What things are you not good at in MC?

Hedgehogs2931's Avatar Hedgehogs29317/16/16 12:05 pm
7/19/2016 3:33 am
avrona's Avatar avrona
What things are you not good at in vanilla Minecraft? Be specific (don't put just redstone, put something like redstone circuits.) Other than seeing what people are not good at, I'm making a YT series kinda like a Minecraft school whereI teach things in different videos. Thanks!
Posted by Hedgehogs2931's Avatar
Level 15 : Journeyman Toast

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07/19/2016 3:33 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
avrona's Avatar
I'm also terrible a building. I just can't think up of what details to place and where. That's why I watch a lot of Grain recently.
07/18/2016 9:43 pm
Level 27 : Expert Pixel Painter
SKiyoshi's Avatar
I would have to say I am bad at any sort of redstone contraptions and PVP. It's like no matter how close I get and fast I hit, I will always be hit first. I truly avoid redstone when it comes to anything. I just use switches/levers.
07/18/2016 6:19 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
tomatomatomato12's Avatar
I'm bad at PVP, building creatively, and finding diamonds.
07/18/2016 5:14 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
avrona's Avatar
PVP. I am so bad at it. The fact that many servers still haven't updated to the fixed 1.9 combat, it makes things even worse.
07/18/2016 5:45 pm
Level 29 : Expert Blacksmith
striker107's Avatar
See he gets that the new PvP system is better than the old.
07/18/2016 5:09 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Drum's Avatar
I'm terrible at finding diamonds and working with redstone repeaters, I just don't know why. D:
07/18/2016 4:25 pm
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
SyntaxError73's Avatar
making a pretty building. I can do basics but not fancy stuff.

Also I only play peaceful mode with a hunger mod (plus 1,000,000,000 other mods)
because I CAN'T STAND monsters!
07/18/2016 4:21 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
Building. I suck at building. And redstone, and command blocks. I'm pretty good at survival and building basic things, but anything not basic in any regard? I suck.
07/18/2016 3:48 pm
Level 29 : Expert Blacksmith
striker107's Avatar
JCmine123also fighting mobs is even harder with the HORRIBLE NEW UPDATE that breaks mob fighting and makes you more likely to be KILLED BY A CREEPER

Exsuse me? Horrible! How dare you insult my third favorite feature added in 1.9!
07/18/2016 2:10 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
I used to be OK at PvP, but then 1.9 came out... I also suck at redstone circuitry and command blocks.
07/18/2016 12:36 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
l3st4t's Avatar
I always get troubles building, as I'm not a good builder and I don't build a lot. But I'm pretty good at redstone.
07/18/2016 12:29 pm
Level 22 : Expert Blockhead
raidarr's Avatar
Redstone circuits, redstone mechanics, redstone timers, redstone doors, redstone logic, redstone anything, and <insert anything else redstone>.

You sure you won't accept simply "redstone"?

Command block commands, command block syntax, command block UI (hate it), command block coding, command block anything.

Potion brewing, congeniality, and optimism. Sorry to be general for those things.
07/18/2016 12:25 pm
Level 28 : Expert Modder
JCmine123's Avatar
fighting mobs, PvP, building, mining with cave noises in versions older than 1.7, some command blocks, some redstone, etc.

also fighting mobs is even harder with the HORRIBLE NEW UPDATE that breaks mob fighting and makes you more likely to be KILLED BY A CREEPER
07/18/2016 12:10 pm
Level 29 : Expert Blacksmith
striker107's Avatar
Command blocks and that is the only thing.
07/18/2016 8:22 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Mitz's Avatar
I need to figure out how to get fluffin' fraps working on this laptop. whenever i start recording fraps it instantly breaks and no video saves. curse you windows 10... (cri)
i DO wanna record a how to play modded minecraft, with FTB, so people can learn from me. i am decently good and can understand wikis really easily. let's see, i'll edit this post later...
07/17/2016 5:10 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
treehugger10's Avatar
I'm not good at PvP in general because my personality doesn't let me be very aggressive. So I suck
07/17/2016 4:20 pm
Level 21 : Expert Architect
CorkyW's Avatar
Karrthusplaying without mods

minecraft doesn't really have any sense of challenge or achievement without them, imo its pretty bland without like 50+ mods

i see no one really says "ditto" or "me too" for me.

just because nobody replies to you doesn't mean people don't agree with you, people are allowed to have their own opinions about how things work, people don't need to agree with you, but even if they do they don't have to comment, just because this happens it doesn't mean you need to complain that nobody quotes you or agrees with you. Your comment is slightly arrogant and gives others a negative opinion about you

