UnDyingChild132's Avatar UnDyingChild1326/7/13 11:11 pm
6/8/2013 9:25 am
P197's Avatar P197
I have seen multiple, uncountable posts on this forum dissing horses, saying they don't belong, have bad graphics, bad mechanics, etc. etc. etc. and it bothers me. The entire minecraft community, for a significant period of time, has been begging for horses to be added. It's a wonderful idea. Now, it is senseless to complain as soon as you get what you want! No one complained when the ability to add saddles to pigs backs and ride them was added, as senseless as it is. No one complains about the End concept, which, if you step back and think about it, really has absolutely nothing to do with minecraft. No one complains about TNT, which also has no place in minecraft, contextually speaking. So stop complaining about the one thing that everyone has wanted, just because it didn't come out exactly how you thought it would.
Posted by UnDyingChild132's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer

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06/08/2013 9:25 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
P197's Avatar
RoxthesoxBut complaining is so much more fun than being productive or thinking in a positive or critical manner which would benefit the game and community as a whole :v

If we look at what Minecraft was made to do, we will find the game is ruined.

Minecraft was made for:
Being simple and incredibly fun.

And, if you want it to be simple, play it simply. it's not difficult to ignore horses, or kill them. Or bats. Or strongholds. Or any other random factor of minecraft you don't like. There's a lot of people who like all of them, therefore, they shouldn't be removed, you should just ignore them.

I'm not bothered with strongholds. The thing is that Minecraft was ment by Notch to be simple and fun. He left the team, Jeb_ took over and added pointless stuff that completly changes Minecraft. Trading, that can be refined. Horses, they can be removed because we alredy had 27 mobs. We don't need more.

Sure, I don't like change, because I do. It's just these features defy the big rule of Minecraft decelopment:

Make it fun and simple.
06/08/2013 9:16 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
UnDyingChild132's Avatar
RoxthesoxBut complaining is so much more fun than being productive or thinking in a positive or critical manner which would benefit the game and community as a whole :v

If we look at what Minecraft was made to do, we will find the game is ruined.

Minecraft was made for:
Being simple and incredibly fun.

And, if you want it to be simple, play it simply. it's not difficult to ignore horses, or kill them. Or bats. Or strongholds. Or any other random factor of minecraft you don't like. There's a lot of people who like all of them, therefore, they shouldn't be removed, you should just ignore them.
06/08/2013 9:14 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
UnDyingChild132's Avatar
RoxthesoxBut complaining is so much more fun than being productive or thinking in a positive or critical manner which would benefit the game and community as a whole :v

THInking? Positive? Critical? Whoa. You better keep that under lock and key. Radical stuff bro.
06/08/2013 9:12 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
P197's Avatar
RoxthesoxBut complaining is so much more fun than being productive or thinking in a positive or critical manner which would benefit the game and community as a whole :v

If we look at what Minecraft was made to do, we will find the game is ruined.

Minecraft was made for:
Being simple and incredibly fun.
06/08/2013 9:04 am
Level 77 : Legendary Robot
PrototypeTheta's Avatar
RoxthesoxBut complaining is so much more fun than being productive or thinking in a positive or critical manner which would benefit the game and community as a whole :v

Not many people actually have the intellectual capacity to do that, or at least it seems that way
06/08/2013 8:34 am
Level 77 : Legendary Robot
PrototypeTheta's Avatar
I believe Newton's third law of motion can be used to describe the approval/disapproval of each thing on here
06/08/2013 8:29 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
mSTtb8s7wFL7trpsB9btW's Avatar
You're basing this whole thing on your opinions. You just aren't complaining because you have your way. Others are complaining because they don't have what they want. That's just how these things work.
06/08/2013 7:54 am
Level 36 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
Eeirail's Avatar
People hate change, simple as that, I like the horses though and I feel your pain on this, I am tired of horse bashing.
06/08/2013 12:03 am
Level 24 : Expert Pirate
Eclipse_Assassin's Avatar
Actually, TNT does have a place in Minecraft. It was meant to be used for exploding new mineshafts.
06/07/2013 11:58 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
TechnicolorDalek's Avatar
I like horses. End of discussion.

~~The Dalek has spoken~~
06/07/2013 11:53 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
Shvinkly's Avatar
I love how you're complaining about people complaining.
06/08/2013 12:01 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
06/07/2013 11:49 pm
Level 40 : Master Droid
number1_Master's Avatar
You, sir, have gotten on my good side.
06/07/2013 11:41 pm
Level 26 : Expert Princess
Randomness3333's Avatar
x=new feature in minecraft
y=some minecraft players

When x is added y will complain.
06/07/2013 11:36 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Wolf
Colonellooo's Avatar
The Minecraft community in general seems to complain about almost anything Mojang does these days...
06/07/2013 11:32 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Grump
iminer978's Avatar
Why is it that basically every time someone throws out a rant about something they see too much of, it's something I've never seen?
06/07/2013 11:50 pm
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
antenna's Avatar
Same with me -.-
06/07/2013 11:23 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
P197's Avatar
Actualy, on the conterary, I never asked for horses. A decent sized chunk of people who complain NEVER asked for horses. This post seems to be directed at ALL of us.
06/07/2013 11:27 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
*coughcough that^ coughcough*

In my opinion, Minecraft should be re-worked so its possible to configure what you see in your world. Like, you could choose if you wanted chickens or not. Because I hate chickens.

Likewise, this would allow the creators to add anything imaginable to the game, regardless of what the players wanted or didn't want.

Still though, I never really asked for horses, although its not like I determined what happens. Thats why people get too peeved on; they're opinion really doesn't matter in the big picture of things. Just get used to it, please.
06/07/2013 11:24 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
UnDyingChild132's Avatar
Granted. Some did not ask for horses. My point stands, that the majority of the community wanted horses, and now the majority rebels against them.
06/07/2013 11:28 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
P197's Avatar
Well, I don't know why those who asked for horses are.complaining. Mabye they thought that horses would be like... I don't know... a "Utility" mob which would defend you.

If that is true, they most likely fail at Minecrart. No ofense. Did I spell that corectly?
06/07/2013 11:18 pm
Level 47 : Master Lad
Doggle's Avatar
Haters gonna hate. Its just the way the community revolves. Make money off youtube because they're watching your video, that is unacceptable. Make a skin because they asked you too. They then hate you because it made the pop reel. That is the way people think. If something good happens people are against it all of a sudden.
06/07/2013 11:19 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
UnDyingChild132's Avatar
It's just completely ridiculous. In every way possible.
06/07/2013 11:22 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
eminemfan33's Avatar
Welcome to Internet.
06/07/2013 11:14 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
eminemfan33's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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