Minecraft Server Awards: Recruiting Servers / Reviewers

DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar DeltaCraftNetwork8/26/14 11:59 pm
1 emeralds 3.5k 51
9/6/2014 12:33 pm
minecraftian2424's Avatar minecraftian2424


I am starting an all new thingy called "The Minecraft Server Awards"
Heres how it works:

1-- Submit your server below for review.
2-- We join your server, review it and make sure it meets requirements
3-- If it does, we will PM you on PMC with a choice of badges you can choose to put on your website. You must link a link to the picture. Link will be provided.
4-- Let the votes roll in!
5-- The top servers get a SPECIAL badge to put on their website!

Server Name:
Server IP:
Why you want to be a nominee:
Will you give us a special [MSA] rank on your server:

Why you want to be a reviewer:
What do you think a reviewer does:
Do you agree that you will review any servers sent to you via PM on PMC:
Other info:

Reviewer Guide:
Click to reveal
1-- Look for potential in the server. If the server has a large community, it can become a network, and most likely become famous. That is one sign of accepting the server.
2-- Look for helpful staff. If staff are not helpful, the server does not deserve to be a nominee.
3-- Look for niceness in general. Just make sure the server is in good shape and make sure that people are enjoying what they see / play.

Voting Opens: N/A, Keep Updated

captiandogfish - Manager
Inferno_Shard - Admin


Please do not be afraid to PM me if you have any questions / comments!

Posted by DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist

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09/06/2014 12:33 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
minecraftian2424's Avatar
when will you review my app?
09/01/2014 3:52 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
minecraftian2424's Avatar
Username: SloPro11
Experience: Played on alot of different servers (by alot I mean ALOT)
Why you want to be a reviewer: Because I really like to review different things, I also wanted to make a server review website once, but didn't have alot of time. I am critical.
What do you think a reviewer does: Reviewers must be always critical, reviewer reviews a server (in this case), they must look for potential in all servers, not just the most popular.
Do you agree that you will review any servers sent to you via PM on PMC: Yes.
Other info: Nothing really.
09/01/2014 3:46 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Lumberjack
Feriach's Avatar
Server Name: Aliquam
Server IP: aliquam.org:25573 (port is not necessary but if you are outside EU it will put you on another server)
Why you want to be a nominee: Every player on our server receives his own world which can be modified in various ways. More details here: http://scr.hu/192q/kdk6n
Will you give us a special [MSA] rank on your server: No, we have strict rank system and we will not create another ones.

Reminder: Right now the default chat channel is Polish. To change it, please type /help and click on "Join english-speaking chat channel."
08/30/2014 11:58 am
Level 38 : Artisan Blob
Xeron's Avatar
Seem's like an interesting idea, I don't mind entering our server into this:

Server Name: Planet Aura
Server IP: mc.planetaura.com
Why you want to be a nominee: I believe our server can gain a few awards in this - we have a completely original survival idea, and our server is bound to be big.
Will you give us a special [MSA] rank on your server: I can give you guys a special suffix, but no extra permissions etc.

