Doctor Who/Sherlock RP Server! [Apply]

Tutto200's Avatar Tutto2007/12/13 12:55 am
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Domino_21's Avatar Domino_21
Doctor Who/Sherlock RP Server

Apply now for original characters!

Ever seen Doctor Who? Ever seen Sherlock? Well if so this is your server! The servers based around the famous British series which allows you to act out your favourite characters. Even if you haven't seen the two you can join with ease. You could cause crimes and wreck havoc or you could stop them. You could also reach to outer-space and see aliens. Anythings possible on Doctor Who/Sherlock RP Server; where Doctor Who and Sherlock characters meet.

The Plot
It's 21st century London. There's been an outbreak in crimes and alien interaction. Nobody knows the reason why this is happening but they know it's not safe. People have started taking extra precautions; making sure cars and doors are locked, shops closing down before 6pm and a curfew for all Londoners to be in their houses by 8pm. There is a startling presence in London and that presence has broken their long lasted peace. It's up to you now to either take advantage of this or help stop it. Either way you as the character will make a difference...


ID: DW/SH Minecraft
Pass: DW/SH Minecraft
Status: Open

ID: DW/SH Minecraft 2
Pass: DW/SH Minecraft 2
Status: Open

ID: DW/SH Minecraft 3
Pass: DW/SH Minecraft 3
Status: Open

And so on

Whitelist Application:
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock:
RP skills:
Will you power play:
A little about yourself:

Character Application
Original or Cannon:
Character's Name:
Appearance: (if original)
Personality: (if original)
Brief History:
Why you should get this character: (if cannon)
RP Example:

Thanks and hope to see some Doctor Who and Sherlock characters on the server
Posted by Tutto200's Avatar
Level 32 : Artisan Mage

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07/12/2013 3:38 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar

Doctor Who Cannons
The 11th Doctor / tutto200
Meta Crisis 10th / Open
River Song / Open
Rose Tyler / Open
Martha Jones / Open
Donna Noble / Open
Amy Pond / Open
Clara Oswald / Open [Reserved if hosted]
Rory Williams / ELSmooth
Jenny / Open
Wilfred Mott / Open
The Master / Open
Darvos / Open
The Dream Lord / Open
Captain Jack Harkness / Open
Gwen Cooper / Open
Toshiko Sato / Open
Owen Harper / Open
Ianto Jones / Open

Sherlock Holmes / Open
Dr. John Watson / Open
Jim Moriarty / Open
Mycroft Holmes / Open
D.I Greg Lestrade / Open
Sgt. Sally Donovan / Open
Molly Hooper / Open
Mrs. Hudson / Open
Irene Adler / Open
Anderson / Open
Ella Thompson (John's counsellor) / Open
07/12/2013 6:09 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
If we get enough players then later I might make the server 24/7 and hosted.
07/12/2013 10:51 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
Nadettew's Avatar
Oh damn! I was excited to apply but then I saw the server was a Hamachi. I've been looking for a BBC server but can I send in an application for when the server goes 24/7?
07/12/2013 11:03 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
Nadettew's Avatar
If I can send in an application beforehand-

Whitelist Application:
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: YES. IT IS MY LIFE. I have a Doctor Who Instagram account with the name @Jenna_Louise_Coleman
Name: Nadette
Age: 14
Maturity: 8/10
RP skills: Pretty good. Done a ton of Doctor Who RP.
Will you power play: Nope.
A little about yourself: I'm Australian and I've done roleplay a lot in the past. Mostly modern roleplay and Doctor Who roleplay. I've been looking for a Doctor Who server for awhile and this popped up. My Instagram account has over 2000 followers, all of which are fans of BBC TV shows.
Other: I like sushi, YouTube and Minecraft. Er. Yeah.

Character Application
Original or Cannon: Cannon
Character's Name: Clara Oswald
Appearance: (if original)
Personality: (if original)
Brief History: Clara Oswald was born in London. Her mum died when she was a teenager. She met the Doctor whilst asking for tech support. Best in the universe. Shortly after her first adventure, she was picked up as a full time companion to travel with the Doctor anytime, anywhere. After visiting Trenzalore, she jumped into the Doctor's timeline. "I am the impossible girl, and I was born to save the Doctor."
Why you should get this character: (if cannon) I've roleplayed Clara in the past as a crazy souffle girl with a flirty personality. It would mean the world to me to get this part.
07/13/2013 2:17 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Accepted! However as your doing this application for (remember this depends on the amount of people who apply) the hosted server your character will be able to be taken by other players for hamachi.
Thanks for applying and hope that we get enough so we can make it a hosted server!
07/14/2013 1:13 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
07/14/2013 10:15 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
EvanAgainstTheWorld's Avatar
Please ignore this message, I am testing something.
07/14/2013 10:16 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
EvanAgainstTheWorld's Avatar
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: It basically consumes my entire life.
IGN: ELSmooth
Name: Evan
Age: 13
Maturity: 8/10
RP skills: Sherlock and Doctor Who roleplays, (John and Sherlock, River and The Doctor.)
Will you power play: No
A little about yourself: I honestly can't say stuff about my self on the spot.. But hopefully as time goes on, we can get to know each other better.
Other: I am an animator, and I have a youtube channel... I also love all types of games, but Portal 2 is my all time favorite.

Original or Cannon: Cannon
Character's Name: Rory Williams
Appearance: (if original)
Personality: (if original)
Brief History: Rory Williams was born in Leadworth, and grew up with his two friends, Amelia and Mels. As he grew up, him and Amy started to date. They where eventually married, but the day before their wedding day, his fiance started to travel with the Doctor. He, too, started to travel with the Doctor. He died happily with his wife, at Winter Quay.
Why you should get this character: Well, I've always thought of myself as a teenager version of Rory, so it would be awesome to actually roleplay as him on this server.
07/14/2013 11:28 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Accepted as Rory Williams! And I know the feeling, it seems to do that to mine... Can't wait to see you on
07/15/2013 12:05 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
EvanAgainstTheWorld's Avatar
Thank you! One thing, is the server up? Cause I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if it's just down..
07/15/2013 5:33 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Sorry that's the server down. It should be good now. Also do you have Skype?
07/16/2013 6:52 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Server edits: adding story phases (Reichenbach Fall, etc)

Keep the applications coming!
07/16/2013 12:46 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
FlaredCaboose21's Avatar
Whitelist Application
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: Yes, love Doctor Who
IGN: FlaredCaboose21
Name: Shawn
Skype: Flared3
Maturity: High
RP skills: Very good, I do alot of RP with my brother
Will you power play: No
A little about yourself: Well theres not much to tell, but i live a boring life i pretty much live on the computer and I dont go out much so I have alot of freetime

