Looking for SERIOUS Players - [The-Collector]

jthomsonmain's Avatar jthomsonmain2/1/14 1:53 pm
1 emeralds 102 2
2/5/2014 10:49 pm
jthomsonmain's Avatar jthomsonmain

Minecraft Server

The-Collector is running a Bukkit Server with basic anti-griefing and server control functions, otherwise the game is vanilla!

As Minecraft continually changes and becomes more popular, it is harder and harder to find a good server with serious players to be a part of. The-Collector aims to be the best server you have ever played on. We run a small, tightly knit group of players that are all involved in the community and play a role in the server. If you are looking for a fun, friendly, and no-nonsense environment to play in, come check out server out!

Please note that there are requirements you must meet to get build permissions in our world! Dont be discouraged, once we trust you, You will have a freedom ingame that no other server will ever give you!

Oh... AND WE DONT NEED OPS OR STAFF, so dont ask!

Do you still want to join!?
Visit http://the-collector.us/minecraft to learn how!

Do you want to explore before joining?

PlanetMinecraft Server Page with Images and Video:
Posted by jthomsonmain's Avatar
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner

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02/05/2014 10:49 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
jthomsonmain's Avatar
02/01/2014 1:54 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
jthomsonmain's Avatar
Please note that our website seems to be down at this time. I am working with the host to resolve the issue. Thank you for understanding!
Planet Minecraft


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