+++Project team wanted++++ Timelapse and builds+++

Steadyedy1's Avatar Steadyedy19/23/12 12:30 pm
9/23/2012 5:47 pm
Poiuymew's Avatar Poiuymew
+++Project team wanted++++ Timelapse and builds+++

Well hello there my name is Alex, I am setting up a team of builders who will build "big builds" we will be building a range of things such as City's, Towers, boats, castles, space ships, custom maps, Adventure maps. and anything else that people in the team want to build. And i am recruiting members so read through the rest of the post and then reply, i wil be testing you so i suggest you read through thurely
So what do i do?
Well i am the server owner and will be dealing with advertising our builds and helping out building building. the server is 24/7 and there are only a few rules. because we are a team an we work as one
- Please work on the project dont go of and do your own thing
- please build to the best of your ability
- And we work as one, meaning: we all build together.

So there are only 12 positions so here is the appliatication.


- IGN:
- Age:
- Maturity: (0-10):
- Rate your building skill (0-10):
- Why do you want to join the team:
- a bit about yourself:
- are you a dedicated player?:
- what country are you from?:
- Do you have skype - YOU MUST HAVE SKYPE OR YOU WILL NOT BE ACEPTED and must have mic!
- Do you work well in a team?:
- rate your world edit skills:(0-10)
- Do you know of Voxel sniper If so please tell me about your skills with it:
- have you worked on any builds before?.
- How much do you play mineraft?:

- IGN: Alec_123
- Age: 15
- Maturity: (0-10):9
- Rate your building skill (0-10):9
- Why do you want to join the team: Because i like teams
- a bit about yourself: i am from london and i like minecraft
- are you a dedicated player?: Yes i play alot
- what country are you from?: Enland
- Do you have skype - YOU MUST HAVE SKYPE OR YOU WILL NOT BE ACEPTED and must have mic! No i dont have skype
- Do you work well in a team?: yes
- rate your world edit skills:(0-10) 10
- Do you know of Voxel sniper If so please tell me about your skills with it: i am good
- have you worked on any builds before?. yes i make houses
Bassicly dont put one word awnsers.

If you are accepted i will send you a pm with my sype name, and then add me.

Once you get on the server i will bring you too a street where you must build a house (must be a house) and then i will rank you from 1-5 this is just a trial.
1= Bye Bye = of the team
2= Not great = of the team (one more chance)
3= Ok good = on the team but easily replacable by someone better
4= great = on the team
5= amazing = On the team

If you have anything else to say, say here:
Posted by Steadyedy1's Avatar
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter

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09/23/2012 5:47 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Poiuymew's Avatar
IGN: poiuymew
age: 14
Maturity: 9
building skill is a 6
i want to join the team so i can build things people will see
im a minecraft player but also play sports
i am a dedicated player but have a time limit on play time
i am from america
i do have skype
i work well with teams or by myself
world edit skills: 4 i need a little practice
i dont know what voxel sniper is
yes i have i done builds before i specilize in mob and pvp arena's
i play minecraft as much as i can
09/23/2012 3:24 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Valthrok's Avatar
- IGN: Serbitaar090

- Age: 25

- Maturity: (0-10): 7

- Rate your building skill (0-10): Depends on the genre these are what i grade myself and the sub genres that range anyway from that number +/- 3 so say if it was a 5 the sub genres will range from 2 - 8

Medieval - 8

Fantasy - 7

Steampunk - 6

Modern - 9

Futuristic - 6

- Why do you want to join the team: Because i am looking for a team to build with because when i apply for servers they want big beaming cities built in a day which is very very hard for one man to do all on his own while doing other stuff aswell such as coding and such. So i am looking for a team so i could apply for servers (if we are allowed to do this) and then if i get accepted i could bring some / all of the team to the server i am building on and we build for that server so on and so forth. Although if you do not want to do that idea we could just build on a server that is provided by one of the team members.

- a bit about yourself: Well i am a Yorkshire lad, that has always dreamed or working with a company such as Blizzard Entertainment, Yogscast, Areannet or EA as a coder / game master / technical support etc as i am very knowledge about technical problems and how they occur and the fastest and easiest way to solve the problem, when i am not either coding for my soon to come server, or using techne to do some new custom models or doing work experience, or raiding on WoW, or doing some W v W on GW2 or having a meal with the family or out with friends and girlfriend i am on minecraft building and building advancing my knowledge to the best of my capabilities coming up with new ways to change already existing builds. I strive to do the best i can in everything i do.

- are you a dedicated player?: Yes, aslong as i am treated with respect that everyone deserves just because i don't speak my words accordingly to everyone that i interact with and do not think before i say anything that is why i usually keep to myself because when i open my mouth to someone i despise the only way to stop me is to tackle me to ground if you are big enough or ban me from the server because i am very opinionated and always have fact for my arguments.

- what country are you from?: England

- Do you have skype - YOU MUST HAVE SKYPE OR YOU WILL NOT BE ACEPTED and must have mic! I have Skype and my account is Darkan379 but no working mic but i am a very fast type as i can type 70 words a minute, not just a, and, I and such i mean actual words.