Character Application
Original or Cannon: Not sure what this means but i guess cannon
Character's Name: Meta crisis 10th
Appearance: (if original)
Personality: (if original)
Brief History: I am a copy of the 10th Doctor and I was created to stay with Rose in Pete's World after the dimensions closed off from each other.
Why you should get this character: I always loved the 10th Doctor he was my absolute favorite and I would really like to be him.
07/17/2013 8:22 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
If you could put in a RP Example your good to go. Also 'Cannon' means a character already made and from a narrative like text.
07/17/2013 11:15 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
FlaredCaboose21's Avatar
Ok, well me and my brother play on halo as two characters named John and Scott we were stationed on a base in a place called Corvick we were there for months until one day the covenant attacked, we survived but had to make major repairs. and thats all I can remember. And btw if the tardis plugin is on the server can get one even though im the copy of the 10th Doctor.
07/19/2013 2:24 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Hmm...please put more detail into your RP Example. And if accepted then yes you can have your own TARDIS.
Sherlock is awesome
08/03/2013 1:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sherlock is awesome's Avatar
Whitelist Application:
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock:every season of Sherlock and all the Matt smith seasons of doctor who
IGN:I sadly don't have one but will make one if I must
Name:Zachary Bourgeois or if you meant minecraft name chucky20098
Maturity:8/10 (although I do have ADHD )
RP skills:I larp and rp a lot I've joined loads of RPGs and I am the Sherlock at my high school
Will you power play:if I must then yes I will power play
A little about yourself:I consider my self a great detective (I've actually studied Sherlock Holmes methods)I'm also a great doctor who fan and a sherlokian
Other:in the future I want to be a consulting detective

Character Application
Original or Cannon:cannon
Character's Name: Sherlock Holmes
Appearance: (if original)
Personality: (if original)
Brief History:Sherlock Holmes grew up with his brother Mycroft Holmes and mother.he one day went on to become a consulting detective the first and only mind you and his older brother went on to audit books for the government.sherlock one day was noticed by inspector lestraud and sherlock thought he might need a colleague. little did he know his friend Stamford would actually know someone who would be intrested Dr.John H. Watson and their adventures have been famous ever since.of course I would give more info but you said brief.
Why you should get this character: I now this character by the book (literally I've read most of them at my library) I can sometimes even act like this character for example I have a photographic memory or ideitic memory I play an instrument such as the piano

My rp example was include in rp skills but if we're to rate myself on rp skills cause I will admit I didn't really put any thing it would be a 8/10 atleast
Sherlock is awesome
08/03/2013 1:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sherlock is awesome's Avatar
Oh and when asked about the power play I really meant no I won't
Farseer Caltair
08/03/2013 1:55 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Farseer Caltair's Avatar
This sounds totally awesome. I'll join if/when it's made non-hamachi.
Also, that version of canon has one n.
In the process of making an application, but I don't feel like making yet another RPing example...
Sherlock is awesome
08/03/2013 3:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sherlock is awesome's Avatar
Also I'm adding optifine to make seem more like I see smaller details just saying if I get accepted
08/05/2013 3:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
badawada's Avatar
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: A little bit of Sherlock, LOADS of Dr Who
IGN: My minecraft is Yogonaut
Name: Irl? It's Lois. .
Skype: No skype
Age: 14
Maturity: I'd say I am very mature.
RP skills: I think I am good, but this is my first proper RP, so I'ma bit of a noob when it comes to RPG (Apart from runescape)
Will you power play: I told you I'm a noob, so I don't know what powerplaying is, DON'T KILL ME!
A little about yourself: I <3 Doctor Who, Harry Potter, YouTube and The Beatles.
Other: ... Not that I can think of...

Original or Cannon: Original
Character's Name: Abigail Hart
Appearance (if original): Dyed rainbow hair, purple and black top, purple shoes, blue eyes and jeans
Personality (if original): Bubbly, sweet, kind, loyal.
Brief History: Abigail worked in a shop in London, making and selling clothes. In her lunch break she went to get some coffee, but while doing that, she passed through an alleyway. In said alleyway, there was a trash-can shaped robot, called a dalek, saw her. "Oh no, oh no, oh no!" She muttered.
"Exterminate!" The robot shouted, before shooting at her, missing.
She screamed, before seeing a man holding a contraption of some sorts, behind the dalek. He pressed a button on the thing he was holding and it made a whirring, buzzing sound.
"UNKNOWN ATTACKER, UNKNOWN ATTACK-" The dalek screamed, then got cut off, and antenna drooped down, along with his weapons.
"It's only temporary," The man said, grabbing Abby by her wrist, "He'll wake up soon."
"Who are you?" She asked,
"Oh, sorry, *cough cough* Hello, I'm The Doctor." The Doctor smiled with a twinkle in his eye. Abigail's life would never be the same again.
08/05/2013 7:45 am
Level 24 : Expert Taco
Nisashi's Avatar
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock:nope
Maturity: not sure im not a litle kid
RP skills:hum not sure if 5 or 6
Will you power play: dunno what u mean
A little about yourself: hum dunno what to say
Other: hey im a Human.
08/09/2013 8:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Handhunter12's Avatar
Whitelist Application:
Have you ever seen Doctor Who/Sherlock
I LOVE DOCTOR WHO, although I have yet to watch Sherlock sadly.
Minecraft IGN- Handhunter12
Name- Tom
Age- 14
Maturity- Depending on how I'm feeling or what is going on probably 7-9/10.
RP skills: Not very much...
Will you power play: No
A little about yourself- I'm American, and I've played a lot of Minecraft, but not very much RP. I wanted to try an RP server and I love Doctor Who, so i found this. I love to read, watch movies and play minecraft.

Character Application:
Original or cannon- Cannon
Character's Name: Jack Harkness
Appearance: (if original)
Personality: (if original)
Brief History: Jack Harkness is a 'con man' who fools the Doctor by trying to scam him but later joins the TARDIS' crew for a short while. He helps the Doctor and Rose considerably whilst they fight off the Daleks but is shot and killed by one towards the end of the fight. He is revived by Rose Tyler while she has the power of the TARDIS in her, which made Jack immortal.
Why you should get this character- Jack is one of my favorite characters, and I would really like to roleplay him in this server, ithink it would be a lot of fun. and I'd really enjoy it.
08/15/2013 3:05 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Dragon
DrWhoHa's Avatar
Whitelist Application:
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: YES!!! I am a massive fan of both!
IGN: SlenderNoface
Maturity: 8/10
RP skills: I am a great roleplayer and I love having fun!
Will you power play:No
A little about yourself: I was born In bristol, I had eye cancer when I was born, Started watching doctor who when I was 5 and have never stopped watching it since!
Other: I love portal 2 and other valve games, I am into iron man and I guess its safe to say I have made like 9 Tardis or doctor who related Minecraft Maps!