Please note, the server is still in it's beta stage, but we are releasing soon. You can still join whenever you want to review.
08/30/2014 9:09 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
We need LOTS more servers! Current applicators / server applicators STAY TUNED! as the event is well ongoing and is LIVE
08/30/2014 8:21 am
Level 1 : New Network
ItsSteve1337's Avatar
Server name: MinerZone
Server IP: play.minerzone.net
Why you want to be a nominee: I have put a lot of effort into my server, it's been up for 2+ years but hardly has players.
Will you give us a special [MSA] rank on your server: Sure!
08/30/2014 9:07 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
Sorry, even from the looks of your server, a Denial.
08/29/2014 11:21 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
Server Name: MuricaGaming
Server IP: mc.muricagaming.com
Why you want to be a nominee: Most of the people who play on the server love it, but not many people seem to want to join.
Will you give us a special [MSA] rank on your server: The reviewer(s) will get an [MSA] suffix, but the rank won't have anything special. You can't review a server from a player's perspective if you have extra perks.
08/29/2014 11:04 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Princess
Katefhk's Avatar
Username: Katefhk
Experience: I currently do not have any experience as a reviewer, but this would be some very good experience for me.
Why you want to be a reviewer: I'd love to be a reviewer because I love to see new servers and try to help the good ones out, and I think this job would be very fun and interesting to do. This is a great idea, with the badges and stuff, and I'd love to be a part of it. Very excited to try to join the great team of reviewers out there trying to help servers out, that you created.
What do you think a reviewer does: I think they'd go to a server that you sent them via a message, and basically review it. They would look for things like nice staff that are helpful, a nice community, a spawn that seems good quality (Not one that you've seen on other servers -aka not copied-) , and a server that might not have a million staff members as their only active players.
Do you agree that you will review any servers sent to you via PM on PMC: Of course, in fact I'm excited to be sent my first one if I am accepted.
Other info: Not much else to say, except thanks for reading and I wish you the best!
08/29/2014 10:57 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Network
Decoded's Avatar
Server Name: Axis Network
Server IP: AxisMC.net
Why you want to be a nominee:
- The server is new to the Minecraft server network.
- It has:
- KitPvP
- Prison
- Coming soon OpFactions
- Custom plugins, and All servers are 6gb's + (RAM)
Will you give us a special [MSA] rank on your server:
- I will consider it.
- Depends if what this is for.
08/29/2014 10:48 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
08/30/2014 11:40 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Cyborg
RCXcrafter's Avatar
I don't think that 150 servers is a realistic goal.
08/29/2014 1:04 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
IanG's Avatar
Server Name: ParkourCraft
Server IP:
Why you want to be a nominee: I just opened it and I need feedback
Will you give us a special [MSA] rank on your server: No. I don't trust anyone I dont know IRL with a rank. Sorry.
08/30/2014 8:14 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
TeamEGN's Avatar
08/29/2014 12:52 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Lumberjack
mcjared's Avatar
Wondering if I could have a re-review for when I'm on and can give a proper tour/interview. My sever is warrixcraft.
08/29/2014 12:54 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
Sup, Its Luca, your OLD MOD. I own this, and I decided not to give you another review until you reapply. That is in the rules.
08/29/2014 12:22 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
08/28/2014 5:54 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
Okay, we are currently CLOSED for applications at the time
08/29/2014 1:11 am
Level 43 : Master Modder
akvarista11's Avatar
So i can't participate as a reviewer?
08/29/2014 8:12 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Cake
Captaindogfish's Avatar
You can apply, but not do an application for a server.
09/03/2014 9:28 am
Level 43 : Master Modder
akvarista11's Avatar
Well I'm accepted I have applicatone upper o the 3rd page
08/28/2014 7:33 am
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
NetworkPCE's Avatar
Server Name: CoreMC Network
Server IP: Core-mc.net
Why you want to be a nominee: I am interested in your opinion, also if we get it, a badge would be nice on the website.
Will you give us a special [MSA] rank on your server: There's no such a thing as MSA on the server.
08/28/2014 6:42 am
Level 43 : Master Modder
akvarista11's Avatar
Experience:I play MC for 2 years and halfs and I play from 2 years on different kinds of servers from Towny,Faction PVP to MiniGames, The Walls etc.
Why you want to be a reviewer:Well I think I have alot of experience with servers also I like this because it's a fresh Idea so I can help some servers become popular if they deserve it
What do you think a reviewer does: He checks how the Staff Performs,Is really the server deserving more players...Is it P2W with many donator ranks,Is the server balanced etc.
Do you agree that you will review any servers sent to you via PM on PMC: Yes that's why I'm applying
Other info: I'm 14 years old from Bulgarian with some sense of humor
08/28/2014 6:32 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Baconator
dajakos1's Avatar
Server Name: Dead or Alive V2
Server IP:
Why you want to be a nominee: I have put over 6 months of work into custom developing this server and am struggling to get players although the players who play often love the server immensely.
Will you give us a special [MSA] rank on your server: As I plan on keeping the server as professional looking as possible I will not be able to do this for you as of now, but I will almost definitely allow this in the future.
08/28/2014 6:15 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
ME1312's Avatar
Server Name: Daz Craftastic
Server IP: craftastic.wow64.net:25964
Why you want to be a nominee: The server is (somewhat) new and I'm not very good at advertising..
Will you give us a special [MSA] rank on your server
08/28/2014 7:28 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Cake
Captaindogfish's Avatar
Your server is down, please keep it up. If it is not on, your review will not be complete.
08/29/2014 8:13 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Cake
Captaindogfish's Avatar
Your server's review has been canceled, feel free to reapply when we are open!
08/28/2014 5:55 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
HaemstrLSX's Avatar
This is a bad idea. First, it can't be hard to download the "special badge" from an approved site and put it on your own.

