Need Moderators/Admins for my server.

MCxJB's Avatar MCxJB8/22/12 8:58 pm
9/1/2012 5:32 pm
jayjay0101's Avatar jayjay0101

I am looking to hire some staff for my server. I am looking for about 3-4 mods and 1-2 admins. If you are intrested please fill out the below form.


Skype (Add me - MCxJB0695):
What can you bring to the server:
How do you handle serious/stressful situations:
Experience as Staff:
Plugin Knowledge:
How mature can you be (1-10):
What time zone are you in:
How often can you play:
Are you decent at typing (Punctuation, Grammar, etc.):
Anything special about you:



Get applying!
Posted by MCxJB's Avatar
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer

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09/01/2012 5:32 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
jayjay0101's Avatar
Ummm u have not sen any info yet... any idea when the server will be up?
08/25/2012 2:42 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
MCxJB's Avatar
Decision has been made:

List of Moderators:

The new website is almost done and once it is the server will open. You all will be PM'ed information about being a moderator (rules etc).

Applications Closed!
08/24/2012 1:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CrystalWing360's Avatar
Age: 12
IGN: minecraft360903
Skype (Add me - MCxJB0695): My Skype is Crystal_Wing360
What can you bring to the server: Maybe Moore players and also i will help players when help is needed.
How do you handle serious/stressful situations: I Talk Them out of their Problems
Experience as Staff: Only Once it was quite Fun
Plugin Knowledge: Not Much i need to learn more
How mature can you be (1-10): 9-10
What time zone are you in:
How often can you play: Alot but school starts soon so i cant play too long
Are you decent at typing (Punctuation, Grammar, etc.): I am good with my grammar its just my spelling though its alright i just type too fast
Anything special about you: When i comes to griefers i ban them and i mean it.
08/24/2012 12:58 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Stratafon's Avatar
Oh I found out my timezone: EDT.
Hope this is what you required and I apollogize for not correctly fillign this out on the application.
08/24/2012 2:24 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
TGOFAN79's Avatar
Age: 15
IGN: kckc9
Skype (Add me - MCxJB0695): yes I will add you
What can you bring to the server: I have ideas what can help improve the server and I am very good in a position of importance
How do you handle serious/stressful situations: I keep cool, and think of the best thing I can do
Experience as Staff: I have been a mod on 1 server and a admin on 6
Plugin Knowledge: very good
How mature can you be (1-10): 10/10
What time zone are you in: GMT
How often can you play:almost every day
Are you decent at typing (Punctuation, Grammar, etc.): very decent, I make mistakes like everyone but overall I'm very good
Anything special about you:
08/23/2012 11:55 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
jayjay0101's Avatar
What time zone are you in, if i may ask?
08/23/2012 6:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
FlyinHobo's Avatar
Age: 16
IGN: FlyinHobo
Skype (Add me - MCxJB0695): Alfmiest
What can you bring to the server: Plugin knowledge and dedication to server.
How do you handle serious/stressful situations: I can handle stressful situation well and sort stuff out.
Experience as Staff: Owned my own server and know all about the plugins
Plugin Knowledge: Very good. ALso with plugins such as world edit for griefers
How mature can you be (1-10): 9 XD
What time zone are you in: GMT
How often can you play: about 5-6 hours a day,
Are you decent at typing (Punctuation, Grammar, etc.): Yes
Anything special about you: Owned my own server so know the plugins very well and how to set permissions and stuff so can help you if you ever have problems.
08/23/2012 12:20 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc57665's Avatar
08/23/2012 12:05 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
MCxJB's Avatar

No problem Jay! Will tell you straight away.


I like that you seem experienced, and that you aren't on many many servers and that you would dedicate your work to this. I will give my final decision soon!

I like that you have experience on some of the best servers in the world! You seem very strict when it comes to hackers etc which is why I like it also. Although I will need to know your timezone. If you dont know just Google it!

Your app impress' me


I have decided how many mods I am hiring and from what areas of the world:

4 - 5 Mods.

2- Western/Central USA
2- Eastern USA
1- Australia/Europe

Applications will close on 24th August 12:00am GMT.
08/22/2012 11:48 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
DevilOfKarma's Avatar
Age: 13 (14 on Oct 28th)

IGN: DevilOfKarma

Skype (Add me - MCxJB0695): I'll add you if I'm accepted

What can you bring to the server: I have been told I have the perfect balance of leadership, swag, humor, and discipline.

How do you handle serious/stressful situations: I am usually good and can handle most situations and keep my temper at a minimum.

Experience as Staff: Have been admin and mod on 4 servers combined. Co-Owner on 1. The only server I'm staff on at the moment is the one I'm co-owner on if you need the IP I can give it to you.

Plugin Knowledge: I know how to set up most plugins and am experienced with Pex, but not so much with GroupManager.

How mature can you be (1-10): 8-9 If the situation calls for it 10

What time zone are you in: Central (USA)

How often can you play: 4-6 hours daily
Are you decent at typing (Punctuation, Grammar, etc.): I am in an Honors English class in my school and have finished 3rd in a spelling bee before.

