can be a part of a hub. I think that would be really cool.

Thanks for considering
- Muffin
02/08/2014 2:59 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
02/07/2014 8:15 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
02/06/2014 1:16 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
02/06/2014 10:52 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
Also logo designers are needed
02/06/2014 8:54 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
-comon guys we need builders and everyone else..
02/06/2014 2:11 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
Edcorock, we could use a streamer. Send me your skype.

Busby i have added you on skype.
02/05/2014 5:08 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Artist
BusbyBoy03's Avatar
Age: 14
Skype: Silentminertv
Desired ranks: Designer
IGN: Busbyboy03
Timezone: Eastern (Tenessee)
Schedule: Monday-Thursday 3-8pm Friday-Saturday 8AM-11PM
Examples(Show your work): I dont usally take screenshots of designing stuff B/C i usally do it on paper instead of *Building*. Because a builder will probaly do better then me building it.
How long have you been doing it: Since 2 Years
What will you do for the server: I will Design projects for the server/More biomes or etc

More: I'm a normal minecrafter, i like to design stuff and sometimes take peoples peice of work and tweek it but of course leave there credit towards the "piece". When ever i design i usually do it on paper like i said then get someone to build it x3
02/05/2014 4:47 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
edcorock's Avatar
Age: 16
Skype:(So i can contact you) ill pm it if im excepted
Desired ranks: (Youtuber/Designer/builder) if you have the rank i would like to be a stremer, or a mod what ever works
IGN: edcorock
Timezone: UTC-03:30
Schedule(When will you be online?): no set times
Examples(Show your work): i stream at twitch.tv/edcorock
How long have you been doing it: a few days recently but i've done it before
What will you do for the server: get it viewers and help out with building and stuff
02/05/2014 4:40 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
TheBrooklynBombYT's Avatar
you never added me
02/05/2014 4:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
The_Comedian1's Avatar
I can build, but I'd love to play on the server. Could I have the ip?
02/05/2014 4:19 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
I will add everyone on skype for a conversation
02/05/2014 3:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Senne2003's Avatar
Age:10 but im a pretty good builder an im co-owner on a dutch server
Skype:(So i can contact you) sennecraft2
Desired ranks: (Youtuber/Designer/builder) bit of all i have a youtube channel and i searcha server to sponsor and im pretty good at designing stuf and building it
IGN: Senne2003
Timezone: brussel
Schedule(When will you be online?): from 16:00 - 21:00
Examples(Show your work): i dont have them its on the server but its not online right now
How long have you been doing it: 3 years
What will you do for the server: wat is needed
02/05/2014 3:33 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Pirate
Factorcraft's Avatar
IGN: linkydinks57yall or Sir_Nerd_Slayer
Age: 14
Skype: gabotheguy
Timezone: Eastern Time
Applying for position: Builder
Why should you be a builder: I think I should help with this server because it looks very unique and amazing, compared to lots of the other servers that are all the same these days. I can build a medieval spawn or modern spawn, those are the types of builds I make and I would be glad to be put on trial so you can see proof of my building skills yourself. I've also recently started making Cod maps and you can see it here: https://super-gaming.net/index.php?thre ... are.31262/
Anyway, I have some other reasons to. I have owned 3 servers. But they are not online anymore as my partner robbed me one time and the other my server host screwed up and I lost all my server data. You can see proof that I had servers by the old website links here: http://pureservers.org/ and here: http://factorcraft.org/
Those websites are not made from engine I coded them myself and I might be able to do some web coding for you if you would like.
I also have a youtube channel with 195 subs and I would do regular videos on the server and updates on builds I make. You can check that out here: http://www.youtube.com/user/LetTheMineFall
I also recently started using the animating program maya and I could make an animated server trailer If I am hired.
These are just some of the few things I could do If I'm hired and It would be an honour to me because the server looks amazing
Contact me via pm here or on skype.
- Gabe

Edit: I forgot some things
Schedule: On school days I can be online up to 3 hours
and on weekends up to 4. I will notify you and the team If I will be away for some reason.
I have been playing minecraft since summer 2012 and I just started building in fall 2013
02/05/2014 3:15 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
KactusKris's Avatar
Age: 15
Skype:(So i can contact you) fire1170
Desired ranks: (Youtuber/Designer/builder) YouTuber
IGN: amadu12
Timezone: Eastern
Schedule(When will you be online?): A few times a week
Examples(Show your work): https://www.youtube.com/user/EverythingWorksAll
How long have you been doing it: Few weeks
What will you do for the server: Survival lets play
02/05/2014 2:32 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
Thank you, i will take a look at your channel!
02/05/2014 2:15 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
TheBrooklynBombYT's Avatar
Age: 12
Skype:(So i can contact you) jzth3man
Desired ranks: (Youtuber/Designer/builder) you tuber
IGN: jzth3man
Timezone: EST
Schedule(When will you be online?): everyday
Examples(Show your work):
How long have you been doing it: a few months but I have not been upload since two days ago
What will you do for the server: I will give it some more players to come on by recording.
02/05/2014 2:02 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
First guy, accepted!
02/05/2014 11:43 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
You could always try to prove yourself? in the server.
02/05/2014 11:26 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
jasonsdabomb's Avatar
Atm thats all i have of pictures sorry :/ But if im denied i understand Goodluck on finding more builders :/
02/05/2014 11:02 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
mhm your builds arent that great, can you show me some more please?
02/05/2014 10:17 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
jasonsdabomb's Avatar
Age: 15
Skype:(So i can contact you) Jasonsdabomb
Desired ranks: (Youtuber/Designer/builder) Builder
IGN: Jasonsdabomb
Timezone: Eastern Time Zone
Schedule(When will you be online?): Usually Around 3-9 On Weekdays and Probablly earlier on Weekends. Depends on what im doing on weekends though.
Examples(Show your work): http://imgur.com/a/xkDIe Theirs 2 other builds that are not on here but are on my PMC Page if you want to check them out!
How long have you been doing it: For Awhile now actually, I Just didnt really take alot of pictures back then... But I Am now to show my building skills/experience
What will you do for the server: Obviously help the server grow and Build for it, I Mean if i do say so myself im a pretty good builder. Building is a Skill, Many people do not have it and, I'd say im decent. I'm not saying im the best because no one is perfect. But im a good builder. Also im good with Plugin Managing, If thats necessary which i dont think it is ^_^.

Email: jason_torres2323@yahoo.com
If it is needed.
Umm, Im mature and on a scale of 1-10 I'd say im a 9 For sure. I Take my work seriously and i try to get it done quickly.
This is just a side note i guess, I Do not squeak. I Am not a squeaker :/ Thats just a side not....
02/05/2014 10:08 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
We still need alot of people...
02/05/2014 8:48 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
Good app@! I will contact you!
02/05/2014 5:02 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
Graograman's Avatar
Age: 26
Skype: m-to-the-c-87
Desired ranks: builder
IGN: graograman216
Timezone: GMT+1 (Europe)
Schedule(When will you be online?): sporadic, when I have time, but surely more than 4 hours/day
Examples(Show your work): see for yourself http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/graograman/
How long have you been doing it: 2 years
What will you do for the server: build things?^^
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