Is War In Our nature?

Kitsuna777's Avatar Kitsuna7771/28/12 7:01 pm
2/1/2012 8:27 pm
Kitsuna777's Avatar Kitsuna777
I sure think it is......
share your opinion about it too.
Posted by Kitsuna777's Avatar
Level 34 : Artisan Soldier

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c danovich
01/30/2012 4:20 pm
Level 40 : Master Musician
c danovich's Avatar
yes, i think war is kinda in our species.

it is actually a quite interesting concept,
i think you can compare our behavior in war with the behavior of ants. ants are really smart creatures that can form their envoirment to be most suitable to them, they keep livestock in the form of aphids, and their colony's act remarkably similar to how city's or community's act.
every human has his place in a society, every human has a specific task assigned to them, every human teaches other humans stuff they are good at. ant do all these things too.
the moment an organism comes near a colony of ants, the defensive mechanism activates. scouts find out if the intruder is a potential threat or not. much like intelligience agencies do(sorry for my crappy english:D). many times after two scouts from two different colonies meet, a war begins between the two colonies. war over territory, war for survival, and most importantly, war over resources(remember the aphids? ants seriously raid other colonies for their aphids)

so to make a long story short and quit my babble about ants,

i think war is in the nature of every species of animals on the earth. war for territory, war for resources.
the only thing unique for humans is war because of religious reasons, which can be scaled as war for territory(less other believers=profit)

this is how i tend to think about war:P
02/01/2012 8:27 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Soldier
Kitsuna777's Avatar
very interesting concept ..... but i thinks it is over land and resources not to mention our need for destruction.
Lord Tristem
01/30/2012 2:25 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Explorer
Lord Tristem's Avatar
Hard to say I mean maybe or maybe we have convinced ourselves it is in our nature when in fact it is not. It could be that somewhere in our early history this tendency to solve problems through violence got ingrained in a number of cultures and and spread across the world and now it is ingrained in every society on the planet.
01/30/2012 2:52 pm
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
Pownage's Avatar
I think war is in every living thing on this plant. Almost all organisms fight others to live. It is a kill or be killed situation sort of.
Lord Tristem
01/30/2012 3:14 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Explorer
Lord Tristem's Avatar
Purhaps it depends on your definition I suppose.
01/30/2012 3:30 pm
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
Pownage's Avatar
I guess... xD
01/30/2012 1:26 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
Klassic_Kombat's Avatar
Yes we are war driven, for a couple of reasons we are a proud race and hate losing, we want to be the best and have the best of all that is possible. We want to be number one. So yea those are valid reasons to say we are war striven people.
01/30/2012 1:31 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Necromancer
Tairan's Avatar
Hating losing a war doesn't make it a good idea to make a whole bunch of new ones and win them...
01/30/2012 2:12 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
Klassic_Kombat's Avatar
That is why war needs to not be in the foreground, but pushed to the background. For only when it is necessary and not pratical to go to war.
01/30/2012 1:23 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Necromancer
Tairan's Avatar
The world needs war to for advancement. Animals lack the ambition that humans have and the ambition for more always dominates our minds we seek better and bigger things the conquest of the world provides these. A nation can get what its people requires and using war a nation can develop its economy because it can get goods for cheaper and therefore technology can advance. The human mind has moved on from animal nature, which is the fight for survival, and has developed into this lust for more then just survival it has become this need for the better goods and those goods are gained by having the sharpest stick. Think about it, what if the Romans never conquered the old world? Technology would be so far behind and nations would be deformed from our society and twisted beyond recognition.

War has become a social thing it has turned from being the seeking of power into the defence of what people believe in. And that is why war cannot be accepted in today's world, man has turned his own personal gain into other peoples personal gain and when nations defend what other people believe in we get what is going on in the middle east today. Many people say war is due to religion but it never is it goes beyond all of what people think what happens and it always narrows down to the seeking of power which links very nicely into what the human ambition and if these two things can be linked its safe to suggest that war is linked to our nature. What war is now days is not war it is defence people, in this day and age war would end us all as the European Union and the United Nations stops a countries rights being taken away and war is the ultimate taking away of a countries rights. The United Nations and war cannot co-exist again the united Nations defend countries from others and stops countries declaring war.

The problem with that is that terrorists and the people can still express their views, its their god given right, but if the view involves violence it can't be stopped as it is a view and only in war or acts of violence can it be counteracted by say a nation who disapproves.

