PrisonRealm | Upcoming Prison Server! | STAFF NEEDED!

KendogDevelops's Avatar KendogDevelops10/29/15 4:53 pm
1 emeralds 1.1k 53
11/17/2015 6:56 am
m4ychris's Avatar m4ychris

PrisonRealm is a upcoming fully custom non-op prison based server that will feature over 40+ standard ranks, over 50+ unique mines and much more!

Recently OP prison servers are becoming more popular with the community than NON-OP servers; with PrisonRealm, we aim to change that.

We are currently in need of atleast 10+ staff members to join certain divisions of administration on PrisonRealm. You could be that person!

We currently need:

In-game Division:
- 2 Administrator
- 5 Moderators
- 5 Helpers

Forum / Website Division:
- 5 Moderators

Management Division:
- 2 Developers
- 2 Plugin Managers
- 1 Division Supervisor [Commonly known as Staff Managers]

So you want to apply? Their is multiple ways you can apply to become a PrisonRealm staff member.

You can either apply via replying to this thread using application formats for specific roles below. Or, you can take the application format and add us on skype and submit it privately.

Skype: prisonrealm

Please note all fields with [ * ] are required. Fields that are not are optional.

Administrator Application:
Click to reveal
Name: *

In-game Username: *

Age: *

How long have you been playing Minecraft: *

Tell us about yourself: *

How many hours a week can you be active: *

Why you'd be good for the role: *

Why should we hire you: *

Past experience :

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): *

Skype Username:

Moderator Application:
Click to reveal
Name: *

In-game Username: *

Age: *

How long have you been playing Minecraft: *

Tell us about yourself: *

How many hours a week can you be active: *

Why you'd be good for the role: *

Why should we hire you: *

Past experience :

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): *

Skype Username:

Helper Application:
Click to reveal
Name: *

In-game Username: *

Age: *

How long have you been playing Minecraft: *

Tell us about yourself: *

How many hours a week can you be active: *

Why you'd be good for the role: *

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): *

Skype Username:

Developer Application:
Click to reveal
Name: *

In-game Username: *

Age: *

How long have you been playing Minecraft: *

Tell us about yourself: *

How many hours a week can you be active: *

Why you'd be good for the role: *

Why should we hire you: *

Past experience: *

Past Work: *

How long have you been coding Minecraft plugins:

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): *

Skype Username:

Plugin Manager Application:
Click to reveal
Name: *

In-game Username: *

Age: *

How long have you been playing Minecraft: *

Tell us about yourself: *

How many hours a week can you be active: *

Why you'd be good for the role: *

Why should we hire you: *

Past experience : *

What do you think the role of a plugin manager is: *

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): *

Skype Username:

Division Supervisor Application:
Click to reveal
Name: *

In-game Username: *

Age: *

How long have you been playing Minecraft: *

Tell us about yourself: *

How many hours a week can you be active: *

Why you'd be good for the role: *

Why should we hire you: *

Past experience : *

What do you think the role of a division supervisor is: *

Scenario - "A staff member bans a user for excessive swearing and hacking, the user appeals on the website and says he was not hacking and the staff member was being abusive towards him. What is the first thing you would do?"

A) Contact senior management member and request to see chat log prior the incident

B) Ignore the ban appeal, the staff member knows what he is doing and the player was hacking

C) Unban the user and fire the staff member being abusive to the player and apologize

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): *

Skype Username:

Posted by KendogDevelops's Avatar
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer

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11/17/2015 6:56 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
m4ychris's Avatar
Name: Chris

In-game Username: M4YChris

Age: 20

How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since it came out

Tell us about yourself: Well I am 20 and I am a Game Programmer/Designer/Simulator in Training. Currently waiting for a new semester to start Computer Science in January and hope to make my own game soon. I've been into computer gaming for a very long time ever since my dad bought me my first computer. My first ever game on the PC was a game called SoldierFront back in 2006 Beta days then as I grew with my PC came Minecraft in 2009 Alpha stage. I just had a love for games and everyone I knew knows that too fact me going to school for Game Programming.

How many hours a week can you be active: A week Depends I have a lot of time on my hands so you will see me on at least 6+ Hours a day so I guess you can say 35+ Hours a week which all depends might be more seeing as I have all this free time.

Why you'd be good for the role: Well first off I have made my own minecraft server a couple of times and they failed due to LACK of STAFF, which was completely fine because it gave me knowledge in who to hire and how to oversee staff activities. Second I have worked on a lot of servers and been staff on many. Recent server was called Exode and as you can see here http://exode.eternalgames.net/about.php I use to be GM, but sadly server has shut down but their other games are still running and I am still kinda active on site. I have extensive knowledge on many plugins and can give in site on some that might benefit the server. I have Extensive Management skills from Using excel to make schedules for staffing and time management and more.

Why should we hire you: I am an all around Flexible kinda guy. I get work done when needed, interact with members can be fun at times and know when to get serious about stuff. I have critical thinking skills and quick problem solving skills. And to get down to it I am very Honest when it comes to it. I let people know what or how it is and they have to take criticism how ti was given but I do not bash anyone and give respect where it is due.

Past experience : Made Server's in the past. One was DKCraft and worked on more. as previously stated was a GM on a recent server called Exode which went down a few weeks ago http://exode.eternalgames.net/about.php and have worked on other servers with people.

What do you think the role of a division supervisor is: Well usually people don't call it Division Supervisor but more of Staff Manager I believe but in my knowledge it is to oversee all staff members and make sure they are doing their jobs accordingly and responsibly. It is to make sure no staff member takes advantage of what was given to them in anyway. You will have to make certain decisions when the owners are either away or leave you in-charge and you might have to make the decisions swiftly. Usually not for the soft minded that can't make hard decisions when he time comes.