Anything special about you: I love to have fun...But then again who doesn't
08/22/2012 11:41 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Stratafon's Avatar
Skype (Add me - MCxJB0695): Patman191919
What can you bring to the server: Dicipline and Order.
How do you handle serious/stressful situations: I appoint Punishment and reward bassed on How good or Bad the Action was.
Experience as Staff:Bunny Raid,SavagePvp,SerenityCraft,RealmCraft
Plugin Knowledge: I am Knoledgeable about Pluggins and which are quality and which are not.
How mature can you be (1-10): I would say My Maturaty Level would be at an 8.
What time zone are you in:
How often can you play: Most Days after 1:00 But if you need me in any other time then Ill be there.
Are you decent at typing (Punctuation, Grammar, etc.): I am very skilled at typing and am the best in my Grammar and spelling class.
Anything special about you: I do not like to be severe with my punishments but I will do what I must to make the server better for others.
08/22/2012 11:35 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Skinner
UltraGojen's Avatar
Skype: Travis The Barbarian (Add me - MCxJB0695):
What can you bring to the server: Buildings
How do you handle serious/stressful situations: Carefully, Calmy
Experience as Staff: Admin, Owner
Plugin Knowledge: How to work them
How mature can you be (1-10): 9
What time zone are you in: Eastern Standard
How often can you play: Almost all day/night
Are you decent at typing (Punctuation, Grammar, etc.): Excellent
Anything special about you: Great builder, Intelligent, Friendly
08/22/2012 11:31 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
jayjay0101's Avatar
Crazy may i ask how you got the banner about the creeper apocalypse?

i aslo think your app was wonderful
08/22/2012 11:29 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
jayjay0101's Avatar
Thanks MCxJB i would love to help out, Also could you please tell me when you have made your final desican [no mean to rush] You seem like an awesome guy
08/22/2012 10:33 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
MCxJB's Avatar
Still looking.
08/22/2012 9:48 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
MCxJB's Avatar

I like your app . Thanks for posting it. As said, I will make the final decision when I feel there is enough apps to view .


I also like your app. Thanks for posting it. As said, I will make the final decision when I feel there is enough apps to view .
08/22/2012 9:44 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
jayjay0101's Avatar


Skype:It crashes when I go to video chat[having friend come over to fix it]

What can you bring onto the server?:Peace,justice and awesome world edit builds.

How do you handle tuff senerios/situations?:My friends hunger games sever would crash alot so i would face hordes of screaming mad raging people. I can keep cool and for some reason [I personaly dont see it] people say i can calm them down.

Experience as staff: I am head admin on my friends survival-hunger games server [currently down].

Plugin knoledge: Its hard to beleve but i have help written some surver plugins [lockette,world edit] I have built serveral friends spawn

How mature can you be?:8-9 depending on the situation

Time zone?:central time zone

How often can you play?:4-6 hours a day

How good are you at spelling,grammer, etc.:I am very good.

Anything specail about you?:I am very experienced with world edit,and very helpful
08/22/2012 9:42 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
crazypotato3's Avatar
Skype (Add me - MCxJB0695):added
What can you bring to the server:redstone expertise and a great deal of staff experience
How do you handle serious/stressful situations:i find my answer quick and ban whoever is responsible, i dont melt down or abuse
Experience as Staff:all postions listed? ok then: 1 coowner, 1 semiowner, 2 head admin, 5 admin, 3 head mod, 7 mod positions
Plugin Knowledge:i can use just about every popular plugin with proficiency , a little newer to VS than i would prefer, terraforming is a little difficult for me without the wiki open
How mature can you be (1-10):9
What time zone are you in:central US/Canada
How often can you play:well im in school now the latest i get back is about 4 so it depends on homework, almost every day though, if at dads house i can stay up pretty late
Are you decent at typing (Punctuation, Grammar, etc.):to save space and time i usually avoid caps and punctuation however if it is a must i can write with them
Anything special about you:i am a redstone god
08/22/2012 9:39 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
MCxJB's Avatar

Your application is still open and is still open for acceptation. I am waiting until others post also.
08/22/2012 9:35 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Warrior
dsirus1's Avatar
08/22/2012 9:33 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
11agathor11's Avatar
Skype eliaraya99 (Add me - MCxJB0695):
What can you bring to the server: a friendly admin/staff that will help out people in need without hesitation.
How do you handle serious/stressful situations:calmly
Experience as Staff: staff on two servers
Plugin Knowledge: none
How mature can you be (1-10): usally 6-10
What time zone are you in: US east
How often can you play: wekkdays:4:00-9:00/weekends: all day
Are you decent at typing (Punctuation, Grammar, etc.): usally pretty good grammar and spelling.
please choose me i will be that admin that everyone likes (except the greifers they get auto-ban)
Anything special about you: i am a very good builder
08/22/2012 9:31 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
MCxJB's Avatar
OK. I thought you meant you were on all of them servers right now.