So if war had never existed nations would be set back thousands of years and our nature for power could not be satisfied. You have to make a choice do we stop killing and set ourselves back in the future? Or do we continue the search for power even though people will die? Its the biggest moral choice a nation has to deal with.
01/30/2012 1:21 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
chrounos's Avatar
yes over all we are a military race. we are made to dominate. mankind is always looking for more power. we are always making new weapons for war
01/30/2012 1:19 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Narwhal
ratelslangen's Avatar
I think all people have the urge to get power, and we all have patriotism. so, if we stop saying, we are for example Dutchies, and we say, we are united with ea other (menting the world). we will be proud to be human!
01/30/2012 1:10 pm
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
Pownage's Avatar
Let's take this from another point of view instead of war with other countries. So two children want the same toy, but there is only one toy. So what will the children do? They will fight for it, cry, try to take it, or scream at each other. This shows that not only adults have war in there nature but also children. Not only humans have war in the nature too. Many animals will fight for mates, like bores, deer. And even dogs will fight for there own territory.
01/30/2012 1:07 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Giraffe
alanw249's Avatar
my opinion is all human beings have the craving for "doing there country proud" and becoming recognised and all people assume that fighting a war will bring proud and respect to you and your family D: altough war had bad consequences people do not think of these in the frantic push to gaining "respect" amongst the community.
01/30/2012 1:11 pm
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
Pownage's Avatar
Meh, I am not completely disagreeing with you, 95% of that statement is correct but I want to go fight in a war, but not for respect. Hell, my parents are pissed off at me because they don't want me in the Army! xD\

Edit: Crap, sorry for double posting...
01/30/2012 1:01 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
SmokeGunner's Avatar
I dont see in any way how war is neccesary, killing hundreds, thousands of people we dont even know with a missile at the press of a button because of a disagreement between politicans, does that seem right to you? Honestly I think America is to blame for most war, Americans seem to be obsessed with showing of thier prowess.

War is never right in my opinion, the only case I can see where war will have been at all neccesary is World War 2.
01/30/2012 1:05 pm
Level 42 : Master Lad
rageman96's Avatar
its not neccesary, but its in our nature. There will always be people who want to cause trouble, dictators, terrorists and the like. And as i said before, war is an excellent catalyst for progression. There will always be war, and people are foolish to think otherwise. Thats not to say i condone war,im just saying this from a realist (and pessimist) point of view
01/30/2012 12:41 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Necromancer
Tairan's Avatar
Yep, and when I come back from eating ill explain why...

Prepare for a long LONG explanation.
01/30/2012 12:09 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
doid11's Avatar
Yes, I see myself in an f18c super hornet blowing up stuff.
01/30/2012 12:36 pm
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
Pownage's Avatar
I see myself jumping out of planes and shooting terrorists....
01/30/2012 11:36 am
Level 44 : Master Blob
taylorgoff235's Avatar
War HAS to be in our nature, animals do it too! I don't even hate or have anything against war! I hate how far we've gone to win wars. Atomic bombs? seriously?
Lord Tristem
01/30/2012 11:31 am
Level 34 : Artisan Explorer
Lord Tristem's Avatar
Kitsuna777I sure think it is......
share your opinion about it too.

Why do you ask?
01/30/2012 11:27 am
Level 42 : Master Cake
Dimitri2012's Avatar
GrizzlyAmishbig happy bearded family.

01/30/2012 10:56 am
Level 42 : Master Lad
rageman96's Avatar
Id say it is, another thing to point out is that war is probably the single biggest catalyst of scientific progression in history
01/29/2012 11:53 am
Level 34 : Artisan Soldier
Kitsuna777's Avatar
[quote="iHazRabiez"]Well, without the Cold War the Space Race would have never occurred.
that is true
01/29/2012 12:49 am
Level 29 : Expert Crafter
iHazRabiez's Avatar
Well, without the Cold War the Space Race would have never occurred.
Sometimes war is a necessary evil. I love learning about war. In fact I was born on the day and month (Not the year) that the 'Fat Man' was dropped on Nagasaki. I learned alot about World War II in my spare time, and if it weren't for war and Hitler wanting something faster, than Nazi's could have developed the Atom Bomb, and we would all bend knee to the Nazi party. War has saved mankind before, I wouldn't be surprised if it did again.
01/29/2012 12:37 am
Level 27 : Expert Pixel Painter
Wolf1026's Avatar
Well, war was what made us civilized.
People fought over land and riches, making allies with uncivilized
people, who learned how to be civilized.
I guess as they fought harder against each other, they were more
determined to kill each other easier.
They improved guns and such, picking them off until
every land was claimed by someone or can't be claimed.
They turned fun things (fireworks evolved to rockets, rocket ships turned to missles) into violent things.
I guess war is in nature, 'Eat or be Eaten', 'Kill or be Killed'.
01/29/2012 12:27 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Quaellen_Wins's Avatar
IMO, i think its in (not being racist, this is coming from a canadian) Americans are powerhungry, they want everything for themselves, all your yankee governments do is stick their noses in another country's buisness, sometimes it doesnt even involve the US, say that Iran Attacks Israel or something, the yankees just HAVE To get involved. All your american government cares about are:

Their President
and Law.

