PROJECT MASHUP » Recruiting now!

SpongyBacon's Avatar SpongyBacon12/14/13 7:59 pm
12/15/2013 11:06 am
SpongyBacon's Avatar SpongyBacon

About Mashup:

Project Mashup is an upcoming server, which combines every mini-game into one huge pvp/pve match. To put this into perspective, it's like someone with a QuakeCraft Railgun, battling it out against a fireball-shooting Enderdragon and a team of archers, with exploding bows.
Mashup will be completely custom made by me, and then launched with 50 slots, and going up.


Project Mashup is still young, and will not be released until april, but we are looking for a few talented young people to help out both while I develop, and when it is released.

Currently Available Positions:
So, what are mods for?
Moderators are people who look after the community, welcome new players and make sure everyone is abiding by the rules, in order to have fun.

What perks do mods get?
Moderators will get the VIP Rank (Usually worth $25) for free, aswell as the usual moderating commands, such as /tempban, /kick, /mute etc.
They also have the ability to apply to be an administrator!

Application Form:
* = Needed. We recommend that you fill in all of them for a better chance of being picked!

<!-- THIS IS REQUIRED! If you do not have Skype, or do not have a mic, YOU WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! -->
<!-- Don't want to share this publicly? Add me: joepwnsall1 -->

Your first name:
<!-- We ask for this so we can relate to you using your name, as apposed to your in-game name. Feel free to put a nickname instead of your first name! -->

*Your minecraft name:
<!-- Sorry, we only allow premium minecraft accounts at the moment. -->

*Your age:
<!-- 13 and above only. DO NOT LYE! (Lying is a massive sign of immaturity!) -->

Are you staff on any other servers?
<!-- We prefer if you are not, as you have more time to dedicate to Mashup. -->

How long have you been playing minecraft for?
<!-- E.g. Beta 1.8, Release 1.4 » Just so you know, I started playing on the first release version -->

*Have you seen the video explaining what Project Mashup is?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tweAF60Cc8 -->

*What timezone are you in?
http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/findzone.tzc -->

Administrators will be selected from good and experienced moderators!
Apply for moderator, and do a good job whenever possible and you might get the chance!

You must be aged 14 and above, and be able to dedicate a lot of time towards the server.

So, what are builders for?
Builders are people who will be creating structures, and making stuff look better on the map. We will be setting up a small building team of experienced builders primarily for building on Mashup. (Although we may do a few community building events!)

What perks do builders get?
Builders will get…
- /build <!-- This puts builders in a restricted creative mode, where they can build at certain areas marked by administrators and me! -->
- Perks from VIP for working hard!

Application Form:
* = Needed. We recommend that you fill in all of them for a better chance of being picked!

<!-- THIS IS REQUIRED! *Please note, you do not need a mic, but it would be helpful!* If you do not have Skype, YOU WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! -->
<!-- Don't want to share this publicly? Add me: joepwnsall1 -->

Your first name:
<!-- We ask for this so we can relate to you using your name, as apposed to your in-game name. Feel free to put a nickname instead of your first name! -->

*Your minecraft name:
<!-- Sorry, we only allow premium minecraft accounts at the moment. -->

*Your age:
<!-- 12 and above only. DO NOT LYE! (Lying is a massive sign of immaturity!) -->

Are you staff or a builder on any other servers?
<!-- We prefer if you are not, as you have more time to dedicate to Mashup. This excludes building teams like Minthrintia, Gazimo, Torentine and such! -->

*Evidence of skill:
<!-- We require you to provide evidence that you can in-fact built do a good level. Please do not take offence if we decline you because of this! -->
http://imgur.com or a similar site. -->

*Have you seen the video explaining what Project Mashup is?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tweAF60Cc8 -->

*What timezone are you in?
http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/findzone.tzc -->

If you have skills that are not listed above, then please feel free to add me on Skype so we can chat about it!
My Skype: joepwnsall1

All accepted applicants will then be interviewed on Skype by me, and/or other staff members.

Good luck!
Posted by SpongyBacon's Avatar
Level 35 : Artisan Princess

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12/15/2013 10:48 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
inkstar's Avatar
Spongy, about the time, I am usually awake till 10pm-2am, so since I'm on holidays Ii will probably be putting more dedication towards the server
12/15/2013 11:06 am
Level 35 : Artisan Princess
SpongyBacon's Avatar
Declined. Your app is a bit... short
Plus in my time, your 11 hours ahead of me so its kinda crap.
12/15/2013 8:38 am
Level 40 : Master Electrician
-WaffleKing-'s Avatar
I would apply but I am too young... ._.
12/15/2013 11:04 am
Level 35 : Artisan Princess
SpongyBacon's Avatar
Well, once the server is released, we may introduce a helper rank for those aged 12 and up.
12/15/2013 8:35 am
Level 35 : Artisan Princess
SpongyBacon's Avatar

Skype: (Will get soon asap, I will privately message you it this week) <-- Ok, but please make sure you do send it to me

Timezone: EST (Australia, Melbourne) <-- This is the only downside for me. I'll carry through with your application, and see how it goes, but if you're times are really bad for me then I'll have to decline you.

Time Dedicated: I am on for at least 2-8 hours a day, usually playing Hypixel and the Nexus, but I could dedicate a lot of my time towards this server in helping it. <-- Thats a good amount of time. I would usually expect someone to dedicate 2-3 hours on weekends, and 1-2 hours on weekdays to the server.