Character Application

Can I be the 12th doctor? I will Show to applications. One for 12th and one for an Original Character

The 12th Doctor
Original or Cannon: Canon
Character's Name: The 12th Doctor
Appearance: (if original)
Personality: (if original)
Brief History: N/A
Why you should get this character: (if cannon) Because at the moment we know nothing except who the actor is for the 12th doctor. I think I cam take one his appearence and turn it into a doctor personality and it'll be good!

Clara's boyfriend Michael
Original or Cannon: Original
Character's Name: Michael
Appearance: planetminecraft com/skin/michael-2402511/
Personality: Cool, Eccentric, Loves to run, Loves new things, Not scared of anything
Brief History: He was the friend of Angie's Dad, Clara met him when He came over to for a cup of tea, They then started dating.Later the doctor picked him up in the Tardis.

Please If you are interested add me!?
08/15/2013 3:05 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Dragon
DrWhoHa's Avatar
* Two Applications
08/27/2013 8:05 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
12D0CT0RSHERL0CK57's Avatar
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: Yes, basicly since I revolve around BBC shows like Sherlock, Doctor Who, and Torchwood
IGN: Everew (Share with my sister)
Name: Andrew
Skype: mythbusters20
Age: 13
Maturity: 7-8
RP skills: Some Server stufff
Will you power play: Yes, a little
A little about yourself: I'm part British and Italian, I've done some server stuff, and Im on Instagram, I usually post Divergent Sherlock and Doctor Who Stuff, it's @andrewjohnson6272
Other: I like to watch the Youtube Minecraft Videos, and Mods, Biking, and other fun stuff.

Character Application
Original or Cannon:Cannon
Character's Name: John Watson
Appearance: (if original)
Personality: (if original)
Brief History:
Why you should get this character: I Think I should get John Watson because I always imagined being him when I was older. I also would like to get John Watson because were alike, wandering off trying to figure things out and helping people in need.
RP Example:
08/31/2013 1:09 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
PushedPiston's Avatar
Whitelist Application:
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: Yes I LOVE Doctor Who
IGN: PushedPiston
Name: Alec
Skype: moon.stone37
Age: 14
Maturity: I am very mature
RP skills: I am an actor so I love role play and I'm great at it
Will you power play: Nope. I like to let others control their character.
A little about yourself: I'm a huge gamer and I love role play and all that sci-fi stuff like Doctor Who. I am a bit humorous but not annoying.
Other: Nothing else to say but, Allons-y!

Character Application
Original or Cannon: Original
Character's Name: Alec Roddel
Appearance: Normal sized, long, light brown hair and ice blue eyes.
Personality: A bit of a joker, but when things get serious, so does he.
Brief History: He was a young genius in the 21st century who invented a prototype of a sonic screwdriver, which he used and accidentally knocked the TARDIS out of the time vortex and into London, 2025 This is when he met the Doctor.
09/05/2013 4:56 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
XChainMushroomX's Avatar
[[b]b]Whitelist Application:
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: Yes.
IGN: ChainMushroom
Name: Brian
RP skills: I Am an Rper who listens to the rules and likes to have fun.
Will you power play: No
A little about yourself: Kind person who is hoping to get on this server
Other: I like to think of myself as an Animator

Character Application
Original or Cannon: Original
Character's Name: Damian
Appearance: Young man in a beanie, hoodie, and vest
Personality: Funny, Carefree, and.shy
Brief History: Damian was born to a loving family. He was born and raised in a small town in Leadworth, He was always a quite kid. He always admired the stars and wanted to explore them.
10/27/2013 4:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
GiroNatsu4ever's Avatar
Whitelist Applictation:
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: Planning on watching Dr. Who. Sherlock is my life!
IGN: GiroNatsu4ever
Name: Julia
Age: 16
Maturity: 8/10
RP skills: Extremely good (trying not to brag here, but please cut me some slack). I've been RPing for years and love getting into character.
Will you power play: I'm assuming this means the same thing as god-modding. No, I do not power play.
A little about myself: I have three major fandoms: SGT. Frog, Phantom of the Opera, and of course, Sherlock. I love to write fanfiction, act, sing, and play Minecraft of course. I also love to RP (obviously).
Other: I'm familiar with Minecraft, but not a total expert like my brother is.

Character Application
(Not sure if Sherlock's taken: I'm pretty sure he is, but I'm submitting this just in case. Another question: If I don't get Sherlock, could I submit a canon character from a show other than Sherlock or Doctor Who?)
Original or Canon: Canon
Character's name: Sherlock Holmes
Brief history: Sherlock was extremely observant from a young age, and describes himself as a 'high-functioning sociopath'. He has an older brother, Mycroft. He tends to be insensitive and seems asexual- he once told John that he was 'married to his work'.
Why I should get this character: I absolutely love the show Sherlock and think I fit Sherlock's personality in several ways, some of which being that sometimes I talk extremely fast and more than necessary.
11/15/2013 11:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BaconExpert982's Avatar
Whitelist Application:
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: I have seen ust about every episode I can get my hands on, without pyrating it.
IGN: BaconExpert982
Name: Bailey Spaulding
Skype: baconexpert982
Age: 15
RP skills: Im very good, especialy at DW and Sherlock
Will you power play: No
A little about yourself: I am a normal person, who just wants to have some fun roleplaying the caracters i love
Other: im a very geeky person whose obbsested with anything british, vidio games, or books

Character Application
Original or Cannon: Cannon
Character's Name: Amy Pond
Appearance: (if original)
Personality: (if original)
Brief History: She is the first face the 11th doctor meets as a five year old. Shes also the girl who waited, for so long, just for the doctor to take her somewhere. Later on, it is discovered that she is the mother of River Song. Long after, she dies, happily, after deciding that she wants to be with her husband Rory, rather then with the doctor
Why you should get this character: (if cannon) My friends are always comparing my personality to Amy's, plus i RP her in the past
RP Example:The Angles Take Manhatten: When Amy and Rory decide to jump off the building to try and cause a alternet time line to save everyone
11/16/2013 10:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
BaconExpert982's Avatar
*Skype Fix BaconExpert982*
11/24/2013 10:44 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
phillipa2000's Avatar
Whitelist Application:
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: yes, massive fan and im proud of being a Whovian and Sherlockian. ^.^
IGN: phillipa2000
Name: Claire
Skype: SweetieDalek565 (also my instagram lol)
Age: 13
Maturity: Doctor.
RP skills: good, i have done LARP since i was 7 and i do minecraft rp all the time. i love it. i have some really well developed characters, and i LOVE making new ones.
Will you power play: no.
A little about yourself: im thirteen years old and i live in denmark. i love doctor who and i am completely obsessed. i love roleplaying and reading books.
Other: i am a fangirl. i have three cats and one dog. i like imagine dragons. sometimes i might fangirl randomly.