Whatever happend to the saying 'we the people of america.. blahblahblah.' Your country is beginning to take steps into communism. They obviously dont want people critisizing them online so they created SOPA AND PIPA... yeah NOPA. This is only my opinion, yes i do my homework on what you yankees are doing down there.

In Summary
The US government essentially wants to goto war with everyone, they dont want democracy much longer, and so forward.

Yes, war is in our nature.
01/29/2012 12:09 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
Canine28's Avatar
I think a lot of people just want to dominate, like it's instinct or something...not sure why, but it seems like it.

Please help my wittle darlings
01/28/2012 10:14 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Ranger
Zootboy's Avatar
Rockets Also Evolved into Missiles
01/28/2012 9:42 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
tacitAlpaca's Avatar
Yes, I think that humans usually have the need to conquer others for personal gain. But, this does not mean that we don't have emotional ties. We are a social species but along with interactions comes conflict.
Also, without the multitude of wars we have fought, society would not be where it is today. The fight for survival drives us to invent more, think harder, improve things that will make fighting efficient. For instance, submarines are now used for marine research but the first one was invented to sink enemy ships without being seen. And in WW2, the Germans invented highways which are now used as an efficient form of transport, and the scientists were later 'adopted' by the US and put to work for projects that benefited humanity (it is noted that many continued on to work on things like the Manhattan Project).
It is a common known fact that war is devastating both mentally and physically. Personally, it would take a great deal to go off to war but I am perhaps a bit biased on the subject. My grandmother, who was still a child when WW2 began, retires to the basement every New Years, when people go out and shoot fireworks. Despite this, I believe that without the will power that war brings, humans might not be inspired to push the boundaries of advancements. No doubt improvements would be made in time but, it would take so much longer without the initiative.
01/28/2012 9:19 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Lava Rider
chaoszero314159's Avatar
No, desire is within human nature. When two desires conflict, resolution will be reached whether it be violent or not. War is a product of human nature, but not hardcoded within.
01/28/2012 9:25 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Soldier
Kitsuna777's Avatar
i think that it is..... and that the harder you try to suppress your need for destruction the harder war fights to get out.....
And thats why we have video games like WiC
01/28/2012 9:24 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Taco
Shadowraix's Avatar
01/28/2012 9:17 pm
Level 23 : Expert Archer
Saltash's Avatar
Yes, I think war is in our nature, ever since people weapons have been thought to be needed, America and every other country feels the need to show its power, and everyone, including America has an urge to dominate and show why we are the super power

I don't think war is necessary, butI do hope to join the military some day
01/29/2012 12:31 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Quaellen_Wins's Avatar
America stands out among the crowd. It wants the world to know this essentially:
"We dominate you"

War of 1812 is an act of proof, US wanted to dominate canada, so they went to war with us.
It still stands, america casts a dark shadow on this world.
01/30/2012 12:40 pm
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
Pownage's Avatar
In the War of 1812, Canada was ruled by Britain, we ended up going to war with britain again because of Britain's trade restrictions and encouraging Natives to revolt, not because we wanted to take over Canada. Get your facts right or shut up.

Try actually reading too: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_1812
01/30/2012 12:54 pm
Level 42 : Master Lad
rageman96's Avatar
I think the point he was trying to get across is that America likes playing the worlds policeman way to much, which i agree with. However, he should of got his facts right
01/30/2012 12:57 pm
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
Pownage's Avatar
Yea, I agree. I wish we could just stay out of other countries affairs more...
01/28/2012 9:16 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
01/28/2012 9:18 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Archer
intheannexe's Avatar
All your base are now belong to us.
01/28/2012 9:15 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Archer
intheannexe's Avatar
Kinda philosophical thread is kinda philosophical.
01/28/2012 9:12 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
So rockets were made because of war?
what does the moon have to do with war ._.
01/28/2012 9:15 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Ranger
Zootboy's Avatar
Rockets where first made for war

Ex: V2 Rocket
01/28/2012 9:53 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Farmer
Rainbow_Muffin's Avatar
And the guy who made the V2 rockets was captured by the US at the end of WWII and then was put into NASA.
01/28/2012 8:58 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Ranger
Zootboy's Avatar
The USA would of never landed on the moon if WWII never happened. The apollo was a project for peace but the technology came from war.
01/28/2012 9:39 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Miner
heartshapedBox's Avatar
We didn't need to land on the moon. We didn't need rockets.
01/28/2012 9:01 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Soldier
Kitsuna777's Avatar
just like planes wouldn't have been as successful if ww1 did not happen
01/28/2012 9:06 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Ranger
Zootboy's Avatar
So the worlds a better place due to war?
01/28/2012 9:10 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Soldier
Kitsuna777's Avatar
exactly............... well sorta
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