07/17/2016 1:55 pm
They/Them • Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
playing without mods

minecraft doesn't really have any sense of challenge or achievement without them, imo its pretty bland without like 50+ mods

i see no one really says "ditto" or "me too" for me.

just because nobody replies to you doesn't mean people don't agree with you, people are allowed to have their own opinions about how things work, people don't need to agree with you, but even if they do they don't have to comment, just because this happens it doesn't mean you need to complain that nobody quotes you or agrees with you. Your comment is slightly arrogant and gives others a negative opinion about you
07/17/2016 1:50 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
DepthStrider's Avatar
Traditional redstone (aka real redstone), skinning (newbie, but learning), PvP and partly building.

I'm pretty bad.
07/17/2016 1:16 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Mitz's Avatar
MitzJust talking for soo many people who play minecraft:
modded minecraft *DUN DUN DUUN*
I am really good at it but i've seen people majorly screw up doing stuff.
i know how to survive your first day/night with modded..... (etc etc)

so, am i the only one who plays modded minecraft here and refuses to play vanilla?

i see no one really says "ditto" or "me too" for me.
here are some of my tips for PVE: bring dirt. slap them away and quickly build walls and a roof. heal, poke a hole and destroy in privacy.
Also, don't be a dirthole. OMG TOO MANY DIRTHOLES OUT THERE EEP
07/16/2016 5:29 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1389843's Avatar
fire emblem man yes
07/16/2016 2:13 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Prince
fire emblem man yes's Avatar
I can empathise with Pepijn above.

Whenever I last long enough to build a house in a survival server, everybody starts praising me as if I was an ancient Greek architect because I made a house with an overhang....

as I am mid-typing a modest response I probably get shot in the back by a skeleton.
I need to work on that...
07/16/2016 2:17 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Toast
Hedgehogs2931's Avatar
Hah, true. I always get killed when I try to talk on a server. I need to improve my typing skills
07/16/2016 2:05 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Cyborg
Pepijn's Avatar
Survival. Sounds pretty stupid, but I have a lot of trouble staying alive in Minecraft (on normal or hard that is). I have one world were I managed to actually get into the OP ending stage of the game after a bunch of deaths, but that's it. I'm just not good at PvE or I take too much risks.

Probably the reason why I stopped playing survival .
07/16/2016 1:59 pm
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar
Command blocks, probably. I can do basic stuff but nothing fancy. Also PvP.

Back in the day I used to be pretty good with redstone circuitry, then 1.5 came out...
07/16/2016 1:48 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
spookysoph's Avatar
The worst thing ever for me is automatic-doors and all of that redstone in general. Sadly the most proud thing I have ever done in Minecraft is make a light switch to a redstone lamp, to act as a working light bulb. xD EVERYTIEM I try to make an automatic door with redstone, even from a tutorial, it doesn't work >:( So that's definitely my problem heheheh
07/16/2016 1:46 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
CoDoMoBoRoFoPoSoLoKo's Avatar
defeating the gyms

i'm on the right website right?
07/16/2016 1:21 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Sus
GizmoTheSloth's Avatar
I'm terrible at PVP. The new combat system gets me off track also. I just hate how every other person I go against is really good. I don't know how they have the pacients to practice fighting other people. Haha, I'd get too mad. All in all, I'm terrible at combat in minecraft... even with mobs
07/16/2016 1:00 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Mitz's Avatar
Just talking for soo many people who play minecraft:
modded minecraft *DUN DUN DUUN*
I am really good at it but i've seen people majorly screw up doing stuff.
i know how to survive your first day/night with modded, double your ores (TiC or tech) and i know how to get a good power source set up.
i know all these for FTB infinity evolved, which is the modpack most commonly used. i also know how to get very good crops, but it is TEDIOUS. so if you want some footage of a good purrson doing it and you want to voice over it (just credit me) just hire me fur free :3
edit: i know much more than just that.
07/16/2016 12:50 pm
Level 21 : Expert Architect
CorkyW's Avatar
I will definately go with pretty much anything redstone. I've been playing MC for a long time but was always drawn to the survival aspect and then over to big schematic builds etc (obviously not involving any redstone stuff)

I can do small circuits that require no repeaters or anything and a few small things that do (like Jeb doors etc) but I've never sat down and learned any complex redstone stuff. Anything I make with redstone is mostly copies of youtube tutorials lol.

I havent really messed with automated stuff either (farms, mob traps etc) I guess I enjoy my manual labor in pure survival, and when building in creative I only build structures.
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