Prison Server: Needs Builders

XenosMC's Avatar XenosMC4/7/14 5:52 pm
1 emeralds 353 8
4/8/2014 11:22 pm
Jetra's Avatar Jetra
Hello, I am XenosMC [CEO of OP Server: Prison of Sorcery] Today, I am looking for a builder, not a regular builder, an amazing builder! A fellow crafter that has Skype, building skills, and a sense of humor! The rewards will be great! You will either get the $500 donator rank! Or the builder rank! (Your choice)! All you have to do is fill in this simple form!




Skills as builder:

Skype (if you have one)!:


Past experience:

Why you want to build:


Cookies or Cream:

-CEO of Prison of Sorcery OP Server.
Posted by XenosMC's Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer

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04/08/2014 11:22 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
Moved to Server Recruitment

04/08/2014 12:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MinePotter67's Avatar
Name: Vladimir

Age: 14

Ign: MinePotter7

Skills as builder: 7-8
Skype (if you have one)!: fasciata77
Maturity: 9

Past experience: Builder on 5+ servers

Why you want to build: Because its GREAT especially redstone

Signature?: None

Cookies or Cream: Errm Cookies But it depends what the cream is!
04/08/2014 12:10 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
Minecraft4Boy's Avatar
Name: [Real Name ] Blake

Age: 17

Ign: spiritualhoops

Skills as builder: Creating Massive Structures With Tons of Detail And Creativity

Skype (if you have one)!: [None As of Yet ]

Maturity: I Am Mature, There Will be No Goofing Around Or Any of That At All.

Past experience: Past Experience With Building Server Spawns And Helping Numerous Servers: factions, towny, prison, ect.

Why you want to build: To Express my Creativity In A Way That Helps Others

Signature?: Blake [Cuz I Have None Atm ]

Cookies or Cream: Cookies ^-^
Not Anymore
04/08/2014 11:35 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Not Anymore's Avatar
04/08/2014 11:29 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
bigpurplebubblezmc's Avatar
Name: I'll PM it to you!

Age: 13

Ign: bigpurplebubblez

Skills as builder: I can create pixel art and players im also good at houses/statues/anything with a referance/random things that make no sense/tedious things that take forever.

Skype (if you have one)!: bigpurplebubblez

Maturity: I think of myself to be quite mature.

Past experience: I have my own server and I build on that I spend spare time on my favorate server building in my plot.

Why you want to build: its enjoyable and I love to help people out!

Signature?: BUBBLES!

Cookies or Cream:........I dont feel comfatable answering this *hides* *CHOCOLATE dont judge me*
04/08/2014 11:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
nolongeractive's Avatar
Name: Eleanor

Age: 12

Ign: bluebouncybubble

Skills as builder: Good overall skill, when concentrating. For evidence of a small build, look at my 2nd submitted project, the 1st one is from when I started minecraft, ages ago. I only posted it recently because I was testing but whatever. I like building things with details, and can find ways to implement humorous things into my build.

Skype (if you have one)!: ellthecat

Maturity: I have a great deal of maturity, although I love to have a laugh

Past experience: I have been a builder on a server (starkaleo, at one point they dropped staff to the original because of issues) which was a prison server, and I helped build part of another prison server, can't remember what though

Why you want to build: I love building basically everything, and I also love helping people, so why no combine the 2 And building prisons is fun.

Signature?: What do you mean

Cookies or Cream: Er... Thats erm... a tough one
04/08/2014 11:31 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
bigpurplebubblezmc's Avatar
blue bouncy bubble .....Big purple bubblez.....
04/08/2014 10:56 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
punch455's Avatar
Name: Punch


Ign: punch455

Skills as builder: Large imagination

Skype (if you have one)!:

Maturity: Depends on who you ask

Past experience: Not much but i have played on a prison server

Why you want to build: Its so enjoyable and doing it is great


Cookies or Cream: Cookies
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