Character Application
Original or Cannon: cannon
Character's Name: Rose Tyler
Appearance: (if original)
Personality: (if original)
Brief History: Rose Tyler grew up in london, she had a normal life untill that one day she met a man called the Doctor. that day everything changed. . .
Why you should get this character: (if cannon) i would like to roleplay as a teenager version of Rose Tyler if it is possible. i love roleplaying and i would love to try roleplaying as Rose since she is my favorite character and remind me of myself in real life.
RP Example: idk what you mean by rp example.. lol
(original character)

Original or Cannon: original
Character's Name: Claire Smith
Appearance: (if original) ginger, tall, nerdy looking
Personality: (if original) nerdy, funny, brave, like Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson.
Brief History: having watched Doctor Who her whole life, she was shocked to see the Tardis materialize in front of her house. she heard a knock on her door and immediatly opened it. a man was standing outside wearing a bowtie. she spoke to him and he left. she was left there wondering who that man might have been.
Why you should get this character: (if cannon)
11/28/2013 3:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
man_of_ender's Avatar
Whitelist Application:
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: The Doctor is my hero I try to act like the Doctor every moment of my life.
IGN: man_of_ender
Name: RL: will, MC: man_of_ender
Skype: man_of_ender
Age: 14
Maturity: 8/10
RP skills: OK I do a lot of wynncraft.
Will you power play: no
A little about yourself: I am a fast runner but I don't like sport, minecraft is my favorite game and I have ordered a bunch of Doctor Who merchandise.
Other: I do youtube videos and I am looking for something that I can make a long standing series.

Character Application
Original or Cannon: Original
Character's Name: man_of_ender or MOE for short.
Appearance: I am an ender based creature with red hear and green eyes I have gold dawish based Armour pieces and I where the symbol of my home of origin. (if original)
Personality: I am an out sider I I do not understand human society and emotion but I am learning (if original)
Brief History: I am the final Human based Enderbing. A lad experiment never awaken till a malfunction in the labs cordial controls left me awake and alone. after 8 years of wandering the ender islands located in the heart of the time vortex I found a civilization of similar looking creatures ruled by a dragon, The dragon told of the extinction of my creatures and of the development of the enderman, these creatures where made by the enderdragons who now rule the heart of the time vortex. I left in seek of my own adventure in another land far away from the heart and my origin.
Why you should get this character: (if cannon)
RP Example: Wynncraft.
12/05/2013 5:02 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
RandomFandom123's Avatar
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: YES!!!
IGN: Unicorn_lover10
Name: Ally
Age: 12
Maturity: 7/10
Will you power play: Nah
A little about yourself: My name is Ally. I live in Florida and have tons of friends. I also have a little sister, and 2 parents. I might have a love life!
Other: I LOVE DOCTOR WHO! My friend, Heather, recently introduced it to me, BUT NOW I'M IN LOVE! I GOT MY Ten/Rose FEELS AND TOO MANY FEELS!
12/05/2013 5:03 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
RandomFandom123's Avatar
12/21/2013 11:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
metheson123's Avatar
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock:Both
Name:Kai Cathcart
Skype:metheson .
RP skills:100
Will you power play:yes
A little about yourself:I am a big whovian
Other:nothing else important
Original or Cannon: Cannon
Character's Name: Captin Jack
Appearance: I dont remember
Personality: Flirty
Brief History:Was with the 9th doctor, got stranded in time, is the face of boe
Why you should get this character: I know alot about him
RP Example: "Later Blue",or "Hey sweet stuff"
Thats it!
04/07/2014 10:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TardisImpala221B's Avatar
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: OF COURSE. I have been watching Sherlock since the beginning of the show and Doctor Who for most of my life, including most of the classic ones.
IGN: I have a doctor who/sherlock/supernatural instagram called @whovians_and_hunters
Name:Elise Kesler
Skype: TardisImpala221B
Maturity: 8/10
RP skills: I've RPed as Clara Oswald and Rose Tyler, along with RPing as Molly Hooper and Anna from Frozen. I've been RPing for about 3 years, I do it often.
Will you power play: No
A little about yourself: I spend most of my life on Tumblr, Instagram, Minecraft, and Netflix. I love to hang out with other fans of my favourite shows, there are too many to name right now XD. I'm excited to get to know everyone on the server if I'm accepted!
Other: I am pretty good at building on Minecraft.

Character Application
Original or Cannon: Cannon
Character's Name: Rose Tyler
Appearance: (if original)
Personality: (if original)
Brief History: Rose was born in the Powell Estate to the relatively average Jackie and Pete Tyler. Her father died in a car crash before she was one years old, so she was raised by her mother. As of 2005, she was dating Mickey Smith and working at a department store, until the ninth doctor saved her from living plastic mannequins controlled by the Nestene Consciousness. She saw him regenerate after absorbing the power of the TARDIS and became the Bad Wolf, and she and the tenth incarnation of the Doctor fell in love until they were parted in doomsday.
Why you should get this character: (if cannon) I have RPed as Rose Tyler in the past, and I love her character- she is my favourite companion, excluding Romana from the classic series.
RP Example: (I'm not sure what you mean here, so I'll just write a sort of monologue of my version of Rose introducing herself. Hope that's fine.) My name is Rose. Yeah, I know, it's not really a special name. I'm not really that special of a girl- or at least I wasn't, until I met a man called the Doctor when I was nineteen years old. We traveled together, going on all sorts of adventures and seeing some pretty crazy things. We saved some people from the unfortunate circumstances they were placed in, everything from being turned into a zombie kid who wanted his mum to helping a little girl who was lonely and needed the love of her family. I'm just about ready to go on more adventures, and I can't believe I'll have the chance once again.
04/14/2014 10:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TardisGirl324's Avatar
Whitelist Application:
Have you seen Doctor Who or Sherlock- YES YES YES!!! I love it so much!!! Doctor Who and Sherlock Rock
IGN- Thephantomdueler
Name- Jenny
Skype- None sorry
Age- 13
Maturity- 9/10
RP Skills- Good. I have done a tone of RPs most of them is Doctor Who
Will you Power Play- No
A little about yourself- I love Doctor Who. Im weird in a good way and i luv to watch BBC and play MC. I have a dog idk why i put that in but u know. I was watching DW while doing this i really don't know why im putting that in lol but i can get a little crazy
Other- My fav Minecraft youtuber is TheBajanCanadian