Scenario - "A staff member bans a user for excessive swearing and hacking, the user appeals on the website and says he was not hacking and the staff member was being abusive towards him. What is the first thing you would do?"

A) Contact senior management member and request to see chat log prior the incident.
But to add on in this case I would be a Senior Management Member being that I would have authority to look up this info myself. So being said that I would look up the chat logs and determine if staff abuse was in play here. If not much was said in staff chat I would go to the players logs and see his Item rates depending on what he is acquiring, and if it seems he is getting to much of a certain item that is unique like Diamonds then we can come to a conclusion he is X-Raying which is classified as hacking and stick with the staffs decision for the Ban to stick.

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): Skype

Skype Username: M4YChris

PS: I can take Administrator as well, but prefer Staff Manager.
11/17/2015 3:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lordsparklz's Avatar
Sorry guys for the late notice. We will be reviewing applications in the next few days. As some of you may not know I am currently the staff manager for the server and have total authority to schedule an interview time for you. However, kendog has the final say on every application submitted. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you wish to apply please do so

11/04/2015 10:55 pm
Level 1 : New Network
iDanielle's Avatar
My name is Danielle. However, some people call me Dani. Whichever is the most convenient for you.

In-game Username
My Minecraft username is iDanielle95

I am currently 14.

How long have you been playing Minecraft?
I have been playing Minecraft for over two years now. I first made an account in May of 2013.

Tell us about yourself
As stated above, I've been playing Minecraft for over 2 years. I used to play a popular server called Desteria. I was a very popular and well known player on there. I was one of the hundreds of people that applied for staff. Although I never received the rank, I guess you could say I had it mentally. I did the same things staff did except I didn't have a tag, which didn't really bother me. Currently, in my free time I write fanfictions about random things that interest me and post them on Wattpad. No, nothing kinky. They are mostly things involving Youtubers, movies, books, etc. I am still currently in schooling (Middle school) and I don't think I plan on leaving anytime soon. I am in advanced English and Math classes. (Not so much Science/Social Studies ) I plan on going to a college, not sure which one however.

How many hours a week can you be active?

I can be active from somewhere between 35-84 hours a week. It all depends on my plans for that day. 35 hours is the minimum.

Why would you be good for the role?
Well, as I stated above, I am extremely active. I love to communicate with everyone in the community. I am a people person. I love to hang out on forums and in game and talk to others about simple topics such as their day. I have played hundreds of prison servers before so I know everything there is to know about ranking, warps, pricing, etc. My general goal is to help out others, make sure everything is running smoothly (No spammers, advertisers, etc.) and overall, to make sure everyone is having a fun time.

Method of communication (Skype/etc...)
I have a Skype, a Teamspeak, an email, and tons of other methods of communication.

Skype Username
If you would like my Skype username, feel free to message me. I just do not feel comfortable posting my Skype username here. Apologizes for the inconvenience.

This application is for the Helper rank, however you may feel free to place me wherever you like. I am a community person, so anywhere that allows me to communicate with other players is perfectly fine with me.

Thank you for taking the time to read thing. I understand my age may be bit of a downside. It happens and I understand. There's always... next year?
11/04/2015 3:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
FlipstaPlays's Avatar
Name: *


In-game Username: *


Age: *


How long have you been playing Minecraft: *

For just over 3 years.

Tell us about yourself: *

I love to meet and greet new people and I try to add humour into other peoples lives while also being firm with rules.

How many hours a week can you be active: *

Well, on average, 6 days a week for 2 hour each so 12 hours a week and sometimes way more!

Why you'd be good for the role: *

As I said before I love to meet and greet but I am firm with rules. People can have a joke with me, as I looove jokes and I can relate to many people! If you decline this, I will be perfectly fine with that, just as long as I tried!

Why should we hire you: *

As explained above! I can make jokes but rules are applicable!

Past experience :

I have been operators on many servers and I am good at building, world edit and working out/learning/teaching new things!

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): *

Skype and Email

Skype Username:


Good luck with chosing! No matter what ily!
11/04/2015 12:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
xJavinPvP's Avatar
Name: *Javin

In-game Username: *xJavinPvP

Age: *

How long have you been playing Minecraft: *Since the start of 2013,Which has almost been 3 years

Tell us about yourself: *I am a very helpful person,I like to interact with people in the chat,Make more friends and help the community.

How many hours a week can you be active: * Around 30-40?

Why you'd be good for the role: *I will help you with anything you note;- If entirely possible. I know some plugins I could suggest, whether fun or serious. I really like helping people, I see helpless people on other server all the time and most of the time, all I can say is, "wait until so and so get on" and people don't usually have the energy to wait for you guys. I just want the new players (and also some experienced players) to enjoy an easy and relaxing environment whether they're playing the factions, prison, or anything they want to enjoy. I can really help some people on the server and help them experience that environment. I believe it would be fun, as well as take some time off of just all Prison. Prison can sometimes get boring in terms of just getting bored of all the mining. Being staff, I can take time off of that and just chat with some players and enjoy the social aspect on the server as well as helping players online.

Why should we hire you: * As I said above,I can entitle quite a number of hours to the server and help out in the community.I am also very serious when it comes to real matters like people making ddos threats to PrisonRealm and so...I can also tell most types of hacks be it fly,killaura,forcefield or some other...

Past experience :My past experience as a staff member first started around 2013. I joined a very small server, which was typically only played by the staff team and one or two normal players. I had grown to liking the small server, and since the staff also seemed to like me, I had applied one day. I'd gotten the rank of moderator on the server, eventually switching back and forth through promotions within a span of months. Sadly, after the server had gone through its 5th major refreshment, (New world, new name, etc.) it had shut down with a small community of players.I have also been staff on many servers.One of the other servers that left me with a most memoriable experience was CNGServers.I had a really great time playing in there.The Owner and others treating me well,That was the best place.Another was Monster Craft , Sadly due to fundamental issues,It had to shut down.Leaving all of the staff sad.

