Medieval themed server - Recruiting Professional Staff [OPEN

ProBooooiii's Avatar ProBooooiii1/29/13 6:18 pm
2/8/2013 8:54 pm
ProBooooiii's Avatar ProBooooiii
I run a well based server with a good sized player base. However, I need some loyal staff to help moderate the server when I can't be there. If you consider yourself to be an experienced, skilled player, please apply here!

This server is a Medieval themed hardcore Factions PvP server. We have Auctions, trading, playerheads, MobArena, and more. This is a fun, popular, solid server, recruiting dedicated, professional staff.

WARNING: No staff positions get gamemode or direct teleport on this server! Please do not apply if this is not to your liking

First name and IGN:



What rank are you applying for? Do you know the specific duties of the rank you are
applying for?:

Do you have a Skype account?: (Don't post here)

Do you have any previous staff experience? If so, please include proof:

Do you currently hold a staff position? If so, please include proof:

Were you referred by an existing staff member?:

Do you have any previous bans?:

What is your timezone?:

How often are you available?:

Explain how to handle these offenses: hacking*, spamming*. Be specific:

Tell us about yourself:

How mature would you consider yourself on a scale from 1-10?:

Building skills 1-10?:

Are you an introvert or extrovert?:

How long have you been playing MC?:

How many players could you bring to the server, if any?:

How many servers do you currently play on?:

What are your expectations of other staff?:
Posted by ProBooooiii's Avatar
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect

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02/08/2013 8:54 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
02/07/2013 9:01 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
02/07/2013 11:51 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
lorrana99's Avatar
I went onto your server and I'm a warrior. It won't let me destroy anything and I don't get any fall damage. What's going on...?
02/07/2013 12:12 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
02/06/2013 10:17 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
02/04/2013 8:41 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
02/03/2013 11:31 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
02/03/2013 11:08 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
02/03/2013 7:32 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Tylermurray13's Avatar
Gender: Male

Age: 14 (i know, 14. but im very mature for my age)

What rank are you applying for? Do you know the specific duties of the rank you are
applying for?: Adminiustrator

Do you have a Skype account?: Yes, i do.

Do you have any previous staff experience? If so, please include proof: I am an ex admin on a server, that i later quit to host my own. Speaking of that, i host my own server, which is modestly successful, even though it has only been up for 2 weeks now. < mc.ausrealms.com:25570

Do you currently hold a staff position? If so, please include proof: Owner of mc.ausrealms.com:25570

Were you referred by an existing staff member?: No

Do you have any previous bans?: No

What is your timezone?: Australian, Brisbane time.

How often are you available?: Almost All the time. even if im not online at a given time, you can ping me on my IRC server and i'll almost reply instantly.

Explain how to handle these offenses: hacking*, spamming*. Be specific: Person 1 Reports Person 2 hacking. le'me (PixelCrumbs) teleports and vanishes to confirm these claims. Claims = True, then = ban. simple enough, right? Well personally, i dont handle spam on my server, a plugin does. but for example, a player is spamming, you kick them once with an appropriate warning reason. Do it again, = ban.

Tell us about yourself: Im VERY experienced in coding, eg. ruby, HTML, java, css, css3, XSS, python, c, c#, c+, c++ etc. and i've dabbled in the area of plugin development.

How mature would you consider yourself on a scale from 1-10?: 9

Building skills 1-10?: 9.5, definately. you can check out some of my builds on my server if you wish.

Are you an introvert or extrovert?: Doesn't Matter

How long have you been playing MC?: since 1.2.5

How many servers do you currently play on?: only 2, my own, and another australian server.