Character Application:
Original or Cannon- Cannon
Character's Name- River Song
Appearance- ( if Original )
Personality- (if original )
Brief History- My parents are Amy and Rory. I grew up very weirdly and i grew up in different time periods. I gave up my regens to save the Doctor. I also married The Doctor. My parents died in NYC. Later I helped The Doctor and Clara in trenzalore.
Why you should get this Character- Because i have rped River before. I love River Song shes my favorite char.
04/19/2014 2:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MegaSpeedZ's Avatar
pls i want to get in too

whitelist application

Have you seen DW or Sherlock: doctor who is a part of my heart and will always be, ive seen all the episodes and even memorized them :3, but haven't seen sherlock lol

IGN: MegaSpeedZ

Name: you mean real name? or charachter name? if real, it is: majed. if charachter. it is davros

skype: Majid alsamhan

age: 13

maturity: quite mature, but rage alot lol

RP skills: OVER 9000!!!! lol but seriously im really good at it, but of course i have to memorise the words first lol then roleplay

will you power play: what does this mean?

a little about myself: my name is majed alsamhan, im from kuwait, middle east, im 12, i live with my parents and 3 brothers, i have no sisters, and i love cake xD

other: I just have to say, i love doctor who and please make this server whitelisted, and whitelist the people that get in, no hamachi, cuz that shizz is annoying lol

charachter application:

Original or cannon: ehhh what does it mean? uhhh original???

charachter's name: davros

appearance if original: when the tenth doctor and his friends face them in season 4 lol

personality: evil, an enemy to the doctor

brief history:Davros is a scientist from the planet Skaro whose people, the Kaleds, were engaged in a bitter thousand-year war of attrition with their enemies, the Thals. He is horribly scarred and crippled, a condition that various spin-off media attribute to his laboratory being attacked by a Thal shell. He has one functioning hand and one cybernetic eye mounted on his forehead to take the place of his real eyes, which appear to have been fused shut; for much of his existence he depends completely upon a self-designed mobile life-support chair which encloses the lower half of his body. It would become an obvious inspiration for his eventual design of the Dalek. The condition of the lower half of his body is unknown; he is physically incapable of leaving the chair without dying. Davros's voice, like those of the Daleks, is electronically distorted. His manner of speech is generally soft and contemplative, but when angered or excited he is prone to ranting outbursts that resemble the hysterical, staccatissimo speech of the Daleks.

Davros is a megalomaniac who believes that through his creations, the Daleks, he can become the supreme being and ruler of the universe. He is a brilliant, ruthless scientist who has demonstrated mastery of robotics, mechatronics, metallurgy, chemistry, artificial intelligence, cloning, genetic engineering, biology, physics, astronomy, earth science, military tactics, cybernetics and mechanical engineering.

why i should get this charachter: because i love this charachter and davros is my fav in the doctor who world....and in real life im kinda evil like him lol...MUAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAAH

RP example:
doctor: hold on, ive heard this voice before:
doctor: but how could you!?!? ive saved you!!! and you do this??
sarah jane: DAVROS!!! the name's sarah jane smith!! REMEMBER??
davros: ohhh, yes, this is getting entertaining
06/14/2014 10:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Spider_Monkey12's Avatar
Whitelist application:

Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: Only Doctor Who. I have a DW, instagram @the_dragonlord_of_gallifrey
DOCTOR WHO IS MY LIFE!!! But I haven't seen sherlock...
IGN: Spider_Monkey12
Name: James
Skype: Nope
Age: 13
Maturity: 8/10
RP skills: I have never Rp'd before but, there's a first time for everything!
Will you power play: No
A little about yourself: I live in Canada, I'm the only DW fanboy I know so a time to do nothing but doctor who stuff would be a dream.
Other: Since summer vacation is starting soon I'll be able to be on lots.

Character Application

Original or Cannon: ? I guess original....
Character's Name: Tenth Doctor
Appearance: (if original) seasons 2- 4
Personality: (if original) A quirky, intelligent, but soft-hearted guy. will sacrifice himself for the people he loves.
Brief History: The doctor left gallifrey in a stolen TARDIS (Time and relative dimension in space) over 1000 (relative) years ago. The time lords, native species of gallifrey, possess a biological power which, when near death will rewrite every cell in the body resulting in a new body, personality and voice. The tenth doctor is the 10th incarnation of the mysterious doctor who had three companions. (Rose, Martha and Donna) He has traveled through time and space with these three women, but after his fateful battle with his lifelong adversary the master, he regenerated again giving us the 11th doctor.
Why you should get this character: (if cannon) I loved the tenth doctor as the doctor and to play him would be amazing . I personally think that I am a great story teller and am good at improvisation.
RP Example:
(Ten facing off against a Dalek)

Dalek: Exterminate!
10: No, well that's where your wrong. You're not doing any exterminating today!
Dalek: Explain! Explain!
10: *Backs into corner* Well, you see I'm in a trap aren't I?
Dalek: Correct!
10: Well there's one thing you never put in a trap. If you value your existence there is one thing you never put in a trap. Me. (To himself) I better write that down for later.
Dalek: *Tries to fire* Weapons Disfunctional! Weapons Disfunctional!
10: Well you see, while you were busy declaring your victory over these humans I took the liberty of clogging your weapons system. So I guess 1, 2, 3...
Dalek: *Explodes*
10: Now then, ALLONS-Y!
06/28/2014 12:49 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
TheDoctorsBlogger's Avatar
Alright, I hope I get in. I really wanted to be Clara since she was the one I watched mostly, but I'll be somebody else.

Whitelist Application:
Have I Seen Sherlock or Doctor Who?: What type of question is that? They are my LIFE!
IGN: dawnwiththepkmn (Planning to change that to TheDoctorsBlogger if Mojang places Update.)
Name: Chelsea :3
Skype: None Sorry!
Age: 12
Maturity: Depends on who you ask. Probably 8/10
RP skills: Well, I have done many Doctor Who Rps without even knowing who Doctor Who was and did a few after I knew who.
Power Play: What's That? I probably won't...
A little about myself: I'm a optimist, never looking on the dark side unless I want to. :3 Oh and I'll always be on, most of the time on minecraft. I ALWAYS write fanfictions. 100%. XD
Other: Well, I'm @thedoctorsbloggers on Instagram. I have a second one for Pokémon: @dawn_official_trainer.

