DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar DeltaCraftNetwork9/16/14 4:15 pm
1 emeralds 1.2k 46
9/21/2014 12:57 pm
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar DeltaCraftNetwork
I had a great idea for a game mode and an awesome server network, and I wanna make it. I will need experienced plugin devs-

oh wait.....

I don't have enough money for a server.

What should I do? I really want to make this server and I will give anybody a rank if they support me in any way.
Posted by DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist

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09/21/2014 12:57 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
Nah, I want it to be OPEN
09/21/2014 12:54 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
NetworkPCEYou need to work at home to get enough for the startup, due to EULA you can't earn any money from your server anyways. Unless you want a sue by Microsoft up your ass.

Was there not an exception in the EULA? Im pretty sure there was.

You are allowed to charge for access to the server, once players are on the server donor perks are not allowed. Only cosmetic items can be sold such as hats/pets and colored armor...

Donations means paying without expecting anything in return, buying is paying and getting something in return.

You could do what mineplex does and have a free server timer, and people can donate for it to go away,
09/21/2014 12:52 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
09/19/2014 5:49 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
Nice Idea, Snowy. Maybe I could get a community, and wait a while THEN make donor packages open, and tons would buy them.

Now, new topic.

I got $200.

What is the CHEAPEST hosted that is suitable for a NETWORK of 1-4 servers?
Also, how much RAM (mb) each?
09/21/2014 12:56 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
TaurSlots is the cheapest I know 2.50$ a gb.

I would suggest the 100mb player rule
09/19/2014 9:05 am
Level 43 : Master Spider Rider
SpiderMatty's Avatar
Get a job. Fixed!
09/19/2014 8:23 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Oll_97's Avatar
How do you expect to earn money without having a job? A paper round is as easy as pie and would easily earn you enough for your idea. If not a paper round, then ask one of your relatives if they need help at their workplace? Money doesn't grow on trees.
09/19/2014 8:13 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Oll_97's Avatar
Get a paper round or something of the sort. That should generate more than enough for a small remotely hosted server..?
09/19/2014 8:19 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
Wuss thinking about it...
Anything else
09/18/2014 6:52 pm
Level 26 : Expert Princess
Snowyfox's Avatar
I just checked your profile, Delta. Your servers seem okay but they are posted 2 months apart from each other. Are you sure you're investing enough in your small servers?

Servers don't go popular in a week. If you do, chances are you are doing something that will get your server into a downfall pretty fast.
09/19/2014 7:59 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
Yeah, I know.
But just how can I make money to pay off the server, and hire devs?
Working is not an option in this case.
09/19/2014 8:37 am
Level 26 : Expert Princess
Snowyfox's Avatar
As I said earlier, who said you needed money? Just keep it free and small for a while. You can go quite a long way with that system; not hard to get 8 active players if you get them to tolerate the tiny amounts of lag.

Once your servers are more accomplished, you may find it easier to do whatever you would like to do atm.
09/18/2014 3:49 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Archer
Warlock315's Avatar
You're pathetic.
09/18/2014 3:47 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Squidoflife's Avatar
You just gave us your idea, we can easily just use that and make our own server and we would own it not just be a staff. home host it. if you got 5 bucks go to spartan hosting 5/gb and its a great host.
09/18/2014 3:53 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
09/18/2014 3:42 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Pokemon
LooseViper's Avatar
Sounds like you want money from what I can hear or see
09/18/2014 3:49 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
No, I do not.
I just have a good idea for an awesome server I want to make.
I can't do it without money.
Im not forcing you to give me money.
Im just saying you can if you want. You do NOT have to.
09/18/2014 3:28 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
I got some new ideas

/// Ghast Baseball

Ghast pitches, you have to try to hit it at the ghast. The ghast size will be shrunk for hard mode. You have to hit it at the ghast, which is 50 points, the red which is outside of the ghast is 70 points, and the green is 100. 13 Every 10 points is worth .5 of a Gem (our currency)

/// Freeze Tag

Its all in the name! Each person you tag gets frozen until another one comes along. Each person you tag is worth 1 Gem.

/// ????????

????? To be revealed… ?????

If you would like to donate, we will give you some perks like priority access to the server, hats, pets etc. Just PM me!
09/17/2014 4:55 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
NetworkPCEYou need to work at home to get enough for the startup, due to EULA you can't earn any money from your server anyways. Unless you want a sue by Microsoft up your ass.

