LN Network - Recruiting Staff - Modded Network

yolo1492's Avatar yolo14923/22/15 3:50 pm
3/23/2015 8:21 pm
uiu65's Avatar uiu65
This is the start of a new Modded Network and WE NEED YOU! To help us !

Staff List:

Main Staff:

Owner: Oliy1492
Co-Owner: MatthewCamil
CEO: Open Position

Global Staff:

Head Builder: Open Position
Builder 1: Its Drkyy
Builder 2: Wizcam
Builder 3: Open Position

Global Admin: Open Postion

Staff Manager: Mythical_

Graphic Designer: Open Position

Head Developer (Good at creating websites, and maybe coding custom plugins): Open Position

Developer: Open Position

Developer: Open Position

# On this modded network we are having 3 servers to start off. #
# PixelSpark, B-Team & Hexxit #

PixelSpark Staff List:

Manager: Bumper

Admin: Open Position

Moderator: Open Position
Moderator: Open Position


Hexxit Staff List:

Manager: Open Position

Admin: Open Position

Moderator: Open Position
Moderator: Open Position


B-Team Staff List:

Manager: Open Position

Admin: Open Position

Moderator: Open Position
Moderator: Open Position


= Very Important (Needs to be mature and focused and very active in development stages, needs to keep track on all servers, general knowledge of modpacks and at least 2 of the modpacks you need to know well. )

= Important (Needs to be very active keep track of everything going on and mature and experienced in the modpack)

= Less Important (We still need mods, we just need you to get on, you need to know the modpack etc)

= Only needed some times not all of the time.

Application Format :
(PM me this or post it in a reply down below)




Skype name:*

Staff Role you want to choose:*

Modpack (Leave blank if you are applying for main staff or global staff):

Previous experience in the staff role you are choosing to apply for:*

Why we should choose you:*

Extra Notes:

*= A field you have to fill for your application to be valid.

Good Look ! Thanks for dropping by and looking as well !
Posted by yolo1492's Avatar
Level 23 : Expert Dolphin

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03/23/2015 7:53 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
uiu65's Avatar
03/23/2015 11:26 am
Level 23 : Expert Dolphin
yolo1492's Avatar
Awesome guys, still looking for more.
03/23/2015 10:37 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Shushie's Avatar
IGN: drosefan531

Skype: shushimie

Age: 16

Role applying for: Head Builder (Global)

Experience: I've worked on multiple servers, I've built a few spawns for hub servers, a prison, and a few KitPVP maps. I've also ran tons of servers ranging from Minecraft, to Rust, to Garry's Mod, to CSS. So I'd like to say I have a wide range of knowledge when it comes to rulebreakers.

Why do you deserve this: I think I deserver this because I am willing to be extremely active to help build whatever you desire, I've built for servers before and I think it would be awesome if we teamed up.

What will you bring to the server: I could help build great looking buildings and I'm very active I can be on from 3-5 hours a day. It's all depending on how much I have to do that day, But I would be on daily.

Extra:Nothing much to say, I'd just like to say I'd really love to apply and if you could add me on Skype asap due to the time it takes to build stuff, that would be great.
03/23/2015 10:36 am
Level 1 : New Miner
HyperXEngineer's Avatar
Name:* Jan (call me Ian)

IGN:* HyperXEngineer

Age:* 16

Skype name:* jan.zibert

Staff Role you want to choose:* CEO, or basically nothing (explain later)

Modpack (Leave blank if you are applying for main staff or global staff):

Previous experience in the staff role you are choosing to apply for:* I had a server once, sadly my internet connection isn't good enough to support a good quality server...My best friend had the 2nd server, he didn't have a clue on how to run it, so i took over the managment issues, after we went back to school, he didn't have time to manage it anymore so he closed it down. After that I became Admin(Manager or aka Caretaker) on multiple other servers because people liked my reliability, hard-working personality and skills.

Why we should choose you:* As mentioned before, I am hard-working, reliable, skilled, and available from about 15:00-at least 20:00 weekdays and 8:00-21:00 weekends

Extra Notes: I have some explanation to do... I said it is CEO or nothing,... I need a global rank because what I usually do is manage the plugins, edit settings,... stuff that make the server work, the only other rank I would take but really if had to is Manager of Hexxit server, as I've played that modpack for more than 3 years.