What are your expectations of other staff?: Work together, collaborate, communicate, act mature, and be on regularly.
02/03/2013 11:07 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
Did you actually just copy this foem from Pixelcrumbs?? In the section where you explain how to handle offenses, it clearly is his application. Please, don't waste my time.
02/03/2013 7:22 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Predator_13X's Avatar
First name and IGN:



What rank are you applying for? Do you know the specific duties of the rank you are
applying for?:
Administrator (or if unavailable, a rank that would allow me to follow my Building duties)

Do you have a Skype account?:
Yes (i will PM you the account if you accept me)

Do you have any previous staff experience? If so, please include proof:
I was server co-owner with a friend but the server got taken down after a payment was put in late

Do you currently hold a staff position? If so, please include proof:
I was server co-owner with a friend but the server got taken down after a payment was put in late

Were you referred by an existing staff member?:

Do you have any previous bans?:
I had one ban, but got unbanned after helping the server owner build a second server

What is your timezone?:
GMT (Britain)

How often are you available?:
Pretty often

Explain how to handle these offenses: hacking*, spamming*. Be specific:
My method is '3 Strikes and you're out', a kick, a temp kick, then a ban.

Tell us about yourself:
I am a very experienced builder and time-lapse planner and co-ordinator, helping out on about 12 different time lapses, i am a FyreUK Sponsor and have a vast knowledge of architecture, both interior and exterior

How mature would you consider yourself on a scale from 1-10?:
9-10 (i am INCREDIBLY strict when it comes to certain things)

Building skills 1-10?:

Are you an introvert or extrovert?:
If this is personality-based, i'm rather introverted

How long have you been playing MC?:
3-4 years

How many players could you bring to the server, if any?:
i could bring one or two, but i don't tend to keep friends from servers i've built in sorry!

How many servers do you currently play on?:
i only play on FyreUK, but i go on other servers if they are recruiting or needing a build done.

What are your expectations of other staff?:
To be mature, responsible people, for example not being rude, exploiting their rights, and upsetting server members who are lower in the chain to them.
02/03/2013 11:05 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
I would be interested in seeing if you could build somethingmfor us perhaps. Pm me if you are unterested.
02/03/2013 7:01 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Dolphin
TheTickleMunstrr's Avatar
Meh Meh Meh Meh Accept me please. xD
02/03/2013 1:33 am
Level 30 : Artisan Fish
LittleTriton's Avatar
By any chance ProBooooii, when will you give us the IP?
02/03/2013 1:27 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Prince
KillerPro's Avatar
Skype:killerpro1232 Feel free to add/message me!


Maturity:9, I like to throw some jokes out there once in a while.


Why should we pick you:I respect the Owner for maintaining such a big server and i want to support him to the best of my ability. I feel like the owner is a genius for keeping a server like that and i have full respect to not do anything that may hurt the server severely. Trust cant be said as much as done. I can only promise you so much, I need to show you in order for a trust to build.

What are you good at?:I'm good at being the organized staff member in a server. I think of myself as a leader, and as a leader, I always need things to be running smoothly. When it comes to discipline, I do not believe in permanent bans, because I always believe in second chances.

Can you be trustworthy: Yes!, this is a question that almost everybody will answer as yes. When I say yes, I am saying that i will only allow myself to do what the admins allow me to do. I will not cross the Owners line of what not to do. I always hated when my own Admins would do anything that has not been said by me. I have had many complaints of Admins abusing their powers and having their fun with it. You need to do what's best for the server and do not abuse your powers.

How can you help the server:I can help the server by possibly donating, because this topic looks very serious and you look like your actually going to keep the server running, so I most likely will donate. I can also help the server by popping by every player every once in a while, just to make sure that they are not X-raying, modding, hacking, flying, etc. I am also pretty experienced in plugins, WorldEdit, McMMO, MobDisguise xD, WorldGuard, Hawkeye, etc.

Can you be helpful to any higher ranking people:Ofcourse! I can also be a help to lower ranking people aswell. If I happen to know something that a higher or lower rank doesn't know, I would gladly help them with their situations.

Can you help people if they have questions:Ofcourse! I'm always open to questions and comments. I do not get annoyed easily, so If another player is getting annoyed by something, I would help them resolve their question/problem until it is SOLVED.

How many hours are you on:I can be on for 3-4 hours per day on the weekdays after school, and 6-10 hours a day on the weekends. Varies from what I'm planning later.