Was there not an exception in the EULA? Im pretty sure there was.

Actually... You are correct, Delta.

https://mojang.com/2014/06/lets-talk-se ... etisation/

Even though it's nothing official, Microsoft is not going to be so dumb as to start shutting down every server regardless of whether they follow these guidelines. That would mean taking down every major server that exists, which would not be good for business.

Thanks for your clearing up!
09/17/2014 4:49 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
Quanto__'s Avatar
NetworkPCEYou need to work at home to get enough for the startup, due to EULA you can't earn any money from your server anyways. Unless you want a sue by Microsoft up your ass.

Was there not an exception in the EULA? Im pretty sure there was.

Actually... You are correct, Delta.

https://mojang.com/2014/06/lets-talk-se ... etisation/

Even though it's nothing official, Microsoft is not going to be so dumb as to start shutting down every server regardless of whether they follow these guidelines. That would mean taking down every major server that exists, which would not be good for business.

EDIT: By unofficial, I mean it's not legal print in the EULA.
09/17/2014 4:40 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Princess
SpongyBacon's Avatar
As everyone else as said, you'll need a developer and a lot of custom made things, so here's my shameless self promotion: post2702238.html
We could sort something out and your idea could become a reality <3

(Please don't see this as an advertisement, but more of helping you find the path you need, as a lot of people don't see what's right under their nose.)
09/17/2014 4:47 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
(Just to let you know, I am looking for network-quality plugins that people can make for free. But if you do you get a "HDeveloper" rank)
(Just in case we do do something, most unlikely we won't, but I do not have Skype, and I'm not willing to give out my email so the only way to communicate is via ig (MC) and PMC)

We still need to get the actual server up though, and I still don't got no money :/
09/17/2014 4:48 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Princess
SpongyBacon's Avatar
Ah, not to worry then, without skype/email it's pointless. (GET IT!)
09/17/2014 4:11 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
NetworkPCEYou need to work at home to get enough for the startup, due to EULA you can't earn any money from your server anyways. Unless you want a sue by Microsoft up your ass.

Was there not an exception in the EULA? Im pretty sure there was.

You are allowed to charge for access to the server, once players are on the server donor perks are not allowed. Only cosmetic items can be sold such as hats/pets and colored armor...

Donations means paying without expecting anything in return, buying is paying and getting something in return.

Lets say someone donates and they get a Prefix, Some perks like /fly, echo pet, /hat, the ability to join full games and wardrobe for example. Is that allowed?
09/17/2014 4:08 pm
Level 26 : Expert Princess
Snowyfox's Avatar
@OP, as some others have said, why do you believe you need money?

The bigger question is, why do you need all these fancy things? Custom plugins, staff, website, BuyCraft, etc.? As far as I'm concerned, a basic Enjin site and BuyCraft are free. Staff? No need to pay them; if they are willing to work for free and do a good job at it, they're better than people who are being paid.

Custom plugins. Why?

You can do some heavy redstone and get the job done. There's already tons of free open plugins that you can use to achieve your goals. I see part of your plan where it's unique and perhaps need to be a bit custom, but it won't be hard to find a redstoner and the such.

Don't lose hope, OP. But it's a bad time to start a server, and you don't exactly need money to realize your idea on a basic level (which btw, once you have done, you can then go forward in monetizing and improving).
09/17/2014 4:14 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar

I want to become a network. A network needs money for an Enjin site, upgraded BuyCraft and stuff, and yes, I WOULD like a custom coder. They need money also. Nothing is free in the world. Mostly everything needs money nowadays. So why not?
Why not go big? I know its good to start off small but i've done that 7 times on my other servers. I want to actually do something that doesnt fail this time.
09/17/2014 4:04 pm
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
NetworkPCE's Avatar
NetworkPCEYou need to work at home to get enough for the startup, due to EULA you can't earn any money from your server anyways. Unless you want a sue by Microsoft up your ass.

Was there not an exception in the EULA? Im pretty sure there was.

You are allowed to charge for access to the server, once players are on the server donor perks are not allowed. Only cosmetic items can be sold such as hats/pets and colored armor...