Let's leave all the long stuff at bay,... if you want any information about me contact me on my skype account (Yes, I do have a photo on skype, and Yes, I do come from Slovenia )

That would be all I can think of, so yeah, cya, best wishes!
03/23/2015 8:19 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
uiu65's Avatar
DENIED Due to lack of detail
03/23/2015 10:23 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
TooGood4_Nae's Avatar
Name:* Brandon

IGN:* Netraxle

Age:* 14

Skype name: sirmaxplays1

Staff Role you want to choose: Admin

Modpack (Leave blank if you are applying for main staff or global staff):

Previous experience in the staff role you are choosing to apply for: My previous experience of being this role of staff is many different modes! I have worked for alot of servers Yes i do code plugins but im applying for admin you can decide which one you want me in due to my application! I have worked for trinitynetwork,sadcraft.tk,razeprison and alot of other servers that i retired on because of the abusive of the staff members on it. I will be willing to help out your network and make it the best possible for players to play on it!

Why we should choose you: You should choose me becuase i am a hardworking staff member who always wants to make out clients(player) happy!. I want to help out your server, helping out new players who have any questions about the network and any further info about the server.I am very good with modpacks I play them quite often as you can say so i know alot about them. i think i will be a big help to your network! Best wishes!

Extra Notes: I live in orlando florida and i want to thank you for taking your time and reading my application!
03/23/2015 8:21 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
uiu65's Avatar
DENIED. P.S make a new forum account, for the reason being is, I heard you like ddosing people etc if you do not get staff.
You aren't fit for our network
03/23/2015 9:51 am
Level 23 : Expert Dolphin
yolo1492's Avatar
Ok, thanks I will add you on Skype later. Still looking !
03/23/2015 8:58 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Memooh's Avatar
Name:* Mehmet



Skype name:* EventjesMehmet

Staff Role you want to choose:* CEO /SUB-CEO (Add me on skype i will explain)

Modpack (Leave blank if you are applying for main staff or global staff):

Previous experience in the staff role you are choosing to apply for:*
I had 12 MC Servers where i gained my experience.
I also was admin on many servers. Worked for some big MC Servers
Know any command out of my head, and i'm good in plugins!
I'm still learning to code .

Why we should choose you:*
You should pick me because i love to play.
I can handle people, the craziness. I think this server has a big future! And i want to take a part of that! This is not just a normal server. But a server who has POTENTIAL. You should pick me because i can spot the hackers. I'm worked by some IT companies so i now how to DOS. If Quiddyman13 gets the CEO we can share it! Or i can get Server-Manager (Kinda like QUIDDYMAN13) but i'm on all the servers!

Extra Notes:
03/23/2015 3:38 am
Level 23 : Expert Dolphin
yolo1492's Avatar
Looking good Matthew ! Still looking for more !
03/22/2015 6:34 pm
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
Quiddyman23's Avatar
Name: Matthew

IGN: quiddyman23

Age: 15

Skype name: quiddyman23

Staff Role you want to choose: CEO or Co-Owner if even possible.

Modpack (Leave blank if you are applying for main staff or global staff):

Previous experience in the staff role you are choosing to apply for: I have had my own server which had 50 players on for most of the time. I have also been Co-Owner many times, Admin, Head-Admin at many places, Head-Advertiser, Also Mod multiple times.

Why we should choose you: First of all, I'm helpful and respectful to all players, admins and staff. Secondly, I'm highly cooperative and easy to get along with. Thirdly, I have the past experience of co-owner on three servers, mod on 6 servers, head advertiser and head admin on one each. I'm highly experienced with advertising. I'm also responsible and I can make sure everyone follow rules. In conclusion, I treat the players the way I like to be treated and I wanted to be an co-owner because I love to answer people's questions, help to develop the server into a better and bigger server.
You should pick me because I can stop the rulebreakers, I'm mature, I take care of things the right way. I've always promised to dedicate all of my time, effort and hard work to the wonderful servers that I become Staff on. I feel positiveness and politeness coming from your server.
What you will do to help the server: I would help the server by developing more structures around the server thus making it better looking, make it not only a pvp server but also with faction, but most importantly I can advertise the server around google by writing articles.
How will you help improve the server: I could improve the server by advertising it over the internet(mainly writing), also I can keep the new people go goes on the server happy by answering their questions since I had been playing minecraft for a year.