Email (Optional):tejaswiku@rocketmail.com feel free to add me as a contact and message me!

Any other details (Optional):I am on top of my game. I know whats going on in the minecraft world and I am not only familiar with a few world edit command, I know this game inside-out. I am willing to do anything to make a server great! Not only that but i am addicted to minecraft and will have all my skills projected onto the server along with my server mates to build a great server. I have a strong feel for a profound community that will improve the overall quality of the game. I know what the server needs to strive and be as successful as needed. I am more of a person of action, let my talent be implanted in this new server.

My grammar is in great shape and can be used in serious situations if needed to. I usually spell all my words right and i am sort of like a grammar nazi myself. Grammar nazi is when a person get weery due to wrong use of grammar or spelling. I don't take anybodies speech strong unless it has unity and strong base grammar.

I am a really social guy and always greet all the newcomers on my own server, I really like to communicate with my server mates as i will be playing with them and that's how you build a strong solid community. Community is key to a great minecraft server as it allows the player to have more than themselves to rely on and communicate with. This allows for more players on the server and a strong based system to be implied.
02/03/2013 11:02 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
You did not follow the application form. Denied. Feel free to remapply with the form.
02/02/2013 11:36 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
TheBenCan's Avatar
First name and IGN:Ben bencan99



What rank are you applying for? Do you know the specific duties of the rank you are
applying for?:Moderator yes i know the duties

Do you have a Skype account?: (Don't post here)Yes

Do you have any previous staff experience? If so, please include proof:yes on my old server. Idk how i can prove it lol.

Do you currently hold a staff position? If so, please include proof:Nope

Were you referred by an existing staff member?:Nope

Do you have any previous bans?:Yes when i raided a admins base on a raiding pvp server....Derp

What is your timezone?:GMT

How often are you available?:4-6 hours a day

Explain how to handle these offenses: hacking*, spamming*. Be specific:Hacking = If i see them myself it will be temp ban if they do again perm ban Spaming= 1) Kick 2) Temp Ban 3) Ban

Tell us about yourself:Im a fun freindly guy who Loves helping servers and being a nice guy.

How mature would you consider yourself on a scale from 1-10?: 9

Building skills 1-10?: 9

Are you an introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert

How long have you been playing MC?: 2 years now

How many players could you bring to the server, if any?: i could bring a few friends and i could advertise.

How many servers do you currently play on?:2 Mithrintia and Gontroller

What are your expectations of other staff?:Be polite to people even if they are hacking Dont just swear or shout at them.
02/03/2013 1:02 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
02/02/2013 11:29 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
Not looking for lore writers, as this is not a RPG server. Thanks
02/01/2013 1:38 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
First name and IGN: Tui, tutto200

Gender: Male

Age: 13

What rank are you applying for? Do you know the specific duties of the rank you are
applying for?: Lore Writer, yes I know the duties it has as I have experience on being it for a few servers.

Do you have a Skype account?: Yes

Do you have any previous staff experience? If so, please include proof: Mod on Craftastic, co owner on Tarzans Resort, owner on Rise of Myths and Age of Mythology, lore writer on an adventure map, lore writer on KingdomCraft.
Other ones which escapes me (I do not expect you to believe me because I have no proof/name of them) mod on this medieval server which is hamachi except it is now abandon, builder on this other medieval one which is named after kingdoms.
As you can see I like RPG servers.

Do you currently hold a staff position? If so, please include proof: Yes mod on Craftastic I can even give the IP, owner of Age of Mythology, Rise of Myths I can give IP for both.

Were you referred by an existing staff member?: Not that I know of.

Do you have any previous bans?: Yes but all was rather a test, griefing (which I was framed for), accident in which they would invite me back.

What is your timezone?: West

How often are you available?: Depends on the day. Usually quite a bit on weekends.

Explain how to handle these offenses: hacking*, spamming*. Be specific: Haking I would give one warning after a ban IP, spamming a kick and a warning then a temp ban if they do its again after that a ban, abuse I would give two warnings and then a ban.