Donations means paying without expecting anything in return, buying is paying and getting something in return.
09/17/2014 3:56 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
I would, but then people would have to be on my network to join. I don't want that.
09/17/2014 4:06 pm
Level 26 : Expert Princess
Snowyfox's Avatar
What do you mean you don't want that? For them to play Minecraft on your server, they'd have to be in your server's network. And if you're worried about personal computer safety, they're as dangerous as people trying to ping you through cmd.
09/17/2014 4:09 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
I mean if its on localhost, they would have to connect to my internet to join the server.
09/17/2014 3:37 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Zombie
planetminecrafter52342's Avatar
IF you have a server idea, get people together (Programmers, etc) and create a localhost server. They're free, and it doesn't need to be public until it is finalized. At that point then you should move onto getting a host.
09/17/2014 3:08 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
NetworkPCEYou need to work at home to get enough for the startup, due to EULA you can't earn any money from your server anyways. Unless you want a sue by Microsoft up your ass.

Was there not an exception in the EULA? Im pretty sure there was.
09/17/2014 8:27 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
All I want to do. Is startup a server. I need money. How do I get it? Thats the whole point of this topic.
09/16/2014 8:28 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Warrior
philpres2's Avatar
I believe Mineplex doesn't use a custom plugin to do their minigames, or at least I've heard. Also, if your coding a serer from srcatch and only have one developer doing it for free, it's going to take months/years to finish. Also, you need to make sure these games are fun. I see so many custom server poorly execute their plans as a server and their games aren't fun. For servers, I would say trying to get a sponsorship. It will bump start your server, and you can get rid of it once the server can support itself. Hopefully this can help you, and if you need more help, PM me.

- From A Unique Custom Coded From Scratch Server Dev And Owner
09/16/2014 8:01 pm
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar
Sigh... I hate to say this, but it needs to be said.

If you can't pay for a server, then get a job. If you're incapable of getting a job or finding someone who's willing to sponsor you (this isn't the place for that by the way), then you really don't need to be running a server.

Also, on the idea of the server... If it's not unique (which it's not, unless you pull some revolutionary minigame out of nowhere) then it's most likely not worth your time. Sorry to be harsh, but it's true.
09/16/2014 8:13 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
I know... I know.
But PMC doesn't allow commercial things. I don't want/need a job, as I am a young lad. How can I make money? I was thinking about server help that ranges from $20-40...
I just don't know. All i want to do is make a UNIQUE server.
09/16/2014 7:58 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
Well guys, I don't really know. I just need money to start up a server, create a network, and have some unique custom mini games and plugins. It has always been my dream, and now I'm ready to put it into action. I can make you guys staff if you want, you seem pretty good, but first we need money. Money is the key part here. Without money, we can't have a website, server or BuyCraft etc. Im not asking for you guys to give me money, thats insane. But all i want to do is pursue my dreams, make a network with custom mini games.

Delta \\\\\
09/17/2014 4:01 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
teamminercreations's Avatar
Sorry to say... But you aren't ready for it since you do not have the money.
09/16/2014 7:50 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
PizzaPenguin_'s Avatar
Sounds like a minigame or redstone map to me, not some big server idea.
09/16/2014 6:46 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
Basically, (now this is a very very simple concept, more will be added) the game is about shooting targets that move around the map. There are two teams, red and blue, and every time one of the teams shoots the target, the map moves more up on their side (The team with the least players left loses). Also, you can kill people. Basically, its like Mineplex's Turf Wars, but with shared targets. \\\\

Thanks for listening. \\\\
09/16/2014 7:39 pm
Level 25 : Expert Engineer
jonathanb987's Avatar
1) You can do that with redstone.
2) What makes you think you need to pay for a server?
09/16/2014 6:45 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
If I was to donate I would like to know the idea, pm me it.
09/16/2014 6:30 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar

Umm, no. Im sort of aiming to do it myself with a couple of friends.
09/16/2014 4:31 pm
Level 42 : Master Nether Knight
10Andrew's Avatar
sounds like you are asking for money. You won't get far unless you tell us the idea. Picture us as inverters who you are asking for money. Present your idea well with professionalism and someone may consider it.

Tell us what you plan to do, how you plan to do it and what is your estimated success so that we know that you are being serious and that you do have potential to do this. Don't just ask for money.

Post pictures of your plan if you want, someone may just take you up on it.
09/16/2014 4:25 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DeltaCraftNetwork's Avatar
Well this is the problem:

I need a coder...
Who needs money...
I need a server to get money...
And money to get a server.
09/16/2014 4:20 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Reer123's Avatar
What even is the idea? Why not just download a free start up server on bukkit that you can test your idea on.
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