Extra Notes: I hope for the best times to come. Cheers!,

03/22/2015 5:01 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dolphin
yolo1492's Avatar
Awesome ! Still looking !
03/22/2015 4:53 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Squigleswool's Avatar
Name:*Ross quigley



Skype name:*Its Drkyyy

Staff Role you want to choose:*Builder 1 or Head builder

Mod-pack (Leave blank if you are applying for main staff or global staff): Hexxit or any one I am needed on.

Previous experience in the staff role you are choosing to apply for:*I have been building staff at many servers like Ali a craft, keralis and monkey-craft.

Why we should choose you:* You should choose me because I am a experienced builder and will play 10-20 hours a week or more if you's want and i have been moderator 4-5 time on many different servers and have owned 3 of my own.I was a very good builder I got promoted 4 ranks in a day when I used to play on the Ali a craft server and I help out when ever a thread comes up on planet minecraft but when i go to submit it all the spaces are taken.

Extra Notes: What will I bring to the servers? I will bring amazing building and craftsmanship plus I will be very active. I can work to deadlines and I have many skills and can use all commands and plugins to the servers and If you want I could work in different areas like worldedit etc. and i will bring happiness to the server/servers.
03/22/2015 4:31 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dolphin
yolo1492's Avatar
The doors here
03/22/2015 4:15 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dolphin
yolo1492's Avatar
Ok cool I have added your skype, still looking for more !
03/22/2015 4:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xXxBumperBoyXxXx's Avatar
Name: My name is Alex i would rather not put my last name

IGN: My in game name is _Bumper_Boy_

Age: I'm 15 years old

Skype name: My Skype is xXxBumperBoyXxXx

Staff Role you want to choose: Manager or Admin

Mod-pack (Leave blank if you are applying for main staff or global staff): Pixelmon

Previous experience in the staff role you are choosing to apply for: I a couple years of experience, i have owned 2 or 3 servers, I've been moderator 4 times, admin 6 times, and helper 7 times and but all of the servers shut down from lack or donations or hackers

Why we should choose you:You should pick me because I'm a great help! I know most to all commands and i know how to deal with a huge variety of situations. I work quickly and efficiently, I know what I'm doing and have been staff on many servers! Ranging from Helper to Owner! I am really good at making relationships with the members that they will remember and want to come back to the ever and play more!

Extra Notes:
What will you bring to the Pixelmon server: I can Bring Happiness and i will do what ever is asked of me! I'm willing to do anything that improves the quality of the Server! I Will be severely Loyal to others and will do what is asked of me as soon as possible to its best Quality! And Try my best to keep everyone happy with the outcome of everything!

What can you do to help the Pixelmon server?: I can help by doing what is asked of me. I'm willing to do anything that improves that quality of the server! I will be severely loyal to others and will do what is asked of me as soon as possible to its best quality!
*= A field you have to fill for your application to be valid.

Good Look ! Thanks for dropping by and looking as well !
03/22/2015 4:01 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dolphin
yolo1492's Avatar
Thanks for your request still looking for more people
03/22/2015 3:57 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
uiu65's Avatar
Name: Dominic Patterson

IGN: Mythical_

Age: 16

Skype: dominic.patterson2

Staff Role you want to choose. Manager (Global If Possible)

Modpack (Leave blank if you are applying for main staff or global staff):

Previous experience in the staff role you are choosing to apply for:*
Of course i have had experience being a admin before. I Come from years of experience of knowledge from minecraft, i have been playing the game for years, i have been admin on networks before, and i have also been helper on 1 server, i am a respectful guy so i believe i am fit for this position
Why we should choose you:*
I Believe you should choose me to be staff on your wonderful server, for the reason being i believe i can make your server thrive and help it reach its peak of its prime. I am a package in one, and if you choose me you won't be missing out nor will you be regretful you did, I am loyal, dedicated, and respectful to all members of the community. I know what i am doing and i will be able to help with any problem the server encounters. I Am a fast learner and i will be able to dedicate half my time to this server, Concluding that i believe this is the reason you should choose me as staff on your server.
Extra Notes:

I Am Respectful,Dedicated And Loyal
I am currently a sophmore in highschool so i will be on 3:35 -> 10:00 Pm on weekdays and most of the day on weekends,
I Am very familar with all the mod packs listed above.

Thank you for taking your time to read my application for your server

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