JustAddBacon Server Network - All Help Needed/Wanted

cdsquirrel's Avatar cdsquirrel12/17/14 2:57 pm
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12/17/2014 5:23 pm
MidgetBoy's Avatar MidgetBoy
I am CDSquirrel for mc.justaddbacon.us

I need a little help.

I am in the process of changing over for a multiverse server to a bungee network while upgrading to 1.8. I got that covered for the most part. I just made anothe major financial investment to keep the server moving forward. We have faithful following from our 6 months of being public. I plan to have an epic New year. Want to join my team?

This is what I am looking for as Admins/Mods/Builders

What JustAddBacon has already

Hub - its in great shape
Creative - Popular - but its a free for all and used by builders
Plotme - Very Popular - under control
Survival - Popular - Economy working well
Factions - Survival Clone - Admin quit and never set up factions properly - absolute chaos on this server. I took it offline - I know nothing about factions so I need help
Towny/McMMO - under constriction
SkyBlock - Admin just left - Popular - Functioning - Needs Major overhaul of spawn and shops
Skywars - Plugin and default maps - thats it
MiniGames - Currently being Managed- its in great shape
SurvivalGames - Running well - 3 maps - Needs Upgrades and Tweaking
Prison - Plugin and Half finished Borrowed Map - Needs major help - I know nothing about Prison

I think that covers what I have, so what do I need

Admins to run the servers, with my over-site you will be entirely responsible for the success/failure of that server.
You will need to make maps, configure plugins, make permission groups, hire moderators.
I will pay for it, take care of global configurations(IE, chats, perms), advertise. and assist as I can.
I prefer prior server owners who needed help but couldn't do it on their own.
If you have an existing server that is offline or wants to join the network that is great also. Up starts, future server owners that don't have the capital. Show me your plan. I might have a place for you.

Moderators - they will take care of the players and share in the experience of the server with them. They will work for the server admin to help fulfill their goals.

Builders, same as a mod but not much playing. I can put u to work on the current projects.

We have a website, Facebook, twitter, and YouTube account.

I need Mods/Admins/Users for them.

YouTubers - I need 1 really nice Server video. I currently have zero and many more after that. JAB's Channel will be used nut you can also promote/use your own. JAB is the priority.

Website - it works and functional and monitored daily. more help never hurts

Facebook/Twitter - Are these things even own, I just don't have the time, just like YouTube.

You can reply to this post or

Admin/Server Owners can apply here
http://justaddbacon.enjin.com/forum/m/1 ... um/5243073

Mods/Builders can apply here
http://justaddbacon.enjin.com/forum/m/1 ... um/4986104

Wanna Chat with me first, drop by the server or log into our
Teamspeak3 server Ts3.justaddbacon.us
Posted by cdsquirrel's Avatar
Level 28 : Expert Geek

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12/17/2014 5:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MidgetBoy's Avatar
IGN: MidgetBoy_
Age: 14
Skype: frizzy._
Rank wanted? Preferably Mod but anything that fits me is fine
Previous Experience: Owner, Admin (3), Mod (2), Helper (2)
Why do you want to become staff: I want to help make this server one of the biggest servers there is. I will do my very best and put all of my effort towards helping this server in every way possible. If I get a staff position, I will help anyone and everyone with any problems they have. I will help keep this server safe and to help everyone have a good time. I will learn the servers rules and keep this server going with no trouble. I know basic server commands and I can learn way more if needed. I will have fun on the server and I want to help everyone else enjoy it and have fun too. I will also contribute as much as I can towards this server to help. I want to help make new servers bigger and better. I am on Minecraft basically all day. Whenever you need me, ill be on. But otherwise, ill always on the server. I have been a mod on 1 other server. I watch out for Hackers, Spammers, and anyone who is just a mistake to the minecraft community. I am good with commands and I am great with working out problems with people and I always enjoy helping when I can. You can trust me no matter what. I can see how hard the Staff try to make a new server a great server and I want to be a part! But there are always situations that the best of the best cant handle. I want to help to stop these people (Hackers, etc.) I always record in-game and take screenshots just incase I catch anything that is not allowed on the server (Hackers, Spammers, Rudeness, Excessive Caps, etc.) If a player needs to be banned, I automatically report to higher person (Mod,Admin,Owner) and report to them with what I have. I would not play around with the rank. I work to benefit the servers needs. I am very Loyal, Trustworthy, Honest, and almost everything nice! I have never been banned because I don't play around. I am respectful to the minecraft community.
Have you ever been banned: Nope
Extra Information: Timezone- EST (Eastern Standard Time)

If any more info is needed please ask :)
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