Planned RPG - Development - Thoughts?

ClassyEnglishman's Avatar ClassyEnglishman8/10/14 1:54 pm
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8/12/2014 7:05 pm
ClassyEnglishman's Avatar ClassyEnglishman

[size=150]The Lands of Prodia, an RPG server is an up and coming server with Quests , Dungeons , RPG Items and a Huge World to explore. This server is approximately coming out around Christmas , and a full website is currently under development , however , if you would like to learn more about the server , and also receive regular updates and tutorials on our progress , please , Show your interest at

[size=150]P.S - You will also receive a free 100 Prodian Coins once you join![/size]

If you would like to view our planned map , simply click on the spoiler below:

[center]Image link is [url]i.imgur.com/EKtG3jC.png[/url] if you would like to see it full size![/center][/spoiler]

The real map is currently unavailable for viewing , but when the full website is released , it will be , aswell as an item database , forums , and even the completed Lore for the server!

Our Lore: [spoiler]The world was prosperous, the land was fertile, and the people were peaceful. This all ended when the dead rose from their graves. After that, nothing was the same; our towns were left abandoned and all survivors fled, leaving the once bustling cities open to the plague of evil creatures seeping out of the mysterious Dark Woods.

It all started 10 years ago, in the south-eastern Town of Highbush, home of the Mages, a small cult who celebrated their victories by using mysterious power to conjure up great fireworks and lightning strikes which left the public in awe. But one day, an unlikely mistake was made. It was the 30th of June 1256, the eve of May Day, an annual holiday celebrating the beginning of summer. But this year, it was to be the start of something far, far worse.

Starford, the largest and most prosperous city in the land, valued the lowly farming town of Highbush. On the 30th day of June every year, copious amounts of meat, bread, vegetables, and fruit were transported from Highbush to the prominent city, where a resplendent feast would be held in honour of the beginning of summer. Highbush never failed to deliver the goods, and in return received large amounts of funding from the nobility of Starford.

However, this year, the farmers of Highbush had run into a problem. Droughts had plagued the land for months on end, and the crops which usually flourished failed to grow. The Mayor of Highbush was worried - they couldn't possibly fail Starford on May Day!

However, a solution was found. While the civilians tried desperately to scrape together as much food as they could, the Mayor called upon the Mages for help. With their mysterious power, it was hoped that they could make the crops grow faster than normal, so they would be ready by the evening.

The Mages were doubtful. All they had ever used their magic for was light shows and displays, not for actually acheiving anything. Eventually, they all agreed to the task, except one. One of the young mages did not have any interest in the townspeople's petty problems, and was at that moment investigating a tomb in the Highbush cemetery for an expermient he was planning to carry out.
Taking up a position in a dried up field of wheat, they plunged a staff into the earth to channel their power into. A crowd of onlookers watched in awe as they muttered incantaions and made strange gestures with their hands, before coloured tendrils of light emerged from their palms and into the staff, which started to shake. Suddenly, there was an explosion of light, and all the Mages were blown backwards.

Soon after, wheat started sprouting up from the ground at an unnatural speed. The spell had worked! But what they didn't see was that the magic had gone further than they anticipated. Spikes of magic shot out under the earth. The nearby cemetery started glowing, and suddenly, rotting limbs started pulling themselves out of the ground. The dead were rising.

They quickly spread. These undead creatures, infused with powerful magic, moved swiftly, and managed to conquer Highbush. The town was a peaceful one, so never had any need for an army of any sort. The poor defences were easily defeated by the horde of undead.

The town of Highbush is no more. Many citizens were killed by the creatures, and those who survived quickly fled to nearby towns. Many are still on the run.
Of course, the Mages got the blame for the horrific event, and were quickly driven out of town by the people. They have since fled to an old castle in the Sayamir Peaks. What they do there is unknown, but most believe that they are continuing to experiment with their magical powers.

The monsters' onslaught on the land did not stop there. Led by some great unseen force, the undead armies swiftly overcame the mountain settlement of Guelder, and prospered, meaning that they were able to take over most of the South of Prodia.

One place that the terrifying forces are yet to seize, is the small village of Lundene.
The citizens and leaders of this small village are known for being isolated, and only ever make contact with those from elsewhere when it is completely necessary. In fact, people are afraid to stop there as it is such a mysterious place. Unfortunately, the horde are quickly closing in on this village, but the residents have no idea what has gone on.

Word travelled quickly of the tragedy that had befallen Highbush. The King of Starford was in despair - this had happened because of the feast, after all. Wanting to combat the problem as quickly has he could, he sent an army of highly-trained Warriors to try and defeat the horde.

Meanwhile, the city of Temes in the north-west sent an army of Huntsmen to assist the warriors. With their long range weapons and agility combined with the Warriors' brute strength, the fate of the land fell to the two gallant armies.
A month went by with no news from the front line, and hope for survival was falling fast. Suddenly, a bedraggled Warrior rode into Starford, reporting an apparent victory. The armies had managed to push the creatures back to the Glast Woods. They could not proceed further because of the vast numbers of monsters that had somehow amassed in what was left of Highbush.
The king, elated, sent the messenger back to tell the armies to retreat for the time being.

The Huntsmen quickly retreated to the town of Falconworth, wanting to stay away from the larger cities after the horrors that they had witnessed.
The Warriors were under orders to guard the River Starford, as this is where the peoples' territory ended and the undead territory began. A small number have also been sent to warn the people of Lundene of the imminent threat.

Much to the king's dismay, while being completely aware of the threat that had engulfed the south of his kingdom, the towns of Corbourne and Bathum had done nothing at all to assist the armies.

Even the distant Fort Whitewater had lent a hand. What used to be a large merchant and trading post for all citizens of Prodia, is now a overpopulated residential town. It was forced to take on all the refugees, as it is the furthest and safest location from the Glast Woods. Carts and warehouses, once used for storing and transporting goods, now carry and house the thousands of refugees from the South. Even though it is a large city, it is reaching its limit.[/spoiler]

If you would like to help us with this project , or even simply give us any suggestions , please PM me !

Otherwise , Comment your view! Do you like this simplistic style of website? Do you like the Lore/map so far? Do you think it is all complete bollocks ? Please leave your opinion !


More Details on Classes , Death and such here :

[spoiler]Class System - Warrior , Huntsman , Mage , all with separate main quest line.
Skills - Not yet planned , but will get round to it !
Death - Keep the most important items [ Skippers , Wallet , Quest Log (See below)]
Level Cap - It was planned to be 50 , but we might raise it or lower it , depending on what happens in the beta stage.

Skippers - these are in game purchasable items that allow the user to skip the current quest they are on , whether it be a quest in the main quest line , or a side quest.

Wallet - An emerald with the 'LORE' telling the user how much money they have.

Quest Log - A book with title and details on the current quest.[/spoiler]


If you would like to assist in the comments , we are looking for the following things to add to some more detailed lore we are writing :

[spoiler]1. Continents outside of Prodia
2. A few king names
3. Ancient artifacts
4. Names of the seas and oceans[/spoiler]

We are ALWAYS looking for more skilled people to join our team , whether you could been the best builder , writer or moderator on our server , please leave some details below or feel free to PM me with your contact details and title
Posted by ClassyEnglishman's Avatar
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn

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