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): *Skype

Skype Username:
11/03/2015 8:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
NinjaSwerve245's Avatar
Name: Louis

In-game Username: NinjaSwerve245

Age: 16

How long have you been playing Minecraft: 6 years almost

Tell us about yourself: I am kind, and like to be helpful in any way

How many hours a week can you be active: 84

Why you'd be good for the role: I dont abuse power, i dont talk down on people, i help out alot

Why should we hire you: Because ill get the job done. Ill do whatever needs to be done and i will obey all rules.

Past experience : Ive been admin 4 times all on different servers i am currently a helper on a server now

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): Skype
Skype Username: Ninja Swerve
11/03/2015 5:32 pm
Level 1 : New Network
iDanielle's Avatar
Just wondering if there's an age limit before I apply. The server seems amazing and it seems like you have everything planned out, but yeah. I'd love to be apart of it as long as you don't have an age requirement.
11/03/2015 8:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
NotchYoAccount's Avatar
As far as I know there is no age requirement for staff.
11/02/2015 9:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Perky46's Avatar
Name: Libby

In-game Username: Perky46

Age: 12, although I am quite mature and responsible for my age.

How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since it was first sold (4 years)

Tell us about yourself: I am a funny, confident young girl always devoted to helping people with a smile. I enjoy coding and gaming , especially Minecraft.

How many hours a week can you be active: I can be active roughly 2 hours on weekdays after 4;15pm and 10-12 hours on weekends.

Why you'd be good for the role: I am kind and caring, and love looking after people. I enjoy making Minecraft servers fun and enjoyable for everyone. I am available for many hours a week and am always there when someone needs me.

Why should we hire you: I think you should hire me because I am available many hours a week and am kind and caring. I do as I am told and never go against the wish of any staff members. I think I would be a great addition to your team as I love helping out and can carry my own weight and others if they need help. I am extremely responsible and follow all the rules.I am loyal and once I have made a commitment I will never break it.

Past experience : I don't have a lot of previous experience however I do own a realm and have been co-owner of a friends server. However I have read up what it takes to be a moderator and believe I go up and beyond those standards.

Method of communication: I am only available on Skype but am willing to get team speak too.

Skype Username: aperky3

I do hope you consider my application even though I am rather young. Thank you for reading my application. Thank you for your time.
11/02/2015 4:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lordsparklz's Avatar
Bumping thread.
11/03/2015 4:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
NotchYoAccount's Avatar
That awkward moment when you have 0 affiliation with the server and you are going around accepting and denying apps.
11/01/2015 2:33 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
darween's Avatar
This is my application. I didn't %100 follow your format but I made sure to answer all of the questions.
What are you applying for? Admin or Staff Manager.
(Or if you think my application is horrible then I will accept any rank you see fit for me)

name: Darien

age: 14

ign: AppleGlacier

How long have I been playing Minecraft?: two years.

What is your email? darien.plant@gmail.com

Skype username? darien.schroeder (Picture of a MC character)

Roughly how many hours can you dedicate? I can dedicate 2-3 hours on weekdays every day and 4-5 hours every day on weekends/

Why I would be good for this role: I believe your server has potential and I want to help out your server to the best of my abilities. I also know teamwork is important and I believe that this is a very important part in a servers staff. Which is why I want to become Admin so I can help people work together and keep the server together. I have seen many times servers failing because of the staff not working together and I don't want this to happen to this server. I also know hot to edit plugins, make groups, add perms, ban, kick, banip, mute. Although the only thing I don't know how to do yet is make plugins but I can do pretty much anything else. If staff where fighting I would ask what the problem is and why. If I can't work it out then I would notify you. If a staff and player were fighting or the staff was abusing the player then I would come in ask for each side of the fight then if the staff was abusing I would let you know what has happened or if the player was I would give him a warning and let him know if he did it again he would either get muted or banned or tempbanned for a certain amount of time. If I find that staff are always fighting i will contact you and explain the situation and what is happening. If anyone is hacking I will ban them. If anyone is constantly cussing I will give them a warning and if they still do I will mute them. I also have seen by even just how much time you have spent writing the description that you put a lot of time and effort even into the little things and I want to be on a team that can work together and that we can put effort into the small things. Also I help out people coming onto the server as much as I can without giving them items more like teaching them the mechanics of the server. I love helping people out and getting them on the server and also I take suggestions from people as well and if the suggestion is big I'll let you know and let you decide whether or not we will do it.

Why you should hire me: I am a friendly person who likes to get to know the people playing on the server and forming a community with them. Although I will never give them items I will help them to the best of my ability by answering questions and concerns they have. Also I will help try to solve arguements/disagreements between people if I see people are fighting.

Have you had any ban on another server before if so, please tell us about it? No

Do you have previous experience being an admin, if so, where? Yes, I have been on my friends server. I have also been on many other servers which have failed because either the owner didn't know how to run a server or the staff would fight and the owner wouldn't do anything and I would try but without the owners help I couldn't do it and they crashed. Although over my time of be a staff member I have learned some valuables things about servers a bit by a bit and I have now taken that lesson with me.

Tell us about yourself and anything else? I know how to edit plugins, add groups, change perms, ban, banip, tempban, kick, or mute. I also really believe in teamwork and I try to get people to work together to the best of my ability. I am learning to do graphics designs, animations and coding. I am friendly most of the time but I get serious when I need to like when someone is fighting.

Thank you for your time and considering my application.
11/01/2015 2:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Lordsparklz's Avatar
Great application! You have been accepted as a possible Admin. Please contact PrisonRealm via skype so we can schedule an interview for you.

