Bukkit dead 2014/09/07 - Minecraft is next

TehDansorz's Avatar TehDansorz9/7/14 9:05 am
1 emeralds 2.8k 51
9/7/2014 3:14 pm
-Kali-'s Avatar -Kali-
Don't know what the title's about? Check out the bukkit.org front page. Bukkit is most certainly dead thanks to just one single person. Mojang? They don't care. They're bathing in money with their ears clogged with it.
So, what are y'all going to do next?
Posted by TehDansorz's Avatar
Level 28 : Expert Nerd

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09/07/2014 3:14 pm
Level 23 : Expert Network
-Kali-'s Avatar

Bukkit aint dead. Sure, some people have quit the dev team, but it's still going, they're still fighting.
Please don't spread rumors
09/07/2014 2:55 pm
Level 23 : Expert Network
SoyMonkey's Avatar
if you honestly think bukkit is dead your kinda dumb because mojang wouldnt buy out bukkit JUST to let it do nothing that would be idiotic and they are already working on making a new build for bukkit get your facts straight
09/07/2014 3:02 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
luigi_vampa's Avatar
Mojang did buy out Bukkit and then do nothing. That's the core reason we got to where we are now.

Edit: Yes I know Dinnerbone is on 1.8 now. On his own from the sounds of it too! When they bought it out a few years ago they should've laid out it's future.

Bukkit, if not dead yet will die soon enough. By Mojang's own admission Bukkit isn't good enough to be the official API. After the debacle this time around there won't be many takers to pick it up after Dinnerbone goes back to the day job after finishing the 1.8 update. Regardless of ownership of code how long will Mojang themselves maintain a product that in the long run they're not happy with?
09/07/2014 2:51 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Archer
Ravaen's Avatar
If you think bukkit is dead you are wrong. People work with it and if there is too little people people will get sad and then all the sudden more people will work with it who where sad. Maybe even you
09/07/2014 12:48 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
ThePopcornKings's Avatar

Minecraft is developing an alternative to Bukkit that will be better in many ways because this isn't third party and Mojang can incorporate things like realms. If you cannot wait a couple months then you might as well just get over it.

Besides: Multiplayer can be overrated.
09/07/2014 12:42 pm
Level 41 : Master Modder
David5886's Avatar
Once this DCMA thing goes away, bukkit will be fine, when Mojang releases their Modding API thing, then it will be, most likely. And we know its taking forever, so I think bukkit will still be around for a while. Mojang has good coders, they will probably be able to replace his code. They have developers from Bukkit working for Mojang (Dinnerbone, who is one of the original developers) and he will continue it if no one else will, until Mojang's Modding API is released.
09/07/2014 12:34 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
UTZ's Avatar
Minecraft will not die. They have insane sales on PC, PS3, Xbox and with the release on Xbox One..... even more money. Bukkit was amazing but I'm sure another server Mod will rise if Bukkit is dis-continued. A large amount of people prefer Vanilla, not everyone uses Bukkit.
09/07/2014 12:25 pm
Level 49 : Master Pixel Painter
basicbrick's Avatar
Anyways, I knew it was a bad idea posting this to PMC, due to 99.99% of this "community" being scrublords and rektage leftovers.

Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
09/07/2014 12:13 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pirate
HassanPCMR's Avatar
bump so that people can see the idiocity of @OP (Yes, i did just insult you, watcha gonna do 'bout it)
09/07/2014 11:54 am
Level 29 : Expert Pirate
HassanPCMR's Avatar
Click to reveal
All of you, please, stop arguing. Mods, don;t suck, neither does vanilla. Mojang isn't a bunch of lazy bums, and Bukkit isn't refusing to work on their project. Here is the ENTIRE story of bukkit and mojang, from start to end.

A few weeks ago the man (Warren 'EvilSeph' Loo) in charge of Bukkit, a collection of tools used to manage and create Minecraft mods, announced that he was shutting the whole thing down because of Mojang's EULA enforcement policy (that's an entirely different rabbit hole that you can jump into that basically tries to stop ANY mine craft mods from being released for 1.8). In part of his farewell post he said:

"We're no longer able to confidently distribute our modified versions of the Minecraft server and it is no longer smart for us to continue with our update process. Sadly, this means we will NOT be updating Bukkit nor CraftBukkit for Minecraft 1.8 and, since Minecraft 1.7.10 introduced the EULA enforcement, we will be placing the project under a code freeze for the foreseeable future."

