:D what was your best/worst dream?

peaches's Avatar peaches1/16/13 1:09 pm
1/25/2013 8:15 am
latheamazing0921's Avatar latheamazing0921
Okay so I was thinking of a magic castle with pretty pink and purple unicorns on puffy alive clouds. I dreamt that last night. So, I'm wondering if anyone has had a dream like that. If not, just say your favorite or worst dream (nightmare) just don't do any innapropriate dreams.
Posted by peaches's Avatar
Level 25 : Expert Princess

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01/25/2013 8:15 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Narwhal
latheamazing0921's Avatar
Um best being able to do a double backflip
worst getting eaten by a bunch of mutant monkeys
01/25/2013 8:12 am
Level 45 : Master Dragonborn
Ninniy's Avatar
My worst, pie exploding in my face, then I suddenly turn bloody red. O.o
01/24/2013 12:05 am
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
Rawwk's Avatar
Best : Marrying Christina Grimmie.
Worst : Waking up.
01/24/2013 12:02 am
Level 24 : Expert Skinner
SolarSelect's Avatar
Best: Dry
Worst: Wet
01/17/2013 9:23 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Amra's Avatar
Oh... My worst dream EVER was one time I was like randomly on a ship on the sea and I was walking behind this weird gross slimy monster thing but the ship had certain areas were it was like a hologram of something that looked like corrupted code and stuff was falling and flying out it and the water was like oil black the wood on the ship was a grayish black and there was a small purple island with 1 dead tree that had acid on it or something anyway I was walking behind the thing not making noise with 2 of my friends Julian and ayden and I eventually just ran by the thing and shouted THERE YOU ARE and It had like a slimy dragon mouth and messed up eyes and I ran to this door when I closed it I was behind the door of my garage and I woke up running down my hall in the basement past the pool table and jumped right in the hot tub with my cloths on half closing it until I felt better. But I kept seeing in my mind the weird monster thing...
01/17/2013 4:20 pm
Level 24 : Expert Ninja
PengoPenguinRocks's Avatar
O i remebered a great dream i had. It was like the most fricken boss RPG cross over eva i was a blue kirby with orange dimples and feet and there was link a couple of pokemans goku maxwell and some Clonetrooper and we all killed a gaint dragon it was fun
01/17/2013 3:44 pm
Level 25 : Expert Princess
peaches's Avatar
My worst dream was when I was 6-7 and I had flip flops on, I was near a door in someone's garage and there was a box of lobsters and one of my feet got stuck in the lobster box there may have been crabs too
01/17/2013 3:39 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Lumberjack
RhomBustion's Avatar
Worst: I had a lucid dream one time, and I was sleeping in my bed, so a sock monkey/pinocchio/flaily-arm-thingy rise up and starts to choke me, and I kept flashing between asleep and awake. ._. *thehorror
01/17/2013 3:27 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Deadpangod5's Avatar
Best: I annoyed all my enemies in minecraft to death with a machine so annoying it even annoyed my little sister to death ( I hate my little sister)

Worst: so I'm playing minecraft but its like I'm just the computer screen and there wasn't. Real life, so I'm walking on a small hill when suddenly guess who comes out of nowhere:

He had a diamond sword D: I like jumped and tried to get away from him but he kept chasing me, whenever I like changed directions he'd run to where I was when I changed direction and then realize where I was and come after me again. Then he stabed me like a weird way, and I woke up,

Scared the s**t outta me D:
01/17/2013 11:49 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Warrior
monster44477FTW's Avatar
Best-Shooting my enemies
Worst-Falling from a cliff then when nearlly reached the bottom i freaked out and hit my head on the wall
01/17/2013 11:45 am
Level 24 : Expert Ninja
PengoPenguinRocks's Avatar
best- I was a togepi (lol i no a pokemon)
worst- i pushed my brother off a cliff AND I WAS HAPPY it kinda freaked me out
01/17/2013 11:03 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
ItsAsitor's Avatar
Well, my worst dream. I came home one day to find my godmother(wtf?!) had got me a new brother. He was like 30 years older than me and and was really weird. So one night I tried to escape my hill through the hole and then at the end of the road millions of him where crawling out of the salt bin? Then they all morphed in to these weird wolves and chased me. And just as I was nearly killed, a missile flew through the air and hit me, I was riding it with no control through space. As it hit a cloud I fell of and landed on a seagull, then twisted and turned and landed on a giant girder. As you know, when you reach the end of a moving girder you always walk onto a other one, and that happened. But then I fell in a cement mixer, it turned in to a cannon and shot me to my aunties hill, and in there was a blow up surfer. I let the air out and the surfer went all over the place and disappeared. I went looking for it, and in the kitchen it was all red, and it turned around and I woke up.

*it scared the sh*t out of me hen it happened
01/17/2013 10:57 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Artist
Ennen's Avatar
Best- I was some free-running assassin/thief in this Renaissance styled RPG world...It was pretty cool

Worst- I had a dream I couldn't sleep because this poltergeist kept screaming at me for some reason...then I woke up and my sisters were screaming at each other outside my bedroom door ._.
01/17/2013 10:47 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Artist
PinkCrayon's Avatar
Best- I was in Soul Eater >:3

Worst- I was a Chikorita o3o and one of my RP friends (Cyndaquil) was some kind of ruler that ordered people to kill me so I ran away with one of my best friends (Wartortle) which is dating the guy that wanted to kill me and stuff happened o3o Then some of my other friends joined me o3o In the end, I got captured and when they were about to kill me, the dream switched and I was myself playing a glitchy Pokemon Red game with my crush o3o Idonteven
01/17/2013 10:46 am
Level 21 : Expert Cake
pmcmodl's Avatar
Best-Got full version of minecraft
Better-Moment i woke up i got the game!
Worst-Best and better also were a dream

At the end i bought it anyway.
01/16/2013 1:37 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
TheAlmightyLlama's Avatar
Best - Dreamt that I finally met the perfect girl
Worst - I woke up
01/17/2013 10:41 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
Pinhead2's Avatar
dat profile picture...
01/16/2013 1:29 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Warrior
alexandercasey1's Avatar
Best-Pokemon were real
Worst-I was attacked by zombies in a mall
01/17/2013 10:44 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Pokemon
0voidwalker's Avatar
Dat Pokémon dream.
Planet Minecraft


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