Kind regards
11/01/2015 2:42 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
darween's Avatar
Hey I sent a request on skype no one has gotten back to me.
11/01/2015 2:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Lordsparklz's Avatar
Kendog is currently extremely busy with developing the server. He will get back to you asap.
11/01/2015 2:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Terroza's Avatar
Name: *

In-game Username: *

Age: *

How long have you been playing Minecraft: 6 Years

Tell us about yourself: Hello. my name is Arnoud, currently 16 Years old and my In Game name is: Terroza, I enjoy playing games in my free time and I am looking to do something I have never done before to gain some experience. I have a limited amount of spare time because of school. In my sparetime I either play games or soccer.

How many hours a week can you be active: Monday: 2-3 Thuesday: 2-3 Wednessday: 2-3 Thursday: 2-3 Friday: 5-6 Saturday: 8-12 Sunday: 5-6

Why you'd be good for the role: I am a really helpfull person if I may say so myself and I am decent with some kind of commands in general I do not have a lot of experience but I can also be a ''Helper'' and maybe go from there.
I always act in a way that the person that did something wrong understands what she / he has done wrong unless it is something really bad that can not be tolerated in any way.

Why should we hire you: Kind / Helpfull person in general a decent understanding of the game. Even tho I maybe feel like someone is a really nice person or is a friend of mine I will not let that influence my final desicions so I think I can say that I am a person that acts on what she or he has done and not on who he or she is.

Past experience : Absolutly none, you have to get started somewhere right and I am a quick learner, I also think that I will be able to pick up the role that has been given to me really quick (Mod/Helper Preferred)

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): * Skype or TS3

Extra: Even tho I am only 16 Years old I do think that I am quite mature compared to other kids of my age. I am singing up for the role because this time I want to do something different than just playing on the server, I really want to do something for the community of the server itself. I also have quite some building skills so if you are maybe looking for a builder aswell I could also fill that role.

Cons about me: My English is far from perfect but I think that in general people are able to understand what I am saying and if not I will try to explain what I am trying to say. ( This sentence is probally full of grammar and spelling mistakes aswell, I am really sorry, I hope this will not influence your final decision)

Skype Username: CetirACR
11/01/2015 2:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Terroza's Avatar
IGN: Terroza
Name: Arnoud
Age: 16
( My bad)
11/01/2015 2:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Lordsparklz's Avatar
Thank you for adressing this issue. Your application has been accepted for an interview. Please contact PrionRealm via skype so we can schedule an appropriate time for you.
11/01/2015 2:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Lordsparklz's Avatar
Application denied. You have not stated your age, name and ingame name.
11/01/2015 5:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lordsparklz's Avatar
When applying for PrisonRealm please state what you are applying for so we are eligible of reviewing your application without any problems. Kendog and I will review more applications tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.
11/01/2015 3:25 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
LilyXD_'s Avatar
Name: * Adam Warfum

In-game Username: * Spikey_Sin

Age: *14, but i hope my application proves i'm mature and literate for my age

How long have you been playing Minecraft: * 2 years

Tell us about yourself: * I'm a energetic male, I enjoy playing minecraft, i love to have a laugh, but i know when to be mature, i'm a understanding individual.

How many hours a week can you be active: * it would vary from day to day and week to week, but id estimate around about 6-8 hours per DAY

Why you'd be good for the role: * I think I could benefit the server because I am an empathetic and understanding person, who knows how to be firm. I believe in fairness. I think all these qualities would be a great asset to any server. I'm good with people, and I have don't let my feelings cloud my judgement. (Sorry for using such a cliche phrase, but I couldn't think of a better way to say it.) I work well in a team, and I'm hard-working, and competitively determined to always do my best.
to make your server a great place to be in. Minecraft is something I really enjoy, and I love the feeling you get when you know you're making a difference to a community. Your server sounds interesting, and the position that requires filling sounds just right for me. I'm not going to lie, I know my application isn't perfect. But then, at least I haven't lied to make things sound better. I still believe I can make a positive contribution to a safe atmosphere on your server.

Why should we hire you: * Look above and bellow, and that will explain.

Past experience : About 9-12 months ago I held multiple similar positions to this on many servers. I also was a co-owner for a small server that never really took off, but there my main job was to hire and check everyone in the team was working to their full potential. However all these servers primarily became inactive or closed down, so I decided to take a break and return after exams. In summary, I have plenty of experience in roles from Helper to Co-Owner.

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): * Skype:

Skype Username: Acetempers
11/01/2015 2:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Lordsparklz's Avatar
Accepted! Please comtact PrisonRealm via skype for your trial.
11/01/2015 3:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lordsparklz's Avatar
[The_One]_ProximityName: *
James Fordyce
In-game Username: *
Age: *
How long have you been playing Minecraft: *
since beta
Tell us about yourself: *
I'm a mature admin/helper/moderator on many servers including terraria and minecraft
How many hours a week can you be active: *
depends on school, but weekends guarantees 5hours so generally 12 hours a week
Why you'd be good for the role: *
i don't take nonsense, and i also can take both sides of the story.
Method of communication (Skype/etc...): *
Steam. my name is Proximity!.
Skype Username: no skype

10/31/2015 8:15 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Vampire7420's Avatar
ign * Vampire7420

Age * 10

playing minecraft * 2 years

about myself * i play minecraft and watch youtube alot

11/01/2015 12:01 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lordsparklz's Avatar
Denied. Please follow the correct format and explicity state reasons as to why you would be suitable as a staff candidate.
10/31/2015 7:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
YummyMochie's Avatar
Name: Andrei