Tell us about yourself: I am 13 and do not wish to be judged for that. I would say I'm a pretty good writer in which I have been writing a story 'The Phenomenon'. As you can see I highly support not only grammar but punctuation. I get on nicely with people, co operative, friendly, social. I love to read books (even reading 'A Game of Thrones' and its amazing) and do creative things.

How mature would you consider yourself on a scale from 1-10?: 9

Building skills 1-10?: 7 1/2

Are you an introvert or extrovert?: Introvert

How long have you been playing MC?: Nearly two years.

How many players could you bring to the server, if any?: I will not be able to bring players that I know on but I can write some lore to attract other players.

How many servers do you currently play on?: Not many at the moment but if I have to say 2 1/2

What are your expectations of other staff?: Nice, fair, social with players, co operative towards each other, loyal.
02/01/2013 12:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MiDNiT3's Avatar
First name and IGN:Branden // MiDNiT3DREAMZ



What rank are you applying for? Do you know the specific duties of the rank you are
applying for?:I Am applying to be an admin (: yes i know the duties of being admin

Do you have a Skype account?: (Don't post here) yes i do i would post here but it says dont so PM me i guess

Do you have any previous staff experience? If so, please include proof:Yes i doo i co Own a server but its boring now

Do you currently hold a staff position? If so, please include proof:Yes i co Own a private server and im not allowed to give the IP out cause its in building progress and Yeah

Were you referred by an existing staff member?:No

Do you have any previous bans?:Yes one or two from last year that i forgot what they were for! they were so long ago

What is your timezone?:Central

How often are you available?:From my time 7 p.m.-12 a.m.

Explain how to handle these offenses: hacking*, spamming*. Be specific:Hacking Warning , Tempban , Ban. Spamming , Warning x2 , Jail , Ban

Tell us about yourself:im 16 years old i work at McDonalds xD im nice im very mature... im good with HTML i like to skate and play minecraft :3

How mature would you consider yourself on a scale from 1-10?:9

Building skills 1-10?:10

Are you an introvert or extrovert?:Im very Extrovert im not shy :3

How long have you been playing MC?:Since 1.0

How many players could you bring to the server, if any?:uhm up to 6

How many servers do you currently play on?:3

What are your expectations of other staff?:Work together , Treat Everyone with Respect , Help out if needed , and communicate
02/01/2013 12:49 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
Seems ok. Do you have any pics of build? You said you are quite good. Also, would you be able to donate any? (This is onlymcuriosity, not a must to be accepted)
02/01/2013 1:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MiDNiT3's Avatar
I Might be able to donate idk though yet but i have no pics sadly D: uhm i built a really small decent house on this one server though
01/31/2013 6:58 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Fish
LittleTriton's Avatar
First name and IGN:
Name- Paris
IGN- JoParis0101

Gender: Female

Age: 12

What rank are you applying for? Do you know the specific duties of the rank you are
applying for?: Any you think would fit me. (:

Do you have a Skype account?: (Don't post here) Yea

Do you have any previous staff experience? If so, please include proof: I do! I have been 3 Owners(All went down), 4 Co-Owners(3 went down and the other will be up soon because it got hacked), 8 Head Admins(All went down ), 18 Admins(A couple are still up, but I dont have IP's), 4 Head Mods(All went down), and 5 Mods(One is still in the making of spawn)

Do you currently hold a staff position? If so, please include proof:
CoOwner: I will tell you I when it comes back up
Mod: I will tell you when we are down building

Were you referred by an existing staff member?: No

Do you have any previous bans?: Just two. One, My siblings. Two, I didn't like how the Owner treated others so I griefed his mansion :p

What is your timezone?: PST Pacific Standard Time

How often are you available?:
Sunday: Whenever I wake up to 9:00PM
Monday - Thursday : 2:45PM to 9:00PM
Friday: 2:45PM to 11:59PM
Saturday: Whenever I wake up to 11:59PM

Explain how to handle these offenses: hacking*, spamming*. Be specific:
Hacking - I will ask them calmly why they were hacking. If they were, I will temp-ban them for 1 week. If they continue, I would Ban them.
Spamming - I will kick them first of all. Then if they keep spamming, I will mute them for 25 minutes. Next, I would temp-ban for 3 days. If STILL spamming, I will ban them for not learning anything from the discipline.