There was much lamenting in the community about this. But it turns out that EvilSeph didn't have the authority to shut down Bukkit... because he doesn't own it - Mojang does. Mojang developer Jens Bergensten quickly jumped into the conversation (via Twitter) to say that the company bought Bukkit two years ago. He also noted that Bukkit has always had a special relationship with Mojang when it came to the EULA. EvilSeph later admitted that Mojang had bought the Bukkit project and that if the company wanted to continue it, he would be all right with that.

That was two weeks ago, and it seemed all was "sort of okay" with the world of community-developed plugins for Minecraft. But then another developer did something this week to shake things up again.

Wesley “wolvereness” Wolfe, who is responsible for the popular CraftBukkit Minecraft server plugin (which gives server admins more options and control, and is what you would install on a server) filed a DMCA takedown against Bukkit, taking several forks of the CraftBukkit project offline permanently. The DMCA takedown (found here) dated Sept. 3 claims that the CraftBukkit forks on Bukkit are a violation of his copyright. The notice also highlights Mojang's unwillingness put the software included in the mod (that it owns) under a GPL or LGPL license - which the original mod is under.

But that is not the end of this story. A lengthy post from COO of Mojang Vu Bui posted on the Bukkit forums today attempts to unravel what is going on with this situation. First he notes that Wesley has entangled Mojang into the DMCA notice he sent as being some sort of willing participant:

"Wesley Wolfe has mischaracterized and misrepresented the position with regard to the Bukkit Project & Mojang. It has been unfairly suggested that Mojang is in some way behind his request that CraftBukkit is taken down (the fact that he quoted a small part of an email I sent him in his DMCA takedown has been taken as some sort of endorsement of his claim). We want to make it clear that Mojang is not responsible and has no liability whatsoever in regard to these claims."

He goes on to say that Mojang never included the MineCraft server software in the Bukkit project (someone else did that), and that Wesley did not have the right to take the CraftBukkit forks offline via a DMCA takedown because he gave them away freely. You can read his full statement here.

Finally, a post on Reddit's /r/minecraft from "VideoGameAttorney" (AKA Ryan Morrison - an actual attorney who often weighs in on video game related stuff on Reddit) attempts to explain the legalities of the DMCA takedown in the simplest of terms. While Morrison offers a lot of examples to explain why Wesley is right, this paragraph explains it the best:

"I have received a lot of emails about Wesley Wolfe and Mojang, and nearly all of them referred to one of the various licenses involved in this debacle. I've heard arguments that all of Minecraft is open source now, and I've heard Wesley is Hitler's reincarnation coming to doom all those who dare to craft or mine. Neither is true, at all. Minecraft owns its code, and there is no magical license on the internet or accidental involvement on a project that changes that. In the same regard, Wesley is not doing anything shady or underhanded, he too owns his code and has every right to have it treated as he would like."

That is the OFFICIAL STORY so far. All of these facts came from actual quotes. This is the story, whether you like it or not. So please, just leave the subject, and let things progress on. We can't know whats going to happen in the future. We just have to wait, and see.

TehDansorzlol @ the kids who don't even know anything but still post here
Seriously, all the Bukkit members even discussed this on the IRC channel - Bukkit is gone, and will probably be replaced with Sponge.

TehDansorz I knew it was a bad idea posting this to PMC, due to 99.99% of this "community" being scrublords and rektage leftovers

Please don't ever insult people when you just went TL;DR on the best post here.
09/07/2014 11:45 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Modder
duke_Frans's Avatar
Heck if nodus was continued, bukkit will be
09/07/2014 11:24 am
Level 28 : Expert Nerd
TehDansorz's Avatar
lol @ the kids who don't even know anything but still post here
Seriously, all the Bukkit members even discussed this on the IRC channel - Bukkit is gone, and will probably be replaced with Sponge.
09/07/2014 11:54 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragon
The_Big_Dish's Avatar
Mojang took control of bukkit after secretly owning it all those years and the main project developer left so they are not going to let it die. It doesn't matter the bukkit members think since it's not in their hands anymore.

