Looking for staff | Mod/Builder

Baymax's Avatar Baymax6/1/15 11:44 am
1 emeralds 161 7
6/1/2015 1:09 pm
DuckTummy's Avatar DuckTummy
You can visit my server in my profile!

Moderator Apply Preview:
What would you do as a moderator?:
How much time would you be online?:
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Builder Apply Preview:
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Your style? (Medival, Modern or another):
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Posted by Baymax's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Network

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06/01/2015 1:09 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
DuckTummy's Avatar
TeEsYou can visit my server in my profile!

Moderator Apply Preview:
What would you do as a moderator?:
How much time would you be online?:
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Builder Apply Preview:
How much time would you be online?:
Your style? (Medival, Modern or another):
More Information?:

Hello, sir [Or madam], I am here to apply for moderator, but first, I'd need to know the IP and update that your server sits on. It doesn't have to be in this forum, or in private, it could be either. But, like I said, I am here to apply for moderator.

Do you have to say your name? Because sharing info about yourself [Unless it's a game, even still though, you need to be careful sharing your game info!]
In game name: xXDuckTummyXx
Again with the sharing info thing... but, anyway, ten. [Nearly eleven, as my birthday is 44 days away as of me posting this {6/1/2015}]
I'd do some general helping, like if a grief happened, I'd find the pieces to who it was, and then I'd slam down the [Temp]Ban Hammer, and then rebuild the house, maybe even better! And then, I'd give them five or so diamond blocks, and go from there! But, if someone's cussing [Is that allowed in the server?] I'd give them the good ol' warning, if they keep going, one more, keep going, one last, keep going, temp ban, keep going, temp ban [Longer], keep going, then BOOM! Full ban hammer! And, that's not all I'd do, but I don't want to put more of that, so that I can keep it kinda sorta short.
How much time I'd be online? It varies, certain days, I'd put all the hours I have into one thing, others, I'd be hopping around stuff for hours with no end in sight.
I'm good at building, really good. Other people are better, but I'm still good.

Like Meeper said, don't deny younger people because of their age, as some people are pure unlike those dopey alphas. [If you're an alpha, you're not dopey ]

The name's Connor by the way xD
06/01/2015 1:08 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
DuckTummy's Avatar
TeEsYou can visit my server in my profile!

Moderator Apply Preview:
What would you do as a moderator?:
How much time would you be online?:
More information?:

Builder Apply Preview:
How much time would you be online?:
Your style? (Medival, Modern or another):
More Information?:

Hello, sir [Or madam], I am here to apply for moderator, but first, I'd need to know the IP and update that your server sits on. It doesn't have to be in this forum, or in private, it could be either. But, like I said, I am here to apply for moderator.

Do you have to say your name? Because sharing info about yourself [Unless it's a game, even still though, you need to be careful sharing your game info!]
In game name: xXDuckTummyXx
Again with the sharing info thing... but, anyway, ten. [Nearly eleven, as my birthday is 44 days away as of me posting this {6/1/2015}]
I'd do some general helping, like if a grief happened, I'd find the pieces to who it was, and then I'd slam down the [Temp]Ban Hammer, and then rebuild the house, maybe even better! And then, I'd give them five or so diamond blocks, and go from there! But, if someone's cussing [Is that allowed in the server?] I'd give them the good ol' warning, if they keep going, one more, keep going, one last, keep going, temp ban, keep going, temp ban [Longer], keep going, then BOOM! Full ban hammer! And, that's not all I'd do, but I don't want to put more of that, so that I can keep it kinda sorta short.
How much time I'd be online? It varies, certain days, I'd put all the hours I have into one thing, others, I'd be hopping around stuff for hours with no end in sight.
I'm good at building, really good. Other people are better, but I'm still good.

Like Meeper said, don't deny younger people because of their age, as some people are pure unlike those dopey alphas. [If you're an alpha, you're not dopey ]
06/01/2015 1:05 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
DuckTummy's Avatar
TeEsYou can visit my server in my profile!

Moderator Apply Preview:
What would you do as a moderator?:
How much time would you be online?:
More information?:

Builder Apply Preview:
How much time would you be online?:
Your style? (Medival, Modern or another):
More Information?:

Hello, sir [Or madam], I am here to apply for moderator, but first, I'd need to know the IP and update that your server sits on. It doesn't have to be in this forum, or in private, it could be either. But, like I said, I am here to apply for moderator.

Do you have to say your name? Because sharing info about yourself [Unless it's a game, even still though, you need to be careful sharing your game info!]
In game name: xXDuckTummyXx
Again with the sharing info thing... but, anyway, ten. [Nearly eleven, as my birthday is 44 days away as of me posting this {6/1/2015}]
I'd do some general helping, like if a grief happened, I'd find the pieces to who it was, and then I'd slam down the [Temp]Ban Hammer, and then rebuild the house, maybe even better! And then, I'd give them five or so diamond blocks, and go from there! But, if someone's cussing [Is that allowed in the server?] I'd give them the good ol' warning, if they keep going, one more, keep going, one last, keep going, temp ban, keep going, temp ban [Longer], keep going, then BOOM! Full ban hammer! And, that's not all I'd do, but I don't want to put more of that, so that I can keep it kinda sorta short.
How much time I'd be online? It varies, certain days, I'd put all the hours I have into one thing, others, I'd be hopping around stuff for hours with no end in sight.
I'm good at building, really good. Other people are better, but I'm still good.
06/01/2015 1:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Ddubwoj456's Avatar
Oh and I'll be on around 4 hours a day
06/01/2015 1:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Ddubwoj456's Avatar
Name: Dylan
IGN: Ddubwoj456
Age:13 but very responsible and kind
I would help people that need help. I would also keep scammed to a minimum. I have also had past experience as a moderator.
I would love to be part of your sever and watch it become something amazing!
06/01/2015 12:39 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Meeper434's Avatar
Name: Marius
IGN: Meeper434
Age: 9 [DONT deny just because of age! people think of young people being un-mature witch I untrue!]
What would you do as a moderator?: I would watch the chat and make sure no hackers get on! I am also an experienced head-administrator on a sadly shut down server
How much time would you be online?: 2-3 hours a day
More information?: Skype for more detail and info Skype: Meeper434
06/01/2015 11:55 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
GingerNinja707's Avatar
Hey I would love to be staff on your server. Also if you think my app is good can I be admin or head mod but mod is okay too. Actually its briliant XD

Here is my app:

What would you do as a moderator: I would love to be a moderator as I am great at communicating, I love helping new players out (and old players too) I have good grammar and spelling so people will be able to understand me. I can record and ban hackers with my OBS software recording. I can also get things out of players if they did something wrong and are lying, I can get the truth out of them nicely. I also love hosting games and events with players as it makes a bond with them and strengthens our servers community.

How much time would you be online: I can be online about 4-5 hours on weekdays and on weekends 6-7 hours (but i can never be on at all on tuesdays sorry) I will be very active on the forums of your server as well as in-game

More info; Overall i would love to be mod/admin/head-mod as I love helping people out, being nice and making our server grow. It sounds like a very promising server and i would love to be staff.

Thanks for reading my app and i hope i will see u soon.
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