Strange Monsters, Cakepeckers, and the Cultivator

craftykids's Avatar craftykids10/31/14 5:53 pm history
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11/3/2014 6:50 pm
craftykids's Avatar craftykids
When I went onto one of my survival worlds today, it was night. I got into my bed. The screen darkened, but then suddenly got light again to reveal a zombie standing next to me. A zombie with no face--just smooth green skin.

I killed it, and went back to bed. This time, there were no monsters standing next to me when I woke up. Strangely, though, it was still dark outside. I right-clicked the bed, but the chat informed me that "you can only sleep at night."

I went outside.

There were more faceless zombies, as well as some blackish-purple skeleton things with glowing yellow eyes.

I ran around, avoiding the strange monsters. After a little while, two figures came into view. One of them I recognized as the Mushroom Man, who was fighting the other, unfamiliar person who appeared to be made out of dirt, with rocks as facial features and plants as hair.

The dirt-person wasn't holding a weapon, but pumpkins were springing up, getting in the Mushroom Man's way, and cacti grew out of nowhere and hurt him.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Well," said the Mushroom Man, "I was having some Halloween fun, but apparently the Cultivator didn't like it when I destroyed hir garden. Ze also also works for Herobrine, of course, so that could be part of it."

"Ah." I said. "In that case..." I ran at the Mushroom Man and attacked him with my sword, careful to avoid the Cultivator's cacti.

The Mushroom Man backed off, and pulled out a thin obsidian frame with a portal in the center. "Say hello to Jhounny!" he said, and a chicken shot out of the portal. It ran at us, jerking its head forward to deal damage, and I noticed that it had red eyes.

I hit Jhounny with my sword, and the Cultivator grew a giant, green-tinged potato in front of hirself, just as Jhounny pecked at hir. He started taking damage--the potato was poisonous, probably--and I slashed at him some more, killing him.

The Mushroom Man darted in, placing a gravestone where Jhounny had died. Then he backed off, and the Cultivator and I backed off too.

Suddenly, the grave exploded, spewing red-eyed chickens everywhere.

"Mrooo! Say hello to Jhounny and Jhounny and Jhounny and Jhounny and Jhounny and Jhounny and Jhounny and Jhounny..." said the Mushroom Man.

As the copies of Jhounny swarmed me and the Cultivator, a tree grew up from under us.
The red-eyed chickens milled around the base of the tree, and the Mushroom Man quickly started building a dirt staircase toward the top of the tree. The Jhounnys followed.

"Do you have anything that could stop him?" I asked the Cultivator. "Jhounny's duplicates will overrun us if they get up here."

"Just wait," ze said. "I think I've heard of these---they're called cakepeckers--and in just a second they should..."

The cakepeckers froze, then started being drawn toward each other, eventually combining into a single Jhounny. Then the cultivator waved hir arm, and a pumpkin sprang out of the dirt underneath Jhounny, catapulting him far away from us. The Mushroom Man took out the portal again--or maybe it was a different one--and placed it under himself. He disappeared, and the portal went out.

The Cultivator jumped over to the portal frame, destroyed it, and picked it up. "Hmm," ze said. "The Forger might be interested in this." It disappeared from hir hand.

"Cool," I said. "Well, it was nice meeting you. I'm going to go run around and see what else is going on. Bye!"

"OK. Bye!" said the Cultivator, and I jumped down and ran off.
Posted by craftykids's Avatar
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter

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11/03/2014 1:43 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
BlueMC's Avatar
Hmm... Is this real or fake? Great job with making this tho! Also, you could've done a better job at photoshopping the skeleton. ;3
11/03/2014 6:50 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
craftykids's Avatar
What looks unrealistic about the skeleton?
11/01/2014 5:38 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
KJP12's Avatar
craftykidsHmm. Yeah, that's definitely possible.
EDIT: On second thought, even if cakepeckers aren't all cloned off of Jhounny, there's no reason that Jhounny couldn't be Dr. Chibawk's son, assuming cakepeckers are made by modifying chickens.
EDIT2: BBCode isn't working for some reson.

Fixed it, and yea. Though, still a very good creepypasta.
11/01/2014 12:27 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
craftykids's Avatar
Hmm. Yeah, that's definitely possible.
EDIT: On second thought, even if cakepeckers aren't all cloned off of Jhounny, there's no reason that Jhounny couldn't be Dr. Chibawk's son, assuming cakepeckers are made by modifying chickens.
EDIT2: BBCode isn't working for some reason.
EDIT3: Oh, there was a "disable BBCode" option that I wasn't noticing.
10/31/2014 10:32 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
KJP12's Avatar
Is the red-eye chicken Dr. Chibawk's son?
10/31/2014 11:50 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
craftykids's Avatar
From what the Cultivator said, it sounds like Jhounny isn't the only red-eyed chicken, so probably not. Jhounny also wasn't much like Dr. Chibawk, other than the fact that they're both chickens with unusually colored eyes.
11/01/2014 3:55 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
KJP12's Avatar
Maybe they are, but had thousands of duplicates from a cloning machine that Dr. Chibawk was keeping a secret on, that was WIP, and made it possible for all of the Jhounnys to merge into one. Maybe that is what happened? I don't know any other different-colored eye chicken other then Chick-brine (Chicken, and Herobrine), and one that lives in one of my world, Chikan, which is a blue-eye chicken that lives with me, and apparently, walks with anyone.
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