In-game Username: * YummyMochie

Age: * 15

How long have you been playing Minecraft: * 2-3 Years

Tell us about yourself: Hello all! I'm YummyMochie. but you can just call me Yummy. I live in Ontario, Canada, and I am in Grade 10 (or in my sophomore year, if that's what you call it). Some of my favourite subjects in school include French, English and science. I really want to live in Montreal for a while when I graduate post-secondary school, so I intend on taking French all throughout high school. In the future, I'm thinking of either a career in English, probably something like an editor or a publisher, or sports medicine; something like a physiotherapist. In my Grade 9 year, I was on the honour roll for both semesters, and I'm hoping to achieve the same this year. I'm not involved in any clubs in school, per se, but I am actively involved in school sports. I don't play a sport in the fall season, so I can have some time to get myself organised for the start of the school year. Winter season is my absolute favourite, because it means I get to play hockey with my school friends. In the winter season, I play for the varsity boys hockey team. For school hockey I play forward; left wing to be specific. During the summer season, I play for the varsity boys soccer team, and I play goalie for that team. Last year, I was nominated for the Rookie of the Year award for both teams for our school's athletic banquet. I won the Rookie of the Year for hockey, but not for soccer. Outside of school, I play rep hockey in the winter and house league soccer in the summer. I just recently made the Midget BB team for my hockey organisation, which is the second tier team. Hockey has been a part of my life since I was about 7 years old, and I want it to stay with me until the day I die. It's taught me a lot about myself, and every year it's different, yet familiar. There's something about slapshotting a puck that really relieves stress., and something about smushing somes into the boards that just takes the anger right out of ya. Soccer in the summer is just something I do to keep active. As well, I run occasionally with my mom.

Apart from school and sports, some of my hobbies include reading, writing, listening to music, watching Netflix or YouTube, hanging out and talking with my friends and gaming. I want to talk about writing, because it is something that I really enjoy and want to pursue in the future. Before I started writing, my mind was always filled with ideas of dystopian worlds, and I found myself daydreaming a lot. Once I started to put my ideas to paper, I've been more focused, and my head isn't crammed full with writing ideas. Onto gaming, some of my favourite games are Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, Mortal Kombat, the Sims and Minecraft. One of my all-time favourite games is Minecraft. I discovered the PE version first and I fell in love right from the start. You can literally do anything in this game. It's a little mind blowing. And it keeps getting better with every update (well maybe not 1.9, but that's a whole different topic). Minecraft has just been a great creative output for me, and I am so glad to have discovered it.

How many hours a week can you be active: 10-20 hours

Why you'd be good for the role: * After months of pondering, I've picked some traits about myself that I believe make me a good candidate for being a Admin. My leadership skills, my organisation skills and my maturity.
I've had lots of experience with being in a position of leadership. I would say that I am a natural born leader, and I love to be in charge. I babysit for friends and family whenever needed, and was a kindergarten helper back in elementary school. As well, starting mid-October I will be volunteering for a fundamental hockey organisation that teaches little girls the basics about hockey. Also, I refereed U9/10 and U12 houseleague soccer this past summer. The U12's had attitude sometimes, which caused a bit of a difficulty at the beginning, but as I progressed I was able to prove my point that I am the referee, and what I say goes. Not only did the players have attitude, but the coaches. Coahes would try and argue calls, but I was able to show them that I made the right call. This means I can be firm and strict, but friendly and accommodating when it's needed. I have a lot of patience when it comes to helping kids, as well as older players. I have been to leadership camps and classes where I've literally been taught what a good leader is. As well, A few years ago I was granted the title of one of three Assistant Captains of my hockey team. From that experience, I learned what it was like to be in charge of a decent amount of people. Not to mention that they were rowdy hockey girls. As well, I learned how to take charge in situations with little to no organisation. I also figured out how to properly deal with people who broke rules. Lots of the time it was inter-team drama. An example of my leadership on Minecraft, is that I am the mayor of a town that I started back in February. The number of residents wavers between 15 and 30 people. I've just recently had to deal with a case of theft in my town, and I was able to settle the problem. As well, in the past I've had many town rule violations, and I was able to deal with them in the proper and professional way, according to the town rules I have set in place. I take being a mayor seriously, because being in charge of a town is something that I can learn a lot from, and those lessons can be transferred into real-life situations.

Moving on, I am a very organised person. I am always one to hand in assignments and papers for the due date. I am also able to manage my time very well, to plan my night. For example, let's say I have hockey at 8:00. I'll do some of my homework at lunch, as well as work on it in class. If there is anything left, I do it immediately when I get home, and still have time for an hour or so of Minecraft. Last year, I was able to play on two competitive hockey teams, keep up with school work and still score all above 80's on all of my classes. During all of that, I was still able to have time each night to go on my computer. There isn't really any other way to elaborate on this, so I'll leave it there.

Lastly, my maturity. I consider myself mature for my age, and I've been in quite a few situations what require lots of maturity. I won't get into the depressing details, but I will tell you guys that I've dealt with some pretty sad times and still am able to maintain a smile on my face when I wake up in the morning. I've had people come and go. Over time, I've lost good friends, dealt with probably too much ridiculous girl drama that has escalated way too far, I've lost loved ones, and it's molded me into the person I am today. Tough experiences were used as lessons. I learned how to be mature before I even knew what maturity was. I still have fun whenever I get the chance, because I more or less missed out on quite a bit in times of trouble. I'll stop with all the mushy gushy sad stuff now. Again, I'll mention the point that I have a town of my own that I run mostly on my own, and I am able to keep it in order. I am very proud of my town, and hope one day to see it grow into a big city (my gosh do I sound like a mom). I also want to mention my mind-over-matter mindset. Another way you could say this is that I am a determined person, and when I put my mind to something, I will put my best interest into it. Overall I feel like I am a responsible person, and I feel like the next step in my career is to be a staff member. I believe it will be an awesome learning experience for me. [Applying for Admin]

Why should we hire you: * ^

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): * Skype

Skype Username: Andrei.Orgas2
11/01/2015 12:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lordsparklz's Avatar
Great application! You have described a large portion about yourself and you definitely have a clear understanding of what the expectations are as a server adminstrator. Please contact prisonrealm regarding your application via skype so we can schedule an interview for you !