Tell us about yourself: I <3 Soccer, Flag Football, Playing and hanging out with my friends, hunting with my bow & arrow.
How mature would you consider yourself on a scale from 1-10?: 7 because the other 3 is my other side where I am hilarious (:

Building skills 1-10?: I'm not a really good builder, but a 6.

Are you an introvert or extrovert?: Definetley an extrovert !!
How long have you been playing MC?: 1.2.1

How many players could you bring to the server, if any?: I can bring lots, as many as you want.

How many servers do you currently play on?: Only 2.

Thanks for reading Zach!
02/01/2013 12:11 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
I'll test you for mod. Accepted
01/31/2013 5:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Helper101's Avatar
First name and IGN: Name: Alex ING: alexscott2000



What rank are you applying for? Do you know the specific duties of the rank you are
applying for?:

Do you have a Skype account?: (Don't post here)Yes

Do you have any previous staff experience? If so, please include proof:Yes (Helper and Mod)

Do you currently hold a staff position? If so, please include proof: Yes. I do but i can send the pictures in skype if i make it

Were you referred by an existing staff member?:No

Do you have any previous bans?:None

What is your timezone?:Central USA missouri

How often are you available?: i could be on your server for 4-6 hours a day helping you out monitoring the server

Explain how to handle these offenses: hacking*, spamming*. Be specific:Hacking If Someone Were to Hack First of all i would ask them Why? And i would Make Sure this info is correct before a BAN them. Spamming: First i would ask them to please stop.If the do not stop i will KICK them.If they join back and decide to spam more i will MUTE and if they spam more i will TEMPBAN.

Tell us about yourself:Well I play baseball,basketball and hockey. I love to watch sports all the time im in highschool i live in the USA .

How mature would you consider yourself on a scale from 1-10?: 8

Building skills 1-10?:8

Are you an introvert or extrovert?:Doesnt Matter

How long have you been playing MC?:1.2.5

How many players could you bring to the server, if any?:I'm Not Sure it depends on how good the server is .

How many servers do you currently play on?:2

I Hope i can help You

Thank You For you time
02/01/2013 12:10 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
01/31/2013 4:51 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
All above applications are denied, sorry. You are not what the server is looking for.
01/31/2013 3:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
michaeljay23's Avatar
First name and IGN: Michael IGN: michaeljay23

Gender: Male

Age: 16

What rank are you applying for? Do you know the specific duties of the rank you are
applying for?: Actually either admin or Head-mod.

Do you have a Skype account?: (Don't post here) Yes i do my name is michaelflames1

Do you have any previous staff experience? If so, please include proof: Yes i was actually i was a previous admin on a server which got shut down because of the bills had to be paid and etc. but no proof im sorry about that.

Do you currently hold a staff position? If so, please include proof: No i do not looking for one tho.

Were you referred by an existing staff member?: No i was not i just happen to see this.

Do you have any previous bans?: Yes i do one server a LONG time ago when i first played i had /gm and i was flying and some admin thought i was hacking.

What is your timezone?: Eastern time.

How often are you available?: About everyday

Explain how to handle these offenses: hacking*, spamming*. Be specific: Hacking is warning depends on hack like forcefield thats 1 day ban. or jail flying is a instant jail for 1 hour. then spamming is mute for a couple hours.

Tell us about yourself: my name is michael im a very talented person with servers like plugins and stuff. im 16 im pretty old enough age. and i want to really help you out.

How mature would you consider yourself on a scale from 1-10?: 9

Building skills 1-10?: 7

Are you an introvert or extrovert?: extrovert

How long have you been playing MC?: a couple years.