- Do you work well in a team?: If everyone speaks what they think about each other and have no problems with me doing the same yes, i can work very well in a team as i don't want to work with anyone that has a problem with me and doesn't tell me but i can sense if they have a problem with me because they don't talk to me or they go through someone else to talk to me and they will try to get me booted of the project, server or team.

- rate your world edit skills:(0-10): About 70% of the world edit commands are known to my brain and if i am not sure on the commands and how they work i will always search up online,

- Do you know of Voxel sniper If so please tell me about your skills with it: I do know of it, but have never used it never fount anytime that i have had to use Voxelsniper as it isn't that great of a plugin.

- have you worked on any builds before? With other people not as such, if i am working with someone it is usually the planning and then i allow the people they choose to work with on the build to build from my plans and such.

- How much do you play mineraft?: As said before in my application earlier on it depends on what i am doing that day and what needs to be done and what can be moved to the side and be done at a later date, the ones usually going to the side is my server stuff for my personal server as i can always catch up with that at school. On the other hand such as family meals, hanging out with girlfriend and mates i can hardly push that to the side because they will just bug me and end up some how guilt tripping me into coming with them and with work experience my temporary boss is a bitch and i actually like the experience so i am trying to impress him without opening my mouth as if i opened my mouth i would probably removed from the work experience.
09/23/2012 2:26 pm
Level 42 : Master Narwhal
joemiller54's Avatar
- IGN: joemiller54
- Age: 17
- Maturity: (0-10): 7
- Rate your building skill (0-10): solid 7
- Why do you want to join the team: been part of a few big builds before and i loved it but the team eventually became busy and fell apart and i am looking for a new one.
- a bit about yourself: im currently enrolled in a few engineering class's building is my passion along with military topics
- are you a dedicated player?: I play at least an hour or two a day more if there is something to do
- what country are you from?: United States
- Do you have skype - YOU MUST HAVE SKYPE OR YOU WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED and must have mic! i have it all, joemiller54
- Do you work well in a team?: yes, been part of many teams before i believe that i have worked very well in all circumstances
- rate your world edit skills:(0-10): 5-6
- Do you know of Voxel sniper If so please tell me about your skills with it: i know of it i have never used it though but people i have worked with say its more for long range editing for making massive terraforming jobs
- have you worked on any builds before?. yes i have with previous teams i have built things from towns to caverns to planes
- How much do you play mineraft?:almost any chance i get so about 3 hours a day if im building something
09/23/2012 2:03 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
sexylexy's Avatar
Okay, here we go...

- IGN: lexy0202
- Age: 16
- Maturity: (0-10): 6 maybe, not sure.
- Rate your building skill (0-10): 8 i think, ive done some big builds in my time and directed a few, and i usually get back lots of good responses!
- Why do you want to join the team: Because im a big fan of big builds and i want to build stuff with other people rather than on my own (forever alone)
- a bit about yourself: Ooooh i dont know, im a guy, kinda short, i like cake and turtles. Thats about it...
- are you a dedicated player?: I try to be, but sometimes im too busy!
- what country are you from?: England
- Do you have skype - YOU MUST HAVE SKYPE OR YOU WILL NOT BE ACEPTED and must have mic! Got it all man, lexomini
- Do you work well in a team?: I work amazingly well, its ridiculous how well i work
- rate your world edit skills:(0-10) 2, i know, but im more about the detail
- Do you know of Voxel sniper If so please tell me about your skills with it: I know nothing about this crazy Voxelbox
- have you worked on any builds before?. Yup, built some mega structures, like an entry for the sky high contest!
- How much do you play mineraft?: Alot, i love it. Im addicted, and i dont care!

Cheers bro, peace out
09/23/2012 12:55 pm
Level 29 : Expert Architect
creepincreeper01's Avatar
- IGN:Creepincreeper01
- Age:16
- Maturity: (0-10):8-10; I have no tolerance of extreme immaturity
- Rate your building skill (0-10):6-7
- Why do you want to join the team:I really enjoy building (its my passion in real life too) so whenever there is an opportunity to build with others I go for it. I am open to any ideas and I always do research to understand any build styles I want/need to. I love to learn different tricks with building and I have a wide imagination.
- a bit about yourself:Well I go to a school for set construction and design I play minecraft as often as possible only for building. I do a bit of survival but I mainly do building. I used to only do medieval builds but now I think it's a bit overdone especially on servers so I'm still learning some things here and there.My biggest inspiration for building is CreativeNode and Fyreuk.
- are you a dedicated player?:Very;I get on during most freetime I have
- what country are you from?:United States
- Do you have skype - YOU MUST HAVE SKYPE OR YOU WILL NOT BE ACEPTED and must have mic! yep olivia.quezada1
- Do you work well in a team?:Yes.I usually don't like working alone.
- rate your world edit skills:(0-10) 5
- Do you know of Voxel sniper If so please tell me about your skills with it: yes and I'm not the best but I'd say I'm good at terraforming.
- have you worked on any builds before?. Well I (and a few others) just finished making an Elven city for our server and I designed/built most of the spawn for the server and the egyptian themed city. I usually work with my friend SovietMiner
- How much do you play mineraft?:During all my free times which I try to make as much as possible since school started
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