Is this game still counted as an indie game?

WTFshady's Avatar WTFshady10/9/14 12:11 pm
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10/9/2014 12:59 pm
Jetra's Avatar Jetra
So yeah, it was recently bought by Microsoft and it has a huge playerbase. Still, it was originally developed by 1 person. What's your opinion?
Posted by WTFshady's Avatar
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn

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10/09/2014 12:59 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
Was about to say that it wasn't an indie game anymore due to it being in the hands of AAA company and that it has reached over a million people, but just remembered that Minecraft has started out as an indie game and will remain one since it was originally developed by Mojang which, at the time, was an Indie company.

If the game had been made after the acquisiton, then it would not be an indie title. Indie game development is still a fairly new concept (I think it may started sometime in '07 or '08 and made a boom around 2010. Don't take my word as fact, though).

Basically, it comes down to when and who made the game that makes it an indie or not where Minecraft will still rule. It might be in the hands of Mainstream, but it's roots will always be with that small Swedish developer that started it off as a project influenced by a couple other games.
10/09/2014 12:47 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
luigi_vampa's Avatar
I see your point Azie. I think we're just debating semantics though.
No, they didn't change suddenly either. It took Notch a good few years to change his tune!
Can't really blame him though. haha
10/09/2014 12:34 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
luigi_vampa's Avatar
But as Mojang is now little more than a subdivision of MS it can't be classed as independent anymore.
10/09/2014 12:37 pm
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
That doesn't mean that the people developing it have suddenly become different people. I honestly don't think that Microsoft will interfere with their original plans for the game very much. They'll have input, yes, but Microsoft hasn't become the giant it is by messing up profitable games. Imo, "indie" has more to do with the origin of the game and not who currently owns it.
10/09/2014 12:32 pm
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
It was and still is developed by Mojang, a company that began as an indie developer. People seem to have forgotten (or maybe they just don't know) that Microsoft bought the rights to Minecraft and acquired Mojang. The Mojang team is still the one developing the game.
10/09/2014 12:22 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
luigi_vampa's Avatar
After the sale to MS (which I personally don't think was such a bad thing) I think the label of independent has gone right out of the window. It's in the definition really.
Is that a good thing or not though? The larger company should provide much more stability where the smaller one should be closer to the community. Who knows? Will have to wait and see.
10/09/2014 12:29 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
WTFshady's Avatar
You totally have a point. I don't think that the sale to MS was bad. It's an unpopular opinion, but it's still an opinion.
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