How many players could you bring to the server, if any?: i could try and advertise a lot.

How many servers do you currently play on?: none really.

What are your expectations of other staff?: Being nice. Very good grammer and well talented people.
01/31/2013 12:35 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Network
louij2's Avatar
First name and IGN: louij2 Luca

Gender: Male

Age: 13

What rank are you applying for? Do you know the specific duties of the rank you are
applying for?: Moderator Or Even Admin Moderator will look for bans to make and spam and foul language and the admin will do the same as moderators and act on behalf of the owner but with not as much power as him the admin will also help the moderators if they are stuck and look after any lower ranking players.

Do you have a Skype account?: Yes (Don't post here)

Do you have any previous staff experience? If so, please include proof: My server and this server the-build.net is their website

Do you currently hold a staff position? If so, please include proof: I used to on the-build.net

Were you referred by an existing staff member?: Nope

Do you have any previous bans?: No

What is your timezone?: GMT

How often are you available?: All days every week 8 hours weekdays and over 12 weekends.

Explain how to handle these offenses: hacking*, spamming*. Be specific: Hacking i will gain proof post it on the website ask the person what they are doing or what they were doing and if i gain enough proof i ban them spamming i will wait 5 messages then say please don't spam and then give one more warning and then ban

Tell us about yourself: I am a simple guy I have a Mac and I do random photoshop GFX sometimes i have a youtube channel and i have my own website build from raw html http://www.the-buildyt.com

How mature would you consider yourself on a scale from 1-10?: 10

Building skills 1-10?: 9

Are you an introvert or extrovert?: extrovert but not too loud

How long have you been playing MC?: since 1.8 Beta

How many players could you bring to the server, if any?: about 20 - 30

How many servers do you currently play on?: 3

What are your expectations of other staff?: Polite well mannered able to deal with the situation at hand, have good attendance and have at least less then 2 bans
01/31/2013 11:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Tholdon's Avatar
First name and IGN: Chris, Serbitaar090



What rank are you applying for? Do you know the specific duties of the rank you are applying for?: Admin, duties of a admin on most servers are to keep the moderators and the server in check while the owner(s) are away to not do so they are there to be the players best friend and the worst enemy they are to be an authority head on the server while also upholding the server reputation on any servers they may go on.

Do you have a Skype account?: (Don't post here) Yes, although I do have a mic I do not use it as I listen to music so hardly won't go into the group conversations.

Do you have any previous staff experience? If so, please include proof: Yes although i can not include any proof as i had to clear my minecraft and all java applicants as my java got corrupt while dabbling in the folders and having my internet up at the same time with all my firewalls down.

Do you currently hold a staff position? If so, please include proof:Yes although these servers are under white-listing until i have developed the servers properly so they can unleash upon the world with the new epic weekend event PvP event and the new epic RP / PvP world. I could ask both owners to give you a resumae on my professionalism on the server, although i am Head Builder on one server and then a builder on the server i am trusted with OP and have been given the opportunity to receive manager on one of the servers although I declined this position as I did not want to work alongside the co-owner as he was never online so there was communication between me and him and I believe every server staff should at-least be in contact with the server once a week, unless given a reason why they are going absent that week / them weeks.

Were you referred by an existing staff member?:No

Do you have any previous bans?:I am not sure, you can check MC-bans or I can tell you when i get home from school if you do not have time to go on MC-bans yourself.

What is your timezone?:GMT i believe

How often are you available?: I am still heavily developing two server worlds as mentioned up above in the "current staff position" I will not be available as often as I would like to be on the server for the next 2 week but I am capable of at-least spending 1 - 2 hours on the server.

Explain how to handle these offenses: hacking*, spamming*. Be specific:
I would make sure that the reported person who was hacking, was hacking by going /vanish and following him around and check logblock if it was blocks he was breaking very fast etc, if attacking a player I will then check him/her PvP'ing to the other people. I will then kick the player with the warning "remove your hack from your files" if the player does not comply with this warning kick, i will ban him for 24hours so that he can remove the files and come back tomorrow if he/she commits the same offence i will permantly IP ban them from the server.