Application Re-Undenied.

I will wait until more apps come in to make a decision.
08/22/2012 9:23 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
MCxJB's Avatar

Your post seems to be a lot like CarlTheCows. I may have to deny it unless I dont get anyone else.
08/22/2012 9:19 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
ypublicenemy's Avatar
Age:13 years old.
IGN: ypublicenemy
Skype (Add me - MxJB0695): I will add you and I have a mic.
What can you bring to the server: I can bring it more players and more help.
How do you handle serious/stressful situations: I handle them by calming down them and then think about the situation and fix it as quickly as I can.
Experience as Staff: I am a Co-Owner on one server
Plugin Knowledge: I know many plugins because I have used alot of them as being Co-owner on servers.
How mature can you be (1-10): I can be up to 9.5
What time zone are you in:I live on the Central time zone
How often can you play: I can play for about 7 hours a day. And longer over the weekends.
Are you decent at typing (Punctuation, Grammar, etc.): I am very decent at typing.
Anything special about you: I am really good with people and crowds of them.
Thank you!
08/22/2012 9:17 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
MCxJB's Avatar

Application Denied


You say: "admin on about 8 servers mod on 7 a co owner on 1 a head admin on 1 and builder on about 3" If you are staff on that many servers, I know you wont be dedicated to the job as you are on nearly 20 servers!

Also (No Offence) you say you play: "12-16 hours a day so it doesnt really matter what time zone im in" If you play that long on Minecraft I think you need to discover the world. I myself dont even play that much at all. That's probably a record.
08/22/2012 9:27 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Warrior
dsirus1's Avatar
i will be dedicated that is how many ive been staff on im not staff on that many right now only like 3 and no i see people say they play that much all the time and its my summer break i like staying home in the summer i hang out with my friends when school starts and shit so i do have a life but whatever if you dont want me your loss
08/22/2012 9:13 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Warrior
dsirus1's Avatar
Age: 12
IGN: dsirus1
Skype: dsirus1
What can you bring to the server: i can probably get like 10 people on and i can bring happiness lol
How do you handle serious/stressful situations: i can usualy handle them well i dont get all mad and start capsing and swearing and stuff but i may argue
Experience as Staff: admin on about 8 servers mod on 7 a co owner on 1 a head admin on 1 and builder on about 3
Plugin Knowledge:i know a lot of plugins and how to use them like world edit worldguard group manager all the multiverse plugins plotme chestshop iconomy and more
How mature can you be (1-10):8
What time zone are you in: north east standard
How often can you play: everyday usualy 12-16 hours a day so it doesnt really matter what time zone im in
Are you decent at typing (Punctuation, Grammar, etc.): im usualy alright most of the times
Anything special about you: i have been playing for almost a year now i know a lot about the game and i am fun to hang out with funny but mature and very trustworthy and responsible
P.S. i would like the position of Co-Owner or Admin
08/22/2012 9:12 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
MCxJB's Avatar
Oops its MCxJB0695
08/22/2012 9:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CarlTheCow's Avatar
I also could not find you an skype when I typed in your username.
08/22/2012 9:09 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
MCxJB's Avatar
Great. OK both of you great. You are admins on other servers which means you probably wont dedicated most of your time to this. But I will keep you in mind whilst I keep looking.
08/22/2012 9:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CarlTheCow's Avatar
Age:13 years old.
IGN: WereBeast1206
Skype (Add me - MxJB0695): I will add you and I have a mic.
What can you bring to the server: I can bring it more players and more help.
How do you handle serious/stressful situations: I handle them by first calming down and then think about the situation. Then I organize myself and fix it as quickly as I can.
Experience as Staff: I am a Co-Owner on one server, and I am Admin on another.
Plugin Knowledge: I know many plugins because I have used alot of them as being admin and Co-owner on servers.
How mature can you be (1-10): I can be up to 9.5
What time zone are you in:I live on the East Coast.
How often can you play: I can play for about 2 hours a day. And maybe longer over the weekends.
Are you decent at typing (Punctuation, Grammar, etc.): I am very decent at typing. I have 65 wpm with about 95% accuracy.
Anything special about you: Things that are special about me are that I am really good with people and crowds of them. I know how to handle people in situations and am very good at it.

Thank you!
08/22/2012 9:03 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
MRxPR0's Avatar
Skype MRxPR0
What can you bring to the server: i have been admin on a couple servers and i run my own
How do you handle serious/stressful situations: easy solve them
Experience as Staff: i am admin on 2 servers mod on 1
Plugin Knowledge: i know a fair amount on most plugins
How mature can you be (1-10): 7
What time zone are you in: eastern pacific
How often can you play: 2-4 hours
Are you decent at typing (Punctuation, Grammar, etc.): yes if i need to be
Anything special about you: not much i am kinda a fun guy im an okay builder and im good with redstone
Planet Minecraft


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