10/31/2015 6:48 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
Marthellio's Avatar
[The_One]_ProximityName: *
James Fordyce
In-game Username: *
Age: *
How long have you been playing Minecraft: *
since beta
Tell us about yourself: *
I'm a mature admin/helper/moderator on many servers including terraria and minecraft
How many hours a week can you be active: *
depends on school, but weekends guarantees 5hours so generally 12 hours a week
Why you'd be good for the role: *
i don't take nonsense, and i also can take both sides of the story.
Method of communication (Skype/etc...): *
Steam. my name is Proximity!.
Skype Username: no skype

This is a classic
10/31/2015 5:56 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
[The_One]_Proximity's Avatar
Name: *
James Fordyce
In-game Username: *
Age: *
How long have you been playing Minecraft: *
since beta
Tell us about yourself: *
I'm a mature admin/helper/moderator on many servers including terraria and minecraft
How many hours a week can you be active: *
depends on school, but weekends guarantees 5hours so generally 12 hours a week
Why you'd be good for the role: *
i don't take nonsense, and i also can take both sides of the story.
Method of communication (Skype/etc...): *
Steam. my name is Proximity!.
Skype Username: no skype
10/31/2015 5:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Lordsparklz's Avatar
10/30/2015 7:19 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
DeJay's Avatar
Application sent via Skype. Probably should have mentioned this a while back.
10/30/2015 1:48 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
pigs_tatse_good's Avatar
Name: Michael

In-game Username: pigstastegood

Age: 14

How long have you been playing Minecraft: Over 5 years

Tell us about yourself: I am a kind and caring person who has had tons of experience as a staff member on Minecraft. I play Minecraft and CSGO and I love to browse the interne,t

How many hours a week can you be active: I can play about like 40 hours a week at the most, depends how much time I am available.

Why you'd be good for the role: I would be good for the role because I have had tons of experience as a staff member before such as Co Owner on Build Craft and Manager on Terrestrial Realms. Also, I have owned my own server before, so I know how to deal with people etc.

Why should we hire you: You should hire me for many reasons. First, I know many commands so I will not be clueless on the server. Second, I have a ton of experience. I have played prison servers tons of times so I know how they work. I am also a great builder and I'm pretty good at advertising.

Past experience : Owner on Swinub Realms, Co Owner on Build Craft, Manager on Terrestrial realms, Moderator on Retronix Network, Head Admin on Craft them all, etc.

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): Skype and steam

Skype Username: pigstastegood
11/01/2015 3:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lordsparklz's Avatar
Accepted ! Please contact prisonrealm via skype so we can schedule an interview time for you.
10/30/2015 1:32 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Modder
Terzain's Avatar
Name: * Stephen

In-game Username: * Stephen16

Age: * 16

How long have you been playing Minecraft: * Around 3 - 4 years.

Tell us about yourself: * At the moment i am doing a course at my local college, i enjoy helping out making a server better by being able to make plugins let alone be able to configure plugins to your needs.

How many hours a week can you be active: * Depends on when i have college. So around 6 hours - 12 hours.

Why you'd be good for the role: * I have had much experience in what i am applying for i have made plugins before, and i have coded a Android Application for a school project which could be shown to you.

Why should we hire you: * I would be able to do what is needed to be done. Plugins would be configured to perfection and then later be discus what changes have been made. Also plugins would be also made to the requested specification.

Past experience: * I used to have my own server and have made many others with different types of people.

Past Work: * Example: https://github.com/xAstraah/SchoolFixtures

How long have you been coding Minecraft plugins: Around 2 years.

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): * Skype: s.ropke

Skype Username: s.ropke
10/30/2015 12:55 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Craftedmaster12's Avatar
Name: *Just call me Crafted

In-game Username: *Craftedmaster12

Age: *13

How long have you been playing Minecraft: *9 Months

Tell us about yourself: *I love to work and help out, that is what I mainly like to do in minecraft. Work for servers and help. So if I get accepted you won't regret accepting me I have a lot of experience.

How many hours a week can you be active: *About 20-30 hours a week

Why you'd be good for the role: *Well Staff supervisor is a good rank for me because I have a lot of experience managing staff and being staff. So I know how it goes. I am known to be a great advertiser so you can rely on me for that also. I have had over all about 6 jobs but all of the servers are gone now.

Why should we hire you: *Because I am a trustworthy, working, and helpful man. I work and help till it is time to go to bed. I love to help and work and that is why I would like to take this role.

Past experience : *I am a retired Mod on 2 servers, a retired prob.mod, a retired staff supervisor, and a retired level 2 helper.

What do you think the role of a division supervisor is: * I think it is to manage and guide lower staff members the right way also I would accept and reject staff applications. My main job would be managing all of the staff basically.

Scenario - "A staff member bans a user for excessive swearing and hacking, the user appeals on the website and says he was not hacking and the staff member was being abusive towards him. What is the first thing you would do?" I CHOOSE A

A) Contact senior management member and request to see chat log prior the incident

B) Ignore the ban appeal, the staff member knows what he is doing and the player was hacking

C) Unban the user and fire the staff member being abusive to the player and apologize

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): *I prefer skype or enjin (enjin only if your website uses enjin)

Skype Username:Craftedmaster12
10/30/2015 12:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Skyhighjinks's Avatar
Name: *
Alex Rogers

In-game Username: *

Age: *

How long have you been playing Minecraft: *
For around 3 years

Tell us about yourself: *

How many hours a week can you be active: *
A week, around 15 hours minimum

Why you'd be good for the role: *
Since I am free, and that I will do the work which is needed

Why should we hire you: *

Past experience: *
Not a lot, but I am able to get lots of info to help for fill my role on the server

Past Work: *

How long have you been coding Minecraft plugins:
2 Months?

