Anti grief measures for Minecraft

AGTRigorMortis's Avatar AGTRigorMortis12/1/22 3:09 am
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12/3/2022 2:21 am
AGTRigorMortis's Avatar AGTRigorMortis
The vanilla game doesn't really offer a lot of options to prevent or reduce the likelihood of griefing and because of this many people like myself do not feel safe just allowing large numbers of people on our worlds. Had the game had this feature officially built in, there are a lot more people I would've been happy to allow on my worlds as me and friends who play on my current world could just get on with our construction and creativity without worry about drama with people too often.

There are mods and plugins that do this but they are not officially supported on bedrock edition.

What I would like to see happen someday is something much better than just simple whitelists and admin permissions which are not good enough, as whitelists do not guarantee your friends won't act up and cause problems for either you or your other friends on your world. There's always that one person who will blackmail you or try to manipulate you into letting them join your world for illicit purposes, and then the drama starts later on ruining your work.

What we need is a border territory system that separates each players into their own sectors of worlds including dimensions, for instance if the server has a 4 player cap then worlds those players can interact with and place or remove blocks, activate switches and open chests, are divided up into quarters, this should also be used to determine original spawn for each player, as it would be better if they spawned in parts of the Overworld they could interact with so they can play the game as if they did in single player.

If a player spawns a Wither, that Wither AI should go far away from other player borders and only go after the player that spawned it unless other

players enter their territory. If a player has a Bad Omen active, raids should only be triggered in their own Villages with Villagers, not other player territories, a similar rule of anti grief protection should apply to newer game content so the loopholes in the system are permanently removed.

Furthermore this should not be a gamerule or some stupid option that is considered a cheat, it should actually be a legitimate feature that does not affect achievements so players can improve the security on their servers and protect players from unnecessary feuds or disputes and have a server that encourages cooperative gameplay or at the very least minimizes toxicity against people that do not run or play on anarchy servers.

I know it is incredibly unlikely our wishes would be granted with this one, but I'd like to ask, what exactly would it take to convince Mojang to implement a feature like this in the game? or do they not care that griefing ruins the experience for some people and they think it should be part of the game? I'd like to know why it has taken them so long to address this problem, the game is more than a decade old and nothing has improved on world security.
Posted by AGTRigorMortis's Avatar
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner

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12/02/2022 6:44 pm
Level 22 : Expert Miner
Dermugettum's Avatar
Interesting thoughts. Unfortunately I would think server moderation is unavoidable for a game like this. Having "anti-griefing" or building conditions per player would be useful though.

This is a random thought, but it came up after reading your post. Even if I do have a friend on a server that isn't going to break anything, sometimes things can get broken by accident. I remember one time we were at my base and he right-clicked with his axe without really paying attention and–stripped one of the logs on the base wall. I don't know if your idea would fix that issue or not, but it's really annoying when you can accidentally convert or waste a block with a single click.
12/03/2022 2:21 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
AGTRigorMortis's Avatar
I think anything that is considered a loophole in the anti grief protection such as what you mentioned, accidental damage, stripped logs or otherwise, should be included, and yes accidental damage does happen although usually in cases like this I'd surmise friends would help clean up after themselves, especially if items are renewable and easy to obtain such as wood, but it is annoying when it does happen still.

Also I'd like to include if a Creeper enters another player territory then no blocks should be destroyed upon detonation unless the player that owns that territory attacks said Creeper and that Creeper survives, only the hostile mobs that spawned in your own territory should be capable of demolishing your blocks or attacking you unprovoked, making it impossible for players to be griefed by indirect means such as using hostile mobs.

To remove possible exploits where other players could get free loot from said hostile mobs,
all mob drops should be disabled if those hostile mobs were killed on another player territory,
in order to receive the reward, those hostile mobs have to be killed in territories they spawned on,
in addition to this, players who are outside that territory cannot hit those hostile mobs with projectiles
such as arrows or tridents, this means combat with hostile mobs don't become abuseable under this system.

Additional options could be included. We already have the option to toggle PVP on or off and this is not considered a cheat and has nothing to do with gamerule commands. Perhaps we could have the option to also make other players on the server invisible so even if they're standing right in front of you, you're still able to get some work done without distraction. Sometimes if players are doing this they're not trying to be a nuisance, but they are there to see what you are doing and are not always sure where they should be standing.

Now as I understand it this would create problems for people who say want to seek out Bastions or Nether Fortresses in the Nether together, but because of the territorial anti grief system, those other players won't be able to open chests at Bastions or Nether Fortresses that are on your side of the world.

I don't know how a problem like this could be fixed without adding more loopholes,
but friends could request some of those items be shared and dropped for them to pick up by the other player as payment for their help,
that's a suitable workaround for this problem.
12/01/2022 6:19 am
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
Mojang just wants to make money, they don't care what we do with the game. That's the reality.
12/02/2022 9:07 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
AGTRigorMortis's Avatar
I know the company is focused on making money and increasing their userbase as a result of that but it does not change the fact that it is annoying to have to moderate our servers. And for an issue like this it shouldn't even be necessary, when it is something that could be easily coded into the game by the developers to make it impossible for players barring hacking or exploits, in the latter case it can be patched later on.

I've lost count how many times I've had to use backup files, sometimes to the inconvenience of other players, and even separate people onto different servers to stop them from causing problems.

Believe me if I had the money and the influence to do it I would try to bribe Mojang into implementing better anti grief measures into their game for people so that people who don't run anarchy servers have better control over this and they don't end up in a situation where they may end up having to ban people from their servers as often.

Sometimes when other people break something you built they may never admit to it and then it becomes your word against theirs and it can be difficult to prove who did this, especially if all of this happens while you are offline and doing something else. This kind of stuff does negatively impact the experience of the game for some people and it may even cause some other people to stop playing the game altogether.
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