Character Application:
Original or Cannon: Cannon
Character: Amy Pond (I was hoping for Clara though...)
Brief History: Well, Amy was once Amelia Pond, a girl who just wanted someone to fix the crack on her wall. When the Doctor came, her life was never the same. However, when the Doctor overshot, she became older and is often called the Girl Who Waited. She began to date Rory and on her wedding day, she remembers the Doctor. They started to travel with him and because all characters must come to end, she dies with Rory in Winter Quay. A sad story.
Why Should I get This Character?: I've roleplayed with many Doctor Who and as Molly Hooper once for Sherlock. I just want to roleplay again because my friend stopped RPing with me since her mum said no more. So I've been looking for opportunities to Rp and this is one of them.
Rp Example?: Well, I planned for a Clara one but... I'll make a small AU just for this.
Amy was annoyed since Clara and the Doctor were fighting. They had been a couple for a year and Amy's best friends since uni. She thought it was finally time to end this problem. So she devised a small scheme. She called Clara, who just woke up and told her plans, telling her to meet her at the coffee shop at noon. Clara agreed and Amy's scheme was going into full swing. All she needed left was the Doctor. She called him and it was the same story. He just woke up and Amy told him the same plans. All was left was to meet them. She put on shorts, a shirt, vest, Converse, and a scarf. She dashed off to the coffee shop and Clara, being the early bird as always, was there.
"Hey Clara!" She dashed to her sleepy looking friend.
"This better be good, I just woke up." Amy dragged her to a table.
"Well-." Before she could start, the Doctor burst in.
"What is she/he doing here!?" They both exclaimed and stared at Amy.
"You two, make up, NOW." She stood up and pushed the Doctor to her seat.
"I'm leaving." Clara stood, but Clara put her back in her seat.
"I can't speak with any of you unless I bring up the other. Please make up for me and your own sakes!" She watched as they argued at first, but slowly started to apologize. Clara turned to Amy, but she was already gone, smirking back at home, glad she did helped her friends.

I also would like to have an original character, if that is alright.

Original or Canon: Original
Name: Dawn Berlitz
Appearance: She basically looks like Dawn from Pokémon Pearl but no Pokémon and has a red satchel instead of her own bag. A 24 year old college student.
Personality: Optimist, Brave, Clever, Smart, and Kind. She also has a split personality a bit, she can be a one as well!
Brief History: Dawn was the forgotten companion of the Doctor. Well, not really, she only stayed for a ride that everyone forgot. Except for her. People thought she was insane, with that story of hers, with a man named the Doctor. So she stopped trying to make people believe and is right now studying for her degree in teaching. Until the plot thing you made occurred. She's desperately looking for the Doctor (11), trying to find a way to help of course. :3
07/05/2014 11:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
IntOwl6's Avatar
Whitelist Application:
IGN: IntOwl6
Name: Michelle
Skype: solidgirl123
Age: 14
Maturity: Probably 9 or 10/10
RP: No, but I have done an extremely small amount of theatre and tried to do some videos, none of which really succeeded
Power Play: No
Some info: I love music (especially classical) and Sherlock is my life, but I don't fantasize about his looks I fantasize about what it would be like to be him with his high-functioning sociopathness and his geniusness.
Other: I think I already said everything?

Character Application:
Character: Sherlock Holmes (yes, I know I'm a girl but I would prefer to roleplay a guy)
Brief History: Sherlock Holmes is the world's most brilliant detective. He only has one problem-that he's a high-functioning sociopath. He was born to a brilliant mathematician (his mother) and quite an ordinary man (his father, who calls himself a moron). With his brother, Mycroft, who is seven years his elder, they venture out into the world of regular people whom his brother refers to as "goldfish", as they are so much stupider than Sherlock and Mycroft (and Mycroft thought Sherlock was daft). When Sherlock is an adult living at 221B Baker Street, he meets John Watson, a seemingly ordinary man who has a dark past of blood and war as an army doctor. They become a fabulous team in which Sherlock solves the crimes, and John saves the lives. Sherlock once left John thinking he was dead for two years in order to track down terrorists outside of the country, not realizing that interrupting his proposal to Mary was an extremely bad way to make an appearance. He also killed Charles Augustus Magneson because he knew he had to be stopped, and sacrificed his own reputation (yet again-not that he cared much about it anyways) to save the world from C.A.M.
Why I should be Sherlock: Well, it's open...and I always imagined and fantasized about how wonderful it would be to solve crimes and be stripped free of emotions, especially love. His cool personality will be very interesting to roleplay.
RP Example:
Sherlock Holmes: We're looking for a dog, yes, a great big dog, that's your brilliant theory. Cherchez le chien. Good, excellent, yes, where shall we start? How about them? The sentimental widow and her son, the unemployed fisherman. The answer's yes.
Dr. John Watson: Yes?
Sherlock Holmes: She's got a West Highland terrier called Whisky. Not exactly what we're looking for.
Dr. John Watson: Oh, Sherlock, for God's sake...
Sherlock Holmes: Look at the jumper he's wearing. Hardly worn. Clearly he's uncomfortable in it. Maybe it's because of the material; more likely the hideous pattern, suggesting it's a present, probably Christmas. So he wants into his mother's good books. Why? Almost certainly money. He's treating her to a meal but his own portion is small. That means he wants to impress her, but he's trying to economise on his own food.
Dr. John Watson: Well, maybe he's just not hungry.
Sherlock Holmes: No, small plate. Starter. He's practically licked it clean. She's nearly finished her pavlova. If she'd treated him, he'd have had as much as he wanted. He's hungry all right, and not well off - you can tell that by the state of his cuffs and shoes.
[Imitating John:]
Sherlock Holmes: "How d'you know she's his mother?" Who else would give him a Christmas present like that? Well, it could be an aunt or an elder sister, but mother's more likely. Now, he was a fisherman. Scarring pattern on his hands, very distinctive - fish hooks. They're all quite old now, which suggests he's been unemployed for some time. Not much industry in this part of the world, so he's turned to his widowed mother for help.
[Again, imitating John:]
Sherlock Holmes: "Widowed?" Yes, obviously. She's got a man's wedding ring on a chain round her neck - clearly her late husband's and too big for her finger. She's well-dressed but her jewellery's cheap. She could afford better, but she's kept it - it's sentimental. Now, the dog: tiny little hairs all over the leg from where it gets a little bit too friendly, but no hairs above the knees, suggesting it's a small dog, probably a terrier. In fact it is - a West Highland terrier called Whisky.
[Once again, imitating John:]
Sherlock Holmes: "How the hell do you know that, Sherlock?" 'Cause she was on the same train as us and I heard her calling its name and that's not cheating, that's listening, I use my senses, John, unlike some people, so you see, I am fine, in fact I've never been better, so just LEAVE ME ALONE!
...You did want something from the show, right? I hope so...
I really, really hope I get in. This could be the experience of a lifetime!
07/10/2014 11:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
peachespumpkin22's Avatar
Whitelist Application:
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: Doctor Who (Watched all Seasons and Movies). Not Sherlock.
IGN: Peachespumpkin2
Name: Paige Elizabeth Moran
Skype: Peachespumpkin2
Age: 15
Maturity: 80/100
RP skills: 100/100 ( Luv Rping!!! )
Will you power play: Power Play? Never heard of it.
A little about yourself: I'm a big Doctor Who fan. I also love to rp, I'm currently rping on a medieval server. I am allowed to play on my computer anytime I want and for as long as I want. So if needed I can get on easily.
Other: I am starting a youtube channel. But I still need some more materials for the first video. Its not a gaming channel but its going to involve some.