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): *
Skype - Skyhighjinks.12345
I also have Teamspeak
10/30/2015 10:23 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer
KendogDevelops's Avatar
Bumping Thread
10/30/2015 4:59 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Dragon
SpiderBlowsUp's Avatar
Name: SpiderBlosUp
Name: Jack
Age: 13
Since 1.3
I can be really funny and i'm good with helping people and solving problems
10-12 hours a week
I'm good you can say something else maybe but i am
I have experience with mod and admin but prefer to be mod
Skype: nope E-mail: theexplodingspider@gmail.com
10/30/2015 3:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lordsparklz's Avatar
10/30/2015 3:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lordsparklz's Avatar
Some of the applications have been used as previous applications... please try to keep it original
10/30/2015 4:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
NotchYoAccount's Avatar
Things like a person's personality and experience can be copy and pasted. Seeing things like that never really change unless you add more the the past experience section.
10/30/2015 2:36 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
TheCreeperJS100's Avatar
Name: *Jude

In-game Username: *TheCreeperJS

Age: * 11

How long have you been playing Minecraft: * 4 years

Tell us about yourself: *I have played minecraft for 4 years and every single server has trusted me as a play eventually I was promoted to head helper because of that

How many hours a week can you be active: *800:900 weekday mornings 4:15 and up afternoon week days unlimited time weekends

Why you'd be good for the role: *I'm trusted in many servers as a helper

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): *idk

Skype Username:None
10/30/2015 1:22 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
alshamsiuae's Avatar
Name: *Ahmed

In-game Username: *alshamsiuae

Age: *14

How long have you been playing Minecraft: *since 2009 aka "Cave Game"

Tell us about yourself: *I'am Funny,Silly and knowledgeable

How many hours a week can you be active: *(Estimated) each day 3~5 Hours

Why you'd be good for the role: *Because I was dreaming that how would an school staff would be like but i'am to young for it so i disscus with my class mate he told me that " at minecraft servers you can be a staff i was Blowed with this so i decided to play it and i think it will talk allot of responsiblity and respect for the staff team

Why should we hire you: *You should choose me because, I am well aware of the responsibilities the rank Division Supervisor holds. Like I said, I understand that being Division Supervisor is a role that should not be taken lightly. I want to bring the best I can to the server, making everyone's experience there a great one. I know it's not something to fool around with, and abuse just for the fun of it. It's a role that takes effort and dedication to the server.

Another reason why you should choose me because, I am a kind, respectful, silly, and friendly person, but at the same time, I can be serious about my job. I am usually not a lazy person, but I strive myself to do the best I can, while solving any arguments whether in-game chat, forums, etc. I also get along with other people fairly well. With friends and people that I don't know. Also, I’m able to remain calm and patient when dealing with anyone with problems or anything they need help with.

Past experience : *[color=#FFFF00]I've been once an co- owner but i;am not the Plugin nerd i just mange ranks and keep an eye out for the [color=#FF0000][b]Spammers,hackers,Rule breakers[/b][/color]..

What do you think the role of a division supervisor is: *

Scenario - "A staff member bans a user for excessive swearing and hacking, the user appeals on the website and says he was not hacking and the staff member was being abusive towards him. What is the first thing you would do?"

[color=#00FF00]A) Contact senior management member and request to see chat log prior the incident[/color]

B) Ignore the ban appeal, the staff member knows what he is doing and the player was hacking

C) Unban the user and fire the staff member being abusive to the player and apologize

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): *

Skype Username:[i][b][color=#4080FF]Alshamsi_nba[/color][/b][/i]
10/29/2015 10:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
NotchYoAccount's Avatar
Name: My name is Tyler.

In-game Username: My ign is NotchYoAccount

Age: I am 19 years of age.

How long have you been playing Minecraft: I have been playing minecraft since May 2012.

Tell us about yourself: I am a very fun person to be around. I like to be a chill person. When the mood in a skype call seems to start being dull, I will make a few jokes just to bring up morale in the calls. But I also know when I need to be serious. I am a very mature person also. I am also a very dedicated person. When I start something I like to stick with it until I am finished. I am a very friendly person and can always see the good in everyone. I am very hardworking and will always strive to be the best that I can be. I am also very helpful and like to help out anywhere I can. Anywhere from setting up plugins to just moderating chat. I will always be there to help out.

How many hours a week can you be active: I can be active around 70 hours a week if not more.

Why you'd be good for the role: I have the passion and drive to make a server succeed. I like to start this with a staff team that is setup for success, whether I am in the staff team or if I am helping to lead the staff team. With a well trained staff team you can do nearly anything. When the staff members love the people that are leading them then it shows in their work ethic on the server. Next I like to get the community. When you have a great community then you can go anywhere. The better the community, the bigger it will get. I also have a vast knowledge in minecraft plugins. I also have a lot of experience in being a staff member on minecraft servers and helping to run them.

Why should we hire you: I have 3 years experience of being staff on minecraft servers. I have done everything from being a Helper to being a Owner of a server. I have spent countless hours doing plugin configs and have created a server completely by myself in about a week before. I am very experienced when it comes to server and staff management and know how to keep everyone on the same track to make a server succeed. I can help out with anything that you could possibly need me to do, other then building ( seeing i am not the best builder out there).

Past experience : Well I went from Mod to OP Admin on a server called Gizmo Prison. They are now called Gizmo Servers. I was with them for a little over a year. I helped them with a little bit of backend server stuff (plugins mostly). Which is where i learned how to do configs and how to setup servers. After I left that server, I went and helped a few friends setup their own servers for a few months. After that I took about a 6 month break from minecraft because I lost interest in playing the game. When I came back I decided I wanted to work for some bigger networks. So that is what I did. I worked on a Skyblock server of a decently big minecraft server (250+ players daily) for like 4 months. After that I decided I wanted to try helping a server from scratch. I got on board with a server that was in planning and was Coordinator ( pretty much we planned all the events and server gamemodes) for a server before I got promoted to Staff Manager. They never launched due to lack of funds unfortunately. Since then I have just been enjoying my time playing servers untill I stumbled on this server that I am enjoying alot.