Second, this seems like a scheme for ranks to me. "Will you give us a special [MSA] rank on your server"?
08/28/2014 2:41 am
Level 1 : New Architect
ShadowedDreamer's Avatar
Server Name: Reality Is Craftable

Server IP:

Why you want to be a nominee: For a few reasons.
* I would hope to receive an increase in my player base. What with school starting up, a good majority of our players are not on as often.
* To be honestly blunt. To see if this really works. This sounds like a terrible exploit of abuse to get special ranks.
* To advertise the server. Advertisment time is a nice thing. With more players i can obtain more feedback for improving my server. Improving my server brings better changes. Better changes mean better things for the players. Its a vicious cycle, lol.

Will you give us a special [MSA] rank on your server: No. But i can see about giving you one of our donor ranks if this thing really does work out. If you're looking for a prefix / suffix for MSA then you can purchase either or from our prefix / suffix shop. I can also feature you in a special way on the server as a credit to a hopefully mutual relationship.

Cheers either way,
Owner ShadowedDreamer of Reality Is Craftable; President of Shadowed Universal - A gaming community created by a gamer, FOR gamers!
08/28/2014 2:26 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1213490's Avatar
08/28/2014 2:01 am
Level 38 : Artisan Lumberjack
mcjared's Avatar
Server Name: Warrix Craft
Server IP: warrixcraft.twghost.com
Why you want to be a nominee: I want to grow my server.
Will you give us a special [MSA] rank on your server: I can make one just tell me what you want it to be.
08/28/2014 1:24 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Warrior
philpres2's Avatar
I can see the review now...
Reviewer: I'm from PMC. OP ME!!! If you don't, I'll give your server a bad review!!!
Owner has face-everythinged!
Reviewer has been kicked.
08/27/2014 11:45 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Artist
Digin4Ever's Avatar
Isn't this just trying to get server ranks.
08/28/2014 5:57 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
HaemstrLSX's Avatar
08/27/2014 11:48 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
Nope! Not at all!
This is totally legit.
08/27/2014 10:58 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mage
Sshiv's Avatar
Thank you very much.
08/27/2014 9:09 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mage
Sshiv's Avatar
Username: SshiverJenkins (Just call me Shiv)
Experience: I have built and managed my own server for several months and watched it grow in popularity. I have played on hundreds of servers and seen countless mistakes made as well as seen innovation many servers bring to the table.
I have been the Opped Head-Admin of eight sizeable servers now, including Anthrocraft (160 player server), CryoPvP (60 player server), EverythingCraft (50 player server).
Why you want to be a reviewer: I know what to look for and I think reviewing servers would broaden my skillset beyond just staffing and managing servers.
What do you think a reviewer does: A reviewer rates a server on several criteria, including but not limited to quality of server architecture, enjoyable experience playing the server model, innovative strategies employed by the server, quality and professionalism of staff members, and many other facets.
Do you agree that you will review any servers sent to you via PM on PMC: Yes.
Other Information: I am accessible on Skype, Kik, Teamspeak, and am nearly always online.
08/27/2014 9:04 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mage
Sshiv's Avatar
Server Name: SeethePvP
Server IP: mc.seethepvp.net
Why you want to be a nominee: There are three distinct reasons I think we should be a nominee.
1) Our server has boomed in popularity over the past few months. We have an excellent, nice community, which is something I have worked (with my staff team) very hard to maintain, and something that is not very common on most factions / survival / PvP servers.
2) Our server's model is very unique. We are a factions / survival / PvP server that allows players to rank up using in-game currency, in almost a prison-esque system. All ranks in the game are attainable with in-game currency, and better ranks get better kits with which to PvP.
3) Our staff team is composed of some of the best in the business. They are respectful, professional, and quick to reply. We pride ourselves on great player service which makes the experience on SeethePvP uniquely smooth.
Will you give us a special [MSA] rank on your server?: No. Our ranking system is pretty set in stone, and while I think this event is neat, I do not want to confuse my playerbase by adding yet another rank.
08/27/2014 10:54 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
You Have Been Accepted as your Server, and as a Reviewer.
Please check your PMC PMs.
08/27/2014 6:07 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
TeamEGN's Avatar
Username: Inferno_Shard
Experience: Website Editor, Eurogamer, 5 years
Why you want to be a reviewer: I've always thought it would be fun to review anything, to be honest.
What do you think a reviewer does: Reviews a subject an then leaves a rating.
Do you agree that you will review any servers sent to you via PM on PMC: Yes.
Other info: Try not to give me any servers before Friday. Thanks in advance.
08/27/2014 5:52 pm
Level 40 : Master Network
PhoenixMCN's Avatar
Disregard my comment earlier, I thought this out a bit and I get it now.