Character Application
Original or Cannon: Cannon
Character's Name: I would like to be Clara, But if thats taken Amy is fine.
Appearance: (if original)
Personality: (if original)
Brief History: The Doctor first meets Amelia when she is seven years old and disturbed by a crack in her wall. He promises to return to the lonely girl in five minutes and take her with him in his time and space machine the TARDIS, but accidentally arrives twelve years later, by which time Amy has become skeptical about her "imaginary friend". However, she eventually decides to travel with him, and the duo are later joined by her fiance Rory Williams. Amy and Rory marry at the end of the fifth series and in the sixth series Amy gives birth to their daughter, Melody Pond, who is revealed to be recurring character River Song.
Why you should get this character: I Love to rp and I Love Doctor Who. I've seen almost every show and movie of Doctor Who and know Alot about the characters. I would love to be Clara Because she seems like an interesting character to play since she was the latest. But Amy is also Interesting. She dies in the show which was very interesting to me. And shes my fav companion as well as Rory.
07/17/2014 5:58 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Oswin's Avatar
This server sounds awesome!
I would love to play as Clara Oswald if she's still availible!
Also, I don;t actually know what Hamachi is...
Hoping that won't be a problem...
Here is my application for whitelist and Clara Oswald.
I don't know quite what you mean by "reserved if hosted" so, forgive me if I'm stupid and this is all for nothing!
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock:All of Sherlock and all of the Doctor Who reboot. (including most extras)
IGN: AbagaelAnne (as soon as name change update comes out, I will be changing my name to Clara-Oswald )
Name: Do I have to answer this? (privacy. Just call me Clara)
Skype: Don't have one...
Age: (again, privacy, I don't want this info on the internet)
Maturity: ... Pretty mature....? I don't want anything to do with smut and the like, but gore is fine.
RP skills: I'm not an expert on Minecraft but I've done a lot on FIMFiction, so I'd say I'm pretty good.
Will you power play: No.
A little about yourself: Well... According to my friends I am the embodiement of Clara Oswald/Jenna Coleman :/
Original or Cannon: Cannon
Character's Name: Clara Oswald
Appearance: (if original) (I always use Clara skins)
Personality: (if original)
Brief History:
Why you should get this character: (if cannon) I've had some experience roleplaying as her before, I know all her episodes by heart and I have read a lot of Wholock fanfiction so I can try and formulate how the characters would act together
RP Example: (Just throw a line at me, I'll try and respond)
party steve
10/29/2014 3:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
party steve's Avatar
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: Doctor who yea 9th-12th
IGN: triston823 If i'm right In Game Name right?
Name:The 11th Doctor (I'm not putting my real name)
Skype: gamerboy
RP skills: been in 7 plays all 5 stars so....... GREAT!
Will you power play: No? i guess don't know what that means!
A little about yourself: Well I LOVE DOCTOR WHO and i've been searching for a role play server
Other:what's this mean?

Original or Cannon: Cannon (I think)
Character's Name:The 11th doctor
Appearance: (if original)
Personality: (if original)
Brief History: HES THE DOCTOR THE DOCTOR! do i descibe his history it's like 10,000 years of history really!
Why you should get this character: Because i've been searching fora roleplay server for a long time
RP Example:
11th:*walks into a black room and turns the lights on* oh hello! *he says looking at a disembodied cyberman head*
Amy: you.... are..... CRAZY!\
11th:I am not *looks at the cyberman head* okay........ maybe a little.
Cyberman head:DELETE *and open and closes his face*
11th: RUN!
amy: ya think!
01/28/2015 1:09 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Musician
jomax609's Avatar
I have Skype but I keep it private
Why should u get this character: I think I should get this character because I've always loved Sherlock Holmes and have seen all the episodes of Sherlock!
Age: (don't like to give it away sorry)
Maturity: 9/10 (one of the most mature people in my classes)
Have you seen Sherlock and DW?: I have seen a few episodes of DW and all the Sherlock episodes!
cannon or original: Cannon
Character:Sherlock Holmes
Appearance: Blue scarf, black/grey coat with black waistcoat and white shirt
Personality:Ignorant,funny,smart, impulsive,arrogant
Brief history: Sherlock grew up thinking his brother Mycroft Holmes was the smarter one. He has a degree in Chemistry and is great at it too (if u read Study In Scarlet of course)
when he was in his late 20s Mike Stamford introduced him to John Watson at St. Barts (bartholomews) hospital because Sherlock had been looking for a flat mate.FLASHBACK: Sherlock made a life long friend with red beard. His dog, mentioned in the sign of three and his last vow. Sherlock and John became flatmates and later became good friends, though Mrs.Hudson thought they were more than friends..When Sherlock had faked his death John had went through a bit of a depression phase for a while, until he met Mary Morstan his future wife.Sherlock poses as a waiter and surprises John but that surprise turns into several fights. Sherlock and Mary admitted they didn't like Johns moustache, I didn't either xD Sherlock also grew up as a badass mathematician
01/28/2015 1:15 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Musician
jomax609's Avatar
[quote="jomax609"]I have Skype but I keep it private
Why should u get this character: I think I should get this character because I've always loved Sherlock Holmes and have seen all the episodes of Sherlock!
Age: (don't like to give it away sorry)
Maturity: 9/10 (one of the most mature people in my classes)
Have you seen Sherlock and DW?: I have seen a few episodes of DW and all the Sherlock episodes!
cannon or original: Cannon
Character:Sherlock Holmes
Appearance: Blue scarf, black/grey coat with black waistcoat and white shirt
Personality:Ignorant,funny,smart, impulsive,arrogant
Brief history: Sherlock grew up thinking his brother Mycroft Holmes was the smarter one. He has a degree in Chemistry and is great at it too (if u read Study In Scarlet of course)
when he was in his late 20s Mike Stamford introduced him to John Watson at St. Barts (bartholomews) hospital because Sherlock had been looking for a flat mate.FLASHBACK: Sherlock made a life long friend with red beard. His dog, mentioned in the sign of three and his last vow. Sherlock and John became flatmates and later became good friends, though Mrs.Hudson thought they were more than friends..When Sherlock had faked his death John had went through a bit of a depression phase for a while, until he met Mary Morstan his future wife.Sherlock poses as a waiter and surprises John but that surprise turns into several fights. Sherlock and Mary admitted they didn't like Johns moustache, I didn't either xD Sherlock also grew up as a badass mathematician! "Shut up." "I didn't say anything!" "you were thinking it's annoying!"

