PhantoWorks Hiring Moderators and Builders for New City RP

_Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar _Phantom_ICE_11/29/15 12:54 pm
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11/30/2015 7:58 am
_Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar _Phantom_ICE_
Hey guys... My name is Philip, and I, along with a guy named Nick (Better known as nick_the_mc_boss) are the owners of PhantoWorks, a City RolePlay server where players can get jobs, create companies, buy plots of land, and have fun with other members of the community. We are very close to opening the server, but before we do... WE NEED STAFF!!! If you think you are mature and you would like to apply for moderator or builder, just head over to the URL below (Our forums) and you can fill out an application. We do not discriminate on age, but if we find you to be immature, you will not be accepted. Here is a list of the jobs you can apply for and what they do:


The builders create the main buildings on the server. Even though most houses and buildings are built by players, builders server the role of creating new cities and countries. They must have these abilities:

  • Must be able to communicate with a team
    Must be able to build modernistic styled building semi-good
    Must be mature and respectful to the environment you're building in
    Must be able to dedicate enough time per week to help the server out

If you feel that you can be a builder for the server, we highly encourage you to fill out an application at the link below!


Moderators... Well... Moderate the server. They control most issues that may occur, and issue the according punishment. They are the first line of defense on the server if a rule is broken. If a larger issue comes about, they are supposed to report to admins to take care of it. Moderators must have these abilities:

  • Must be able to communicate with a team
    Must be able to follow a format when recording punishments
    Must be very mature and respectful to players
    Must be able to dedicate enough time to the server
    Must be able to work well under somebody (A Head Mod)

If you feel that you can be a moderator for the server, we highly encourage you to fill out an application at the link below!


Inspectors are the people who keep the server looking beautiful. In addition to helping moderators moderate, they constantly check all player plots to make sure that they're not breaking rules. At PhantoWorks, we have strict rules about what is allowed on plots. If you have a plot that has nothing built for a long time or an inappropriate building, expect an eviction notice from the inspectors! Inspectors must have these abilities:

  • Must be able to work well as a team
    Must be able to follow a format when recording evictions
    Must be mature and respectful to players
    Must be able to dedicate enough time to the server
    Must be able to work under somebody (Head Inspector)

Inspectors also act as mods, so if you are accepted as inspector, you will have all mod commands and permissions to moderate the server! If you feel that you can be an inspector for the server, we highly encourage you to fill out an application at the link below!

Please do not ask for admin, we will not give out admin to any applicant. Admin is a rank that must be earned with experience both on the server and in general. Admins can access all commands and console, so moderators must be trusted before being promoted to an admin rank!

Thanks, and please apply on our forums at this link: (The format to follow is in the read before applying post!!!)

http://www.phantoworks.com/forums/viewf ... 339ec62f70
Posted by _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
Level 1 : New Explorer

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11/30/2015 7:58 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
_Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
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