CRAFTY-NETWORK Staff Applications!

The Mesiah's Avatar The Mesiah7/12/14 4:13 pm
1 emeralds 190 6
7/12/2014 5:08 pm
TheWaySir's Avatar TheWaySir

If you want to be staff on Crafty, then use the application below. I will only need your skype if you are accepted. You may make a better version of your application, in case you were not accepted. You may add things to the template but do not remove any parts. It is required to answer all the questions in the template.

If you are going to say that you can offer help with building (or anything else, this is just an example) then don’t just post: “I can help building”, please provide more information such as: “I can help building, I am especially good at building modern architecture, here is a link to something I previously created: http://www.randomexamplelink.com

Application template:

[1] Ingame name?
[2] Do you have skype?
[3] Your age?
[4] In which country do you live in?
[5] How many hours a day/week can you be online?
[6] Have you previously been staff on a server?
[7] Are you currently staff on other servers?
[8] What do you think of WitherNetwork?
[9] Why do you want to be staff on WitherNetwork?
[10] What can you offer to the server?

This server is brand new. Don't hate on it.
Posted by The Mesiah's Avatar
The Mesiah
Level 9 : Apprentice Pokemon

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07/12/2014 5:08 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Pony
TheWaySir's Avatar

IGN: Dalalsaad.

Age: 19.

Skype: Dalal Saad (US).

Email: Dalalsaad1@yahoo.com.

Reason: Because I can help the server with a lot of stuff, like configurations, ranks, permissions, prefixes & suffixes, site, donations, advertising, players, developing, suggestions, etc. (I'll explain how will I do all that stuff in the next question)

How will you help: For configurations, I would enable stuff that we need now, or later, or what's helpful for us, what will add something good to the server, etc. For ranks, I can manage them, fix their issues, promoting players that have accepted applications, demote inactive staff, create ranks, inherit them, etc. For permissions, I would get for a person a permission node that he needs & he/she doesn't know it, I would add the permissions to the ranks, permissions what dees each rank fits, delete permissions that that rank shouldn't have, etc. For prefixes & suffixes, I would add for each rank a suffix/prefix that's it's name, colored with what colors that rank fits for, put bold/etc to it if it's suffix/prefix for a rank that does deserve it. For site, in forums, I would post server news, report threads, hackers, players, rules breakers, griefers, & post suggestions for plugins, games & mini-games, post giveaways, discuss about people's ideas & stuff, etc, in admin panel, I would put for every player his/her tag that her/his rank in the server is, promote who should be a administrator in the site to administrator (In the website/site), make inactive staff or staff who's demoted to the default tag, or the person's demotion rank he's/she's in now, update plans for the website to make it better, etc. For donations, I would be fixing them, doing donator ranks or donation staff, manage the donstions, discuss someone's problem if he/she didn't get his/her rank or what did he/she did donated for, etc. For advertising, I would advertise for the server to get players in the following places: MC server's lists, Minecraft Forums, PMC, etc). For players, I would be polite to them, nice, kindness, using good grammar in speaking with them, etc, & I would welcome & help new players for like telling them the rules, let them join my faction for an example if we have factions, let him/her join the faction if he's/she's trusted at least to join it, or if she/he would or can help the faction with our faction's stuff, etc. For suggestions, I would suggest plugins, buildings, mods, games & mini-games, etc.

Thank you!

- Dalalsaad.
07/12/2014 4:29 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
ethansv12's Avatar
[1] Ingame name? ethansv12
[2] Do you have skype? Yes ethan.vanover1
[3] Your age? 15
[4] In which country do you live in? USA
[5] How many hours a day/week can you be online? 4-6 A day
[6] Have you previously been staff on a server? Yes
[7] Are you currently staff on other servers? Yes
[8] What do you think of WitherNetwork? umm what is wither network this is craft network
[9] Why do you want to be staff on WitherNetwork? I don't want to be staff on withernetwork I want to be staff for Crafty NetWork
[10] What can you offer to the server? I can bring higher moderation levels, more experienced staff, and more experience to the server over all. I am not the worlds best builder and I do not build much. I can work a lot of plugins and I can set most of them up. I do know the basic mod/admin commands.
07/12/2014 4:28 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Blacksmith
TacoMaster211's Avatar
[1] Ingame name? gman21104
[2] Do you have skype? no
[3] Your age? 10
[4] In which country do you live in? us
[5] How many hours a day/week can you be online? all day every day
[6] Have you previously been staff on a server? yes many times
[7] Are you currently staff on other servers? No they all shut down
[8] What do you think of WitherNetwork? I think it is pretty cool and I really think with a little more help it can get bigger!
[9] Why do you want to be staff on WitherNetwork? Because I really like helping out and I like having responsibilities
[10] What can you offer to the server? I can really help I can build warps and help others get started on the server and make sure it is a fun and friendly place.
07/12/2014 4:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Cappewn's Avatar
Im pretty sure you meant CraftyNetwork not Wither and So did i
07/12/2014 4:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Cappewn's Avatar
IGN- BaileyKillr
Skype- Yes
Age- 13
Country- USA
Time able to be on- As long as I want
Previous Staff- Yes only a few times
Am I currently Staff on other servers- No I usually dont want to be staff but I sort of do now.
What do I think of WitherNetwork- I think the server has high potential and can be very good.
Why do I want to be staff- I would love to go onto a server and see it evolve over a few months and see more and more people start joining
What can I offer- I am good with alot of plugins and I am a very good Architectural Builder.
The Mesiah
07/12/2014 5:02 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Pokemon
The Mesiah's Avatar
Denied, sorry you are not what I am looking for but feel free to check out the network and convince me other wise. IP: Crafty-Network.net
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