[1.7.9.] Galaxy-Rush Survival

Skrce's Avatar Skrce7/7/14 2:31 pm
1 emeralds 206 1
7/24/2014 5:16 pm
TheAngryHippo's Avatar TheAngryHippo
What is Galaxy-Rush?

Our server is a survival based server with Shops, Friendly Staff,Towns, PvP Tournaments with rewards, creating your own regions and making structures of any kind you want! There is also Parkour and even Trampolines for you to enjoy! Enjoy exploring and building with your friends! Our IP is: play.galaxy-rush.net

How can I apply for staff?

Must be 12 years old at least.
Must be the rank "Member" on the server.
Must of been on the server for 2 weeks
After that...

You can simply make a forum account on our website which is http://galaxy-rush.net/ After that, you follow the format and apply on the "Apply for Helper" section.

If it is accepted for review by the Head-Administrator. Our current staff team will vote if you are worthy or not and then if you are accepted, you move on to the interview stage which requires skype.

If you are answer the interview correctly or mostly correctly, you will become a Helper in our current Staff Team!

What are the ranks on Galaxy-Rush?

The ranks are the following for Users, Donors, and Staff Members.


Newbie: A rank you first get when you join the server. This rank does not have all the commands of a full Member.

Member: Rank earned by getting $500 in-game through mining or paying means and typing in /promote. These users can make towns, be members of towns, apply for staff, etc.

Star: $5.00, more info of what it gets at http://galaxy-rush.net/shop

Asteroid: $10.00, more info of what it gets at http://galaxy-rush.net/shop

Astronaut: $25.00, more info of what it gets at http://galaxy-rush.net/shop

Galactic: $50.00, more info of what it gets at http://galaxy-rush.net/shop

Staff Ranks:

Helper: Carries the task of helping new players.
Chat-Mod: Carries the task of monitoring chat.
Moderator: Carries the task of moderating the server and forums.
Head-Moderator: Same role as Moderator but supervises lower ranks.
Administrator: Supervisor of all ranks lower than it and assists lower staff with their jobs.
Head-Administrator: Overall leader of the staff team and manages it.
Owner: Developer and has the task of keeping the server up and running.

What are the rules?

Rule 1
- Don't ask for items.

Rule 2
- No hacking or cheating.

Rule 3
- Limit the swearing.

Rule 4
- No bullying or harrasing players.

Rule 5
- No spamming or adverting (No Server Talk)

Rule 6
- Don't ask for op. You won't get it.

Rule 7
- Don't scam players, Admins have right to punish you if busted.

Rule 8
- Don't give out personal info *if* you know someone on the server.

Rule 9
- Always treat admins with respect or expect a mute without a warning!

If you have any questions, just ask me! So come and enjoy your stay on the server, hope to see you there!
Posted by Skrce's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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07/24/2014 5:16 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
TheAngryHippo's Avatar
Some updates!

I will now be posting mainly from this account, and now we are looking for some Builders and Youtubers!

The requirement for getting rank "Youtuber" on our server which has some donor perks and commands is rather simple, have at least 50+ subs and make a decent quality video of the server or you could make a series, any requirements you need to make a video for the server, just ask from here, PMC, or on our website, http://galaxy-rush.net/

As for builders, you can apply on the Galaxy-Rush Forums or here, there are no special requirements but for you to be the age of 13. Note that we do not tolerate people who abuse their powers as builder, they will be immediately demoted with no warning. Feel free to ask any questions.

IGN (In-game name):
Rate your building skills 1 - 10:
What is your favorite thing to build?
Skype name (needed for Staff Chat):
Have you ever been banned and if so, why?
Do you have any past experience as a Builder:
Why do you think you should be a Builder?

That's it. You can also message me your Skype name, if you would like it kept private.
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