The only issue now is the DMCA takedown and honestly I think mojang can easily stamp it out but we will see. (J_Rolo described this in much more details than I ever could)
09/07/2014 11:33 am
Level 45 : Master Sheep
ToadDan's Avatar
OR you could listen to the things people wrote thoughtfully about what ACTUALLY happened to Bukkit.
09/07/2014 11:43 am
Level 28 : Expert Nerd
TehDansorz's Avatar
I've been following Bukkit news from the start. I know more than anyone else, and I've got sources that tell me things only Mojang is supposed to know.

Anyways, I knew it was a bad idea posting this to PMC, due to 99.99% of this "community" being scrublords and rektage leftovers. Yes, there are actual normal people, but there's only very few of them.
09/07/2014 11:17 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Skinner
polot38's Avatar
Theres always an alarmist, isn't there…

Firstly, no, Bukkit is not dead. Assuming that dinnerbone won't be able to update it to 1.8 is incredibly presumptuous.

Even if Bukkit was dead, why do you think it extends to the whole of minecraft? The notion is completely ridiculous.

No, Mojang is not greedy. They do not "have money coming out of their ears" and more than any other previous "most succesful pc game of all time" had. They let youtubers who made minecraft videos keep all the money from their videos for example.

People are up in arms about the EULA, however they are forgetting that everything that the EULA does is actually give people more freedom to do what they want. In essence, if you broke the current EULA before the current EULA was released, it was still against the rules; you were technically being a criminal. However, Mojang was nice enough to give servers an opportunity to get enough money to support themselves, or even make money, with the new EULA. Also, can someone please explain to me how Mojang is making money off of EULA?

It is really annoying how spoiled everyone is. Try and go to almost any other active gaming community and get away with half of what Mojang lets you do with minecraft. You will probably end up getting a lawsuit from them.
09/07/2014 11:15 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Scribe
Yaminia's Avatar
Parka Steve
TehDansorzDon't know what the title's about? Check out the bukkit.org front page. Bukkit is most certainly dead thanks to just one single person. Mojang? They don't care. They're bathing in money with their ears clogged with it.
So, what are y'all going to do next?

Why should Mojang care?

It is free development that makes their game enjoyable.
Honestly it's silly, but if it pulls people in they're gonna keep using it.
Also, Mojang like the game to be anything people want it to be, even if the community takes that too far sometimes.
It would really be easier though if we all played vanilla and Mojang added more server commands instead.
09/07/2014 11:10 am
Level 22 : Expert Taco
FLAMESS123's Avatar
Excuse me for a second, I'm just going to cry in a hole until a good bukkit alternative rises up. Mkay thxbiiieee
09/07/2014 11:10 am
Level 42 : Master Nether Knight
10Andrew's Avatar
I HATE it when people keep saying the Mojang is ignoring the problem because they are filled with money. Jeb AND Dinnerbone said that they were going to continue it and keep it updated (mainly Dinnerbone with support from Jeb). The problem is that some guy thinks it is a good idea to ruin what everyone has worked years towards by putting in a copyright claim.

If Mojangs lawyers are any where near as good as their developers then I am sure hey will be back to work and have bukkit updated in no time
09/07/2014 11:09 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar

I need to calm down.
09/07/2014 11:04 am
Level 45 : Master Engineer
usa's Avatar
Minecraft to me: a survival game where you break blocks, place them somewhere else or use them to craft items; or a game where you can create mini games for you and your friends to play with commands blocks
minecraft to other people: a way to join hypixel and hivemc servers

Seriously, why can't people play Minecraft like the developers are developing it to be played.
09/07/2014 10:41 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
J_Rolo's Avatar
All of you, please, stop arguing. Mods, don;t suck, neither does vanilla. Mojang isn't a bunch of lazy bums, and Bukkit isn't refusing to work on their project. Here is the ENTIRE story of bukkit and mojang, from start to end.

