Need Plugin Developers

MrNinjaMan000's Avatar MrNinjaMan0007/10/14 1:53 am
7/10/2014 1:19 pm
optb's Avatar optb
I am willing to pay for plugins to be developed. Depending on the complexity the amount varies. We can discuss more if you're chosen.
Posted by MrNinjaMan000's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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07/10/2014 1:19 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
optb's Avatar
I am a developer that may be able to satisfy your request(s). Please contact me over Skype (optb123) so we can discuss matters further!
07/10/2014 12:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Cloaking_Ocean's Avatar
my skype is cloakingocean and i've workd with many other servers.
07/10/2014 1:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1279377's Avatar
07/10/2014 1:57 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
tinytin100's Avatar
What is your ingame name? : TinyAlex
How old are you? : 12
What time zone are you in? : AWST
Have you ever been banned/muted/jailed ? : No, I havn't been banned,muted or jailed before.
What makes you unique from any other staff member ? : I have been playing minecraft since January 2010
How much are you able to play a week ? : I can play everyday for the next 2 weeks because its the holidays at Australia and I can play for atleast more than 2 hours.
Why do you want to be staff ? :

Firstly, I would like to be staff because I love to help players. I can help players with starter commands and others. I can also help staffs. If you are wondering how I can help staffs. I can help them with many things, For example, I can help staffs with commands and others.

Secondly, I am a very experienced plugin configurater. I have been configurating plugins for more than 1 year and a half. I can do permissions, worldguard and worldedit. If you ever need help configurating plugins. I will be the one for you to ask. I have coded plugins for more than 10 servers. I would say that I'm up to the stage to learn how to much plugins.

Thirdly, I am a very good builder. I can build many crazy things. If you want any proof. I don't have any, because I don't like giving away my builds because I am scared if people will take my creation and say that they built it. I would be very pissed if that happened.

Lastly, I am a youtuber with 91 subscribers. I can hep you get subscribers on your channel with a shoutout and can help your server get popular with youtube. I can make a youtube video most of the time when my parents arn home because they actually don't know about me making youtube videos. If you will ever need me to make a youtube video, just ask me. I can do it for you when my parents arn't home.

Have you ever been staff on a server before ? : Yes, I will say that I have been staff on more than 15 servers, but most of them got shutdown because the owners won't listen to my ideas so players won't like the other peoples ideas.

Why should you be staff ? : Because of all the reasons I told you.

Skype: epicninjajames
Planet Minecraft


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