brqdleyy's Avatar brqdleyy6/15/15 11:36 am
1 emeralds 128 2
6/15/2015 1:34 pm
RealSurvival's Avatar RealSurvival
Hi! I am one of the owners of JuniorOPPrison!

We are currently looking for:

2 Moderators
2 Helpers

Your Application Format:

1. What is your real name?

2. What is your in game name?

3. How old are you?

4. What position are you applying for?

5. Why do you want to be staff?

6. Why should we choose just you over other applications?

7. Current staff experience on other servers? (if any)

8. What can you bring to the server?

9. 854582 - 45687
Posted by brqdleyy's Avatar
Level 25 : Expert uwu

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06/15/2015 1:34 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Cowboy
RealSurvival's Avatar
1. What is your real name? Can tell that if the application is approved

2. What is your in game name? kazahl

3. How old are you? 22

4. What position are you applying for? Moderator

5. Why do you want to be staff? I like helping players and the server. Making the server a place players want to go back to

6. Why should we choose just you over other applications? I got alot of experience and I am mature and take my work seriously

7. Current staff experience on other servers? (if any) I have been staff on some server but mostly had my own servers

8. What can you bring to the server? Alot. My experience and my age, maturity can give alot to the server.

9. 854582 - 45687 Not sure what you mean but 808895 might be the answer
06/15/2015 12:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Paranoid_Phoenix's Avatar
Your Application Format:

1. What is your real name? Niamh (pronounced neve)

2. What is your in game name? Paranoid_Phoenix

3. How old are you? 13 (14 in august)

4. What position are you applying for? moderator

5. Why do you want to be staff? i need experience fore bigger servers. And i wish too make your server big.

6. Why should we choose just you over other applications? Im not a push over i wont let hackers get away with anything, id help you with anything you'd want. I can come on quite alot.

7. Current staff experience on other servers? (if any) I need experience this is why i want to become staff

8. What can you bring to the server? Im a good builder when i set my mind too it. I can help people who need help when your not on. (im not good at the techy stuff though )

9. 854582 - 45687 ????
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