A few weeks ago the man (Warren 'EvilSeph' Loo) in charge of Bukkit, a collection of tools used to manage and create Minecraft mods, announced that he was shutting the whole thing down because of Mojang's EULA enforcement policy (that's an entirely different rabbit hole that you can jump into that basically tries to stop ANY mine craft mods from being released for 1.8). In part of his farewell post he said:

"We're no longer able to confidently distribute our modified versions of the Minecraft server and it is no longer smart for us to continue with our update process. Sadly, this means we will NOT be updating Bukkit nor CraftBukkit for Minecraft 1.8 and, since Minecraft 1.7.10 introduced the EULA enforcement, we will be placing the project under a code freeze for the foreseeable future."

There was much lamenting in the community about this. But it turns out that EvilSeph didn't have the authority to shut down Bukkit... because he doesn't own it - Mojang does. Mojang developer Jens Bergensten quickly jumped into the conversation (via Twitter) to say that the company bought Bukkit two years ago. He also noted that Bukkit has always had a special relationship with Mojang when it came to the EULA. EvilSeph later admitted that Mojang had bought the Bukkit project and that if the company wanted to continue it, he would be all right with that.

That was two weeks ago, and it seemed all was "sort of okay" with the world of community-developed plugins for Minecraft. But then another developer did something this week to shake things up again.

Wesley “wolvereness” Wolfe, who is responsible for the popular CraftBukkit Minecraft server plugin (which gives server admins more options and control, and is what you would install on a server) filed a DMCA takedown against Bukkit, taking several forks of the CraftBukkit project offline permanently. The DMCA takedown (found here) dated Sept. 3 claims that the CraftBukkit forks on Bukkit are a violation of his copyright. The notice also highlights Mojang's unwillingness put the software included in the mod (that it owns) under a GPL or LGPL license - which the original mod is under.

But that is not the end of this story. A lengthy post from COO of Mojang Vu Bui posted on the Bukkit forums today attempts to unravel what is going on with this situation. First he notes that Wesley has entangled Mojang into the DMCA notice he sent as being some sort of willing participant:

"Wesley Wolfe has mischaracterized and misrepresented the position with regard to the Bukkit Project & Mojang. It has been unfairly suggested that Mojang is in some way behind his request that CraftBukkit is taken down (the fact that he quoted a small part of an email I sent him in his DMCA takedown has been taken as some sort of endorsement of his claim). We want to make it clear that Mojang is not responsible and has no liability whatsoever in regard to these claims."

He goes on to say that Mojang never included the MineCraft server software in the Bukkit project (someone else did that), and that Wesley did not have the right to take the CraftBukkit forks offline via a DMCA takedown because he gave them away freely. You can read his full statement here.

Finally, a post on Reddit's /r/minecraft from "VideoGameAttorney" (AKA Ryan Morrison - an actual attorney who often weighs in on video game related stuff on Reddit) attempts to explain the legalities of the DMCA takedown in the simplest of terms. While Morrison offers a lot of examples to explain why Wesley is right, this paragraph explains it the best:

"I have received a lot of emails about Wesley Wolfe and Mojang, and nearly all of them referred to one of the various licenses involved in this debacle. I've heard arguments that all of Minecraft is open source now, and I've heard Wesley is Hitler's reincarnation coming to doom all those who dare to craft or mine. Neither is true, at all. Minecraft owns its code, and there is no magical license on the internet or accidental involvement on a project that changes that. In the same regard, Wesley is not doing anything shady or underhanded, he too owns his code and has every right to have it treated as he would like."

That is the OFFICIAL STORY so far. All of these facts came from actual quotes. This is the story, whether you like it or not. So please, just leave the subject, and let things progress on. We can't know whats going to happen in the future. We just have to wait, and see.
09/07/2014 11:39 am
Level 29 : Expert Pirate
HassanPCMR's Avatar
09/07/2014 10:38 am
Level 21 : Expert Ninja
Zombieman2081's Avatar

