TecquickMC : Looking for Dedicated staff members

xManaginq's Avatar xManaginq2/9/16 5:12 am
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2/13/2016 10:17 pm
AutoAura_'s Avatar AutoAura_

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Posted by xManaginq's Avatar
Level 1 : New Network

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02/13/2016 10:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
AutoAura_'s Avatar
Name: Fabian
Age: 14
Minecraft Username: AutoAura
Timezone and Location: Singapore
Position you're interested in: Mod or Admin
Do you have Skype/Discord and a microphone?: yes
What days are you online?: It depends
How many hours for those days?: It depends maybe 3
What kind of previous experience have you had moderating games/servers?*: I have moderated a lot of servers, I have a great experience with Mod, I have been mod on my friend's server. It has been a long experience
In what way or how would you resolve any sort of antipathy or arguments between players? I will calm the player down and tell him not to swear.
other things can you contribute to IntoxicatedGaming/Network and The
Parted Isles (we highly approbate people who are genuinely wanting to
help contribute): I can donate if you want, But it depends. I can also help to contribute advertising
Anything else we should know?: No
02/13/2016 9:55 pm
Level 1 : New Network
xManaginq's Avatar
02/13/2016 7:12 am
Level 1 : New Network
xManaginq's Avatar
Thanks for applying, You will be added on skype if accepted!
02/13/2016 5:52 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc960824's Avatar
02/13/2016 5:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
FlirtyDirt's Avatar
Name: Ryul
Age: 15 (16 this year)
Minecraft Username: ProffesorPhysics (I am aware of the misspell)
Timezone and Location: UTC+12
Position you're interested in: Server-Manager/Admin
Do you have Skype/Discord and a microphone?: Yes.
What days are you online?: Everyday.
How many hours for those days?: atleast an hour and up to 7hours
What kind of previous experience have you had moderating games/servers?*:Lots I have been moderating my life through out the 4 years , I have learnt many experiences , setting up plugins , creating websites , commands ,building , making gfx art and learn how to be a dedicated member and contribute to the server.
In what way or how would you resolve any sort of antipathy or arguments between players? I have a extreme OCD about moderating the chat system xD , I also love my job of moderating although I haven't moderated much in 2015 , I started moderating and bringing back the memories of the skills that a dedicated staff member should have.What I would personally do , is warn them to quit their ridiculous behaviours , then If my OCD starts to activate again , I will ask the problems and hear the different perspective for each member. After I will judge and then choose a player that I think was the one with the fault.After I will ask him to stop , with a dangerous warn and then if he does it again , I will follow the original server rules and choose the right and mature consequences for the following member.
What other things can you contribute to IntoxicatedGaming/Network and The
Parted Isles (we highly approbate people who are genuinely wanting to
help contribute): I can help contribute by making server logos , advertisement of course , on my youtube channel (even though it isnt as big as people see) , I will also build for the server , since I have owned a build team before and I am not the worst builder in the planet. If I get accepted , I am willing to help with anything for the server , even pay if I get enough money in my paypal.
Anything else we should know?:
English is not my first language although , I learnt english from 5 years ago , so I am a decent speaker and a writer , I am orignially from South korea , went to New Zealand 5 years ago , and still living in New Zealand right now. I hoped you took a serious consideration for my app. If you read it all , cheers and Wish me luck , Thanks
02/13/2016 3:44 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Piggaroni's Avatar
Name: Pig (Private)
Age: 15
Minecraft Username: Piggaroni
Timezone and Location: GMT +8
Position you're interested in: Admin or Staff Manager
Do you have Skype/Discord and a microphone?: Yes!
What days are you online?: All days.
How many hours for those days?: 4 to 6
What kind of previous experience have you had moderating games/servers?*:
I used to be a Helper on this factions server , It was a really great learning experience and the staff of the server are great, dedicated people. This means that i'm not new to the way the owner runs the server and I'm familiar with everything it takes to become a staff member. The reason i decided to resign the last time i was a staff member is because of the fact that a lot of my friends on the server stopped playing, the holidays came around and I didn't have as much time to play and didn't feel like I would be able to put as much effort into the server as I was doing before. But now I've found a new passion for the server which doesn't involve my friends, or any distractions. With it being as it is I feel I can make new friends, have even more fun and therefore be more dedicated to the job. I hope you would consider taking me back onto the team where I feel safe. I have managed a server before and I know how the servers works and all I have been Co Owner on this server until the owner was being immature and banned me and my friend which were staff members. We were also Head Admin on OP Network. Which got shut down after 2 months. I have much experience in moderating (the server and activities going on). I am knowledgeable of the commands used by a moderator and can solve player issues quite fast, either it be an argument, question or harassment. I am capable of accomplishing these tasks without the use of a command in many cases. I have experienced being moderator on servers. I also have experience running forums, gaming communities, and other sites of the like.

In what way or how would you resolve any sort of antipathy or arguments between players?
I would have to calm them down, Investigate and deal with them.
other things can you contribute to IntoxicatedGaming/Network and The
Parted Isles (we highly approbate people who are genuinely wanting to
help contribute):I would love to keep peace on the server and due to my overall opinions nothing will really phase me as an insult, but I will gladly accept something along the lines of harass and appropriately take the steps in not having it happen again. On-top of this, I will spend a vast amounts of time on the server, so I would be ensuring chat safety in case no other staff are on or are AFK.I have much experience in moderating (chat and activities going on). I am knowledgeable of the commands used by a helper and can solve player issues quite fast, either it be an argument, question or harassment. I am capable of accomplishing these tasks without the use of a command in many cases.
Anything else we should know?: Nope.
02/13/2016 1:06 am
Level 1 : New Network
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02/10/2016 4:39 pm
Level 1 : New Network
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02/10/2016 12:33 am
Level 1 : New Network
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