Possible solutions on how to rework or change mending enchantment

AGTRigorMortis's Avatar AGTRigorMortis5/3/23 3:01 am
2 emeralds 150 1
5/11/2023 5:16 am
Wubbles's Avatar Wubbles
For the record, this is about vanilla Minecraft without cheats enabled, so spam suggestions like "use commands" "just use mods" will be ignored.

Despite the controversies about this enchantment, the debates continue to go back and forth, some people even outright advocated for its removal or for it to not be a renewable enchantment book, but be only found in End cities or dungeon chests etc.

But as some posters on this video here correctly pointed out, the problem with non renewable and rare items is people on large multiplayer servers who are selfish or work faster than others, or simply have more time on their hands will just end up taking all of those resources for themselves within all of the generated structures closest to original spawn, which on its own creates unfairness and a non inclusive environment to be in.

But we do need a solution to the problem, otherwise the anti mending people will never shut up about this, likewise pro mending people also.

Do I think it should become a gamerule? absolutely not, imo gamerule commands suck, not every survival player likes using them and will result in the disabling of the achievement system, people should not have to enable cheats just to allow themselves the luxury of more time for building and exploring as a result of skipping grindy gameplay loops in survival, a rebalancing decision shouldn't just happen because a portion of a community thinks it is their right to impose their will on another sector. Sometimes the fairest solutions come from compromises or looking at alternatives, whether it be enchantments, potions, farms or other legitimate features existing in the game according to the current mechanics.

If mending is to remain as it is now and with no change to the anvil mechanics then I think the best thing to do about the enchantment is to add in more world options, not cheats, just world options, which can be changed on the fly like some other ones can in bedrock edition.

This way server admins have more control over what features are and are not allowed on any given multiplayer world, anyone who does not like mending because they feel it breaks the game, they do not have to use it and they can create their own set of rules on a world that forbid its use.

Just as I advocated the addition of another tier game mode for elite or pro players, even though I am not a pro gamer myself, I do think it is time more world options are discussed or considered, and enchantments should not be an exception to this because I do acknowledge there are some people out there who would rather disable certain ones in a multiplayer survival world. Players should be allowed to set their rules.

If it were any other game the criticisms of infinite repair issue with mending would be valid, but Minecraft is not your average video game, it's a sandbox where some people do want to focus more of their spare time on large build projects and do want to avoid the boredom of strip mining if they don't have to and would rather only mine when looking for specific (permanent) materials for their cities, castles, mansions or sky temples etc. Whatever the case may be. They don't deserve to be called cheaters or be accused of not playing the game right in survival as a result of this.

I know a friend who told me in a conversation, lizking10152011, who got accused of this very thing "not playing the game right" by somebody else,

when somebody watched him build a house in survival, just because he would rather do that than fight monsters all of the time, which speaks a great deal about where we are at the moment, video games are supposed to be fun, not an endless war of exclusion.

Posted by AGTRigorMortis's Avatar
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner

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05/11/2023 5:16 am
Level 1 : New Collective
Wubbles's Avatar
I don't really see the issue you have here

Minecraft shouldn't change for a small group of minecraft servers
and there is a renewable way to get mending, villagers
you can easily just reroll trades on a librarian till you get mending for a cheap price
and gamerule commands don't disable advancements lmao, and even then there doesn't need to be one for mending
its a hard to acquire enchantment so it warrants being this powerful
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