Experience with Minecraft: I have been playing MC for about 2 years and 1 1/2 years online, since my friend generously gave his account to make, I know quite a few things in it. <-- Just make sure your friend doesn't use that account to come on mashup. (I don't want to have to deal with account sharing)

Why should we choose you: I am a decent builder, I have learnt many techniques, from detail to depth, colour and shape. <-- You sound pretty good, but once I have you on skype could you provide some evidence of this.

Have you seen the mashup video: Yes, it reminds me of Hypixel and I am sure enough the footage is from Hypixel, explaining it will be similar, but hopefully better. <-- Haha, I was planning on putting games from every server in the video, but you get the idea, and it puts the point across

Position: Moderator/Builder? <-- I think you're suitable for Moderator, and then once proven, you can have rights as a builder too.

Overall, good application.
Approved for interview process.
12/15/2013 8:12 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
inkstar's Avatar
Name: Dylan
IGN: Inky561 (This is premium)
Skype: (Will get soon asap, I will privately message you it this week)

Timezone: EST (Australia, Melbourne)
Time Dedicated: I am on for at least 2-8 hours a day, usually playing Hypixel and the Nexus, but I could dedicate a lot of my time towards this server in helping it.

Experience with Minecraft: I have been playing MC for about 2 years and 1 1/2 years online, since my friend generously gave his account to make, I know quite a few things in it

Experience with Moderating: I have been moderator on several servers, I know not to abuse my commands unless I have to use them. I know how to help others solve problems. I let the owner decide whether it is good for that punishment I gave them or not as it is the owners/head admins choice.

Why should we choose you: You should choose me because I can help the server in everyway possible, from helping the community around the server to helping set up the server for the big launch in April, talking about setting up, I am a decent builder, I have learnt many techniques, from detail to depth, colour and shape. I also know a bit of plugins, around factions, mcmmo, but do not know a tonne about them

Have you seen the mashup video: Yes, it reminds me of Hypixel and I am sure enough the footage is from Hypixel, explaining it will be similar, but hopefully better

Position: Moderator/Builder? If not you can choose one

Thankyou for reading, Inky
12/15/2013 7:43 am
Level 35 : Artisan Princess
SpongyBacon's Avatar

Your app is ok.
I'm putting you on reserves, due to your timezone. If there aren't any more people applying from my timezone (GMT+0) then you'll be on the team.
12/15/2013 5:46 am
Level 35 : Artisan Princess
SpongyBacon's Avatar

Great app

name: Ben Williams
Age: 15 <-- Same as me
Country: Australia
TimeZone: GMT 10+ <--- Not so sure about this. If we don't get any applications that are in my timezone or nearer to my time then your accepted.

Experience: I have much experience with Minecraft, as I am upcoming my third year of playing. I also have plenty of experience with Servers because I have had one in the past and also been a member of staff of many other servers.

Why Should We Choose You?: You should choose me as I am a commited, trustworthy, hard-working and passionate gamer. I have more than enough time on my hands as I play minecraft 6+ hours a day on weekends and 3+ on weekdays. I also will complete any task given to the best of my abillity and effort. I am mature enough to handle situations myself, but will concern you if I feel the need nesseccary. I am also very familiar with dealing with peopls who are breaking rules. I am able to build at about a intermediate level. I am excited to hear from you shortly and hope you will accept. <--- I like the commitment part, and the building part

position: Admin <-- If we do accept you, you'll be given the 'mod' rank, and if you do well then you can be promoted
12/15/2013 5:34 am
Level 1 : New Network
xPhased's Avatar
<!-- THIS IS REQUIRED! If you do not have Skype, or do not have a mic, YOU WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! -->
<!-- Don't want to share this publicly? Add me: joepwnsall1 --> xPhased

Your first name:
<!-- We ask for this so we can relate to you using your name, as apposed to your in-game name. Feel free to put a nickname instead of your first name! --> Adriel

*Your minecraft name:
<!-- Sorry, we only allow premium mine craft accounts at the moment. --> xPhAseD_BulLeTsx

*Your age:
<!-- 13 and above only. DO NOT LYE! (Lying is a massive sign of immaturity!) --> 14.

Are you staff on any other servers?
<!-- We prefer if you are not, as you have more time to dedicate to Mashup. --> Not currently.

How long have you been playing minecraft for?
<!-- E.g. Beta 1.8, Release 1.4 » Just so you know, I started playing on the first release version --> Release 1.4.

*Have you seen the video explaining what Project Mashup is?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tweAF60Cc8 --> Yes.

*What timezone are you in?
http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/findzone.tzc --> EST

If you have any other questions, feel free to fire away.
12/15/2013 5:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
BenLeggetv's Avatar
Name: Ben Williams
Age: 15
Country: Australia
TimeZone: GMT 10+

Experience: I have much experience with Minecraft, as I am upcoming my third year of playing. I also have plenty of experience with Servers because I have had one in the past and also been a member of staff of many other servers.

Why Should We Choose You?: You should choose me as I am a commited, trustworthy, hard-working and passionate gamer. I have more than enough time on my hands as I play minecraft 6+ hours a day on weekends and 3+ on weekdays. I also will complete any task given to the best of my abillity and effort. I am mature enough to handle situations myself, but will concern you if I feel the need nesseccary. I am also very familiar with dealing with peopls who are breaking rules. I am able to build at about a intermediate level. I am excited to hear from you shortly and hope you will accept.

position: Admin

Contact details:
Skype: benleggetv
Email: benleggetv@gmail.com
Twitter: @fcukben
12/15/2013 5:18 am
Level 35 : Artisan Princess
SpongyBacon's Avatar
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