Server Name: Phoenix Network (two servers, Factions PvP and Towny)
Server IP: Factions PvP - raiding.co, Towny - towny.co
Why you want to be a nominee: I'm just looking for more ways to reach out as an owner, and I'd love to have more reviews of the server go up. I feel this would be a mutually beneficial thing to do.
Will you give us a special [MSA] rank on your server: No, however we do have a reward system for both YouTube and PMC reviews, videos, blogs, anything really. So long as it gets some notice, we'll reward you for it. We'll also be sure to acknowledge and show that you did this review for us.
08/27/2014 5:38 pm
Level 46 : Master Engineer
dragon_12dk's Avatar
Server Name: VindexCraft
Server IP: Play.VindexCraft.net
Why you want to be a nominee: we are a very unique long running server (3 years old) that has many features you cannot find anywhere else for example working airplane that you can buy at the airfield (if you are wealthy) including private jets, helicopters, stunt planes and more! Also to along with that you can purchase ships if you have the money... Including yachts, speedboats and more... This also is a CityRP server
Will you give us a special [MSA] rank on your server: this is a CityRP server so I do not add ranks that do not have anything to do with RP...
08/27/2014 10:50 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
Sorry, your Review has been DENIED.
08/27/2014 5:33 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Cake
Captaindogfish's Avatar
Username: captaindogfish
Experience: Not much, I am a good book reporter etc.
Why you want to be a reviewer: Because I can be active and I know tons of servers.
What do you think a reviewer does: Reviews servers and always looks for the next best server.
Do you agree that you will review any servers sent to you via PM on PMC: I do.
Other info: I have Skype for easy contact!
08/27/2014 7:45 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
Application Accepted! Wait for review requests in your PMs.

Username: Inferno_Shard
Experience: Website Editor, Eurogamer, 5 years
Why you want to be a reviewer: I've always thought it would be fun to review anything, to be honest.
What do you think a reviewer does: Reviews a subject an then leaves a rating.
Do you agree that you will review any servers sent to you via PM on PMC: Yes.
Other info: Try not to give me any servers before Friday. Thanks in advance.

Application Accepted! Wait for review requests in your PMs.
08/27/2014 5:31 pm
Level 40 : Master Network
PhoenixMCN's Avatar
This seems interesting, but, how would this help me out?
Do you guys have an established base community to view your reviews?
Is this a new thing for you guys?
Any previous examples to show of what you do?

I'm just interested in how this could turn out, but I don't want to waste my time. If you provided me some answers, I'm likely up for it.

08/27/2014 10:04 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
08/27/2014 12:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Revenge-Raid's Avatar
Server name: RevengeRaid
Server IP: revenge-raid.no-ip.o r g
Why: This server has factions with mcmmo, kitpvp, and creative with no lag. I would like to get more players and I just think this server is fun. =3
Will you give rank: I don't know what's MSA rank stands for =P
08/29/2014 12:30 pm
Level 24 : Expert Ninja
twinightcreep0's Avatar
MSA rank stands for Minecraft server awards :p
08/27/2014 7:39 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
Sorry, your Review has been DENIED.
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