What do you think the role of a division supervisor is: I believe that the role of a Division Supervisor is to make sure that the staff are all doing their job. My job would be to make sure that all the staff are properly trained to do their job. I am to be held responsible if a staff member is not doing their job, whether it be incorrectly or not doing it at all.

Scenario - "A staff member bans a user for excessive swearing and hacking, the user appeals on the website and says he was not hacking and the staff member was being abusive towards him. What is the first thing you would do?"

A) Contact senior management member and request to see chat log prior the incident

I want to give a statement about my answer here. In all honesty I would take a different approach here. First off I would ask the staff member in question whether he had proof of the player hacking. Seeing in my eyes you need to have some proof of the player hacking to ban them for that reason. If there was no proof that the player was hacking then I would take that into consideration for appealing the ban. Now for the staff member, I would ask the player how exactly the staff member was being abusive. If it was verbal abuse towards the player then I would ask for them to provide proof or a time where we could get the chat log. If it was them just saying the staff member was abusing by banning them with no proof then I would do some looking into this to make sure that the staff member did their job correctly.

If I personally get this position, I will set up a staff manual. This manual will let all staff know how to handle every situation that could come up. This would make it where there would not be any confusion when it comes to handle situations. And there will be a punishment system for staff that do not follow the staff manual. This has always been successful on servers that I have worked with in the past and I feel like it will work well here also.

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): The 2 best ways to contact me is Kik or Skype. If I am not on my computer then I always have my phone which has Kik on it.

Skype Username: notchyoaccount
10/29/2015 8:58 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
Marthellio's Avatar
Small tip, try not to hire people from PMC, maybe 1-2, but not a whole bunch. As you can see people like being staff. . . . . .
10/29/2015 7:59 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
Ashebee's Avatar
Name: Ashlee Rae Brisbin

In-game Username: JeremiahTV (My brothers acc)

Age: 17

How long have you been playing Minecraft: under a year

Tell us about yourself: I am a college student who want to be apart of a great community. I spend too much time on my computer.

How many hours a week can you be active: 48

Why you'd be good for the role: I spend most of my time on my computer anyway and managing/monitoring the forums is something I really want to do.

Why should we hire you: I have a positive attitude, 6-8 hours a day or more dedicated to the forums and helping members, many ways to get a hold of me.

Past experience: Being honest, I am new to Minecraft and good communities for gaming but I really want to learn and help contribute to a servers forums and chat rooms.

Methods of communication (Skype/etc...): Skype: Ashlee.Brisbin , Twiiter: @AshleeRBee , Enjin wesbite and account: http://ashlee.enjin.com/profile/14870708
10/29/2015 8:26 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer
KendogDevelops's Avatar
Thank you for the application. We will contact you via skype.
10/29/2015 7:58 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Raid-Craft's Avatar
Name: Tyler Murray

In-game Username: TylerMurray13

Age: 18

How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since 1.2.5

Tell us about yourself: Hello, my names Tyler I'm from Ireland. I am very mature but that doesn't stop me having fun if necessary. I love prison servers and have played on many of them. I used to run my own server with Beastnode but sadly had to shut it down. I am very aware of the role of admin. I love a challenge and will never give up until I figure something out. I'm a very hardworking person and I love dedicating my time to servers.

How many hours a week can you be active: Depends, though a pretty good amount as Im on minecraft everyday

Why you'd be good for the role: I would be good for the role because I love helping servers and making new friends. I'm very friendly and will try bring a friendly environment to your server. I know my way around plugins and enjoy configuring things. I am very experienced with being staff and I am very trustworthy. I don't like letting people down so I always try my best.

Why should we hire you: You should hire me because I would try my very best to make your server a better place for staff and other members. I will enforce server rules and give fair punishments to those who feel the need to break the rules. I treat all players equally and fairly. I will make sure the servers players will have fun and will help anyone if asked.

Past experience : I've been staff on many servers throughout my time on minecraft. I used to run my own beastnode server (30-40) people on at a time though shut it down due to financial reasons.

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): Added

Skype Username: Added
10/29/2015 8:25 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer
KendogDevelops's Avatar
Great Application! We will discuss further on skype.
10/29/2015 7:50 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
eadric9's Avatar
Name: * Ryan

In-game Username: * TheBunnyAssassin

Age: * 16

How long have you been playing Minecraft: * around 4-5 years.

Tell us about yourself: * I am 16 (as you can tell), and I live in the US. I love helping out people and have always been a geek with technology. I love programming and creating applications and plugins, I also love minercraft.

How many hours a week can you be active: * It depends on the day. Usually I can go around 3-4 hours when I have school and homework, but usually I can get up to 10 max on days off.

Why you'd be good for the role: * I think I would be good for the role because I can work well with plugins and create them, as well as be kind and gentle with players. I can moderate and develop plugins pretty well.

Why should we hire you: * I think you should hire me because I love creating plugins and helping servers. I can help your server and work with plugins and create them for your server.

Past experience: * I have past experience in working with plugins and create them for years now. I have not looked in depth into plugins such as minigame plugins, but I will resort to working with them if needed.

Past Work: * I don't like sharing past work, as most of it is private to me and my friends. If needed, I can go through a trial and create a plugin for you. If you really want previous work, I have deleted most of mine and only have a couple left which I made a long time ago, which one is a staff listing plugin that is simple and configurable. If you really want, I can go through a trial.

How long have you been coding Minecraft plugins: I have been coding minecraft plugins for about 2 years now.

Method of communication (Skype/etc...): * Skype.

Skype Username: eadric9
Planet Minecraft


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