"The painting is a fake!" "I don't see.." "YOU SEE U JUST DON'T OBSERVE!" "Alright ladies calm down!"
01/28/2015 1:18 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Musician
jomax609's Avatar
jomax609I have Skype but I keep it private
Why should u get this character: I think I should get this character because I've always loved Sherlock Holmes and have seen all the episodes of Sherlock!
Age: (don't like to give it away sorry)
Maturity: 9/10 (one of the most mature people in my classes)
Have you seen Sherlock and DW?: I have seen a few episodes of DW and all the Sherlock episodes!
cannon or original: Cannon
Character:Sherlock Holmes
Appearance: Blue scarf, black/grey coat with black waistcoat and white shirt
Personality:Ignorant,funny,smart, impulsive,arrogant
Brief history: Sherlock grew up thinking his brother Mycroft Holmes was the smarter one. He has a degree in Chemistry and is great at it too (if u read Study In Scarlet of course)
when he was in his late 20s Mike Stamford introduced him to John Watson at St. Barts (bartholomews) hospital because Sherlock had been looking for a flat mate.FLASHBACK: Sherlock made a life long friend with red beard. His dog, mentioned in the sign of three and his last vow. Sherlock and John became flatmates and later became good friends, though Mrs.Hudson thought they were more than friends..When Sherlock had faked his death John had went through a bit of a depression phase for a while, until he met Mary Morstan his future wife.Sherlock poses as a waiter and surprises John but that surprise turns into several fights. Sherlock and Mary admitted they didn't like Johns moustache, I didn't either xD Sherlock also grew up as a badass mathematician!His Mother also wrote a book about maths "Shut up." "I didn't say anything!" "you were thinking it's annoying!"

"The painting is a fake!" "I don't see.." "YOU SEE U JUST DON'T OBSERVE!" "Alright ladies calm down!"
06/14/2015 9:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
soloman50005985+_+'s Avatar
Whitelist Application:
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: Yes but stopped watching Sherlock over my obsession over the flawed but still realistic science of Doctor Who.
Name:John Paul Dai Yoshida
Skype:soloman50005985 (though not active due to no mic or webcam.)
RP skills:Who's roleplaying. I am the role. No matter who or what I am. I can pull it off. I can trick anyone to believe I am anything. I tricked cleverbot I was a 4 year old girl. For 5 seconds until it spouted nonsense.
Will you power play: Depends on the meaning of the term. As in a character who is cruel, heartless, and a troll. No. Though I will use my character to an certain extent. Mainly being cruel, heartless, and a troll. For roleplay purposes.
A little about yourself: I am a addict to Doctor Who if that makes sense. I may be young but I am the top of my class. Intelligence. Mature (don't find Flatulence funny, to some extent.) And a wide vocabulary, from my language test being on par with an average collage student.
Other: Asian, if that matters.

Character Application
Original or Cannon:Cannon
Character's Name: The Doctor (though may be Original if it is a Doctor yet to be revealed.)
Appearance: (if original)Yet to be decided. If original a Asian male with long hair. brown eyes, almost black hair (dark brown). Some times in a pony tail.
Personality: (if original) If original cunning, smart, too naive to notice that most companions have a thing for him.(No this is not a fan fiction.This is what I think the Doctor would be like if he was Asian.)
Brief History:After many painful deaths causing regenerations the Tardis takes much ware and crashes (the insides as hot as the heart of the Tardis due to abundance of artron energy released from regeneration. The Tardis has the equivalent to a heart attack and crashed. Waiting for the energy to recede. The Tardis decides the best way to cool off is to drive itself into the sun!!! Even with all of his regenerations, he wouldn't make it to the front door, let alone the console. There are now three options, make a homing device and force the Tardis to land at his location or wait for the Tardis to grow a brain and realize that though cooler than the artron energy flooding its interior dimensions it will take too long to cool down before the star dies. The third is that the sun dies and the energy from the destabilization will launch it to the planet he is currently on Skythra.
Why you should get this character: (if cannon) I am a theoretical physicist by hobby. I have the right mind set for this. Theoretical science is my dream. Millions of thoughts unverifiable by known science corrupts my mind. Forbidden knowledge housed in me. You will be missing a great source of information if you turn me down.
RP Example: Now think about everything you know. Everything you see. Is it real or is it just you mind making sense of the empty void you conscious thrives in. None of this maybe happening or maybe it is. Maybe there are millions of you. You perceive everything the same as me or differently. I think I may have the answer. *loud bang Shit, temporal corridor destabilization. The Tardis is in flux. Need to stabilize the corridor or turn off the Tardis safeguards and see where we end up. Well BONZIA!!
07/07/2015 5:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SpeedySilver's Avatar
Whitelist Application:
Have you seen any Doctor Who or Sherlock: Of Course! I'm a major Whovian (Dr Who since season 4 (David Tennant's Doctor - Peter Capaldi's Doctor)
IGN: Silver_Doctor
Name: James
Skype: Silver_Speedster {Please Dont tell other people my skype}
Age: 13
Maturity: 7/10
RP skills: I am pretty Good.. (I've Roleplayed several Times)
Will you power play: Nope.....
A little about yourself:
Other: I have a YT Channel.. so yeah... that's all....

Character Application
Original or Cannon: Original
Character's Name: The 14th Doctor
Appearance: (if original) Dark Purple Tuxedo, Brown Pants, Black Bow-Tie, Converse Shoes
Personality: (if original) Funny, Serious(At Times), Smart
Brief History: Shortly after regenerating from the 13th Doctor the 14th Doctor goes on adventures, saving worlds, with no companion, (but might have one in the roleplay server)
Why you should get this character: (if cannon)
RP Example: I don't really know what RP Example means, but I like RPing and I've been doing it for a while now...
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