I will calmy tell the offender to stop the spam and see what the problem was if the offender does then not comply I will then kick the offender and then tp that character to the spawn point if he/she does not comply again with the rules they will be muted once un-muted if they commit the offence I will then ban them for 12hours.

Tell us about yourself: Experienced in C++, C#, Java and Python I am graduating from my highschool at the top of my IT class, once i go to college I will be studying software development level 3, I have already been accepted for the course providing I get my Maths and English at a grade C at-least which is very achievable as I am aiming for an A*. Do not get me wrong I am not one of these snobby twats that think they are better then anyone, in fact I actually put people above me to make sure they are doing fine and will stand in for anyone of my friends in a fight especially Katy. A thing to note about me aswell is that if I stand there and go afk without telling anyone the chances are I will likely coming back as something bad as happened with Katy or my family.

How mature would you consider yourself on a scale from 1-10?:7

Building skills 1-10?: Medeival, Fantasy about a 7 - 8, everything else I do not do.

Are you an introvert or extrovert?: a bit of both to be honest, depending on the time of day and the mood I am in i know it sounds a bit weird but this is who I am sometimes I just want to compose some new tracks or some kind of new build and other times I just want to be with more and more people.

How long have you been playing MC?: since late 1.7 beta build just before going to 1.8

How many players could you bring to the server, if any?: I will not be able to bring any at the beginning although I may be able to set up a partnership between my server (once it is up and running) and FlyingDucky's server (a server I am also developing).

How many servers do you currently play on?: None, I am currently staff members on two servers that I remember I am staff on / have the IP for the server I am staff on but apart from that I do not play on any server unless a rank such as Admin, Mod, Developer etc.

What are your expectations of other staff?: Mature and be capable of upholding the server rules, I won't ask for respect as that is earned not demanded.
01/31/2013 10:17 am
Level 30 : Artisan Fish
LittleTriton's Avatar
ProBooooiii, can I help out with the server?
Or do I still have to apply?
01/31/2013 4:52 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
I would appreciate it if you would still apply.
01/31/2013 9:57 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
01/30/2013 11:19 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
Wenever u can. Pm me ur skype and ill msg u iP
01/30/2013 11:09 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Mage
_ObiKenobi_'s Avatar
Awesome when should i come on?
01/30/2013 9:58 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
Bith please pm me your skypes
01/30/2013 3:46 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
PixelCrumbs's Avatar
First name and IGN: Nick Buckham

Gender: Male

Age: 14 (i know, 14. but im very mature for my age)

What rank are you applying for? Do you know the specific duties of the rank you are
applying for?: Adminiustrator

Do you have a Skype account?: Yes, i do.

Do you have any previous staff experience? If so, please include proof: I am an ex admin on a server, that i later quit to host my own. Speaking of that, i host my own server, which is modestly successful, even though it has only been up for 2 weeks now. < mc.ausrealms.com:25570

Do you currently hold a staff position? If so, please include proof: Owner of mc.ausrealms.com:25570

Were you referred by an existing staff member?: No

Do you have any previous bans?: No

What is your timezone?: Australian, Brisbane time.

How often are you available?: Almost All the time. even if im not online at a given time, you can ping me on my IRC server and i'll almost reply instantly.

Explain how to handle these offenses: hacking*, spamming*. Be specific: Person 1 Reports Person 2 hacking. le'me (PixelCrumbs) teleports and vanishes to confirm these claims. Claims = True, then = ban. simple enough, right? Well personally, i dont handle spam on my server, a plugin does. but for example, a player is spamming, you kick them once with an appropriate warning reason. Do it again, = ban.

Tell us about yourself: Im VERY experienced in coding, eg. ruby, HTML, java, css, css3, XSS, python, c, c#, c+, c++ etc. and i've dabbled in the area of plugin development.