Well I'm just gonna delete Minecraft now. =/
09/07/2014 10:33 am
Level 27 : Expert Sweetheart
Exoh's Avatar
Even if bukkit did fail, forge is still working on updates. And along with that you can still ban, ect. So if someone breaks a rule ban them. Have only trusted staff and make them ops. It's not that hard to live.
09/07/2014 10:20 am
Level 28 : Expert Toast
zoossrocks's Avatar
Bukkit truly wasn't that big of a part of Minecraft as some people seem to think. It was mostly used for servers but with what you can do with command blocks now with the release of 1.8 will make bukkit not being there not much of a problem. With the EULA being reinforced (Which I fully support.) a lot of servers will need to shut down due to lack of funds. Bukkit being gone won't destroy minecraft as some people are saying. Mojang is working on another Bukkit and there are many alternatives that can easily solve these issues.
09/07/2014 10:18 am
Level 33 : Artisan Toast
WillyWonka125's Avatar
Yeah, Bukkit isn't dead. Mojang isn't a club of skids doing whatever the heck they want, they're a business. And letting Bukkit die would not be good for them. Dinnerbone has tweeted numerous times that Bukkit is NOT dead, so please stop clogging the forums with these threads. It's almost like you're only trying to raise your post count and nothing else.

News flash: Nobody cares about your 700 posts. Get over it.
09/07/2014 10:18 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Scribe
Akeustlom's Avatar
The entire time 1.8 was in development there have been tweaks for the mod/plugin API. It will come soon.
Jacob Rigoberto
09/07/2014 10:09 am
Level 43 : Master Pokemon
Jacob Rigoberto's Avatar
So you guys cannot survive without modifications to the game?
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Deal with it.
09/07/2014 11:00 am
Level 31 : Artisan Explorer
xPotatoFrys's Avatar
09/07/2014 10:15 am
Level 45 : Master Engineer
usa's Avatar
THANK YOU why can't they just play vanilla, it's a lot less annoying.
09/07/2014 10:23 am
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
illuminati128k's Avatar
Vanilla servers are better off using bukkit. This may be for admin tools, or locking chests or something of the sort. Possibly also making trade signs and such.
09/07/2014 10:21 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
TheHunterOfMinecraft's Avatar
Let's see, some of us like mods because they add something new and exciting to the game, vanilla can't stop griefers, vanila isn't very exciting, the teleportation plugin is used by mostly every server, the eteleportation plugins are made by Bukkit. Now that Bukkit is dying, the plugins are dying, the servers are dying, vanilla isn't fun for a lot of players.
09/07/2014 10:15 am
Level 21 : Expert Pony
RageLokiCat's Avatar
09/07/2014 10:03 am
Level 45 : Master Engineer
usa's Avatar
TehDansorzDon't know what the title's about? Check out the bukkit.org front page. Bukkit is most certainly dead thanks to just one single person. Mojang? They don't care. They're bathing in money with their ears clogged with it.
So, what are y'all going to do next?

Why should Mojang care?
09/07/2014 9:52 am
Level 28 : Expert Nerd
TehDansorz's Avatar
Guys, 99% of the team is gone, Bukkit is totes ded. Mojang is bathing in money, as I said.
I'm not sure about Minecraft being dead though, because Sponge is coming up.
09/07/2014 9:57 am
Level 21 : Expert Pony
RageLokiCat's Avatar
Yes. THE ENTIRE BUKKIT TEAM IS GONE. Good job, even you managed to get some facts right. Yes, Mojang has an un-godly amount of money. AND THEY'RE USING IT TO KEEP BUKKIT FROM DYING. Why is it so hard for you to post something intelligent?
09/07/2014 9:43 am
They/Them • Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
just because bukkit isnt developing doesnt mean minecraft is going to die...servers run on all sorts of things
09/07/2014 10:16 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
TheHunterOfMinecraft's Avatar
Bukkit is what makes most Minecraft servers fun for a vast majority of people, yes I guess just because Mojang is taking over the project doesn't mean it'll die, but due to a conversation I overheard on a Minecraft server, Mojang has successfully gotten rid of Bukkit because they want more people to play vanilla Minecraft, but vanilla is boring, it's like Skyrim with a texture overhaul mod, it's not something you notice if it's installed, but you really do notice it if it's not installed.
And because most of the staff at Bukkit have resigned, who is going to take over? Who are the people that will fill the gaps? Mojang are swimming in money and want more of it and by getting rid of Bukkit, they'll have more of it, but not for long, Minecraft is already losing a vast majority of players, and now that because of EULA or whatever it's called, the big servers as well as the small ones are suffering and will continue to suffer until they are gone or someone successfully saves them with a project or an idea to make money. And the way it looks, no one is succeeding. Minecraft has had a great run, but thanks to the common emotion of greed, it's starting to die, the things that make it so fun to play are dying, after that, Minecraft will eventually die. And the only way we can stop that from happening is if someone succeeds with a project to save Bukkit servers.
09/07/2014 10:18 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
TheHunterOfMinecraft's Avatar
If I missed some facts in this quotation, please feel free to mention them. Also, to those are saying "Deal with it, vanilla rules! Mods suck!" this might not be true for all of you but for some of you it is, you are vanilla players. You like vanilla servers, the rest of us like modded servers because we find them far more fun and they stop grief and do way more things than vanilla could ever do.
09/07/2014 9:50 am
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
illuminati128k's Avatar
And, Mojang has it under control, don't jump to assumptions. 1.8 hasn't been out for a long time. Mojang will update bukkit, the fall of bukkit is NOT their fault. If you're saying Mojang will take forever to update Bukkit, then you're clearly jumping to assumptions.
09/07/2014 9:27 am
Level 41 : Master Toast
gltchmstr's Avatar
Why is it that, between Bukkit updates, y'all didn't think it was dead, but when Mojang completely takes over, now it's dead?