How mature would you consider yourself on a scale from 1-10?: 9

Building skills 1-10?: 9.5, definately. you can check out some of my builds on my server if you wish.

Are you an introvert or extrovert?: Doesn't Matter

How long have you been playing MC?: since 1.2.5

How many servers do you currently play on?: only 2, my own, and another australian server.

What are your expectations of other staff?: Work together, collaborate, communicate, act mature, and be on regularly.

Kind Regards,
01/30/2013 9:57 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
Seems good. I will test you ingame to see if your make it. Perhaps you could devlop the server a website? We still are looking for one, and have a small temp one Accpeted
01/30/2013 3:30 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Mage
_ObiKenobi_'s Avatar
First name: Isaac

Gender: Male

Age: 16

What rank are you applying for? Do you know the specific duties of the rank you are
applying for?: Happy to take any admin position (i have spent more time in the higher chain of command though)

Do you have a Skype account?: yes i have 2 work and personal

Do you have any previous staff experience? If so, please include proof: i have been a host,manager and owner/co owner of many servers since i have been playing minecraft since it first came out. i owned several classic servers and now i usually stick to managing private servers and i also develop websites for any server owner that needs it.

Do you currently hold a staff position? If so, please include proof: yes i hold 2 but since they are on private "hand-picked" servers i cant reveal them. (hand picked servers are when the owner and co owner go around looking for trusted,experianced players to join their servers instead of having the usual noob hacker etc)

i also manage my own servers but since the 1.4 update i havent bothered to update them and all the plugins because i cbf (just sending all my players to another server owned by a friend.)

Were you referred by an existing staff member?: No.

Do you have any previous bans?: i have never been banned ever. never hacked, griefed broken rules. I am very strict when it comes to upholding server policys and laws.

What is your timezone?: Perth, W.A,Australia

How often are you available?: Most of the time during the day. (i go to a academic uni like school so i only go for an hour a day. plenty of free time 24/7 except for Wednesday mornings since i have piano lesson)

Explain how to handle these offenses: hacking*, spamming*. Be specific:

HACKING: I would first de-rank or jail the hacker and return any items he has stolen or anything he has broken or spawned. then i would make sure he has not effected any of the other players. I would then check the server policy on what the punishment is for hacking. if none where displayed i would give a temp ban (1 week) and second offense an IP perm ban with no argument.

SPAMMING: i would kindly ask the person to stop and inform them that they are spamming and it is against the rules, if they did not stop i would then mute them for 5 minuets and after the time i would un-mute. if the persist i would give a temp 1 day ban. ( if they continue after that i would issue a perm ban.)

Tell us about yourself: i am a very technical guy, i own a few computers,manage servers and know coding languages. i make programs and design websites for private and local companys. I study physiology and human behavior and plan on becoming a physiologist. i play a few different musical instruments and have been for 6 years now. i love reading,swimming,ice skating and...long walks on the beach :3
I AM Bisexual so if you have some sort of homophobic view please keep them to yourself as i dont care.

How mature would you consider yourself on a scale from 1-10?: 9.5. i take the job very seriously and do my best to make sure everyone is happy with the server and is enjoying themsevels.

Building skills 1-10?: vanilla 8.5, tekkit 10

Are you an introvert or extrovert?: i am probably more extrovert but i have a small amount of introvert in me

How long have you been playing MC?: since the first week it was released.

How many servers do you currently play on?: i usually pick 1-2 main servers and stick to them for 1-3 years before moving on unless managing)

What are your expectations of other staff?: that they do not misuse their power and they do their best to keep the server and its populous functioning and happy.
01/30/2013 9:53 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
A very well written application. I will test you ingame to see if you are worthy of staff position. accepted
01/30/2013 12:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
PLOXdiamonds's Avatar
you're not going to get any professionals here, I will tell you that. If you need pro's try another forum. This place is filled with 13 year olds like myself. Just a recomendation.
01/30/2013 12:31 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
ProBooooiii's Avatar
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