Seems legit.
09/07/2014 9:16 am
Level 72 : Legendary Nerd
Irish's Avatar
Oh for the love of God...

Bukkit ISN'T dead.
Quit with the drama and the BS and let Mojang handle it, quit pointing out the obvious and suck it up and deal with it.
09/07/2014 10:27 am
Level 71 : Legendary Pixel Painter
ASF's Avatar
No, we (as a community), must fill every little topic to the brim with ridiculous claims/theories.
I'm hoping the sarcasm was obvious
09/07/2014 9:13 am
Level 28 : Expert Nerd
TehDansorz's Avatar

Not worth it. Without Bukkit, Minecraft falls. The idea will take too long to fully flesh out.
For me, well, I'll finally have more time making my game.
09/07/2014 9:11 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
TerraNovaServers's Avatar
Dude seriously what the wub... Do you not read!? Of course the site is closed! Dinnerbone is WRITING a COMPATIBLE 1.8 BUKKIT to RELEASE SOON! Oh my god you people are the reason the community is in tears! Drop it! The Bukkit Staff are quitting for a number of reasons, yes. I am saddened by that. But there will be someone there to fill the gap! So let's just drop the post and wait. When it dies, we'll open a hundred of these topics and I'll personally do the posting. But when it releases, you'll kinda feel stupid.
09/07/2014 11:05 am
Level 47 : Master Scribe
Zaify's Avatar
That was before the drama.
Dinnerbone said he would update (not write an entirely new API which would take ages *cough* MOD API *cough*) Bukkit 1.8 when EvilSeph said he would leave. This was the catalyst for Wolverness and his stupid idiotic license copyright code issue which killed Bukkit, and yet again I see people siding with him.....why?

Some former Bukkit developers and coders are creating a new API named Sponge.
LexManos is apparently working on something with Forge and 1.8 as well.

And for the guy who said people can't survive without modifications to the game - that's right. No grief protection, no block logging, no ranks, no advanced features, no mods, no plugins, etc. Look at the play count of totally vanilla servers. Then Bukkit/Spigot/Cauldron servers. See a difference?
Even with plugins and Bukkit, redstone gets boring after a while and command blocks just get limited - that's when people move onto mods to open up new possibilities.
Without modifications to the game, Minecraft would certainly not be in the place it is today.
09/07/2014 9:15 am
Level 28 : Expert Nerd
TehDansorz's Avatar
Are you serious? It'll take wayyy too long until Dinnerbone makes a 1.8 build, 99% of the community is definite Bukkit is dead and there will be very little people, if any, that'll still contribute to the project. Bukkit is gone, deal with it.
09/07/2014 9:32 am
Level 21 : Expert Pony
RageLokiCat's Avatar
Posts like this, as well as the entire topic in general, is why I say the internet is full of stupid people. Newsflash: we don't care about your hissy-fit, bukkit will reach 1.8 soon enough (assuming Dinnerbone doesn't die...) and your post just makes us all as a community look terrible. Please, I don't need your help looking like an a**, I'm pretty good on my own.
09/07/2014 10:06 am
Level 45 : Master Engineer
usa's Avatar
lol hissy fit
I get it
because is avi
is a cat
Planet Minecraft


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